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Daniel Jackson/Vala Mal Doran Ship/Discussion/Appreciation Thread

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    But it's not speaking Geek... It's speaking FIC ... I know geeks who look at fic!speak, and go "...what?"

    as for Vala in fic... I never touched on the language thing.


      Originally posted by LittleMissJigsaw View Post
      Hahaha. "meh" is just that... meh... Know how when someone asks you if you've have a good day, and you haven't, but it hasn't really been a BAD day either... It was just sort of... Meh

      PWP= Porn Without Plot (alternately: Plot, What Plot?... but mostly it means Porn Without Plot)

      OOC yes, is Out of Character. IC is In Character. I'd think a fic-reader would know these Then again, there are a lot.... off the top of my head: OOC, IC, PWP, Slash, Het, non-con, dub-con, first time fic, H/C, fluff, FWP, Crack!fic, First Time Fic, Pre-slash, Pre-het, Gen, future!fic, AU, Sex-pollen!fic, kink!fic, Coda, Missing Scene, Episode Tag, Fix-it!fic, Not Dead Fic, Death!fic, genderswitch, Kid!fic, pre-series...

      Fandom specific ones are fun, too I dunno all the specific ones for SG-1, but some of SPNs are fun: fallen!Cas, Wing!fic, Wing!porn, Awesome!Sam, Pie!fic, angel!Dean, angel!Sam, handprint!porn, BAMF!Cas, Michael!fic, Lucifer!fic, Angelcest (alternately: Wing!cest), Wincest, Godcest, Demon!Cas, Demon!Sam, Demon!Dean, Hell!fic, Heaven!Fic, Smith & Wesson Verse, Trickster Made Them Do It fic, Vessel!fic, dark!Dean, evil!Sam, Impala!love...

      Someone should find a list of all the SG-1 specific fic tags. I'm sure those would be entertaining to read
      Well!! I learned alot today!
      wasnt as Geeky as I thought I was!
      Thank you Kelly! you can teach us geeky slang anytime!

      Oh!Oh!! big thought!

      So, what say we go on a fic hunt? a post Continuum fic hunt with all the usual angst and 'fun' along the way?

      I can start my search tomorrow??

      As that fic above was the only one I have come across so far as alot of other fics have overkilled the 'Unending' scene, but I do still like to read em'.

      shall we?

      Made by me.


        Does this mean I have an excuse to type up all the meanings? 'cause I love doing that

        I present Kelly's Guide to Understanding Fic Tags ()
        OOC: Out of Character
        IC: In Character
        PWP: Porn Without Plot (Plot, What Plot?)
        Slash: Guy/Guy
        Femslash: Girl/Girl
        Het: Guy/Girl
        non-con: non-consensual sex/touching/kissing etc... effectively: rape
        dub-con: dubious consent (if drugs/alcohol/magic/etc is involved in the sex/what have you)
        first time fic: self-explantory; first roll in the hay for your chosen pairing.
        H/C: Hurt/Comfort
        fluff: Sugary-sweet things that can either be awesome, or kill you dead from sweet overdose
        FWP: Fluff Without Plot (see the 'kill you dead' thing)
        Crack!fic: Humor!fic that's completely out there, and would never happen, ever.
        Pre-slash/femslash/het: potential is being realized, but the pairing isn't quite there yet
        Gen: No pairings to be seen, it's just about the characters/plot
        future!fic: Self explanatory.
        AU: Alternate Universe
        Sex-pollen!fic: would fall under dub-con, but specifically involving a plant/monster venom that makes the sexing start
        kink!fic: Specific kinks that have been requested, and the fic is a result
        Coda: an interpretation of a scene (or an addition to a scene)
        Missing Scene: a missing scene from an episode
        Episode Tag: tacking on an extra scene to the end of an episode
        Fix-it!fic: Something happened that you didn't like? These fix it.
        Not Dead Fic: Character specific form of fix-it fic
        Death!fic: Sometimes, we just like to kill them off
        genderswitch: What if A was a girl? What if B was a guy? (these are hilarious if they're from a A is still a guy, but got turned into a girl and now must deal with it standpoint... A has always been a girl, was never a guy, isn't as much fun)
        Kid!fic: any fic involving the pairing having kids
        pre-series: self explanatory.
        Highschool/University!AU: specific AU for scenarios involving highschool/college (other specific AUs are: vampires, zombie apocalypse, and kid!AU)
        Fusion!Fic: Fusing two fandoms together... Example: What if Castiel was an Archaeologist in the employ of the SGC, and Dean Winchester was the space pirate who annoys him... or what if Vala Mal Doran was a demon hunter, and Daniel Jackson was the rogue angel who's helping her avert the apocalypse)
        RPF: Real Person Fiction... Like, say someone wrote a Claudia/Michael fic (...I don't go near these. Ever.)

        That's all I can think of right now. I know there's more though. Even more if you went into fandom specific ones. But that would get a little long.
        Last edited by LittleMissJigsaw; 21 April 2010, 12:23 PM.


          wow! flamin eck!

          there are oodles of them!

          I am going to copy them for future ref!!

          Oh I found a 'missing scene' little fic..

          From AoT

          right here - Check it out!
          Made by me.


            Originally posted by Everlovin View Post
            Good luck, everybody on your tests and papers and whatnot!

            And sorry, Milena. I haven't seen any DeVilish Continuum fics that I can think of. Lots of Unending fics, lots of post Unending fics. But I can't seem to find any of the year that never was. And I'm not brave enough to write it. Maybe with lots more practice under my belt.
            I have one that is series of entries from Daniel's journal for that's been put on hold because of RL and I feel guilty enough about the lack of progress with 'best' and 'overture' I do not need to add a third,lol
            It is strictly Daniel's POV...hadn't thought about how to do anything solely DV for the time frame of the movie since they're not together for most of the movie.
            I also started, a 'tag' at one point to try to explain what I thought, logically, should've happened to the host and also Daniel's uncharacteristic lack of compassion for the host...but decided to not continue because someone gave me a reasonable explanation as to why the host survived when I figured the host should've died like Apophis's did.


            My Fiction:


              Its funny, when searching for fics as FF has been read to death...

              the site's that I've come across. So not everyone leaves their work on FF or Helio..
              Made by me.


                I find most of my fic on LJ anymore, Space. I've found there's a reason is called The Pit by most people... You can find good fic, but it's difficult, because you have to wade through all the tons of bad fic.

                LJ has it's share of bad fic, but if you stick to rec lists of people you know have good taste, you generally have good luck... If you stick to pairing specific comms, you can generally get a feel for which authors are good, and which authors aren't, and you can thus click on links accordingly... A bonus is that the comms aren't just for fic, and you get to see lots of meta/speculation, artwork, videos, etc. (and you can eventually learn which artists are good as well, and which people DON'T have incredibly whacked theories that make you go "...Um, why?")


                  Yeah I like LJ for the fic too, Its much better and update more often and has fantastic icons too that the peeps make!
                  Made by me.


                    Hey everyone! I forgot to ask!!

                    When you post something here can you rate the thread for me?
                    the tab is just above the thread there ... up there *points*

                    thanks a bunch!! x
                    Made by me.


                      Originally posted by SpacedOutAgain View Post
                      Hey everyone! I forgot to ask!!

                      When you post something here can you rate the thread for me?
                      the tab is just above the thread there ... up there *points*

                      thanks a bunch!! x
                      I've rated it!
                      Sig by Everlovin My YT|My other vid site|My LJ|My Photobucket|My ImageShack|"Stargate is life, Sam and Jack are happiness, Shippers are almighty" by hlndncr


                        thank you!! we do what we can for our thread!!

                        and oooooo!! nice siggy!!

                        gonna go and green you for that if I can!!

                        *goes to the green button down there on the left*

                        <---- there. sort of.
                        Made by me.


                          Originally posted by LittleMissJigsaw View Post

                          As for that fic... Meh. Felt OOC to me... Couldn't get into it. I like my porn with good characterization. (of course, I acknowledge that characterization is highly subjective.)

                          ...And now I'm reminded of all those author's notes where people say: OOC, but who cares, it's just PWP. Always makes me want to head/desk. This is something that comes up on FFrants often. Just 'cause it's plotless sex doesn't mean the characters shouldn't be recognizable.

                          I can never find any IC Jack/Sam PWP... D/V is hard to find as well... Don't think I've EVER come across a John/Teyla PWP...
                          I was gonna bold this whole thing but then I thought that might be a bit much,lol
                          Suffice to say I'm with ya 100% Kelly.
                          First and foremost I want stuff IC.
                          Anything else annoys me...this especially goes for making something 'slash' when that type of relationship never existed in the first place...if you wanna write slash for the chick in SGU who is blatantly gay then knock yourself out but otherwise don't do that to characters who weren't created that way to being with.
                          I didn't used to get why some professional writers(like "Nora" for instance) wouldn't allow their work to be used by fanfic first reaction was that they were being arrogant..."I don't want my characters lowered to that level" kinda thing.
                          But now I get it...
                          Believable, complicated, interesting characters are hard to create(I know I've tried which is why I write DV because they are way better than anything I've ever come up with) and really, after you've spent all that time and effort creating such great characters would you want someone, who hasn't much of a clue about the blood and sweat that went into the creation coming along and twisting them around like Barbie dolls into some weird configuration that isn't 'right' for them.
                          It'd be like someone coming into your house and saying..."hey the people living here are kinda cool but I'd like it even better if they were like this, so that I can fufill my own fantasies".

                          And yeah I know I've probably just offended a whole lot of people but...I just had to get that off my chest.
                          Rant over.


                          My Fiction:


                            Originally posted by Milena_D View Post
                            So..anyone remember epically HUGE reply posts? No? Well this is one of them
                            Oh, one of these?

                            You are one of great wisdom *nods*
                            And don't you forget it, whippersnapper!

                            Now off to school for my final exam! Have a good day everyone!
                            This really isn't the time to point out I finished at Christmas and am now just kicking back and waiting on being smacked across the head with a bonnet?

                            Originally posted by CrazyLikeaFox View Post
                            Oh I adored 10/Rose it all of its angsty glory, hard to find quality fic for these two though.
                            Really? You must be looking in the wrong places, cause I've found plenty. If you've seen Blackpool then I have the most amazing rec for you. And if you haven't, you need to. David Tennant and David Morrissey tangoing and singing along to These Boots Are Made For Walking? No. Words.

                            Originally posted by Milena_D View Post
                            CAT!! *tackles*
                            DOG PILE!

                            What? I don't like being left out!

                            Oh sweet, monster posts *pets*

                            And Uni *and* work? 'Tis of the crappiness. You're not even near the end of your semester are you? Cuz you guys have a different system yeah?
                            I did that for three years. There are days when I wonder how I didn't manage to fail my degree entirely.

                            Originally posted by yessika View Post
                            Hello fruitcakes!!

                            Test went well (I think) and I wish luck to all of you taking finals already. My finals start in two weeks *bites nails*
                            I'm sure it went brilliantly! As will your finals!

                            Originally posted by LittleMissJigsaw View Post
                            I now have the image of them running and singing "We're men, we're men in kilts!" to the tun of "Men in Tights"

                            ...No, I have no idea what my brain is doing. Why do you ask?
                            You know, I think this calls for pics of hot men in kilts. Just, you know, cause.

                            EDIT: and because I just found this... have some OT pretty...
                            Two thumbs way up!

                            Originally posted by LittleMissJigsaw View Post
                            Pfft, as if being under 18 is going to stop anyone...

                            ...Well, it never stopped me...
                            It was lack of ID that scuppered me before I was legal!

                            Originally posted by LittleMissJigsaw View Post
                            Does this mean I have an excuse to type up all the meanings? 'cause I love doing that

                            I present Kelly's Guide to Understanding Fic Tags ()
                            OOC: Out of Character
                            IC: In Character
                            PWP: Porn Without Plot (Plot, What Plot?)
                            Slash: Guy/Guy
                            Femslash: Girl/Girl
                            Het: Guy/Girl
                            non-con: non-consensual sex/touching/kissing etc... effectively: rape
                            dub-con: dubious consent (if drugs/alcohol/magic/etc is involved in the sex/what have you)
                            first time fic: self-explantory; first roll in the hay for your chosen pairing.
                            H/C: Hurt/Comfort
                            fluff: Sugary-sweet things that can either be awesome, or kill you dead from sweet overdose
                            FWP: Fluff Without Plot (see the 'kill you dead' thing)
                            Crack!fic: Humor!fic that's completely out there, and would never happen, ever.
                            Pre-slash/femslash/het: potential is being realized, but the pairing isn't quite there yet
                            Gen: No pairings to be seen, it's just about the characters/plot
                            future!fic: Self explanatory.
                            AU: Alternate Universe
                            Sex-pollen!fic: would fall under dub-con, but specifically involving a plant/monster venom that makes the sexing start
                            kink!fic: Specific kinks that have been requested, and the fic is a result
                            Coda: an interpretation of a scene (or an addition to a scene)
                            Missing Scene: a missing scene from an episode
                            Episode Tag: tacking on an extra scene to the end of an episode
                            Fix-it!fic: Something happened that you didn't like? These fix it.
                            Not Dead Fic: Character specific form of fix-it fic
                            Death!fic: Sometimes, we just like to kill them off
                            genderswitch: What if A was a girl? What if B was a guy? (these are hilarious if they're from a A is still a guy, but got turned into a girl and now must deal with it standpoint... A has always been a girl, was never a guy, isn't as much fun)
                            Kid!fic: any fic involving the pairing having kids
                            pre-series: self explanatory.
                            Highschool/University!AU: specific AU for scenarios involving highschool/college (other specific AUs are: vampires, zombie apocalypse, and kid!AU)
                            Fusion!Fic: Fusing two fandoms together... Example: What if Castiel was an Archaeologist in the employ of the SGC, and Dean Winchester was the space pirate who annoys him... or what if Vala Mal Doran was a demon hunter, and Daniel Jackson was the rogue angel who's helping her avert the apocalypse)
                            RPF: Real Person Fiction... Like, say someone wrote a Claudia/Michael fic (...I don't go near these. Ever.)

                            That's all I can think of right now. I know there's more though. Even more if you went into fandom specific ones. But that would get a little long.
                            See this? This is useful!
                            Banner by Stef.

                            The Daniel/Vala Drinking Game Grab your passion fruit martinis and join in!

                            HELP! HELP! I'M BEING REPRESSED! Vala meets Monty Python.


                              Originally posted by SpacedOutAgain View Post
                              wow! flamin eck!

                              there are oodles of them!

                              I am going to copy them for future ref!!

                              Oh I found a 'missing scene' little fic..

                              From AoT

                              right here - Check it out!
                              Hey thanks...that was pretty good.
                              Wonder why 'whisper' never posted that at AD?


                              My Fiction:


                                Originally posted by SpacedOutAgain View Post
                                thank you!! we do what we can for our thread!!

                                and oooooo!! nice siggy!!

                                gonna go and green you for that if I can!!

                                *goes to the green button down there on the left*

                                <---- there. sort of.
                                *wonders which sig is Space referring to* I wasn't paying attention

                                All the fic lingo is awesome, although I already knew about half of them
                                Sig by Everlovin My YT|My other vid site|My LJ|My Photobucket|My ImageShack|"Stargate is life, Sam and Jack are happiness, Shippers are almighty" by hlndncr

