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Daniel Jackson/Vala Mal Doran Ship/Discussion/Appreciation Thread

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    Okay, so I've just updated my site. I've made a poll asking what people's favorite vids are of mine, feel free to take a minute to cast your vote. You can choose multiple if you like but try to limit it to 2-3



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      Okay, let's make the final push in the favorite ship episodes picture contest to place "Dominion." Come on, everyone loved that episode....the least you could do is vote for it We only need 6 more! Some pictures:


      If you don't vote (shame on you!), you can at least enjoy the caps You know during the video scene when Vala says something about a pay raise and Daniel turns it off, Daniel does this adorable little little head-shake thing that I love. I can't describe, it was just so cute


      PHOTOBUCKET // WEBSITE // LIVEJOURNAL---------------------------------------------------------


        Originally posted by Stef View Post
        Okay, so I've just updated my site. I've made a poll asking what people's favorite vids are of mine, feel free to take a minute to cast your vote. You can choose multiple if you like but try to limit it to 2-3

        MEDIA PAGE


        Okay, voted

        EDIT: I also voted in the ship game too!!!
        Last edited by DJgirl; 12 July 2007, 12:08 PM.
        Sig made by me


          Originally posted by Stef View Post
          First off, why are there long discussions about Daniel/Vala in a SAM/DANIEL thread?! Here's the thing, I can understand someone not entirely buying the romantic angle at various points throughout the season....but you have to admit that there is something going on there that is deeper than friendship, and certainly more than a responsibility to the IOA! There is a reason why we saw Daniel's concern more than anyone else's in MM. How was "Unending" explained?
          It is more snide comments in funny captions of pictures and in linked fic. There was this one fic that was going through the last half of season 10 with Sam/Daniel and Cam/Vala and to explain Unending where Vala and Daniel basically dumped their SO's they had some Asgard illness that infected only them and made them forget their proper relationships. It was painful. That is some serious denile.

          I like Sam/Daniel but only after Sha're's death and before Vala shows up to the SGC. That is the reason I go to the thread and read the fic.

          Wouldn't it? I'd love it....but I'm sure it would only cause a lot of wrath if they brought her over...even for only one episode.

          I can only imagine the wank storm that would cause. Oi!
          thanks Stef

          Thanks Wendy


            Originally posted by MaeveBran View Post
            It is more snide comments in funny captions of pictures and in linked fic. There was this one fic that was going through the last half of season 10 with Sam/Daniel and Cam/Vala and to explain Unending where Vala and Daniel basically dumped their SO's they had some Asgard illness that infected only them and made them forget their proper relationships. It was painful. That is some serious denile.

            I like Sam/Daniel but only after Sha're's death and before Vala shows up to the SGC. That is the reason I go to the thread and read the fic.

            I can only imagine the wank storm that would cause. Oi!
            It would be insane! Although, she'd probably get less flack than Sam since it would only be a one-shot...but there'd still be an outrage At least right now, there's a little bit of sympathy aimed in Vala's direction since she's not on the DVD cover, not among the staunchest haters, but by some of the fans who are more ambivalent towards her character. Speaking of the DVDs, did anyone see what they did with SGA? Cut out poor Beckett. Someone is seriously dropping the ball on these DVDs!!

            You see, even when I go back and watch old episodes, I just can't see anything more than friendship between Sam/Daniel. I guess it's because I like more contrasting personalities....those two seem too similar. Part of the reason why I love the Daniel from these last two seasons so much is because of the spark that Vala brings out in him. She kind of livens him up! And I like Sam when she's with Cam because he brings out her more playful, teasing side.


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              Originally posted by Stef View Post
              You see, even when I go back and watch old episodes, I just can't see anything more than friendship between Sam/Daniel. I guess it's because I like more contrasting personalities....those two seem too similar. Part of the reason why I love the Daniel from these last two seasons so much is because of the spark that Vala brings out in him. She kind of livens him up! And I like Sam when she's with Cam because he brings out her more playful, teasing side.

              I can see Sam/Daniel (and have written such fic) in various places but mostly seasons seven and eight if pete weren't around but I do prefer DanielVala. I agree that Vala brings out a spark in Daniel that he needs.
              thanks Stef

              Thanks Wendy


                Originally posted by Stef View Post
                As for other pairings, I can't hold anything against J/S fans because there were many of them that came in here after "Unending" and offered their congratulations I thought that was really classy.
                Can't believe I forgot to mention that in my post. Those are some top notch fans in my opinion.

                Originally posted by Stef View Post
                You see, even when I go back and watch old episodes, I just can't see anything more than friendship between Sam/Daniel. I guess it's because I like more contrasting personalities....those two seem too similar. Part of the reason why I love the Daniel from these last two seasons so much is because of the spark that Vala brings out in him. She kind of livens him up! And I like Sam when she's with Cam because he brings out her more playful, teasing side.
                This is pretty much my reason for not seeing Sam/Daniel either. I mean Sam, Daniel, and Teal'c are practically related. The idea of Sam and Daniel being a couple is actually kinda creepy to me. Just like Daniel/Janet. To each their own I guess.


                  I like Sam but I honestly just can't see her with Daniel. I do like their relationship in a brotherly sister kind of way.
                  I think a lot of fans went against Vala because she supposedly "monopolised" Daniel's time. But who could ignore that chemistry? The show was crying out for a bit of fun to be thrown back in.
                  I was watching "Morpheus" last night and personally found the scenes without Vala a snoozefest. (pun intended) Claudia lights up the screen when she is on. (I like boys but I think I have a girlcrush on Claudia!)

                  He's her Lobster!
                  LTS: Life's too short


                    Originally posted by djay View Post
                    (I like boys but I think I have a girlcrush on Claudia!)
                    Hehe, you're not alone. I think I may actually be in love! *swoon*


                      Originally posted by MaeveBran View Post
                      Ok you are not alone in your confusion about PP. Ilove it to bits but no other episode in the entire series sets me ranting like PP. Yes I do mena this one out of all 214 episodes. You know the two things that tip me over the edge are so small as to be almost insignificant but they drive me up the wall.

                      Firstly, In the firt five minutes of New Order Part1 (the first episdoe of season 8), even before the credits, Daniel and Elizabeth exchnaged permission to call each other by their first names. So what the frak is this "Dr. Jackson" and "Dr. Weir" business? Did they have a fight? Did they become a couple and brake up because he missed the Daedalus? Elizabeth particularly is inclined to call people by their first names. Yes when she is talking to Zalenka and Chuck about Daniel "Dr. Jackson" is appropriate but to address Daniel as "Dr. Jackson"? Not really in character.

                      The other thing that bugs me is the obvious Canadianism that MS perpetrates in the otherwise American Daniel Jackson. Every American I have ever heard refer to grades in grade school as First Grade or in the case of the grade refered to in PP Fifth Grade. The only other time I've heard the phrasing of "Grade Five" was by a Canadian Character on the show Due South. I don't know why but this drives me bonkers.

                      But I do love how touchy feelly Daniel is with Vala in PP. Daniel doesn't do much touching of people in general but Vala he can't keep his hands off. Yes some of it is to steer her in the right direction but if you watch closely you'll see that practically every time they are standing next to each other he takes the oportunity to touch her.

                      I love the way that at first Vala annoys Daniel with the way she wants to search the Ancient library but after a while it seems like they work to geather well.
                      OMG Maeve, you caught the "Grade Five" thing???????LOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOL...that's hysterical...since I've never come across anybody ever mentioning it before I assumed that it went right most people's heads....gotta admit I didn't catch until the second time I saw..the first time I saw PP was on my computer monitor and the words didn't register at all...the second time on my TV, I suddenly burst out laughing, my husband and son look at me going "what's so funny", so in between laughing I said "Michael just let a Canadianism slip"...and ultimately that's what it was...'a slip''s the way he's used to saying it and it's the fault of whomever was in charge of script continuity that it wasn't caught...just like the little slip-up in 'Shroud' between Daniel being on Odyssey with Jack and then on the Ori ship is also the fault of 'continuity' is that weird thing with trying to explain how with BB's Texas accent Cam is from Kansas.
                      Personally(and this would probably be because I share his nationality and am very proud that such an extraordinary talent is a son of my home and native land)I love catching the little things that show MS's the Grade 5 that the picture of him eating from the box of crackers(that really made me grin the first time I saw it), first of all I love those crackers myself and second understanding why the box he was eating from had French on it)..and he's says something in PU(can't remember the line) but just the intonation in his voice, my son and I looked at each other when we were watching it and both said at the same time..."there should have been an 'eh' at the end of that line."

                      One of things that everyone does well is finding ways of making slip-ups the person who explained about the Texas/Kansas thing by saying that Cam as a child and as an adult had moved around to so many areas of the country that he speaks in the accent of whatever area he had been in most if this Grade Five thing bothers you that much look at it this way...Daniel didn't live in the US until he was 8/9 so in the preceding years when they were in Egypt and thought he should be getting a more formal education his parents hired a tutor who happened to be Canadian so that's how he learned to say it...then relearnt it when he came to school in the US but still occasionally slips up.
                      As to the rest of your comments about PP...yeah I was thinking alot of the same things.


                      My Fiction:


                        Okay is my first attempt at using Photoshop

                        Fits in perfectly with There'sDay
                        Last edited by DJgirl; 12 July 2007, 07:16 PM.
                        Sig made by me


                          Originally posted by DJgirl View Post
                          Okay is my first attempt at using Photoshop

                          Fits in perfectly with There'sDay
                          Not bad! Not bad at all. I know I certainly wasn't that good when I first dabbled in Photoshop lol! You seem to have a good grasp on the basics. Can't wait to see more.


                            Originally posted by DJgirl View Post
                            Okay is my first attempt at using Photoshop

                            Fits in perfectly with There'sDay
                            Wow, that's actually really good! The way you were talking, I was expecting part of their heads to be missing Definitely better than what I came up with on my first attempt (I have deleted all traces of my earlier art...bleh). Seriously, it looks like it came from someone who's spent a good amount of time working with Photoshop, not a novice. Can't wait to see what else you come up with when you learn some more tricks

                            Okay, so I admit that I am a geek...but here's the thing, I try to curb how much geeky-ness I show to friends and family. Until now, nobody outside of you wonderful people knew I made music videos in my spare time. I'm only now slowly easing my new geekified Stargate friend into the fact that I am more obsessed than I let on. So, I sent her what I consider to be my strongest vid to date: Everything Burns. She apparently loved it (even more than my personal fav "Farscape" video "Fix You" that I sent her a link to!). All of her compliments have me on such a high right now I love getting comments from you guys, but it's so wonderful to have a friend gush over something I've done.

                            If I weren't exhausted and in desperate need of packing, this would have spurred me to work on some more of my current projects (specifically that "Falling For You" vid I promised a couple of people here while in a sleepy haze). I'm just so happy right now.....

                            *skips off to bed* Night!


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                              Originally posted by iheartvala View Post
                              Not bad! Not bad at all. I know I certainly wasn't that good when I first dabbled in Photoshop lol! You seem to have a good grasp on the basics. Can't wait to see more.
                              Thanks iheartvala!! I have had experience in other graphics programs(none quite like PS) so maybe that helped a little bit I am already hooked and addicted...hehehe

                              Originally posted by Stef View Post
                              Wow, that's actually really good! The way you were talking, I was expecting part of their heads to be missing Definitely better than what I came up with on my first attempt (I have deleted all traces of my earlier art...bleh). Seriously, it looks like it came from someone who's spent a good amount of time working with Photoshop, not a novice. Can't wait to see what else you come up with when you learn some more tricks

                              Okay, so I admit that I am a geek...but here's the thing, I try to curb how much geeky-ness I show to friends and family. Until now, nobody outside of you wonderful people knew I made music videos in my spare time. I'm only now slowly easing my new geekified Stargate friend into the fact that I am more obsessed than I let on. So, I sent her what I consider to be my strongest vid to date: Everything Burns. She apparently loved it (even more than my personal fav "Farscape" video "Fix You" that I sent her a link to!). All of her compliments have me on such a high right now I love getting comments from you guys, but it's so wonderful to have a friend gush over something I've done.

                              If I weren't exhausted and in desperate need of packing, this would have spurred me to work on some more of my current projects (specifically that "Falling For You" vid I promised a couple of people here while in a sleepy haze). I'm just so happy right now.....

                              *skips off to bed* Night!


                              Well to be honest Stef, I wasn't sure how it was going to turn out either. That took me the better part of an hour or so to make. A few of the things I did, was pure luck. I just kept clicking buttons and finally got something I wanted. I am glad that I have all weekend to play with this

                              Thanks for the encouragement ladies!!
                              Sig made by me


                                Originally posted by iheartvala View Post
                                oy those Sam/Daniel people...I'll never understand why they've become the anti Vala club.
                                <sigh>...ya know anytime I go wandering thru those threads the same name is always appearing(ya'll know which one I refer to, so we don't have to actually type it out loud) waxing on and on about the loss of Sam and Daniel's friendship and making a big to-do about how she's so sad that almost everyone except her thinks that Sam and Daniel will always be just sister and brother...<sigh>really does become quite tiresome...anyway beyond that the attitude(and not just her's, it seems to be the same with almost anyone is Pro S/D and Anti-D/V) seems to be that the only legitimate Daniel is pre-S6...after descension he just isn't Daniel anymore because all of a sudden he isn't the young, naive archeologist but gradually takes on a more military stance...and yeah the stuff that excites young Daniel fascinates me too, BUT how would it be possible for someone to work in that environment with those people day in and day out for 5 years and NOT be changed somehow...I wonder how the people who can't handle the change in him, handle things and people changing in their own lives???????
                                So their biggest problem with D/V always appears to be that <gasp>their pre-S6 Daniel(the supposedly only true Daniel) would NEVER be attracted to Vala...she would throw him for a loop...which is true she would...and to a certain extent even in post-S6 Daniel there are glimpses of pre-S6 Daniel because at times he still doesn't know what to make of her...especially in S9.

                                Lately I've been reading all those weird little relationship/dating articles that come up on MSN and Yahoo...sorta like research for the pieces of my 'Lifetime' series...and I read an interesting one about what attracts a guy...the one item that really twigged D/V wise for me was "challenges him"' yeah big time, from the get go she challenged be the leader he could be?...because certainly in S10 I see him as having a more overt leadership role in the team...Cam might be the military leader, but Daniel is almost the leader beyond that.
                                I think what I'm trying to say is that basically they don't like Vala because she represents the changes in Daniel that they don't like.
                                And look I rambled AGAIN instead of inputting the next two sections of 'first day' into 'alldaniel'.


                                My Fiction:

