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Daniel Jackson/Vala Mal Doran Ship/Discussion/Appreciation Thread

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    Hi all,

    Have just caught up with all the posts after two weeks leave (it's taken a week). Just wanted to say thanks for all the fics, vids and wallpapers. Have read, watched , laughed, nearly cried to them all and they've got me over the holiday blues.

    Thanks again guys, you're great.


      Love at first sight??

      He's her Lobster!
      LTS: Life's too short


        I say maybe. Definitely seriously interested at first sight.=)
        thanks Stef

        Thanks Wendy


          Thank you for your welcome and the wouderful PU pictures.
          The cake is a lie!


            Hey everyone!

            Welcome to the dark side Iolanda!

            Is it just me, or do those Kull Warrior suits look Darth Vader-ish?

            And is anyone as excited as me about the HP release to night? I'm going to queue right after work and get it at midnight
            Banner by Stef.

            The Daniel/Vala Drinking Game Grab your passion fruit martinis and join in!

            HELP! HELP! I'M BEING REPRESSED! Vala meets Monty Python.


              More like the Storm troopers. Darth wore a cape.

              Re: Harry Potter.
              Sorry. Took the nephews to see the latest movie and it didn't do much for me. Must admit, I am curious to hear who dies in the latest book. There are a few rumours of the net but who knows if it is true.

              He's her Lobster!
              LTS: Life's too short


                Originally posted by Kath Pup View Post
                Hey everyone!

                And is anyone as excited as me about the HP release to night? I'm going to queue right after work and get it at midnight
                I'm just as excited as you regarding HP. Lining up at 8 tomorrow morning for my copy.

                Just wanted to add how much I also love PU. Got the 8th season dvds so I could re watch that fantastic episode, as well as listen to the commentary.

                Fav part - very hard to chose just one but I'd have to say:

                The fight (of course)

                Banner by Stef
                Fruitcakes Anonymous C2


                  Hey! Another Aussie!
                  Were you as PO as me that they didn't show Stargate this week?

                  He's her Lobster!
                  LTS: Life's too short


                    I was soooooo PO that stupid channel seven took Stargate off! For goodness sake its on at 11 at night and they replaced it with a repeat of some show. Just when they were going to broadcast one of my fav eps (the pegasus project).
                    I will be cursing them until they put it back on.

                    Banner by Stef
                    Fruitcakes Anonymous C2


                      According to the online guides it's back on next week. (But who knows for how long?!)
                      Bring on the DVDs.

                      He's her Lobster!
                      LTS: Life's too short


                        Question is will the dvds be out soo after they are in the states? Looking forward to the dvds though.

                        Also just remembered that PU was broadcast in Australia after all the episodes of season eight were shown. Remember seeing an episode of Stargate being randomly stuck into the schedule after the end of season eight and wishfully though it was the beginning of season nine. Anyway watched it and though it was the best episode I'd seen. Took me ages to figure out that it was actually from the middle of season eight. Also remember how eager I was to find out more about Vala's character and hoping that she would be back - which she was.

                        Banner by Stef
                        Fruitcakes Anonymous C2


                          The DVDs are out August 29th according to EzyDVD.

                          PU is a stand alone episode so fits in anywhere. I love it too! I think i tuned out in season eight because of all the scheduling changes but caught it later on DVD. Season nine made me want to watch them all again and catch up on the ones I missed.

                          He's her Lobster!
                          LTS: Life's too short


                            August 29th? I'd better start saving for it then cause I must have it.

                            I own season nine but i honestly haven't watched all of the episodes on the dvds, though I've watched all of the Vala episodes. Clearly I'm obsessed.

                            Banner by Stef
                            Fruitcakes Anonymous C2


                              I'm looking forward to the commentaries and behind the scenes extras. And watching the epis again, of course.
                              So I guess I'm obsessed too!

                              He's her Lobster!
                              LTS: Life's too short


                                Better have fantastic commentary for 'Unending' bet that's the one we're all looking forward to.

                                Banner by Stef
                                Fruitcakes Anonymous C2

