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Daniel Jackson/Vala Mal Doran Ship/Discussion/Appreciation Thread

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    Originally posted by Stef View Post
    Maybe this is their way of making up for that Seriously though, I understand the lack of Vala promo pics for AOT/Continuum (if it's due to CB's pregnancy and unavailability)...what I DON'T understand and will never understand is the S10 box set where not only is she not on the cover of the set, but she is not even on the cover of any of the individual disc covers (and yet her FATHER and Ori Solder #4 are). Love her or hate her, Vala was the driving force in S10 and to completely ignore her like that was not only insulting but utterly absurd.

    Do I have strong feelings about this? Yes, yes I do.

    Totally agree



      I have homework for you all

      I can't think of a question to ask MS if I am able to ask one and I would like to ask a D/V question...

      Could you guys discuss questions to ask and I'll write them down and see if I can ask one.


        Originally posted by Toomi View Post
        I have homework for you all

        I can't think of a question to ask MS if I am able to ask one and I would like to ask a D/V question...

        Could you guys discuss questions to ask and I'll write them down and see if I can ask one.
        Oh gosh, that's no small order! Mag, you got anything? I would like some info on Continuum...but I'm not sure if MS would actually give you anything if you asked...and I don't want you to waste a question Unless you ask something vague enough....

        EDIT: Ooh, ooh, could ask him something about this audiodrama he did with CB. Ask if there's any D/V morsels in there? I don't know...I'm just throwing out ideas here


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          There's a continuum pannel on another day so I don't think they're allowing questions for it now...


            Originally posted by Toomi View Post
            There's a continuum pannel on another day so I don't think they're allowing questions for it now...
            Well, isn't that just a veritable smorgasbord of Stargate goodness?


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              Originally posted by Stef View Post
              Oh gosh, that's no small order! Mag, you got anything? I would like some info on Continuum...but I'm not sure if MS would actually give you anything if you asked...and I don't want you to waste a question Unless you ask something vague enough....

              EDIT: Ooh, ooh, could ask him something about this audiodrama he did with CB. Ask if there's any D/V morsels in there? I don't know...I'm just throwing out ideas here

              You could ask about romance in a subtle way, i.e. and I'm using spoilers because you've come out to play:

              Is the snake lip lock all the romance Vala get's in Continuum. And is he piqued, Cliff Simon has pinched his woman.

              I think that would get a response, even if it's humorous.



                LOL. That would be funny. Cause I believe he and BB commented on CB's penchant for going for the leading men (I believe it was in reference to Sheppard in PP).

                You could be like, "how do you feel about Cliff Simon/Ba'al stealing your leading lady in Continuum?" and then maybe slip a comment in there about CS being so attractive (especially with his shirt off)....all in an effort to goad MS into saying something D/V related...or to take his own shirt off *cough* Whichever.


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                  Originally posted by Stef View Post
                  You could be like, "how do you feel about Cliff Simon/Ba'al stealing your leading lady in Continuum?" and then maybe slip a comment in there about CS being so attractive (especially with his shirt off)....all in an effort to goad MS into saying something D/V related...or to take his own shirt off *cough* Whichever.

                  Great idea! Ingenious and subtle. Of course, now I really wish I was going to be there...but I can live vicariously too.

                  ~Friendshipping (among others) the two most awesome women of Stargate.
                  ~My Stargate fanfic can be found on my Livejournal


                    Originally posted by Stef View Post
                    LOL. That would be funny. Cause I believe he and BB commented on CB's penchant for going for the leading men (I believe it was in reference to Sheppard in PP).

                    You could be like, "how do you feel about Cliff Simon/Ba'al stealing your leading lady in Continuum?" and then maybe slip a comment in there about CS being so attractive (especially with his shirt off)....all in an effort to goad MS into saying something D/V related...or to take his own shirt off *cough* Whichever.

                    Nothing so productive, than appealing to male vanity.



                      Originally posted by Magnecite View Post
                      Nothing so productive, than appealing to male vanity.
                      Exactly. Just threaten their ego a little and you're golden

                      Oh, I just saw this on the main-page and thought it was interesting. It's a snippet from the RCC interview on the GW homepage where he talks about Vala (some minor AOT spoilers):
                      GW: Had you always planned on ending Adria's story this way, with her taking over the power of the Ori for herself? Was her relationship with her mother ever something that was redeemable?

                      RCC: I felt that Adria's relationship with Vala was created as much to give Vala a justification, I guess, for becoming who she was. I guess it was more about Vala for us, writing, than it was about Adria. It created an arc for Vala.

                      When we first looked at bringing Vala onto the team, we looked at her character and said, "Well, why do you like Vala? Why is she even interesting?" It's because she's a bit of a rogue. She's outside the box. She's not a "team player." And if you want to bring her in and make her part of the team, how do you do that and still preserve the essence of who the character is? And the way that we chose to do that was to make Adria, her daughter -- make Vala in some way responsible for what is going on and give her the motivation to participate in being a hero.

                      She could still be the reluctant hero and be who we really like -- the wisecracking, selfish, out-for-herself Vala. But it created conflict for her, that she had been used in the way she was in order to create Adria. It turned into a really interesting mother-daughter relationship. But initially it was all about "How do we involve the Vala character in the arc, in the story?"

                      GW: There was a good deal of softening of Vala's character, especially since her introduction in Season Eight ("Prometheus Unbound"), through those familiar relationships with Adria and Tomin. Her marriage with Tomin has been, from everything that I can see, very positive for both of them. And they still seem to have feelings for each other.

                      RCC: Yes. And that came out of my wanting to humanize, in some way, the people who believe differently than we did. I didn't want them to be just cartoon bad guys who didn't believe the right thing. I wanted them to be human beings, and I wanted you to understand and see why they were doing the things they did. And that was, again, more interesting to me.


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                        I still haven't got any clothes for them, I've had a look at the Vala thread but she seems to be dressed in Aeryn and Vala warrior kind of clothes. Wendy has a photobucket thingy doesn't she. I need normal clothes. Has Vala only been out in civvies in MM and Bounty. The Unending cardigans don't count.
                        Despite having escaped from the crypt re make-up, she seems to have developed equally horrific dress sense as she got older.



                          Originally posted by Magnecite View Post
                          I still haven't got any clothes for them, I've had a look at the Vala thread but she seems to be dressed in Aeryn and Vala warrior kind of clothes. Wendy has a photobucket thingy doesn't she. I need normal clothes. Has Vala only been out in civvies in MM and Bounty. The Unending cardigans don't count.
                          Despite having escaped from the crypt re make-up, she seems to have developed equally horrific dress sense as she got older.

                          She is in regular clothes in Family Ties as well.

                          Lots of wardrobe changes in this one.
                          Sig made by me


                            Can't forget The Ties That Bind either...

                            Sig made by me


                              Originally posted by Stef View Post
                              Daniel (at least in S10) seems to have like only one civvie look....but if you want Vala ones, FT has like 10 costume changes for her

                              Actually, I just found my old post that dissected Vala's changes in FT...the caps aren't great quality, but they give you and idea:

                              Thanks Stef, DJ, I don't know how I missed that. Mag. I forgot Family Ties. Think the curlers wil be optional.


                                Hey Cakes, only popped in to say hi in between freak-outs related to schoolwork/moving

                                Originally posted by Magnecite View Post
                                I can't believe that this thread has gone into mothballs because I've lurked for a couple of days, feeling a bit on the quiet side, after the snake fest, and apparently most of you have a similar malaise.

                                Thank goodness for the touch pictures and the conference, oh and DJ who's been trying hard.
                                You have to remember that we're entering "Finals" period so most all of us who are in school are trying to stay sane while foregoing sleep and gorging ourselves on chocolate trying to study And with a con going on, lots of people are busy busy

                                Originally posted by Stef View Post
                                Just an update on the Vala/CB audiobook (featuring Daniel/MS) "Shell Game" coming out this summer (original post here):

                                Stargate SG-1 Shell Game is currently planned for a June release, and as the cover states, it stars Claudia Black as Vala Mal Doran, supported by Michael Shanks as Doctor Daniel Jackson. Shell Game is set in season ten of SG-1; the plot involves Vala's past coming back to bite her in the ass, when a crime she once committed is revealed to have a very serious consequence...

                                So...they're just officially refusing to take new Vala promo pics? *blinky* Isn't this from the one where she's leaning against BB/Cam's back? I mean I'm not even ticked that they didn't take new pics for this audio thing because come on, it's an audio thing. But why must they keep referring to THAT promo shoot? Why? Why pick THE most random one? There are hundreds of different pics they could use, ones where she's actually in something else but that same shirt...

                                Originally posted by Magnecite View Post
                                I might prefer that to Continuum. Nice pic for the front. It's strange Vala has come into existance all of a sudden, it felt like they were trying to pretend she didn't during the promotion for AOT.

                                The pic is from the S10 promo shoot of everyone randomly lounging about some warehouse with a gate in's the same promo shoot they stole from to paint her into the AoT promos...*twitch* I'm fine *blinky*

                                Originally posted by Stef View Post
                                LOL. That would be funny. Cause I believe he and BB commented on CB's penchant for going for the leading men (I believe it was in reference to Sheppard in PP).

                                You could be like, "how do you feel about Cliff Simon/Ba'al stealing your leading lady in Continuum?" and then maybe slip a comment in there about CS being so attractive (especially with his shirt off)....all in an effort to goad MS into saying something D/V related...or to take his own shirt off *cough* Whichever.

                                DUDE YES!!! That would so be, I'm not picturing it, hush

                                And back to freak-outs, yay!
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