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Shipmas 2010: A Jack/Sam Celebration

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    Sig by Everlovin My YT|My other vid site|My LJ|My Photobucket|My ImageShack|"Stargate is life, Sam and Jack are happiness, Shippers are almighty" by hlndncr


      It’s 2 Days to Shipmas
      Look What I Received

      Bregman: We are here today with Dr. Janet Fraiser, one of the world’s foremost experts in the field of shipper medicine. Dr. Fraiser, thank you for being with us.

      Janet: Thank you for having me.

      Bregman: Dr. Fraiser you treat shippers all year round but with Shipmas coming up you have an especially difficult job. What can you tell us about that?

      Janet: As you know the shipper holidays are of course a time of great joy and celebration. Unfortunately, there’s a darker side to these events. I treat a lot of shippers on these occasions who suffer from very minor ailments to severe traumas.

      Janet: I’m here to bring awareness to these conditions and hopefully prevent harm from coming to as many shippers as I can.

      Bregman: What are some of the ailments common to Shipmas and other shipper celebrations Dr. Fraiser? And what kind of prevention or treatment options do you recommend?

      Janet: I think the best way I can help you understand is to go over some past Shipmas cases.

      Janet: Last year Mr. Quinn suffered from picspam wrist. It’s an inflammation of the joints due to the repeated clicking of the mouse when submitting numerous replies containing images of the many great Sam/Jack moments.

      Bregman: What’s the treatment?

      Janet: First I’d recommend doing some lesser picspamming of the regular ship family thread leading up to Shipmas in order to get your clicking muscles in shape for the big event.

      Janet: Then on the day make sure you pace yourself. Not only does this prevent injury but it means there are lots of Sam/Jack pics for other shippers to drool over throughout the entire day. A win for everyone!

      Janet: Next we have gutter fever.

      Janet: Repeated forays into the gutter and extended viewing of certain gifs (and the shippers know which ones I’m referring to) leads to an elevated temperature that can only be brought down with some cooling, but still very satisfying, fluff.

      Bregman: Dr. Fraiser, this case looks serious.

      Janet: Ah yes. Ship exhaustion. Colonel O’Neill once tried to stay online the entire 24 hours.

      Janet: I encourage shippers to get plenty of sleep the night before Shipmas, and don’t be surprised if the regular thread is a little dead for the next couple of days.

      Janet: Then we have Sergeant Harriman who was brought into the infirmary three years ago with a severe case of squee shock.

      Janet: Shippers should know that the Sam/Jack art, vid and fic list packs a powerful punch. Don’t try and take it in all at once.

      Bregman: What about this injury Dr. Fraiser?

      Janet: Ah, Siler. All I will say is never run through the thread nekkid while carrying a giant wrench.


        It’s 2 Days to Shipmas

        Bregman: Well Dr. Fraiser, I can see why you are so busy during the Shipmas season. There are certainly a lot of conditions that afflict shippers at this time of year.

        Janet: Yes, and I’m afraid I’ve saved the worst for last.

        Janet: Resolution anger.

        Janet: After all the wonderful Sam/Jack love shared during Shipmas, some shippers succumb to this dreaded illness because they realize the one thing they most desire has not come.

        Janet: Unfortunately, there is no cure at this time.

        Bregman: And there’s nothing you can do?

        Janet: There are campaigns underway to raise funds and increase awareness.

        Janet: We can only hope that these efforts will yield a cure sooner rather than later and Movie 3 will be made before the next Shipmas!


          Sig by Everlovin My YT|My other vid site|My LJ|My Photobucket|My ImageShack|"Stargate is life, Sam and Jack are happiness, Shippers are almighty" by hlndncr


            Originally posted by starlover View Post
            Isn't that what Shipdays are all about? Just spam a lot of S/J work

            Originally posted by Emengee View Post
            So, how does one join the penguin army?
            Just by being there...
            Being original is difficult when you can't stop quoting your favorite tv show, For crying out loud!

            Letters to TPTB - The Martin Wood Thread - WooHoodStock Guide -S.H.I.P. Website


              It’s 1 Day to Shipmas
              Look What I Received

              Daniel: What time is it? Did I miss it?

              Cam: Don’t worry sunshine. We’ve still got one more day to go.

              Vala: This is so exciting. I’ve heard so much about Shipmas and now it’s almost here.

              Cam: I get the excitment with it being our first Shipmas and all, but I don’t get why Jackson here is so excited.

              Daniel: Are you kidding? It’s not just the pictures and the videos and the stories. Shipmas brings together all shippers, old and new. I can’t wait to see who’s coming.

              Emerson: Dr. Jackson, we’ve arrived at the Shipmas thread and it looks like some old friends are here.

              Daniel: They’re here already!

              Sam: Yeah, it looks like a lot shippers we haven’t seen in sometime are going to be joining us for the party.

              Vala: I had no idea there were so many of us.

              Cam: Once a shipper, always a shipper.

              Daniel: It must make you and Jack feel good knowing we’re all still behind you after all these years.

              Sam: Yeah. Not many ships are blessed with such a loyal and devoted following.


                It’s 1 Day to Shipmas

                McKay: So, now that I’m here the party can begin. I’ve got some great presents prepared that I’ll be sharing throughout the day.

                Sheppard: McKay, the party hasn’t been waiting just for you to show up. In fact, we still have several more hours before it begins.

                McKay: Well, I’m all set and I plan on being the first one to post after the thread is open.

                Sheppard: Wanna bet?

                Weir: Gentlemen, please.

                Vala: I have a few things I’m going to post.

                Daniel: That should make the gutter girls happy.

                McKay: You may want to hold off on posting for a few hours and let the old pros show you how it’s done.

                Sam: McKay!

                Sam: Don’t listen to him Vala. Everyone is welcome to post from the very beginning all the way through to the end.

                Weir: We’re just glad to be here with everyone. I’m sure it’s going to be a fabulous party.

                Cam: Right, let’s get to it. Shipmas is almost here!


                  I'm going to bed! Night Shippers!

                  And Merry Shipmas to all!
                  My vids Sig made by me


                    It’s 1 Day to Shipmas

                    Sam: Is there something I can do for you McKay?

                    McKay: Actually, I thought there might be something I could do for you.

                    McKay: I know you’ve been waiting a long time for resolution. You and General O’Neill have got to be pretty frustrated.

                    Sam: McKay, this really isn’t something I want to be discussing with you.

                    McKay: But I can help. As you know, Jennifer and I are the only ones to have an in cannon, fully resolved, on screen ship.

                    Sam: You don’t have to rub it in McKay.

                    McKay: I’m not. I just thought maybe I could have a little chat with TBTB. Maybe see if I could get you and the shippers that big kiss we’ve all been waiting for.

                    Sam: That’s surprisingly descent of you McKay.

                    McKay: Of course, they do like using me as the romantic lead. It’s possible the may put us together instead. You can’t blame them for wanting you to have the best I suppose.

                    Sam: Get out!


                      Originally posted by XFchemist View Post
                      I'm going to bed! Night Shippers!

                      And Merry Shipmas to all!
                      'night Chemmy! Come play again soon!


                        happy shipmas
                        The Sam Carter/Amanda Tapping Thunk thread The Sam/RepliCarter Ship Thread


                          I think it's time for . . .

                          Every Sam/Jack Shippy Moment Ever

                          in Pictures


                            Sig by Everlovin My YT|My other vid site|My LJ|My Photobucket|My ImageShack|"Stargate is life, Sam and Jack are happiness, Shippers are almighty" by hlndncr


                              Season 1
                              Children of the Gods

                              First time he sees her

                              First meeting “Want to arm wrestle?”; “I like women just fine”

                              First time he makes her smile with one of his bad jokes

                              “You'll like me when you get to know me”; “I adore you already”; Jack pushes Sam through the gate.

                              Him not liking her enthusiastically greeting Daniel

                              Sitting together on Abydos when Jack tastes the alcohol


                                The Enemy Within

                                When Kawalsky has Sam in the elevator, Jack is very concerned

                                Jack checks on Sam by touching her arm in the briefing after she returns from the infirmary

