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Daniel Jackson/Vala Mal Doran Ship/Discussion/Appreciation Thread

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    Ill be watching Unedning in full tonight. Cant wait I did however have to quicly watch the D/V scene before I left for work. WOW, amazing and
    Daniel really lays into Vala. I felt so sad for her. The way he said the 'not in a million years' line.....SOB..Thank God he kissed her in the end !!
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      Lovely Epi.

      I'm fairly sure Vala was crying because it all got a bit too much for her again. Being stuck on ship for so long.

      LOL I love the beginning when she whispers to Daniel:
      V: I'm gonna go crazy, and I'm taking you with me...

      hihi! classic
      Death before dishonour.


        Hey just posting to say congrats! And that I think I've just become a Daniel/Vala shipper. Which is kind of ironic now isn't it, lol.


        was kind of dreading it you know? Not because I dislike the pairing, but mostly because I thought the idea was a little cliche. But when I watched last night episode, I thought it was very beautifully done! The scene where Daniel was yelling at Vala was very powerful. And so was her reaction. I've never seen her truly hurt like that before and the fact that Daniel did it to her was quite emotional. And the moment where he realises what he's done and that yes, she was serious, just blows me away.

        I think the greatest thing about it was that after that, they didn't bombard you with it. It was kept at bay with subtle moments. ie - Sitting on his lap at christmas, laughing together at the table...

        And that small scene where she was crying in his embrace was! Personally, I think it was the fact that the years were going by and the possibility that they'd be stuck there was getting to her. But the scene was so sad...

        And the last scene where Vala was quizzing Teal'c on who she hooked up with. LOL!

        And omg, I can't forget the last Daniel/Vala scene. Where they were standing infront of the wondow and he was telling her that he wasn't with her for all that time just because there was no one else. That he did love her. That was so beautiful!

        Torri Higginson on Elizabeth Weir: "She likes to pilfer things from all the little neigbouring planets; That's cute, carve me one now!"

        LEADERSHIP: Why fix what ain't broke? Save Elizabeth Weir

        Keep Elizabeth Weir as a REGULAR!


          Originally posted by Major_Moomin View Post
          Hey just posting to say congrats! And that I think I've just become a Daniel/Vala shipper. Which is kind of ironic now isn't it, lol.


          was kind of dreading it you know? Not because I dislike the pairing, but mostly because I thought the idea was a little cliche. But when I watched last night episode, I thought it was very beautifully done! The scene where Daniel was yelling at Vala was very powerful. And so was her reaction. I've never seen her truly hurt like that before and the fact that Daniel did it to her was quite emotional. And the moment where he realises what he's done and that yes, she was serious, just blows me away.

          I think the greatest thing about it was that after that, they didn't bombard you with it. It was kept at bay with subtle moments. ie - Sitting on his lap at christmas, laughing together at the table...

          And that small scene where she was crying in his embrace was! Personally, I think it was the fact that the years were going by and the possibility that they'd be stuck there was getting to her. But the scene was so sad...

          And the last scene where Vala was quizzing Teal'c on who she hooked up with. LOL!

          And omg, I can't forget the last Daniel/Vala scene. Where they were standing infront of the wondow and he was telling her that he wasn't with her for all that time just because there was no one else. That he did love her. That was so beautiful!

          Its a great scene.....( the only one Ive seen so far) Poor Vala, I felt so bad for her. I just LOVED the little wave she gives as she leaves his room , when Mitchell sees her.
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            *squeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee*!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

            I finally got to see this episode (at 4:30 in the morning!) and I am so so happy!

            After the kiss and the bed romping I had to stupidest grin on my face! And I loved her leaving his room with her hair all mussed and Cam seeing her. She _obviously_ had a very exhuberant time with her Daniel!

            I would think they would be careful about getting pregnant considering their situation. I tend to think she was crying because of her being an emotional wreck as Daniel put it, and that maybe she was working out her issues over the years.

            The old age scene was so sweet too! I can't belive Teal'c didn't tell them though, that has to suck for him, knowing how happy the two made eachother and not being able to help them along. They'll get there evenutally though!
            It's beer o'clock. Now where the HELL is my riot !?!


              Ooh, look at all of the converts "Unending" has made!! Too bad it was the last episode. Oh well, we can hope for the movies to give us something. It's unlikely that it could ever be as wonderful as last night's episode, but hopefully they'll be nice little continuations

              You know, I've probably watched that scene about 100 times by now. That and the montage scene. Not a fan of montages, but loved this one. At first, I was like WTH?! But it actually had a purpose within the episode, and I loved the song

              Okay, so I'm probably going to be making a few wallpapers...I couldn't decide between the serious and the fun. Anyway, I made a few screen caps (not that I could possibly rival Tonttu's), just thought I'd share anyway:

              And with that, I'm off to bed. Night!


              PHOTOBUCKET // WEBSITE // LIVEJOURNAL---------------------------------------------------------


                I just saw the ep ...

                ok I'm crying my head of ... I mean I loved the vala daniel parts I started crying when D said those things to V and from that moment I didn't stop ... I can't believe it is over!


                  Originally posted by aaobuttons View Post
                  I would think they would be careful about getting pregnant considering their situation.[/spoiler]

                  Sam said they could replicate anything they needed. She had a chello, they had...

                  Torri Higginson on Elizabeth Weir: "She likes to pilfer things from all the little neigbouring planets; That's cute, carve me one now!"

                  LEADERSHIP: Why fix what ain't broke? Save Elizabeth Weir

                  Keep Elizabeth Weir as a REGULAR!


                    What a day its been everyone. Nighty night to all. Thanks so much Stef for the pics and transcript, I shall sleep well imagining the scene untill I watch it (hopefully tomorrow).

                    I can't believe its all over, how sad. But still, we have movies and there HAS to be ship in those.

                    See yas in the morning.

                    And you know what's REALLY fun:

                    going over all the Dan/Vala moments, watching them I mean, and knowing that it wasn't all in our heads and knowing how they really feal about each other and whats going to happen, all of a sudden those scenes seem sooooo much better knowing that they both really did love each other. *sigh*
                    Last edited by Padfoot_001; 14 March 2007, 03:57 AM.

                    Thanks Stef for the great banners!!

                    My StarGate Music Vids:


                      Ack! Someone needs to post Unending on youtube! NOW! I COMMAND YOU! *eyes glow like a gou'ld*

                      lol, seriously, this not being able to see it is driving me nuts! *sigh* I have a couple hours worth of homework to do, so maybe if I kill some time with World War Two it'll be posted when I get back.

                      It's also killing me that the two other main people I know who like Stargate (my siblings) are "no-spoilers" to the I can't discuss anything with them! Ack! I'm dying, I tell you! Dying!

                      But I'm still flying high with all of the Dala greatness! So I just may pull through.

                      All Images Made By Hopalong


                        Thought on Unending...

                        Wow. What an emotional ride. I must admit I was gobsmacked when I checked the message board to see the words "Daniel just got laid!" LOL! Didn't quite believe we were going to get what we wanted but I will eat my words.
                        That Daniel/Vala scene was gutwrenching. Still don't quite know what to make of Daniel's reaction, but, by God, it works. It makes his final words and look mean so much more.."You better not be messing with me"
                        But this glimpse into their possible future just leaves you wanting more. But at least we have a few DV memories to hang on to. The scene with DV holding each other is pure anguish. I am in the camp that believes it was a miscarrage. Spooky, Kales.
                        What a superb episode all around and a fitting tribute to SG1. Indeed.

                        He's her Lobster!
                        LTS: Life's too short


                          Its up on coughyoutubecough.

                          He's her Lobster!
                          LTS: Life's too short


                            Check your PMs Obsessiveship!!

                            He's her Lobster!
                            LTS: Life's too short


                              Originally posted by djay View Post
                              Its up on coughyoutubecough.

                              Really? Then my comp or internet is being stupid and isn't registering the update! *glares at computer*...when I search for "stargate sg1 - unending" - which is how I searched for all the other eps - I only come up with the trailers and two clips. grrr...

                              All Images Made By Hopalong


                                Originally posted by djay View Post
                                Check your PMs Obsessiveship!!

                                Thanks so much!

                                All Images Made By Hopalong

