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Daniel Jackson/Vala Mal Doran Ship/Discussion/Appreciation Thread

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    Originally posted by DJgirl View Post
    *uses Jedi Mind Trick, waves hand* Yes you want to make this video
    I second Wendy; you gotta make this vid, Stef!!

    Originally posted by djay View Post
    A new wallpaper all about Vala.
    Very nice, DJAY

    aah I'm so jealous of you gals' creativity



      Originally posted by djay View Post
      Did you girls catch the latest news on Claudia Black?

      There is a preview on YouTube but she is using an American accent. (Why!??)

      HOLY CRAP! Can't wait for this! Looks like she just has a small supporting role though


        One of my favourite scenes from Dominion.
        Thanks to Wendy for the caps.


        He's her Lobster!
        LTS: Life's too short


          Hi, just a 'post and run' while I got a minute.

          Everyone read the latest chapter(that would be chapter 11) of this:

          THE BEST 'issues disclosure/confrontation' I have ever read...followed by some lovely 'snuggly' stuff.
          Wish I could pull it off as well

          My Fiction:


            Originally posted by Stef View Post
            ITA! I love Tomin/Vala...there's a kind of "classic" aspect about them. This tragic relationship between two people who fall in love despite all of the obstacles between them. Tomin really helped her mature, and she kind of reawakened Tomin after years of isolation and loneliness. And I have to imagine that his role as Adria's stepfather helped him secure a position in the army. All of their scenes are just so great....and heartbreaking. I'm kind of looking forward to and dreading AoT at the same time.
            I'm afraid that Tomin will die, will sacrifice himself for Vala. Which is good because then Vala can move on, but also sad because I don't want him to die!

            I agree... *sigh* ... I totally agree!
            Being a shipper, is the only way to be.
            |My Fanfics|My Fanart|My Orig. Stories|


              Originally posted by gioia View Post

              (I'm soo loving this pic)
              What the heck is that on the tee shirt on his right shoulder? That has bugged me for weeks trying to figiure that out.
              thanks Stef

              Thanks Wendy


                Originally posted by Stef View Post
                See, those are valid points. In my head, I know that they were great episodes....but for some reason I just don't connect to them in the same way that I do to all of the other ones. Hence, why I like "Uninvited" more than PP or "Counterstrike" (BLASPHEMY!!!!!). There are definite moments in each that I like PP: the balcony, Daniel going off on Morgan, explosions, SGA meets SG-1, Rodney/ Counterstrike: Sha're discussion and Adria's entrance. I'm a freak, aren't I? I'm probably the only person on this board who didn't love PP Maybe I should see a doctor. And I can't even blame it on a lack of D/V.....because there was some. But I also love episodes that have NO DV, so I know it's not just me being narrow-minded. Bleh. Doesn't someone out there somewhere share my confusion?!

                This is why I would be chatting up a storm in this theoretical thread for confused opinions.

                Can't wait to see what you have to say, DJgirl!

                I feel like I should be doing something...oh, that's right, packing up for my big move on Saturday. Eh, I'll just do that tomorrow-Saturday. Besides, I have no boxes anyway. Time to go to the liquor store.....for boxes

                Ok you are not alone in your confusion about PP. Ilove it to bits but no other episode in the entire series sets me ranting like PP. Yes I do mena this one out of all 214 episodes. You know the two things that tip me over the edge are so small as to be almost insignificant but they drive me up the wall.

                Firstly, In the firt five minutes of New Order Part1 (the first episdoe of season 8), even before the credits, Daniel and Elizabeth exchnaged permission to call each other by their first names. So what the frak is this "Dr. Jackson" and "Dr. Weir" business? Did they have a fight? Did they become a couple and brake up because he missed the Daedalus? Elizabeth particularly is inclined to call people by their first names. Yes when she is talking to Zalenka and Chuck about Daniel "Dr. Jackson" is appropriate but to address Daniel as "Dr. Jackson"? Not really in character.

                The other thing that bugs me is the obvious Canadianism that MS perpetrates in the otherwise American Daniel Jackson. Every American I have ever heard refer to grades in grade school as First Grade or in the case of the grade refered to in PP Fifth Grade. The only other time I've heard the phrasing of "Grade Five" was by a Canadian Character on the show Due South. I don't know why but this drives me bonkers.

                But I do love how touchy feelly Daniel is with Vala in PP. Daniel doesn't do much touching of people in general but Vala he can't keep his hands off. Yes some of it is to steer her in the right direction but if you watch closely you'll see that practically every time they are standing next to each other he takes the oportunity to touch her.

                I love the way that at first Vala annoys Daniel with the way she wants to search the Ancient library but after a while it seems like they work to geather well.
                thanks Stef

                Thanks Wendy


                  Ohh, so many things to catch up but work is still waiting
                  I'll be back soon hopefully
                  Banner made by Stef

                  Save the sexy female alien, save the SG-1


                    Just saw the cover art for Stargate Atlantis season 3:

                    WTF?? They can fit five characters on Atlantis but not on SG1 with Vala included?!!!
                    Grrrrrrrrrrrrrrr! Not happy.

                    He's her Lobster!
                    LTS: Life's too short


                      Originally posted by djay View Post
                      Just saw the cover art for Stargate Atlantis season 3:

                      WTF?? They can fit five characters on Atlantis but not on SG1 with Vala included?!!!
                      Grrrrrrrrrrrrrrr! Not happy.

                      stupid ******* *******
                      Banner made by Stef

                      Save the sexy female alien, save the SG-1


                        Ok. Longggg catch-up post.

                        Originally posted by Stef View Post
                        So out of curiosity (and hope that I am not really as obsessive as I think I am), I went and checked out the "Who Posted?" stats. What did I discover? Yup, I am that obsessive. I'm at an impressive top-posting spot with exactly 1200 posts in this thread alone (1201 now). Second is our dear Kales who I saw lurking here earlier. DJgirl, you and gioia are making impressing numbers as well considering you joined later than I did. 797 and 534 respectively.
                        ohh..534 and my total post is something 700. And I've been active-delurked since Marth-Unending. Hehehe I think I've a little obbession here as well, Stef aand like you DJGirl although I'm most active here

                        Originally posted by Kath Pup View Post
                        To reply to random things I can remember from my scanning:

                        It seems they make D/V more antagonistic after the really emotional ones. I think it's because it's Daniel and Vala are pulling away slightly, as if they're scared to admit that they are getting closer.

                        Family Ties: I liked it, but I was disappointed becase of the potential of it! So much that could of been done that wasn't... *le sigh*
                        You're absolutely right about the angonistic thing. After they get closed, they push away themselves. Defense mechanisim, me thinks.

                        Family Ties was a good example of wasting of a good oppurtunity/potential for having a good episode. I think all writers should examine it.

                        Originally posted by isabelqc View Post
                        *running in*

                        Hey everybody, just coming in to drop off a drabble that came to me in response to all the I love you talk that we had going on before


                        Two Words

                        When Vala said the words, they were whispered. A murmured secret infused with the cherry of her gum. She leaned behind; her arms wrapped loosely around his waist and rested her chin on his shoulder.

                        The words were soft and invisible but they covered him, a warm blanket a mother uses to soothe her child.

                        She then did nothing. No kiss. No tease. She just moved away, her warmth remaining, and did nothing. His eyes followed her and smiled. He knew the words were whispered for a reason. Secret words for him to keep, not to act on. Just knowledge. Only for him. To keep until they were ready.

                        And for the rest of my fics, cuz LC asked, well I have stuff written I´m just waiting for my internet craziness to end, then you guys will be sooo fraking spoil with fic, that you just might OD. All I´m saying is Noir is finished, Chains has been a going good, and Unending, fluff, team ficness, and comedy galore. *cue evil laughter*
                        First, hullo, cara.
                        Nice little ficlet. Can't wait to see your goodies

                        Originally posted by DJgirl View Post
                        I loved MM. Everything about it was perfection. I have said many times, I was a shipper from the second she took off that mask in PU, and I had waited quite a while for an ep like this. It is obvious that there are feelings on both ends( I still stand by my previous post in that Vala didn't really know the extent of her feelings until TQ2), and it just made my heart all a flutter!! The date was great, the hug, Daniel acting truly concerned. Just a great ep all around!!
                        Yeah, you're right too. As I said before I like those moments, that aspect of their relationship, Daniel's confession about her but at the end I can't help but feel there has to be something more, much more. Don't get me wrong though, I've seen it a lot of times and enjoyed it but it seems to me a lot of things happened off-screen. Like how Vala pulled herself back after the team found her. We didn't see it. I'd like to see scenes between Daniel/Vala, how is bad to remember all of things happened to her. I think I wanted to see a little more angsty. Humour is good but that episode also requires more angst, imo.
                        I dunno, it's Vala, of course, hiding herself behind a cheerful facade but I think I assumed that things should have been different with Daniel.

                        The Shroud....Their talk was amazing!!! Every aspect of it spoke volumes for their relationship. Him being comfortable with her sitting on his lap(not that he had a choice, but it didn't look like he minded), her sitting on his lap, even though he was a Prior. The trust is just so completely there in those few minutes. One of my favorite scenes of the season!!
                        Their talk was amazing, one of the most powerful scenes of the history of SG-1 but as a whole episode, I've problems with it too. It happened too fast. It should have been two episode. I liked it but again it could be done much better. Stupid budget, I guess. But I really like Vala in Shroud. As Stef said somewhere below, one minute she was playful, and he was responding it, and the next they were all serious, 'get down on the business'.

                        Originally posted by iheartvala View Post
                        I gotta say, even though I thought Daniel's behavior in this episode sucked, it made perfect sense to me. I mean D/V was a hard ship to sell right up until Unending so did you really expect TPTB to give us what we wanted? Here's what Company of Thieves said to me, as far as D/V...Daniel had just spent two weeks on the edge, constantly worrying about Vala and as Michael Shanks said in the AOL preview for MM, Daniel came to realize some things about his deep connection to Vala, and hello...this is Daniel we're talking about so NATURALLY he would back off and become colder to protect himself. Not to mention the fact that in COT, Vala employed some of her less than reputable contacts to get the SGC what they needed, which clearly upsets Daniel.

                        I mean when you think about it, doesn't COT actually speak volumes about his feelings for her, and the ship in general? Daniel cares about her so much that he goes completely irrational, doubting her intentions (where earlier he had begun to trust her), and actually getting angry at her for being able to help in the way that she did. I mean if you remember the short convo in the cargo ship where Daniel accuses Vala of pocketing some of the naquada the SGC gave her, she really did seem shocked and hurt at his accusation because it was so out of place for them at the time. As much as we don't want it to be the case, Daniel is probably going to continue to protect himself for a while with Vala because he seems to be that afraid of being hurt. No one has said much about the way he treated her in 200 or Bad Guys either, but those both pop out in my head as other circumstances when he was needlessly impatient with her.

                        COT for me makes the Unending rant completely reasonable (although still mean ).
                        Iheartvala,very, very good insight in both of them. I can't say more than 'I agree'.

                        LC_, I agree with you too. Nice analysis.

                        Originally posted by djay View Post
                        Did you girls catch the latest news on Claudia Black?

                        There is a preview on YouTube but she is using an American accent. (Why!??)

                        Yay!! I really want to see her again in TV even though it would be a small recurring role. But I like her real accent better. To my ears, it was awesome.

                        Originally posted by LC_ View Post
                        Hi, just a 'post and run' while I got a minute.

                        Everyone read the latest chapter(that would be chapter 11) of this:

                        THE BEST 'issues disclosure/confrontation' I have ever read...followed by some lovely 'snuggly' stuff.
                        Wish I could pull it off as well
                        ahh, I adore her fics. She is my favorite author in Dala fathom.
                        Her stories are amazing.
                        I strongly reccomend them to those who interested with fan fictions. Especially her Qetesh/Vala/Daniel one. It is A.M.A.Z.I.N.G.
                        Last edited by gioia; 12 July 2007, 02:20 AM.
                        Banner made by Stef

                        Save the sexy female alien, save the SG-1


                          Ok. Longggg catch-up post.

                          Originally posted by Stef View Post
                          So out of curiosity (and hope that I am not really as obsessive as I think I am), I went and checked out the "Who Posted?" stats. What did I discover? Yup, I am that obsessive. I'm at an impressive top-posting spot with exactly 1200 posts in this thread alone (1201 now). Second is our dear Kales who I saw lurking here earlier. DJgirl, you and gioia are making impressing numbers as well considering you joined later than I did. 797 and 534 respectively.
                          ohh..534 and my total post is something 700. And I've been active-delurked since Marth-Unending. Hehehe I think I've a little obbession here as well, Stef aand like you DJGirl although I'm most active here

                          Originally posted by Kath Pup View Post
                          To reply to random things I can remember from my scanning:

                          It seems they make D/V more antagonistic after the really emotional ones. I think it's because it's Daniel and Vala are pulling away slightly, as if they're scared to admit that they are getting closer.

                          Family Ties: I liked it, but I was disappointed becase of the potential of it! So much that could of been done that wasn't... *le sigh*
                          You're absolutely right about the angonistic thing. After they get closed, they push away themselves. Defense mechanisim, me thinks.

                          Family Ties was a good example of wasting of a good oppurtunity/potential for having a good episode. I think all writers should examine it.

                          Originally posted by isabelqc View Post
                          *running in*

                          Hey everybody, just coming in to drop off a drabble that came to me in response to all the I love you talk that we had going on before


                          Two Words

                          When Vala said the words, they were whispered. A murmured secret infused with the cherry of her gum. She leaned behind; her arms wrapped loosely around his waist and rested her chin on his shoulder.

                          The words were soft and invisible but they covered him, a warm blanket a mother uses to soothe her child.

                          She then did nothing. No kiss. No tease. She just moved away, her warmth remaining, and did nothing. His eyes followed her and smiled. He knew the words were whispered for a reason. Secret words for him to keep, not to act on. Just knowledge. Only for him. To keep until they were ready.

                          And for the rest of my fics, cuz LC asked, well I have stuff written I´m just waiting for my internet craziness to end, then you guys will be sooo fraking spoil with fic, that you just might OD. All I´m saying is Noir is finished, Chains has been a going good, and Unending, fluff, team ficness, and comedy galore. *cue evil laughter*
                          First, hullo, cara.
                          Nice little ficlet. Can't wait to see your goodies

                          Originally posted by DJgirl View Post
                          I loved MM. Everything about it was perfection. I have said many times, I was a shipper from the second she took off that mask in PU, and I had waited quite a while for an ep like this. It is obvious that there are feelings on both ends( I still stand by my previous post in that Vala didn't really know the extent of her feelings until TQ2), and it just made my heart all a flutter!! The date was great, the hug, Daniel acting truly concerned. Just a great ep all around!!
                          Yeah, you're right too. As I said before I like those moments, that aspect of their relationship, Daniel's confession about her but at the end I can't help but feel there has to be something more, much more. Don't get me wrong though, I've seen it a lot of times and enjoyed it but it seems to me a lot of things happened off-screen. Like how Vala pulled herself back after the team found her. We didn't see it. I'd like to see scenes between Daniel/Vala, how is bad to remember all of things happened to her. I think I wanted to see a little more angsty. Humour is good but that episode also requires more angst, imo.
                          I dunno, it's Vala, of course, hiding herself behind a cheerful facade but I think I assumed that things should have been different with Daniel.

                          The Shroud....Their talk was amazing!!! Every aspect of it spoke volumes for their relationship. Him being comfortable with her sitting on his lap(not that he had a choice, but it didn't look like he minded), her sitting on his lap, even though he was a Prior. The trust is just so completely there in those few minutes. One of my favorite scenes of the season!!
                          Their talk was amazing, one of the most powerful scenes of the history of SG-1 but as a whole episode, I've problems with it too. It happened too fast. It should have been two episode. I liked it but again it could be done much better. Stupid budget, I guess. But I really like Vala in Shroud. As Stef said somewhere below, one minute she was playful, and he was responding it, and the next they were all serious, 'get down on the business'.

                          Originally posted by iheartvala View Post
                          I gotta say, even though I thought Daniel's behavior in this episode sucked, it made perfect sense to me. I mean D/V was a hard ship to sell right up until Unending so did you really expect TPTB to give us what we wanted? Here's what Company of Thieves said to me, as far as D/V...Daniel had just spent two weeks on the edge, constantly worrying about Vala and as Michael Shanks said in the AOL preview for MM, Daniel came to realize some things about his deep connection to Vala, and hello...this is Daniel we're talking about so NATURALLY he would back off and become colder to protect himself. Not to mention the fact that in COT, Vala employed some of her less than reputable contacts to get the SGC what they needed, which clearly upsets Daniel.

                          I mean when you think about it, doesn't COT actually speak volumes about his feelings for her, and the ship in general? Daniel cares about her so much that he goes completely irrational, doubting her intentions (where earlier he had begun to trust her), and actually getting angry at her for being able to help in the way that she did. I mean if you remember the short convo in the cargo ship where Daniel accuses Vala of pocketing some of the naquada the SGC gave her, she really did seem shocked and hurt at his accusation because it was so out of place for them at the time. As much as we don't want it to be the case, Daniel is probably going to continue to protect himself for a while with Vala because he seems to be that afraid of being hurt. No one has said much about the way he treated her in 200 or Bad Guys either, but those both pop out in my head as other circumstances when he was needlessly impatient with her.

                          COT for me makes the Unending rant completely reasonable (although still mean ).
                          Iheartvala,very, very good insight in both of them. I can't say more than 'I agree'.

                          LC_, I agree with you too. Nice analysis.

                          Originally posted by djay View Post
                          Did you girls catch the latest news on Claudia Black?

                          There is a preview on YouTube but she is using an American accent. (Why!??)

                          Yay!! I really want to see her again in TV even though it would be a small recurring role. But I like her real accent better. To my ears, it was awesome.

                          Originally posted by LC_ View Post
                          Hi, just a 'post and run' while I got a minute.

                          Everyone read the latest chapter(that would be chapter 11) of this:

                          THE BEST 'issues disclosure/confrontation' I have ever read...followed by some lovely 'snuggly' stuff.
                          Wish I could pull it off as well
                          ahh, I adore her fics. She is my favorite author in Dala fandom.
                          Her stories are amazing.
                          I strongly reccomend them to those who interested with fan fictions. Especially her Qetesh/Vala/Daniel one. It is A.M.A.Z.I.N.G.
                          Banner made by Stef

                          Save the sexy female alien, save the SG-1


                            Catch-up time (I'll break it up into a few posts )

                            Originally posted by LC_ View Post
                            Everytime something happens that makes him see his...what was the line from the from the AOL preview for MM?..."increasing personal connection", he pushes her away big time...sometimes I wonder if the extra snippiness is almost like a test..."if I show you my worst behaviour will you leave?"

                            So we come to BG and the first thing she does is shoot down his comment about 'being stuck'....almost considered not taking his comment seriously?
                            Then of course there's whole eye thing going on because of the two people making out in the dark....that's not eye!sex going on people...that's Daniel begin annoyed because she's doing the 'flirty' thing again.
                            And she's the one to find the way to power the 'gate(albeit with some problems along the way)...there's that resourcefulness again.
                            Okay, see this is why I like coming here. Everyone puts such a positive spin on episodes that I get frustrated with (CoT & Beachhead....although, I noticed that nobody contested FT ). Yes, I can see the Daniel pulling back and being scared, resorting to anger and frustration to mask his fear...but to that, I have one thing to say: GROW UP!!! What, are we in kindergarten? You like someone, so you pull their pigtails?? Okay, yes, I know Daniel went off in "Unending" and I listed that as a favorite, but that's because I felt like Daniel was entitled. In the other episodes, we are just supposed to figure out why Daniel is antagonistic towards Vala. This may be an unpopular opinion, but if I were in a relationship with a man, I would not let him be a jerk to me just because he's scared of his own feelings I'm strange like that. But this is fiction, so I guess that I can forgive it.

                            Don't get me wrong, I still love my Daniel....but sometimes....

                            Anyhoo, in response to your comments about BG...I'm still maintaining that it was some sort of eye!sex. No, I don't think it was Daniel thinking "Wish that were us" but I do think it might have been something like "Why did I just think of Vala when I saw those two people kissing? And why is she looking at me like that?" That look between them seemed so unnecessary that I have to believe the reason they only showed their reactions (and their shared look) was to show something more than Vala being flirty and Daniel being annoyed. Now who's being the optimist

                            Seriously, I may not entirely agree with everyone's explanations, but you guys have raised some very good points that make me question my own interpretations. Thanks


                            PHOTOBUCKET // WEBSITE // LIVEJOURNAL---------------------------------------------------------


                              Originally posted by djay View Post
                              Did you girls catch the latest news on Claudia Black?

                              There is a preview on YouTube but she is using an American accent. (Why!??)
                              Ooh, a preview with her actually in it?! I had seen a promo with her doing a snippet of voice-over, but we never got to see her. I've heard that she's barely in the first episode, but she could be a recurring character later on.

                              Originally posted by ErinB View Post
                              I second Wendy; you gotta make this vid, Stef!!
                              Well, if you two insist I've put it on my it's at least on my to-do list.

                              Originally posted by MaeveBran View Post
                              Ok you are not alone in your confusion about PP. Ilove it to bits but no other episode in the entire series sets me ranting like PP. Yes I do mena this one out of all 214 episodes. You know the two things that tip me over the edge are so small as to be almost insignificant but they drive me up the wall.

                              But I do love how touchy feelly Daniel is with Vala in PP. Daniel doesn't do much touching of people in general but Vala he can't keep his hands off. Yes some of it is to steer her in the right direction but if you watch closely you'll see that practically every time they are standing next to each other he takes the oportunity to touch her.

                              I love the way that at first Vala annoys Daniel with the way she wants to search the Ancient library but after a while it seems like they work to geather well.
                              Wow, those really are small things that I never noticed. Good points, nonetheless. I wish I had some reasons like that to explain my own ambivalence.

                              Yeah, I liked Daniel and Vala working as a team. I especially liked how he was curbing some of her less than savory instincts to steal (the cute little scene where they're walking, talking to Weir, and Vala tries to steal something...Daniel doesn't even stop walking, he just grabs her arm and drags her along. He doesn't even have to look at her, he just knows what she's doing ). They also did seem to be working nicely as a team when they were in the holo room....and of course, the lovely balcony scene. I still want to see the Vala/Sheppard flirting....and Daniel reacting to it. If Daniel reacted in any way similar to how MS & BB did when they were filming it, I think it would be pretty funny.


                              PHOTOBUCKET // WEBSITE // LIVEJOURNAL---------------------------------------------------------


                                Originally posted by djay View Post
                                Just saw the cover art for Stargate Atlantis season 3:

                                WTF?? They can fit five characters on Atlantis but not on SG1 with Vala included?!!!
                                Grrrrrrrrrrrrrrr! Not happy.
                                Oh, we know that they could fit her in if they wanted. I did! They were just lazy. Which makes it all the worse.


                                PHOTOBUCKET // WEBSITE // LIVEJOURNAL---------------------------------------------------------

