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Daniel Jackson/Vala Mal Doran Ship/Discussion/Appreciation Thread

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    Love, love, love Prometheus Unbound. Watching it right now.

    I think Daniel looks particularly buff in his black t-shirt.


    Thanks Misi for birthday wishes.


      I'm here! I'm popping it in right now. And on for clarification.

      Originally posted by Milena_D View Post

      Let the Great DeVilish Rewatch
      of 2008 Begin!!!

      Day 1

      Banner by: Stef

      And I just saw that Susan already posted the questions above so have at them! By the way, if anyone can think of more discussion questions, please feel free to share them (I know Merry in particular is great at coming up with them ).
      Originally posted by SundaySusans View Post
      Went back to August 2007 and found how we did the Rewatch Discussions before.

      Hope this helps those doing this Rewatch of December 2008. It was so cool to look back. Have fun.

      "Remember to at least tell us:

      1. Your favorite scene

      2. Your favorite picture/screen capture

      3. Your favorite quote (if any)

      We can move discussions off of that. And remember that those three things are only starter questions to get you going...let's have fun and talk about everything we love (and maybe even hate) about this episode!!"

      And found some other Questions.

      4. "If Vala hadn't escaped, what do you think would have happened to her? Would she have been sent to a cell in Area 51? Would Daniel have let her blow in the wind, or do you think he would have gone to bat for her, asked for leniency?"

      5. "Was PU the ep that formed the ship even though at that point CB was only a guest star? At what point/ep did you become a D/V shipper? How did you react when you found out that in Season 9 CB was returning?"

      6. "How much of his experiences with Vala do you think Daniel wrote about in his report? Do you think he was completely honest, or that maybe be omitted some details?"

      7. "How do you think Vala and Daniel felt about each other at the end of the episode? (keep in mind that Vala does make a return visit to Earth to see Daniel...was that just because of the tablet?)"

      8. "And time for a more controversial question...Do you think that the Daniel was "Daniel" in this episode? Meaning, was there anything you thought was out of character? Or do you think it was entirely within the bounds of his character to act the way he did in this episode?"

      9. "Why did Vala painstakingly transport everyone to the Alkesh rather than just kill them or imprison them? If Vala had killed anyone, how do you think her character would have been recieved (by fans)? How would it have affected her return?

      Okay..and then an offshoot of that...

      10. Do you think Vala's time as Qetesh has made her more resistant to killing and hurting people? She fights when she has to, but while she could let Daniel stew over the wound she gives him in the arm, she instead almost immediately decides to heal him. Was that so he would help her? Or do you think she genuinely dislikes hurting people?"

      I'll keep these questions in mind while I'm watching.

      So, clarification. We're watching Prometheus Unbound today? Any others?

      Click here daily to give free mammograms

      It is better to be crazy for Jesus than a wise man for Satan. Laters, Misi


        I've only just got home from work, and I'm off out again soon tonight, so I shan't have time to watch. Maybe I shall catch up in the morning. Look forward to reading everyones responses
        Hope you had a good birthday Mag


          I jsut got done watching PU and my I just say that I loved the whole blooming episode? That'll make it easy right?

          "Remember to at least tell us:

          1. Your favorite scene Umm all of it! I think the part right after Daniel and Vala meet, she shoots him and then offers to kiss it better sets the tone of the whole episode, and in some ways, their whole relationship!

          2. Your favorite picture/screen capture Unfortunately, my computer and pb aren't talking to each other. I do love the kisses. HOT! I also love how she's sitting on his lap early on and healing him. Also HOT

          3. Your favorite quote (if any) "I kept my eyes closed the whole time." Uh huh! I'm not entirely sure I believe that! During that part I kept expecting (on some romantic squee level) for him to be tracing her face on the monitor! LOL

          We can move discussions off of that. And remember that those three things are only starter questions to get you going...let's have fun and talk about everything we love (and maybe even hate) about this episode!!"

          And found some other Questions.

          4. "If Vala hadn't escaped, what do you think would have happened to her? Would she have been sent to a cell in Area 51? Would Daniel have let her blow in the wind, or do you think he would have gone to bat for her, asked for leniency?"

          I think ultimately, (not sure how it would have happened although Daniel might have had a hand in it) Vala would have offered what intel she had on the various goa'uld out there. She would have been an asset. Maybe an ally of sorts. I don't know if she would have been as fully accepted as she was after TPTB. I think THAT episode cemented Daniel's and Teal'c's trust in her.

          5. "Was PU the ep that formed the ship even though at that point CB was only a guest star? At what point/ep did you become a D/V shipper? How did you react when you found out that in Season 9 CB was returning?"

          For sure. First off, I'm known for diving into a ship with much less going for it than one episode. I've been known to ship non-canon ships. So even if she had only that one episode, I'd probably still ship them. I had been looking for someone to ship Daniel with and of course, Vala is perfect for him!

          6. "How much of his experiences with Vala do you think Daniel wrote about in his report? Do you think he was completely honest, or that maybe be omitted some details?"

          I'm not sure. Remember there is camera footage for probably all of it. So, while I'm sure he wrote what happened, I think he might have couched it so the fight didn't sound like the pseudo foreplay that it came across as.

          7. "How do you think Vala and Daniel felt about each other at the end of the episode? (keep in mind that Vala does make a return visit to Earth to see Daniel...was that just because of the tablet?)"


          8. "And time for a more controversial question...Do you think that the Daniel was "Daniel" in this episode? Meaning, was there anything you thought was out of character? Or do you think it was entirely within the bounds of his character to act the way he did in this episode?"

          I think he was totally in character. He wanted to help "the people in need" Even though he was fairly sure Vala was lying about that, he still stuck his neck out to offer aid to people who might need it. He fought using what he had at hand. I am of the firm belief that Jack and Teal'c would have trained him extensively in the 7 years he was with them. Both of them knew that they could not always protect him (the civilian) so they made sure he had the tools to protect himself.

          9. "Why did Vala painstakingly transport everyone to the Alkesh rather than just kill them or imprison them? If Vala had killed anyone, how do you think her character would have been recieved (by fans)? How would it have affected her return?

          I think that if she had killed any of the crew then she would not have been welcomed back to the SGC at all. She'd have been sent somewhere and used for her information.

          Okay..and then an offshoot of that...

          10. Do you think Vala's time as Qetesh has made her more resistant to killing and hurting people? She fights when she has to, but while she could let Daniel stew over the wound she gives him in the arm, she instead almost immediately decides to heal him. Was that so he would help her? Or do you think she genuinely dislikes hurting people?"

          I think that Vala's time as Qetesh shaped everything about her. I can't imagine her not trying to make up for that in some small ways. Like not killing people when she doesn't have to. Like she was in TPTB when she tried to kill the prior.

          Click here daily to give free mammograms

          It is better to be crazy for Jesus than a wise man for Satan. Laters, Misi


            Prometheus Unbound isn't showing where I am on Sci-Fi at least not for awhile, but I guess I can always rewatch in my DVD.

            1. Your favorite scene
            Love the foreplay--I mean--fight in the Prometheus. Then...I love it when Vala kisses Daniel. Then....Daniel calls her fruitcake, and Vala bonks him in the head. Then....Daniel zats her. That's just the best.

            2. Your favorite picture/screen capture
            I can't just pick one favorite.

            3. Your favorite quote (if any)
            Daniel: "Hey, big guy, I'm-I'm flattered, really I am, it's just that, uh, you're not my type. And I'm more than a little disturbed that I might be yours." I LOL at that.

            4. "If Vala hadn't escaped, what do you think would have happened to her? Would she have been sent to a cell in Area 51? Would Daniel have let her blow in the wind, or do you think he would have gone to bat for her, asked for leniency?"

            I think they might've just kept her prisoner in the SGC. Daniel would probably be the person to talk to Vala, and get information out of her. It's possible that they would like have her as an ally.

            5. "Was PU the ep that formed the ship even though at that point CB was only a guest star? At what point/ep did you become a D/V shipper? How did you react when you found out that in Season 9 CB was returning?"
            Oh....the moment Vala/CB came into the picture with Daniel/MS....I knew immediately that they would have great chemsitry. Especially...after that kiss....I knew I was definitely a Daniel/Vala Shipper. When I heard CB was coming for Season 9, I squealed with delight. Even more so when Ben Browder came on.

            6. "How much of his experiences with Vala do you think Daniel wrote about in his report? Do you think he was completely honest, or that maybe be omitted some details?"
            Oh....I'm sure Daniel would be completely honest in his reports. I don't he would be the type to omitt stuff.

            7. "How do you think Vala and Daniel felt about each other at the end of the episode? (keep in mind that Vala does make a return visit to Earth to see Daniel...was that just because of the tablet?)"
            Well.....when Vala escaped in the Alkesh...and Daniel was watching her jump in hyperspace...I could see in his eyes that in some fascinating way that he liked her.

            8. "And time for a more controversial question...Do you think that the Daniel was "Daniel" in this episode? Meaning, was there anything you thought was out of character? Or do you think it was entirely within the bounds of his character to act the way he did in this episode?"

            Absolutely. I think it's he gotten more confident, and developed more of a backbone. She just came along and rattled his chains. She is exactly what he needed. Vala brings out emotions and feelings from Daniel that he hasn't had in a long time, and so that shakes his foundation a little. Vala is definitely good for him.

            9. "Why did Vala painstakingly transport everyone to the Alkesh rather than just kill them or imprison them? If Vala had killed anyone, how do you think her character would have been recieved (by fans)? How would it have affected her return?
            Oh....she definitely would considered a villain...and evil. In that case, I would not have grown to like her.

            Okay..and then an offshoot of that...

            10. Do you think Vala's time as Qetesh has made her more resistant to killing and hurting people? She fights when she has to, but while she could let Daniel stew over the wound she gives him in the arm, she instead almost immediately decides to heal him. Was that so he would help her? Or do you think she genuinely dislikes hurting people?"

            I'm sure that Qetesh has made Vala do horrible things like torturing and killing people. Vala probably still has nightmares about it. It's probably why she won't purposely harm anyone. I think....even on Prometheus....that Vala cares about others. She was just desparate at the time she hijacked the Prometheus, and felt she had to so soemthing. She knew that little lazer weapon woudn't seriously harm Daniel. It was just to get his attention.
            Follow me on Twitter! I'm on Facebook!


              Hi all

              Just interrupting your shipping in to make a quick announcement.

              I am thrilled to say that all the received fics in the
              Women of the Gates Ficathon
              are now posted!!

              The stories highlight Sam and/or Vala. While they are mainly written as gen fic, there are a couple with some Daniel/Vala.

              Please check out the goodies...

              Women of the Gate Ficathon
              Women of the Gate LJ Community.
              My Stargate Fanfiction. My LiveJournal.


                Originally posted by LC_ View Post
                Thanks for the reviews...that was a nice did manage to read all the chapters though didn't you?
                Originally posted by SundaySusans View Post
                Rac... You are hooked on best now too? We all wait patiently for the continuation of the Daniel and Vala Story. I love how LC takes them into the future.... you get to their time on the boat. *huge smile*. I love that scene.

                <snipped for size>
                hey girl... I am 21 plus also. Wow. Wait... are we talking age or size? LOL
                I have been reading lc's fic for a while, just with the way my semester went, couldn't always review. but now I am free to read and enjoy! Yes LC I have read almost the entire story, just a few more chaps to go.
                I have been 21 for 25 years now and I love it! (actually i cried when I turned 25... my "baby" started school, 30 wasn't hard, but 35 was, 40 &45 were a breeze too, but I bet 50 in 4 more years will be a stinker! )

                Promethus Unbound-
                I never saw Daniel as hot or sexy before that ep. He seemed too much a "boy", that foreplay fight, showed me daniel in a whole new light. I instantly became a D/V shipper, she brought the man to life!!!!
                Favorite line: you are a fruitcake!
                the experiences with/as Qetesh have scarred Vala and make it hard for her to trust people, Daniel (and the SGC) gets through her barriers but they are the only ones who do! She won't kill wantonly but she is willing to kill to protect those she cares about and to p[rotect the galaxy from the ori. I think she sees the Ori as just gouald with bigger ships, out to enslave everyone.


                  So I heard there was a Great Rewatch going on! (Thanks, SundaySusans!) As Jack would say - sweeet.

                  I love 'Prometheus Unbound'. One of my top ten eps, definitely, and not just for the shippy content - it's just a fun episode all round, with Reynolds and Novak and Hammond being the Hero!

                  Fav scene: The part where Vala shoots Daniel in the arm and tries to seduce the control code out of him, and he's sitting there completely bewildered. Poor Daniel.

                  Fav screencap:

                  Vala's gigantic appetite (look at all those protein bar wrappers. Those are insanely filling), and the apple just roooolls by him.

                  Fav quote:
                  D/V related:

                  Vala: Are we done?

                  Daniel: I am.


                  Vala: You lie.

                  Daniel: In general? Uh, no. Yes. Well, I try to be honest but, y'know, occasionally a little white one slips out every now and again - (Vala slaps him) Oow!

                  Vala: Shall I kiss it better?

                  Daniel: Um, no. Just...don't do it again.

                  Non D/V:

                  Jack: "Why don't you just hold your breath? You haven't done that in a while."

                  Reynolds: "Excellent waking up, sir!!"

                  Most of the dialogue is really funny, it's hard to just choose a few. X)


                    Hey guys! *yawns* Sorry I'm so late and missed the PU discussion The day of shopping was much longer than expected but fun nonetheless. Now I reeaaaalllly need sleep for tomorrow excursions but let me just kick off Day 2, and clear up some questions

                    Originally posted by Everlovin View Post
                    I'll keep these questions in mind while I'm watching.

                    So, clarification. We're watching Prometheus Unbound today? Any others?
                    Yep The schedule goes 1 episode for every 24 hours...but as we saw last year, we get burned out from time to time so when either a) Fruitcakes get very busy and can't join, or b) when we just need a break, we'll take a day or two off and start again after.

                    BTW! Just because I announce the start of the next day/next episode, that doesn't mean you can't write about any episodes that went before it Like I missed PU but I'll likely get my thoughts/comments in come Monday when I'm sedentary again That being said...

                    Let "Day 2: Avalon, part 1" begin!!!

                    The basic questions (for all the eps) are the following, for those who missed them :

                    1. What was your favourite scene? Why?

                    2. What is your favourite cap/pic?

                    3. What was your favourite quote?

                    And, as always, if you have more questions you'd like people to answer, just tack it onto this list
                    Last edited by Milena_D; 21 December 2008, 08:31 PM.
                    ||My Fanfiction: & My LJ || Vala Multi-Shipping LJ Comm||

                    Banner made by Stef!


                      Whoa how the hell did I misss PU? Am I a day out? Well Unfortunately now until Christmas is looking very full (stupid people wanting to buy things).

                      BUT having said that:

                      Prometheus Unbound is without a doubt one of the funniest episode not only for D/V but Stargate in general. Love CB and her commentary on this episode is so worth a listen for those of you who have the dvds. This ep made Daniel hot, though I did not start shipping D/V in this episiode it was a great intro for the character.

                      DANIEL: The name's Olo, Hans Olo.

                      Love that line!

                      Banner by Stef
                      Fruitcakes Anonymous C2


                        This is one of the most awesome Stargate episodes ever—and not just because of D/V. I can watch this (and the two parts that follow) any time, any place.

                        1. What was your favourite scene? The pissy infirmary scene, complete with pillow tossing. It's just so adorably frustrated, with both of them clearly (IMO) trying to avoid acknowledging any other feelings (lust, caring, curiosity, etc.).

                        2. What is your favourite cap/pic? Okay, so I can't just pick one, and one isn't D/V

                        They work well together, whether they like it now or not.

                        I just love Teal'c's look, so unfazed.

                        3. What was your favourite quote?
                        A toss up between "Is it valuable?" (Vala, talking about the Holy Grail *loves Vala*) and "Whoa, whoa, whoa, man! Bullets bounce!" (*loves Mitchell*) and Mitchell: "Ladies first", Vala: (to Daniel) "After you" (*loves snarky Vala*)

                        And, a couple discussion questions...

                        4. What led Vala up to this episode? Did she really get those bracelets just for him? Did she convince herself that her motivation was just for the treasure?

                        5. How much does she trust him here? She did use the bracelets after all, but she doesn't seem to fear getting put in prison.

                        6. Is her slight flirting with Mitchell and Teal'c just normal behavior, or is she slipping from her focus on Daniel because he's being unresponsive.

                        7. What would Vala have done if they hadn't let her through the gate?

                        ~Friendshipping (among others) the two most awesome women of Stargate.
                        ~My Stargate fanfic can be found on my Livejournal


                          Let "Day 2: Avalon, part 1" begin!!!

                          1. What was your favourite scene? Why?
                          I have several.
                          - When she walks through the Gate, and down the ramp.
                          - The scene in the Briefing Room
                          - The scene in the infirmary

                          2. What is your favourite cap/pic?

                          3. What was your favourite quote?
                          I have several.....

                          Vala: "Where's my Daniel?"

                          Vala: "Let's make babies!"

                          Cam: "WHOA WHOA WHOA.....MAN!!! Bullets....BOUNCE!!!"

                          Follow me on Twitter! I'm on Facebook!


                            Oh, loved Avalon, might add some thoughts after I've done my ironing. Oh yes, reason for popping in.

                            Coming in Hot updated on fanfic net. DV, M section Romance. Infinitespace junky.



                              Originally posted by Magnecite View Post
                              Oh, loved Avalon, might add some thoughts after I've done my ironing. Oh yes, reason for popping in.

                              Coming in Hot updated on fanfic net. DV, M section Romance. Infinitespace junky.

                              Woohoo, just finished reading this chapter Mag. This is such a great story. Now you didn't post the link so I had to look it up all my itty bitty self. Here is the link for this Chapter.

                              Coming in Hot - Chapter 6

                              From the Start
                              Chapter 1 Here
                              Sig by Toomi


                                Thank you,Sue. I have lost my Xmas tree lights. Panic!


