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Daniel Jackson/Vala Mal Doran Ship/Discussion/Appreciation Thread

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    I would have been forced to think maybe I had a clone out there somewhere, or something

    Funny story: I met this girl once at this church function I was forced to go to by my grandmother... Neither me or the girl wanted to be there, so we were talking, and generally b**ching about being stuck there... Guess what her name was? Kelly. Eventually we get bored with complaining, so we're just talking about random things, and she mentions that her birthday is coming up soon. I told her mine was too, and asked when her's was. September 14th. My name, my birthday (even the same year)... It was like, the coolest moment EVER

    Originally posted by Milena_D View Post
    Lol, you're quite welcome, no one should go without knowing the awesomeness of the OS marketing team

    Done, and done
    Hahaha, I'm starting to get that. That ad was like... Beautifully random XD

    Originally posted by Milena_D View Post
    Aw, damn, does it show I haven't watched in forever? We're gonna have to set up a Thread Rewatch soon cuz this is getting ridiculous Can I get a context clue?
    Hahaha, I haven't watched in forever. The only reason I know which episode "Anywho" is from is 'cause I saw that scene at the end of a music video

    As for context: think alien museum

    Originally posted by Milena_D View Post
    Merlin/Xena OT
    Merlin/Arthur was my first So I know it's possible for them to sway people, considering I only ever did slash as crackships before

    You should! Rewatching Xena is amazing fun, but even better if you watch it with someone because there are too many "oh god, that was so bad *giggle*" moments to not share Like, not bad in a bad way, just a really funny, we-used-to-be-in-love-with-this-show way
    Dean/Cas was my first (non-canon) slash ship that wasn't crack. (canon was Jack/Ianto from Torchwood/Doctor Who)... Then again, I didn't even have many crack slash ships either. it's SPNs fault. Now I have all these crack ships (like Sassy. Sassy is total crack).

    Haha, I'd probably re-watch with my mom. She used to watch it too. And the "oh my god" moments are awesome

    ...If you ever want serious "oh god, this is so bad, why am I watching this?" try watching Black Sheep... Why? Weresheep. Mint sauce as holy water... It's epic

    Originally posted by Milena_D View Post
    Why would you do that?? The Gutter is Good. And Kind. And hooooooot.
    Well, I've found that my mind being in it's gutter home doesn't help me with my writing
    Last edited by LittleMissJigsaw; 22 April 2010, 01:43 PM.


      Oh that vids is so sad! *sobs*
      Sig by Everlovin My YT|My other vid site|My LJ|My Photobucket|My ImageShack|"Stargate is life, Sam and Jack are happiness, Shippers are almighty" by hlndncr


        Originally posted by Milena_D View Post

        Well like I said, the posters are cool, and the mods pop up once in a while, but nothing ever gets done so... yeah
        Never forget Gab that we ALL have RL issues that keep us from accomplishing took you how long to finish that fic?

        Originally posted by Milena_D View Post
        Part 2...

        Awwwwww But I've given up on that show!! They do something cool *now*? Although seeing her standing with Tiva? kind of blew my mind
        Uh Gab?...that would be ZIVA.

        Originally posted by Milena_D View Post

        ETA2: I refuse to make another post just for this Does anyone know how March and May differ on Expiry dates? Cuz the one on my hummus say "MA 25 2010" so I have no idea what's up with this and I can't remember when I bought it to place it contextually :s

        ETA3: Is one of the symptoms of eating expired food instant sleepiness? ...and the sudden desire to do anything in the world but write a final essay?
        Don't quote me but I believe the abbreviation for March is MR.
        And I have a hunch the instant sleepiness is connected with that sudden desire to do anything except the essay.

        My Fiction:


          Originally posted by LittleMissJigsaw View Post
          Funny story: I met this girl once at this church function I was forced to go to by my grandmother... Neither me or the girl wanted to be there, so we were talking, and generally b**ching about being stuck there... Guess what her name was? Kelly. Eventually we get bored with complaining, so we're just talking about random things, and she mentions that her birthday is coming up soon. I told her mine was too, and asked when her's was. September 14th. My name, my birthday (even the same year)... It was like, the coolest moment EVER
          Cree.Py. And awesome

          Originally posted by LittleMissJigsaw View Post
          Hahaha, I haven't watched in forever. The only reason I know which episode "Anywho" is from is 'cause I saw that scene at the end of a music video

          As for context: think alien museum
          Lol! I know this now! BAD GUYS! Right? (totally wasn't going to write "Bounty"...nope...nuh uh)

          Originally posted by LittleMissJigsaw View Post
          Dean/Cas was my first (non-canon) slash ship that wasn't crack. (canon was Jack/Ianto from Torchwood/Doctor Who)... Then again, I didn't even have many crack slash ships either. it's SPNs fault. Now I have all these crack ships (like Sassy. Sassy is total crack).

          Haha, I'd probably re-watch with my mom. She used to watch it too. And the "oh my god" moments are awesome

          ...If you ever want serious "oh god, this is so bad, why am I watching this?" try watching Black Sheep... Why? Weresheep. Mint sauce as holy water... It's epic
          Oooh, Jack/Ianto. For all that I hated TW, I loved Ianto and just the clips I saw of them making out were pretty hot

          I don't think I know that "Black Sheep" show *strokes chin* Sounds interesting though

          Originally posted by LittleMissJigsaw View Post
          Well, I've found that my mind being in it's gutter home doesn't help me with my writing
          Oh Then begone from the Gutter! Begone! Before your muses fly away!

          Originally posted by LC_ View Post
          Never forget Gab that we ALL have RL issues that keep us from accomplishing took you how long to finish that fic?
          Accomplishing things, yes. And I'm actually only done of those fics so far (2 more to go). But that's personal accomplishments, I feel bad for those waiting on them but it's not something I can force and I wouldn't insult the readers by making them read the dredge I would come up with if I did.

          Running a community is a responsibility you undertake and I completely understand not having the time to do it properly, it's why I've never started one though I've wanted to. What you do in that case is hire/entice someone to be your right-hand person who can make the decisions necessary to keep things running. In a lot of comms I'm a part of (Whedonland, MerlinxArthur just to name a couple), they have 2, 3, 4 up to 6 co-mods who answer to the original creator because it's a big job and they need the help to keep it up. I'm pretty sure the D/V comm does have a second mod but the things that were supposed to happen still haven't despite the show of interest, despite the volunteers (including myself), etc.

          Originally posted by LC_ View Post
          Uh Gab?...that would be ZIVA.
          Actually, it would be Tiva (to me) as CB was standing with both Tony, and Ziva, whose shipname is Tiva.

          Originally posted by LC_ View Post
          Don't quote me but I believe the abbreviation for March is MR.
          And I have a hunch the instant sleepiness is connected with that sudden desire to do anything except the essay.
          That actually makes a lot of sense, I should have realized that *sigh* Could be...I'm just tired of looking at it after 3 months of work...


          Originally posted by yessika View Post
          Oh that vids is so sad! *sobs*
          Isn't it?? Daniel should be shown this know, in the past so he'll shape up and take her off the market!
          ||My Fanfiction: & My LJ || Vala Multi-Shipping LJ Comm||

          Banner made by Stef!


            I watched most of Prometheus Unbound, I friend of mine showed up and distracted me for 15 minutes , I love it so much I feel like rewatching it
            Sig by Everlovin My YT|My other vid site|My LJ|My Photobucket|My ImageShack|"Stargate is life, Sam and Jack are happiness, Shippers are almighty" by hlndncr


              Originally posted by Milena_D View Post
              Cree.Py. And awesome
              Haha, it might have been creepy if she had looked like me. But she didn't, so it was just cool

              Originally posted by Milena_D View Post
              Lol! I know this now! BAD GUYS! Right? (totally wasn't going to write "Bounty"...nope...nuh uh)
              Suuuuure you weren't, bb. Sure you weren't.

              Originally posted by Milena_D View Post
              Oooh, Jack/Ianto. For all that I hated TW, I loved Ianto and just the clips I saw of them making out were pretty hot

              I don't think I know that "Black Sheep" show *strokes chin* Sounds interesting though
              Oh, I hate Torchwood as well... Mostly because I couldn't stand Gwen, Owen was a dick, and Tosh wasn't really developed enough for me to care one way or another about her. The only reason I really liked Jack was 'cause I already knew him from Dr Who. And you can't not love Ianto. So yeah... Hate Torchwood, love Jack/Ianto

              And Black Sheep is a movie. Made in New Zealand, I think...It's hilarious.

              Originally posted by Milena_D View Post
              Oh Then begone from the Gutter! Begone! Before your muses fly away!
              Lol. Oh, I have muses that fly around in the Gutter, too... They're just not the muses I need... Yet. Eventually I might need a gutter muse... Of course, when I NEED the gutter muse, I won't get one... The romantic muse will pop in instead, and I'll want to smash my head against the desk repeatedly, because I'll start getting all sappy, and fluffy, and that does NOT fit with Dean/Cas, damn it...

              ...And even if it DID- which it doesn't... do you hear me, brain? It doesn't, so stop coming up with sappy s**t- this is an AU, I'll have to start from scratch with their relationship, and the setting isn't exactly conducive to anything romantic.

              ... I don't think I could even pull off D/V sap in this setting XD

              Hmm, F!S should have updated by now... Maybe there will be some fun secrets today, and I can make use of my gif collection...


                Originally posted by yessika View Post
                I watched most of Prometheus Unbound, I friend of mine showed up and distracted me for 15 minutes , I love it so much I feel like rewatching it
                I greatly support that feeling Have at it! And don't forget your "Do Not Disturb" sign, or hell even a sock on the doorknob, we all know PU is epic D/V foreplay

                Originally posted by LittleMissJigsaw View Post
                Oh, I hate Torchwood as well... Mostly because I couldn't stand Gwen, Owen was a dick, and Tosh wasn't really developed enough for me to care one way or another about her. The only reason I really liked Jack was 'cause I already knew him from Dr Who. And you can't not love Ianto. So yeah... Hate Torchwood, love Jack/Ianto

                And Black Sheep is a movie. Made in New Zealand, I think...It's hilarious.
                Ditto, Can't remember who he was, Ditto, but I didn't know Jack from TW so while I liked him in the beginning, he started sliding down my like-o-meter

                Iiiinteresting, I feel like this is a movie I want to check out.

                Originally posted by LittleMissJigsaw View Post
                Lol. Oh, I have muses that fly around in the Gutter, too... They're just not the muses I need... Yet. Eventually I might need a gutter muse... Of course, when I NEED the gutter muse, I won't get one... The romantic muse will pop in instead, and I'll want to smash my head against the desk repeatedly, because I'll start getting all sappy, and fluffy, and that does NOT fit with Dean/Cas, damn it...

                ...And even if it DID- which it doesn't... do you hear me, brain? It doesn't, so stop coming up with sappy s**t- this is an AU, I'll have to start from scratch with their relationship, and the setting isn't exactly conducive to anything romantic.
                Loool, Oh brain-arguments *pets* I feel your pain.

                Originally posted by LittleMissJigsaw View Post
                ... I don't think I could even pull off D/V sap in this setting XD
                I feel like you just issued yourself a challenge...I wish to see you pull it off! (The D/V one, I don't know D/Cas yet )
                ||My Fanfiction: & My LJ || Vala Multi-Shipping LJ Comm||

                Banner made by Stef!


                  To make up for the depressing vid I pimped early, here's one of the funniest D/V ones I've seen I mean, it's crack, who doesn't love crack?

                  Now it's time for supper (and essaying...), ttyl 'Cakes!
                  ||My Fanfiction: & My LJ || Vala Multi-Shipping LJ Comm||

                  Banner made by Stef!


                    Originally posted by Milena_D View Post
                    Ditto, Can't remember who he was, Ditto, but I didn't know Jack from TW so while I liked him in the beginning, he started sliding down my like-o-meter

                    Iiiinteresting, I feel like this is a movie I want to check out.
                    you should definitely check it out... You will never be the same after it

                    Originally posted by Milena_D View Post
                    Loool, Oh brain-arguments *pets* I feel your pain.
                    I have brain arguments all the time.... Mostly over when romance in my writing is appropriate, and when it's not... It's mostly not, but my brain won't listen... So I can only glare at it, and hope it will come to its senses...

                    ...Oddly enough, I just found a gif that displays that perfectly:

                    is that not an epic glare? Dean should have been running for his life

                    Originally posted by Milena_D View Post
                    I feel like you just issued yourself a challenge...I wish to see you pull it off! (The D/V one, I don't know D/Cas yet )
                    Hahaha! Well, it would be hard to pull it off for them, in this setting, since it's... well... strange
                    OT fic rambling:
                    My sister came rushing into my room about a month ago, and says out of the blue "what if angels were sold as sex slaves."
                    Me:.... Um... Okay. Where did this come from?
                    Her: Well, I was listening to Personal Jesus, and it got to 'reach out and touch faith' and I imagined this billboard with this sexy angel on it, and well...
                    Me:... Okay. You're not whacked at all.
                    Her: But do you think you could write it? Like, as an SPN AU?
                    Me: I dunno... Have any more ideas?

                    ....Annnd it kinda went from there, until now I have this whole complicated universe in which most of the angels were cast out of heaven when Lucifer refused to bow before the humans, and convinced Michael to rebel against God with him, and the others followed suit... They were all tossed down to earth as punishment, and made mortal (except for Michael and Lucifer, as their punishment was to watch their brothers and sisters age and die).... And some of the angels began to hate humanity, and in their hatred became twisted, and bitter, and thus the first demons were created... fast forward to the present, and angels and demons are kept by the human population as slaves (god I don't even want to think about what this would do to the world history in general), and Hunters are sort of like bounty hunters/repo men... They track down escaped slaves, or take back those who can't be paid for... Sam and Dean are the best in the business...

                    All slave trade is run by the company H&H (yeah, that's subtle, right?), which is owned by Mike and Luci, who've gone a bit nutty and power hungry in the last few millenia and have a plot to take over heaven by force...

                    ...and Sam and Dean get their lives turned upside down when they're assigned to track down the escaped angel, Castiel, and his brother, Gabriel... The angels convince them to help, instead of taking them back.... And things go from there... Like the discovery of the plot to take over heaven- a move that may or may not result in the destruction of the human race...I'll iron that out eventually- and the discovery that Mike and Luci can't go through with their plot unless they've got Sam and Dean on their side (had to work in the vessel thing somehow... figured making them half-angel, and therefore very powerful would work )...

                    ...and yeah, I should stop now XD... But see, I'm barely going to have time for what little Dean/Cas I'll get in there... Much less some epic romance

                    EDIT: and since we were talking about that Old Spice commercial earlier... Behold the Icons of Awesome that were made from it
                    Last edited by LittleMissJigsaw; 22 April 2010, 05:19 PM.


                      That vid is hilarious Milena,

                      Currently watching SPN, me likes

                      Oh and apparently there is a webseries with the Ghostfacers (sp?), I think I'm going to check it out
                      Sig by Everlovin My YT|My other vid site|My LJ|My Photobucket|My ImageShack|"Stargate is life, Sam and Jack are happiness, Shippers are almighty" by hlndncr


                        *can't watch SPN because she doesn't have TV, and isn't going to try and put up with a stream*

                        Yup, there's a webseries... Though something they said recently has me... I dunno if I'm worried or not... But AJ said they pitched the idea of an "Interview with an Angel" to Kripke, who loved it, and they shot an episode with Cas...

                        ...And then SPN got renewed for s6, and now that Ghost Facers segment is tightly under wraps, and they're not sure when it will be released...

                        I dunno whether that's a GOOD omen as to Cas' fate, or a bad one... so it just kinda makes me go


                          Uhm... In my mind that means Cas is going to be in season 6, because if not then they wouldn't care enough (I would think) to change their plans

                          Edit: I just finished watching the episode, well let's just say that I loved it and leave it at that
                          Last edited by yessika; 22 April 2010, 05:58 PM.
                          Sig by Everlovin My YT|My other vid site|My LJ|My Photobucket|My ImageShack|"Stargate is life, Sam and Jack are happiness, Shippers are almighty" by hlndncr


                            *waves to the fruticakes*..... so many posts to read. I'll be back after Project Runway Finale is over at the hour.... then I have to catch up and watch all the video request. Woohooo!!!!
                            Sig by Toomi


                              ...Yessi... I just finished the episode... About to go type up a recap on LJ... but for now all I have to say is this:


                                Yes, that is how I feel too
                                Sig by Everlovin My YT|My other vid site|My LJ|My Photobucket|My ImageShack|"Stargate is life, Sam and Jack are happiness, Shippers are almighty" by hlndncr

