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Daniel Jackson/Vala Mal Doran Ship/Discussion/Appreciation Thread

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    Originally posted by Magnecite View Post
    I know I'm the last person you would look to for technical advice but have you tried random button pushing or giving it a good slap.

    I think you'll find you have to improve the MySQL, PHP before you can use it successfully on foreign holidays.

    Mag, thinking outside of the box and least not posting inside of it, I nearly did.
    ooh look, 500 posts!!!!!! I've become a Goa'uld underling. I'm so excited.
    Yeah, tried all that. Heck, I even cursed at it for good measure...but it's like it doesn't understand me. Between you and me, I don't think it's really listening. My mother warned me about these kinds of programs, but I thought I knew better!

    Congrats on 500 posts, Mag! The real question is how many of those posts were in this thread?


    PHOTOBUCKET // WEBSITE // LIVEJOURNAL---------------------------------------------------------


      Originally posted by Stef View Post
      Yeah, tried all that. Heck, I even cursed at it for good measure...but it's like it doesn't understand me. Between you and me, I don't think it's really listening. My mother warned me about these kinds of programs, but I thought I knew better!

      Congrats on 500 posts, Mag! The real question is how many of those posts were in this thread?

      I take that as a rhetorical question, surely my presence has been appreciated and like a fine wine improves as time goes on. Full bodied, with only a trace of acidity, do I smell ..... yes, sunshine, a whiff of woodsmoke, blackberries, memories of a stroll down a country lane and yet always fresh and amazingly unpretentious. How lucky can you be be that I have bestowed the best part of my immeasurable talents solely at the door of the DV thread.


        I'm free!
        now if I'd only get my computer back from warranty I could get back to video editing

        Originally posted by Milena_D View Post
        Hey guys,

        Okay, so you guys know that Stef and I are trying to set up an Awards thing but we've hit a bit of a wall.

        We got this awesome software called LimeSurvey and we've managed to upload it onto a temporary website but it won't install. Now we're assuming everything else is fine and that the problem is in the "config.php" file we have to manipulate so if anyone has a clue about these sorts of things, we would really appreciate a hand.

        We've tried following the instructions but we got lost, not knowing what they were referring to or where we could find the information on the site. Examples do help a lot, so if you have any you can give that would also help out a lot.

        I'm actually surprised that we managed this far because between the two of us, our knowledge on stuff like MySQL, PHP, etc could fit on half a sticky So any help anyone could give could earn them a big ValaKissing Smiley and a spot on our list of Special Thanks at the end That's not mentioning the shrine and endless supplies of cookies of course

        Upload limesurvey archive to server
        Go to filemanager in cpanel and extract it
        Go to MySQL Databases in cpanel
        Create database and user
        Add the user to database
        Go to filemanager and edit config.php or edit it on your computer and upload it to server
        You need to change these:
        if you put the correct database settings in config.php it tells you a database with that name was already found, press the button to populate database
        delete install directory from server, go to and start making surveys

        if you need more help PM me or add me on msn ([email protected])

        Congrats on 500 posts Mag!
        Inside soft clouds we have drowned so deep in slumber our feet have lost the ground...


          Excerpt from this story
          "I think Jack and Daniel and Carter and Teal'c, and Mitchell now, to a certain extent, and Landry now, to a certain extent, are part of the fabric of SG-1," Wright told GateWorld. "Fans will get mad at me if I don't put them in."
          I'm pretty sure he forgot someone...

          On a more positive note

          Pic run:



            Originally posted by marbleC View Post
            Excerpt from this story
            I'm pretty sure he forgot someone...

            On a more positive note

            Pic run:

            Sorry to say it but I think:

            Vala will exit one way or another in Continuum from SG1, I just hope it's not anything that can't be changed.



              Originally posted by marbleC View Post
              Excerpt from this story
              I'm pretty sure he forgot someone...

              On a more positive note
              Ah, just another reason for me to hate if "Beachhead" wasn't reason enough! Not to add fuel to the fire...but re-watch the 10 season recap MS hosted a little while back (you know, him in the yummy black jacket)...ffwd to BW talking about the archetypal roles each character fills. Take a guess at which character he leaves off. It seems that man just can't seem to remember one member of the SG-1 team in ANY interview. And this, my friends, is why we have to get RCC to write the third movie instead of BW. Surely there's a place where we can campaign for this, no?

              Originally posted by Magnecite View Post
              Sorry to say it but I think:

              Vala will exit one way or another in Continuum from SG1, I just hope it's not anything that can't be changed.
              *sigh* And I break out the old photobucket again for my standard response to this line of thought...

              Originally posted by Magnecite View Post
              I take that as a rhetorical question, surely my presence has been appreciated and like a fine wine improves as time goes on. Full bodied, with only a trace of acidity, do I smell ..... yes, sunshine, a whiff of woodsmoke, blackberries, memories of a stroll down a country lane and yet always fresh and amazingly unpretentious. How lucky can you be be that I have bestowed the best part of my immeasurable talents solely at the door of the DV thread.
              Oh, to be sure we are the lucky ones! To have one so resolutely devout in her worship of all things DeVilish that she forsakes all others. Although I'm afraid the whole wine metaphor is lost on me...I'm not much for wine. Although I did have this *puts on slightly British accent* rather chewy Cabernet the other evening. No, that's a lie...I just like to say "chewy Cabernet" cause it sounds pompous.


              PHOTOBUCKET // WEBSITE // LIVEJOURNAL---------------------------------------------------------


                Originally posted by Stef View Post
                Ah, just another reason for me to hate if "Beachhead" wasn't reason enough! Not to add fuel to the fire...but re-watch the 10 season recap MS hosted a little while back (you know, him in the yummy black jacket)...ffwd to BW talking about the archetypal roles each character fills. Take a guess at which character he leaves off. It seems that man just can't seem to remember one member of the SG-1 team in ANY interview. And this, my friends, is why we have to get RCC to write the third movie instead of BW. Surely there's a place where we can campaign for this, no?

                *sigh* And I break out the old photobucket again for my standard response to this line of thought...

                Oh, to be sure we are the lucky ones! To have one so resolutely devout in her worship of all things DeVilish that she forsakes all others. Although I'm afraid the whole wine metaphor is lost on me...I'm not much for wine. Although I did have this *puts on slightly British accent* rather chewy Cabernet the other evening. No, that's a lie...I just like to say "chewy Cabernet" cause it sounds pompous.

                I don't think I've ever had a chewy Cabernet, if I did, I'd take it back to the shop. And blinkers, Stef. BW is a fan of classic SG1, he makes it quite clear.
                He appears to be able to remember Landry, since Vala was the highlight of the last two seasons you think she'd ring a bell. He has now got a hero and a spare. My only hope is that Vala:

                runs off with a big pile of treasure (hopefully with a good reason) and does not die in mix and switch poison attempt on Ba'al. Her SG1 future seems to me, to only have hope if she returns to her Season 9, space pirate persona. As always hope to be wrong but was very amused by Vala Season 9 would not be amused by a one line, soon to be forgotten death scene with Daniel. Just speculating.

                Oh, thanks for the congrats re 500 to both yourself and Tonttu.

                I'm sat in a a beautiful English country home, glass of wine in hand, Merlot, Stef, writing my next Chapter of Chosen of Sherval. I have birdsong, weeping willow, a pond with coots, rabbits running about in the field I overlook, with golden retriever, having given up nudging me to throw a yellow, plastic bone, dosing at my feet.




                  Originally posted by Magnecite View Post
                  I don't think I've ever had a chewy Cabernet, if I did, I'd take it back to the shop. And blinkers, Stef. BW is a fan of classic SG1, he makes it quite clear.
                  He appears to be able to remember Landry, since Vala was the highlight of the last two seasons you think she'd ring a bell. He has now got a hero and a spare. My only hope is that Vala:

                  runs off with a big pile of treasure (hopefully with a good reason) and does not die in mix and switch poison attempt on Ba'al. Her SG1 future seems to me, to only have hope if she returns to her Season 9, space pirate persona. As always hope to be wrong but was very amused by Vala Season 9 would not be amused by a one line, soon to be forgotten death scene with Daniel. Just speculating.
                  True, true. I guess I have to question, even if he is a true-blue "original" team fan, how he could remember (as much as I like both Landry and Cam) the two least memorable of the three new characters they added. Say what you will about Vala but people tend to either love her or hate her - there's rarely an occasion when talking about S9-10 that she isn't mentioned in some manner. Which makes me think that BW isn't just forgetting her - he's deliberately not mentioning her. Which makes me all the more angry.

                  As for Vala and the movies:
                  I honestly don't think we have that much to worry about. TPTB invested quite a bit of time into her character and BW notwithstanding, the writers adore her. I have to imagine RCC still has some sway...and he wouldn't let Vala go down without a fight...and I imagine MS would have something to say on the matter if they tried to take away his favorite leading lady.

                  I don't see why her returning to S9 status would make her place more secure. If anything, I'd think that would weaken her role on the team (not to mention it would reset everything she'd achieved over the last two years). I believe it was RCC or JM who said that as much as he loved Vala, he couldn't have her on the team as a permanent fixture if she was still acting the way that she was in S9. Because her goals would be in conflict with the teams' (ie out for herself vs. out for the greater good and the team).

                  Until I hear a comment that really suggests to me that Vala is going to die or leave...I have no fears about the security of her role within the team. The writers finally got the team to the point where they click again as an ensemble...I doubt they would want to go screwing with that again...especially when they won't have a whole season to fix any problems that may arise from her departure. Besides, I think most of the writers admitted that they thought S10 was one of their best seasons...why mess with a good formula if they don't have to??

                  And now I head off! Enjoy the day everyone


                  PHOTOBUCKET // WEBSITE // LIVEJOURNAL---------------------------------------------------------


                    Okay, so I just read the BW interview on GW. Now I'm not going to say that I want him to drop off the face of the earth...but I will say that I don't want to ever hear his name mentioned in relation to these Stargate movies ever again. And now I go to bed rather peeved with one more person added to my hypothetical hitlist (he'll go right under the Sci-Fi Channel executives).

                    Now I head off once again, except this time full of anger and disappointment.


                    PHOTOBUCKET // WEBSITE // LIVEJOURNAL---------------------------------------------------------


                      Originally posted by Stef View Post
                      True, true. I guess I have to question, even if he is a true-blue "original" team fan, how he could remember (as much as I like both Landry and Cam) the two least memorable of the three new characters they added. Say what you will about Vala but people tend to either love her or hate her - there's rarely an occasion when talking about S9-10 that she isn't mentioned in some manner. Which makes me think that BW isn't just forgetting her - he's deliberately not mentioning her. Which makes me all the more angry.

                      As for Vala and the movies:
                      I honestly don't think we have that much to worry about. TPTB invested quite a bit of time into her character and BW notwithstanding, the writers adore her. I have to imagine RCC still has some sway...and he wouldn't let Vala go down without a fight...and I imagine MS would have something to say on the matter if they tried to take away his favorite leading lady.

                      I don't see why her returning to S9 status would make her place more secure. If anything, I'd think that would weaken her role on the team (not to mention it would reset everything she'd achieved over the last two years). I believe it was RCC or JM who said that as much as he loved Vala, he couldn't have her on the team as a permanent fixture if she was still acting the way that she was in S9. Because her goals would be in conflict with the teams' (ie out for herself vs. out for the greater good and the team).

                      Until I hear a comment that really suggests to me that Vala is going to die or leave...I have no fears about the security of her role within the team. The writers finally got the team to the point where they click again as an ensemble...I doubt they would want to go screwing with that again...especially when they won't have a whole season to fix any problems that may arise from her departure. Besides, I think most of the writers admitted that they thought S10 was one of their best seasons...why mess with a good formula if they don't have to??

                      And now I head off! Enjoy the day everyone

                      I shall take solace from your words. Mag

                      Chapter Fourteen of Chosen of Sherval, now up on infinitespace junky, romance/mystery M section. It was a festival celebrating Mother Earth in the last chapter not a Space Orgy. And there was no swapping partners, Daniel and Vala, Sam and Jack stayed true to one another. This will make no sense to anyone who hasn't read it. Not for younglings, so stay back!!


                        Vala'd better be in the movies, or I'm going to be causing some major physical harm to someone.... That, or serious emotional trauma.... maybe a mix of both.... I dunno, depends on the mood I'm in...

                        Anyway.... Unless Vala is dead, she HAS to be in the movies... She's part of the team, dammit. And if she DOES die, it better be the single most memorable death in the history of movies.... Prefferably with a romantic undertone, if Daniel's present...

                        As for your photobucket response to "this line of thought", Stef, all I can say is: I loved that part in that movie XD I use that, and the line before it quite frequently...

                        You don't have any friends.... Nobody likes you.
                        I'm not listening.... I'm not listening...


                          Originally posted by LittleMissJigsaw View Post
                          Vala'd better be in the movies, or I'm going to be causing some major physical harm to someone.... That, or serious emotional trauma.... maybe a mix of both.... I dunno, depends on the mood I'm in...

                          Anyway.... Unless Vala is dead, she HAS to be in the movies... She's part of the team, dammit. And if she DOES die, it better be the single most memorable death in the history of movies.... Prefferably with a romantic undertone, if Daniel's present...

                          As for your photobucket response to "this line of thought", Stef, all I can say is: I loved that part in that movie XD I use that, and the line before it quite frequently...

                          You don't have any friends.... Nobody likes you.
                          I'm not listening.... I'm not listening...
                          If that is what Stef posted, I am very hurt.

                          Mag (I can't help it if I'm neurotic.) You're supposed to comfort me for my wild imaginings (maybe) not be upsetting. Going now, in a trail of despond.


                            Originally posted by Magnecite View Post
                            If that is what Stef posted, I am very hurt.

                            Mag (I can't help it if I'm neurotic.) You're supposed to comfort me for my wild imaginings (maybe) not be upsetting. Going now, in a trail of despond.
                            No, that's what I posted

                            Stef posted the picture of Smeagol saying "I'm not listening, I'm not listening" which brought to mind Gollum's line of "You don't have any friends, nobody likes you."


                              Originally posted by LittleMissJigsaw View Post
                              No, that's what I posted

                              Stef posted the picture of Smeagol saying "I'm not listening, I'm not listening" which brought to mind Gollum's line of "You don't have any friends, nobody likes you."
                              You clearly have no idea of how very sensitive I am. To be Gollumed and then ostracised and told you're not liked. You can't hear but I am virtually sniffing with a hanky in my hand and a bottle of smelling salts.


                              You don't get smileys when I'm hurt. And to think, to become a Goa'uld underling and still so abused.
                              Last edited by Magnecite; 12 May 2008, 07:55 AM.


                                Originally posted by Magnecite View Post
                                I shall take solace from your words. Mag

                                Chapter Fourteen of Chosen of Sherval, now up on infinitespace junky, romance/mystery M section. It was a festival celebrating Mother Earth in the last chapter not a Space Orgy. And there was no swapping partners, Daniel and Vala, Sam and Jack stayed true to one another. This will make no sense to anyone who hasn't read it. Not for younglings, so stay back!!

                                I am off to read! Love the story so far!

                                Click here daily to give free mammograms

                                It is better to be crazy for Jesus than a wise man for Satan. Laters, Misi

