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Daniel Jackson/Vala Mal Doran Ship/Discussion/Appreciation Thread

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    Originally posted by Starbuck View Post
    Thanks! Im usually the same. I just fiddle around until it looks cool. But that makes sense what you just said. Im gonna go and muck around some more in photoshop and see what i can come up with.
    Good luck! Myself, I'm heading off to bed. No doubt I'll be wakening to 6-16 inches of snow (I think the weatherman was really hedging his bets with this estimate....that's a pretty big gap!).

    Hopefully, people will be on tomorrow (and Gateworld will be working) and can feed me any info on "Bad Guys." Kales, you hear that? And I love it when people break down the DV scenes (if there are any) seperate from the regular ones....I like spoiling myself on their scenes but I still like to have a little mystery to the plot when I get around to watching it. Yes, I know, I'm weird But seriously, anyone who can keep us posted will earn my gratitude

    And just a final couple of pics (sorry, I'm no good at fun captions You'll just have to make do with the pretties):


    PHOTOBUCKET // WEBSITE // LIVEJOURNAL---------------------------------------------------------



      Oh I'm so jealous. I know its probably nothing special to you, but living in only the hot parts of Australia I had never seen snow before. That was untill 2 years ago when I was just 18 and I went to New Zealand and me, this little Indian boy and this Italian man called Luigi (how funny) found a small patch of snow left over in this little corner outside the church. The sun hadn't reached it yet obviously, mind you it was a perfectly normal sunny summers day, but there was a patch of dirty snow. Me and the kid had the time of our lives. Pathetic really, but that was my first snow ball fight and the first time I touched snow. And it's NOT white and fluffy. Other then that only saw it out the window on mountains or just out of my reach. But I lurve it.

      And never seen it since, how sad. Just the heat, lol. AAAAAAAaaand, that was a long and pointless story, lol.

      Stef, the help would be much appreciated, whenever you get some time, if you can't do it don't worry, I realise you have a real life and it's far more important. So if not all is well in the world, and that wallpaper. LOOOOOOVE IT!!!!!!!!!!!

      So far my Valentines Eve has contained Dan/Vala Wallpapers and a lovely heart cupcake from Gloria Jeans, LOL! Pithy isn't it!

      Thanks Stef for the great banners!!

      My StarGate Music Vids:


        Originally posted by Padfoot_001 View Post

        Oh I'm so jealous. I know its probably nothing special to you, but living in only the hot parts of Australia I had never seen snow before. That was untill 2 years ago when I was just 18 and I went to New Zealand and me, this little Indian boy and this Italian man called Luigi (how funny) found a small patch of snow left over in this little corner outside the church. The sun hadn't reached it yet obviously, mind you it was a perfectly normal sunny summers day, but there was a patch of dirty snow. Me and the kid had the time of our lives. Pathetic really, but that was my first snow ball fight and the first time I touched snow. And it's NOT white and fluffy
        Oh how i know your pain, my fellow australian. At least we get to share things like the awesome-ness that is Daniel/Vala with those overseas...(it makes up for the lack of snow )

        Stars with gates are cool...
        "Somewhere, somebody's blog just blew up."


          Oh yeah, all I can say is thank god for spoilers ... oh and you tube! Lol.

          And just noticed you live in Brisbane, I think you win, preety sure it's hotter there then it is in Newcastle, lol! And you guys have all the water restrictions ey???

          Oh and Stef thanks so so so so much for the offer, but my brother (i cant believe he came through for me), is going to have the eps for me tomorrow. So thanks so much again, but all is well. Now I shall have my vid up tomorrow morning!!! YAY!!!!!!!!

          Bad guys, bad guys, whatcha gonna dooooooooo? Watcha gonna do when they come for you? Bad guys bad guys! Woot!!!!

          Thanks Stef for the great banners!!

          My StarGate Music Vids:


            Originally posted by Padfoot_001 View Post

            And just noticed you live in Brisbane, I think you win, preety sure it's hotter there then it is in Newcastle, lol! And you guys have all the water restrictions ey???
            Unfortunatley yes. . I drove home to nsw on the weekend and paid my sister to wash my car for me, cause its pretty much impossible to do that while on these restrictions. lol!

            And just so this post isn't considered 'off-topic': Daniel/Vala...not long now. Oh how I hope we get at least ONE moment (if not more) in this weeks ep. Even if it is only a glance at each other that lasts just that extra second longer...

            Stars with gates are cool...
            "Somewhere, somebody's blog just blew up."


              I live in Scotland, lol, the novelty of snow wore off when I was about 5 I think. Or 12. Either or. When it got to the stage of "yes, we know it's snowing. But it's been snowing for two weeks. We can't shut down the country." Much less fun then.

              Haha, one of the best things I've ever seen was my flatmate last year - from California - when we got this freak snow storm in early April. She'd never seen snow before, it was sooo much fun. I think she used every pic in her digital camera. Then again, Edinburgh is sooo pretty in the snow

              Can i just say ... 8 hours until Bad Guys! And since GW won't crash this time - *glares at the coding for good measure* - I can post up spoilers in the ad-breaks.

              Stef, no worries, I'll post up two versions like last time: whole ep spoilers and DV spoilers. I'm open to bribes of Daniel screen caps, btw... *cough, bandana, cough*. *evil grin*

              Need to run to class, but I'll be back - hopefully with my own attempt at a Valentine's wall, not that I can match your genius, you pair. ... Probably won't be very Valentine-y, since I hate this "holiday" *cough, HALLMARK, cough*, but it will be DV.

              kay x


                Oh you want bandana daniel do you??? Well lets see what I got in the old old old OLD Daniel photobucket folder:

                (spoilers because its for Kales eyes only, he he.


                I had no idea i had this many pics, lol. Dear lord! Lol, I wish Vala had of been on the show earlier, when he was more geeky daniel. *sigh*

                Thanks Stef for the great banners!!

                My StarGate Music Vids:


                  Originally posted by Padfoot_001 View Post
                  (spoilers because its for Kales eyes only, he he.
                  Hmmph. Well Kales is just going to have to share then isn't she? Lol.

                  Stars with gates are cool...
                  "Somewhere, somebody's blog just blew up."


                    LOL, well i guess you can all look.

                    Here's some more:


                    And has anyone seen this pic before?

                    Its quite funny, lol. Just found it now.

                    Aaaaaaaand of course, to stay on topic ... (small i know, thats the sites fault, but they are good ones.)

                    And this one is spoiler for size, but I really like it, he's protecting her dead body,lol:


                    and thats all from me. Good night, happy Vala/Danny dreams. Can't wait to wake up and read about all the great moments we're gonna get.Yippie!

                    Thanks Stef for the great banners!!

                    My StarGate Music Vids:


                      Yep, I've seen that pic of Daniel/MS before (I believe it's my latest avatar.)

                      As soon as I find a place to store it temporarily, I have a D/V vid. My very first vid, in fact. I'll post a link when I have it ready to view.

                      Oh, and I might stay away for a bit, because I'm trying to stay spoiler-free.
                      No snurching any Pictures I post!! (without my permission)



                        *deep breath*


                        Oh you want bandana daniel do you??? Well lets see what I got in the old old old OLD Daniel photobucket folder:

                        (spoilers because its for Kales eyes only, he he.
                        Padfoot, I love you. *squishes Padfoot in hug*

                        Hmmph. Well Kales is just going to have to share then isn't she? Lol.
                        Starbuck... Well, maybe *looks around suspiciously* But only if bandana!Daniel belongs specifically to me You can all have geeky!Daniel, floofy!Daniel and even, yes, even leatherjacket!Daniel. But bandana!Daniel is mine *squishes*

                        Lol, I wish Vala had of been on the show earlier, when he was more geeky daniel. *sigh*
                        Padfoot, have you been snooping in my brain... I haven't even synop'd that fic yet I was thinking of floating it past you all though... So, who here would be amenable to a geeky!Daniel and thief!Vala fic set maybe season 3/4? I think it would be Powers That Be planet-centric ... opinions?

                        kay x

                        PS. the bribes worked, i'll be posting in the ad breaks with the goofy smile I'm now wearing. Thank Padfoot


                          Originally posted by Stef View Post
                          Good luck! Myself, I'm heading off to bed. No doubt I'll be wakening to 6-16 inches of snow (I think the weatherman was really hedging his bets with this estimate....that's a pretty big gap!).


                          What part of Indiana Stef? I am in Toledo, OH. We already have blizzard warnings for our area and the worst is supposed to hit this afternoon. Here in Toledo we could get 8-12 when all is said and done!

                          Originally posted by Padfoot_001 View Post

                          Oh I'm so jealous. I know its probably nothing special to you, but living in only the hot parts of Australia I had never seen snow before. That was untill 2 years ago when I was just 18 and I went to New Zealand and me, this little Indian boy and this Italian man called Luigi (how funny) found a small patch of snow left over in this little corner outside the church. The sun hadn't reached it yet obviously, mind you it was a perfectly normal sunny summers day, but there was a patch of dirty snow. Me and the kid had the time of our lives. Pathetic really, but that was my first snow ball fight and the first time I touched snow. And it's NOT white and fluffy. Other then that only saw it out the window on mountains or just out of my reach. But I lurve it.

                          It isn't stupid. My cousins are from Southern California and the first time they came here to visit, they were in awe of the snow. They had never seen it either. I don't mind the snow as long as I have no where to be. When I am sitting at home curled up by the computer, then it can snow all it wants...LOL

                          Good Morning!!

                          Great wp's and pics this morning. I have a BanDaniel pic to share that is one of my favs because of how blue his eyes are...

                          Last edited by DJgirl; 13 February 2007, 06:12 AM.
                          Sig made by me


                            Ok just stopping by to drop off an image that I just Love

                            Hope you all like it too!!!!

                            Thanks to Jaffatech at


                              You know, there's a positive side and a negative side to living in the "greater" midwest (of the US)....on the plus side, when you have freak snow/ice/rain storms, class gets cancelled....on the minus side, you still have to wake up at 9am and take the bus into campus through the ice rain to even learn your classes are cancelled in the first place. I'm equal parts happy...and equal parts peeved.

                              On a positive note, this means I'll be able to watch "Bad Guys" sooner and enjoy reading Kales wonderful spoilage as she writes it (if my apt's power ever comes back on....I'm on campus now).

                              Oh, who am kidding...the minute I get back to my apt, I'm heading straight for my bed

                              Only 3.5 hours to go until the new SG-1 episode, I can just feel the excitement.


                              PHOTOBUCKET // WEBSITE // LIVEJOURNAL---------------------------------------------------------


                                Hi all:
                                Said I'd be back on Tuesday to make some comments about 'Bounty', so here I am all by myself at home,...finally,lol
                                First of all I liked 'Bounty', it was fun and after the darkness of the previous 4 episodes, a nice break. And yes, despite first impressions that there was nothing particularly D/Vish I found some interesting comments.
                                I don't know if this would be considered a 'spoiler' but may I just say on a completely shallow note...we got smiles!...and a short-sleeve T-shirt!...and jeans!..nice!!!
                                I saw 'Bounty' last Thursday on 'youtube' and while at work on Frida(I work in store security so I've got a lot of time for staring off into space thinking about things,lol) anyway when I was watching I was struck by some things that were said and spent work on Friday over-analysing what I heard.

                                First Vala... so she goes to this party with a friend...friend sorta ditches her because he's found a girl that interests him...well that's fine, he and Vala are only friends and so she's not gonna rain on his parade...but now she's bored...another school friend of the guy she came with seems to like her so she goes along with him 'cuz he's nice, he's intelligent and he's the same physical type(did anyone else notice this?)of the friend she came with and of the guy she'd really rather be with(the one who needed some space to himself because he's had an extremely stressful month). So this school friend starts seriously flirting with her....
                                NOW what would the Vala from "Prometheus' have done in a similar situation?....probably have gone with the moment and ended up having serious physical relations with him right?...but not this Vala...what does she say..."this is where I supposed to tell you...I'm married"! Hmmmm..."SUPPOSED TO"?...from my dictionary, "be supposed to do": be required or expected to do.
                                SO, this means that somewhere she's picked up the notion that she's expected to honour her marriage...well now isn't that interesting. Now someone in TPTB said that she does have her own moral compass...could be this is an indication of that...which is nice 'cuz at least we know she believes in monogamy...altho in the short term that's not necessarily good 'cuz that means that as long as Tomin is still alive...well Daniel wouldn't be open to anything either as long as Tomin is still alive so that's maybe a moot point.
                                OTOH, if this 'expectation' is something she's picked up lately....WOW wouldn't that have been an interesting conversation?lol
                                Now Daniel:
                                You know on Friday I was so pleased with myself, I had actually over-analysed to the point where I had Daniel more or less saying in the library(I can't remember his exact wording): "I'm committed, so I'm flattered but I'm going to have to say no."....So how did I do that? Well first I was puzzled by what seemed to be pointless self-disclosure..."I'm not the most impulsive person"...what the hell does that mean?..and why use it to justify turning down a woman who's coming on to you?...wouldn't it have been just as effective to just say 'I'm flattered but no."
                                So I took a look at other ways of saying "I'm not impulsive". Other words for 'impulsive'...flighty, fly-by-night,fickle, far this is a true statement...he's not impulsive(altho sticking his face in Merlin's head-thingy could be considered reckless) if he's not 'impulsive' then what is he...opposite words for 'impulsive'....constant, dedicated,committed!...aren't I good?lol
                                but now unfortunately, after further thought I realized that what came across as pointless self-disclosure "I'm not the most impulsive person" was actually 'cunning' Daniel buying a few more seconds to brace himself for whatever was about to happen...'cuz I'm pretty sure that he knew something was amiss when the woman said she had been watching him.
                                So over-analysis was an enjoyable mental exercise and it past my time at work,lol...and I'm sure I won't be able to resist the temptation to do it again.
                                Oh and if anyone wants to blow holes in these comments, feel free.

                                Looking forward to 'Bad Guys'. I would like to see Daniel admit to Vala that maybe 'her old ways' can be useful unlike in CoT where he was just disgusted with the whole caper...will we see that?...not likely...I think he's just going to get mad at her again....sorry I'm just an old cynical pessimist.
                                (so did I do the 'spoiler' thing right?)


                                My Fiction:

