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Daniel Jackson/Vala Mal Doran Ship/Discussion/Appreciation Thread

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    JessM, another vehemenently anti D/V poster to keep you company, although I don't know how long I'll stay. But, I wanted to respond to poundpuppy's message.

    Originally posted by poundpuppy29 View Post
    When he banters with her. I think for him to to get that frustrated with her there is some emotion there and it is strong and I know the slashers will have an answer to that but I see Daniel as straight so put down your knives I maybe a new fan but I have put the time in and watched all of the previous ep of SG-1 and I see Jack & Daniel as kind of like brothers who bicker I have been friends with enough of them to see how they fight and argue ok back on topic. They are very different than J&S I will give you that. Why I think it is romantic feelings and not just friendship is MM the date it was a date I don't care what he says if it were a just a friendship he wouldn't taken her to that restaurant where it is dimly lit romantic place. When she was taken he was frantically trying to find her trying to find out everthing he could to find her why was he so frantic. Why I think it's real on her part and why's he's different than the others she flirts with. In MM she didn't remember Cam she was flirtatious but just enough to get away and survive not a connection IMHO. When she saw Daniel that's when she started to remember that tells me that he's different to her than the others she inocently flirts with it's not serious. Why I think it is more than friendship on his part is when he held her so close that was clearly a close one for him she is very important to him.
    Okay, to me, the idea that the "date" had to be a date, despite Daniel's protests, bothers me. Now, I don't know if you are one of the people who have said that Daniel has been denying his feelings, but that seems to be one of the general ideas of why Daniel didn't respond to her all last season or whatever. So, what I don't get is, if Daniel wasn't aware of his feelings, or if he was squashing his feelings
    or if he was sure it was just a game and he didn't want to get hurt
    , why would he set up a date, why would he want it to be a date, and then after all that, why be adamant that it wasn't a date? If he wanted that to be a date, there'd be no reason to deny it after it happened. Unless Daniel has no idea what a date is, consciously, but his subconscious knew he had "feelings" for Vala, so he subconsciously happened to set up a date, and consciously he was still unaware? Or, he knew it was a date, he meant it to be a date, which is a strange way of deny anything. I worry for his state of mind. Guy sounds bonkers. Maybe there should be a warning just for him. "Multiple deaths are hazardous to your mental health."
    I'm a girl! A girly girly girl!

    Okay, you got me. I can't accept change. This message may look like it was typed on a computer and posted on the internet, but it is actually cave drawings delivered by smoke signals.

    Naquada Enhanced Chastity Belts -SG1 edition. On sale now! Heck, I'll give them away

    Daniel Jackson Appreciation and Discussion -because he's more than pretty

    Daniel Jackson: The Beacon of Hope and The Man Who Opened the Stargate


      Okay, these aren't Unending but they're season 10.


        Unending caps



          Some more


            Last lot


              They're great. Thanks!

              He's her Lobster!
              LTS: Life's too short


                You're welcome. I did them quickly or I'd have more.


                  Originally Posted by poundpuppy29
                  In MM she didn't remember Cam she was flirtatious but just enough to get away and survive not a connection IMHO. When she saw Daniel that's when she started to remember that tells me that he's different to her than the others she inocently flirts with it's not serious. Why I think it is more than friendship on his part is when he held her so close that was clearly a close one for him she is very important to him.
                  She didn't start remembering until he said "Your home'" or something like that, if Cam had said that she would have remembered, I think.
                  Last edited by SciFiFan; 16 March 2007, 08:49 PM.


                    Originally posted by firefly827347 View Post
                    You're welcome. I did them quickly or I'd have more.
                    They're great! Thank you
                    It's beer o'clock. Now where the HELL is my riot !?!




                        You there, Kales? How's the fic coming?

                        He's her Lobster!
                        LTS: Life's too short


                          P.S. No pressure!

                          He's her Lobster!
                          LTS: Life's too short


                            Hey was just catching up on ... the 8 pages you've posted in my brief absence. Ack, not well. I have no zen. RL has royally sucked today. Although the cinema with my friends was fun. But looong day again. I hate this time of year. Thanks for the caps, and vid recs and STEF! I'm soglad you like the song! Wonderful!

                            And I think i'm getting ill again. I hate being ill and I'm really bad at it.

                            I'll do my best guys, but I'm a bit wiped out tonight.

                            kay x


                              Originally posted by djay View Post
                              Ok Can anyone tell me what programmes they use to make videos? Are they free? I might have to start a new hobby.

                              I use Sony Vegas 6.0 for my vids, and no it's not technically free. It's technically around 600 hundred dollars. But there is a way around that.

                              I have the perfect perfect song for D/V now that Unending has...
                              made them canon!

                              But alas. I don't even have season nine and a million other eps I would need to do it.
                              by: SerenaSerenity


                                Oh and the person who requested an editor, I'd be glad to do it if the position's still free. I warn you, I'm a grammar fiend though

                                kay x

