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Daniel Jackson/Vala Mal Doran Ship/Discussion/Appreciation Thread

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    Haha, Marie, with the show on for another season, I think I'll still have the obsession for a while yet. Shows that are still airing, and stay GOOD keep my attention. SG-1 didn't last as long as past obsessions, because by the time I joined in on the love, it was already over. Yeah, we had movies to keep things new, but there hasn't been anything since Continuum...

    So constant new material to squee over = longer time spent in fandom. No new material to squee over = losing interest

    Haha, well for where I was planning to go with it... If I still had my notes, I'd hand those over to you .... But my general plan was something like this:

    Vala and Jonas become increasingly close friends, all while Vala is trying to get Daniel to notice her... Until she and Daniel have a fight- perhaps similar to the Unending argument. I wasn't sure on that- and Vala naturally goes to her friend, for comfort... I had a small section written that was to take place after the fight, where Vala, upset over what Daniel said to her, kisses Jonas... Things would then have been awkward between all three of them for a while, until Vala and Jonas got stuck together off world for short time (short being a relative term... I was thinking a few days, to a week) and have no choice but to try and ease the awkwardness between themselves, at least.

    After getting stranded, they're even closer than they were before, and Daniel becomes increasingly jealous (and also thinking he was right in saying Vala was just messing with him)... Jonas would be feeling guilty, because while he cared about Vala, Daniel was also his friend, and it was clear that Daniel was NOT okay with how things were going... And Vala would be feeling torn between the fact that she's still in love with Daniel, but also cares greatly for Jonas...

    Through some series of events that I hadn't planned out, Jonas would have made Vala admit her feelings for Daniel, because he can see how bad things are getting...

    All in all, it would have ended with Daniel and Vala being together (or at least working towards being together)... I hadn't yet thought of a way to make sure Jonas ended up happy, too XD

    EDIT: to clarify, Daniel's jealousy wouldn't have been like "OMG RAGE!" jealousy, but "Damn, I wish I was him, but I'll be happy for them, even if it hurts" jealousy

    EDIT2: As far as my obsession with SPN goes... Michael Shanks' episode is next week. I'm hoping those of you who are watching just for him will get hooked =P
    Last edited by LittleMissJigsaw; 29 March 2010, 12:22 PM.


      I plan on watching just to support Michael Shanks. I tried getting into Supernatural, but I'm not a big fan of Jensen Ackles as an actor. He kinda ruined Dark Angel for me, too. Something about his acting is just like nails against a chalk board for me. But I am a tough critic, so....

      I think Jonas could be happy in the end. I've got that going on with the Sheppard/Vala/Daniel triangle I created at the end of my last fic and plan to carry it into the next. Vala's gonna have some time with Sheppard and some fluffy moments even (OMG! I am trying my hand at fluff instead of torture and angst!!), but it won't last. She's gonna end up with Daniel and since Sheppard is a pretty observant guy, he's pretty much gonna know it's not working. I'm toying with him being the one to end it, step aside so Daniel and Vala can be together. I think it would be the same way with Jonas. Especially with all the stuff he had been through in your story, I don't see him actually falling in love with Vala at that point, so he wouldn't be hurt. Enjoy her company and care about her, yes. Fall in love with her, no. He still had too much healing he had to do. You had a great setup there. *sigh* Will the Stargate comics count as new material for you? Come join the movie campaign so we can get new material and so you can finish this one. *vala style grin*
      Save the Stargate Movies Campaign: Official Site, LiveJournal, Facebook, Twitter, YouTube
      My Fanfiction I sail on certain 'ships, but try to avoid the fluff!


        No fan of Jensen? Dude, he's AWESOME. Did you try to get into in season 1? I admit, both him and Jared had a few issues in that one, but NOW? Holy Acting, Batman! Well, to Jensen, anyway. Jared is good, don't get me wrong, but Jensen, at least in my opinion, is frikking amazing.... Right up there on the amazing column with him is Misha Collins...

        Sheppard/Vala/Daniel is always a fun one XD.

        You mean I'm not the only one who ends up writing all angst and torture? *hugs*

        as for the comics: well, I probably won't be able to read them, so....


          I loved Jensen in Dark Angel (oh how I miss Dark Angel!) and I really like his acting and Jared's acting too, I can't really pick who I like best though

          I live in the past, almost all my famdoms are shows that have ended (most of them not recently)
          Sig by Everlovin My YT|My other vid site|My LJ|My Photobucket|My ImageShack|"Stargate is life, Sam and Jack are happiness, Shippers are almighty" by hlndncr


            A bunch of my favorite shows are long gone. *sigh* I miss them. In the last year plus or so I've gotten into some more, but a lot of them I watch, I can take or leave.

            A lot of the one's I'm getting into these days are like Mythbusters or Bizzare Foods.

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            It is better to be crazy for Jesus than a wise man for Satan. Laters, Misi


              I never watched Dark Angel... I think I may have seen maybe ONE episode, at like, 3 in the morning... Kinda like how I was introduced to Dr. Who...

              Eh, Ever, for me if it's a show I can skip seeing, I'm probably not going to bother with it, ever. For example, I keep saying I'm going to watch the rest of this season of Heroes... And maybe I would have, already if I weren't missing an episode... But I'm in no hurry to get the episode, because while I want to see how things go... Meh, the show's just not that good anymore, and I'm not going to go nutty if I don't know what happens.

              Another example of this is Chuck. Chuck was AWESOME at first... then they started yanking the whole Chuck/Sarah thing in a million different directions at once, and it became a "meh, I'll watch it later, if there's nothing else to do" thing... and now I'm a season behind, with no real interest in catching up...

              So yeah, if it's something I can miss, I don't bother at all.


                I'm into my new shows, I'm just more into shows that have ended

                I can't really get into Dr. Who, I have a thing against the same character different actor deal
                Sig by Everlovin My YT|My other vid site|My LJ|My Photobucket|My ImageShack|"Stargate is life, Sam and Jack are happiness, Shippers are almighty" by hlndncr


                  There are shows that just fill up the time. If I remember it's on, then sure. But I'm not going to get all upset when it's not.

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                  It is better to be crazy for Jesus than a wise man for Satan. Laters, Misi


                    Yessika, you obviously never watch soaps then. Not that I do anymore, but there were a few characters that they couldn't get the casting right. And of course, they rewrote the character to suit the new actor regardless of how they were before.

                    At least Dr Who is the same underlying character from actor to actor.

                    Click here daily to give free mammograms

                    It is better to be crazy for Jesus than a wise man for Satan. Laters, Misi


                      Well, maybe if I had TV, I'd be like that as well... Actually, I used to be... But since I don't and can only download shows... If I can stand to miss them, they're not worth the hard-drive space.

                      Yessi: How have you managed in SPN, then? 3 actors for Meg, 2 for Ruby, I-dunno-how-many for Azazel... 4 for Lucifer, 2 for Cas, probably a couple for Michael in the end... 2 for Dean (flashback kids not included)

                      I don't mind the different actor/same character thing too much, as long as the new actor can handle the role.... The exception I think is Cas, 'cause anyone but Misha playing him would be a tragedy, and to that end, I am SO glad he only possessed the girl for a short amount of time...

                      But for the Doctor, it's actually not really the same character. Each Doctor is essentially a different person.

                      EDIT: To clarify... I don't mind different actor/same character IF there is a reason for it... possession, in the case of SPN for example, different vessels... Or the Doctor, he changes bodies... That works... In shows where they just randomly bring in a new actor for no reason? That doesn't fly

                      EDIT2: No wait... FOUR for Ruby... I forgot the chick, and the maid in I Know What You Did Last Summer
                      Last edited by LittleMissJigsaw; 29 March 2010, 05:14 PM.


                        Well, there a shows like SPN where I can make exceptions because I just like the show way to much to stop watching
                        Sig by Everlovin My YT|My other vid site|My LJ|My Photobucket|My ImageShack|"Stargate is life, Sam and Jack are happiness, Shippers are almighty" by hlndncr


                          Try Doctor Who (at least Doctors 9 and 10... and possibly 11), then. If you like it, it'll be one you love enough to grant an exception


                            Originally posted by LittleMissJigsaw View Post
                            Try Doctor Who (at least Doctors 9 and 10... and possibly 11), then. If you like it, it'll be one you love enough to grant an exception
                            Is too late because I already saw the new Doctor and let's just say I do not approve
                            Sig by Everlovin My YT|My other vid site|My LJ|My Photobucket|My ImageShack|"Stargate is life, Sam and Jack are happiness, Shippers are almighty" by hlndncr


                              Ahhh, okay.

                              Heh, I was hooked from... well, not the first episode... That was at 3 in the morning, and I couldn't remember most of it. Hell, I didn't know it was Doctor Who until I stumbled across the episode again, when I watched the series... But I was hooked from the time I watched 9's pilot...


                                Nice!! Well most of the people I talk to watch Doctor Who so I'm never out of the loop

                                I am watching Unending for the first time this Thursday!! *jumps up and down*
                                Sig by Everlovin My YT|My other vid site|My LJ|My Photobucket|My ImageShack|"Stargate is life, Sam and Jack are happiness, Shippers are almighty" by hlndncr

