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Daniel Jackson/Vala Mal Doran Ship/Discussion/Appreciation Thread

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    Originally posted by valaCB View Post
    Daniel and Vala's adventure in Ponyland??? (Not my art)
    Someone was really creative


      Originally posted by valaCB View Post
      Daniel and Vala's adventure in Ponyland??? (Not my art)
      That was cute!! Thanks for the link valaCB!!
      Sig made by me


        Firstly... Thanks for the concern guys, you really are too sweet. And LC, you're totally getting a fic dedicated to you.

        Secondly... [Stef], awesome vids. Like the angsty one best, but I'm still teenage and emo that way.

        Thirdly... *gasp* I found this linked to Stef's via the related! Someone used a Billy Talent song for Vala! They hacked my comp, I swear. I love this person for using a rocky song

        Be warned, very rocky. Goes a teeny bit screamo near the end.

        Fourth-ly... thanks for the reviews on my fics! I love you lot.

        !!!!! Love that my little pony thing. Adorable.

        Fifth-ly.... I am sad about Unending tomorrow. Like I've said, I grew up with SG as a weekly fixture in my life. I need to find a new fix. But it won't be the same. BUT there's the films and there's always fandom *is being brave about the whole thing*

        Sixth-ly... I'm nineteen, so at the young end of the spectrum. I moved out of home at 17 and have to be, you know, all adult and stuff with washing (which I am sectioning off in between reading pages) and cooking and rent and work and uni etc.... but still feel like a bit of a kid I was at home home - parents' home - at the weekend, in the land of no internet and little mobile connectivity. Was refreshing actually, but I admit the first thing I did back here was hook in the network cable and upload some fics

        Seventh-ly... got a new creative writing textbook which looks brilliant, so there may be some experimental fics coming up soon.

        Eighth-ly... you've all said my favourite quotes! ooh:

        Vala: Genius.

        Daniel: Thank you.

        Simple but fun And SQUEEEE (10x19)

        Daniel: I find it hard to believe you don't feel anything.

        What a legendary line.

        Nineth-ly...*deep breath* *grin*

        Tenth-ly.... love how that link almost says 'emo' too appropriate

        kay x


          Originally posted by Kales View Post
          Firstly... Thanks for the concern guys, you really are too sweet. And LC, you're totally getting a fic dedicated to you.

          Secondly... [Stef], awesome vids. Like the angsty one best, but I'm still teenage and emo that way.

          Thirdly... *gasp* I found this linked to Stef's via the related! Someone used a Billy Talent song for Vala! They hacked my comp, I swear. I love this person for using a rocky song

          Be warned, very rocky. Goes a teeny bit screamo near the end.

          Fourth-ly... thanks for the reviews on my fics! I love you lot.

          !!!!! Love that my little pony thing. Adorable.

          Fifth-ly.... I am sad about Unending tomorrow. Like I've said, I grew up with SG as a weekly fixture in my life. I need to find a new fix. But it won't be the same. BUT there's the films and there's always fandom *is being brave about the whole thing*

          Sixth-ly... I'm nineteen, so at the young end of the spectrum. I moved out of home at 17 and have to be, you know, all adult and stuff with washing (which I am sectioning off in between reading pages) and cooking and rent and work and uni etc.... but still feel like a bit of a kid I was at home home - parents' home - at the weekend, in the land of no internet and little mobile connectivity. Was refreshing actually, but I admit the first thing I did back here was hook in the network cable and upload some fics

          Seventh-ly... got a new creative writing textbook which looks brilliant, so there may be some experimental fics coming up soon.

          Eighth-ly... you've all said my favourite quotes! ooh:

          Vala: Genius.

          Daniel: Thank you.

          Simple but fun And SQUEEEE (10x19)

          Daniel: I find it hard to believe you don't feel anything.

          What a legendary line.

          Nineth-ly...*deep breath* *grin*

          Tenth-ly.... love how that link almost says 'emo' too appropriate

          kay x
          Nice to have you back in the conversations again. You were missed!!!
          Sig made by me


            Originally posted by DJgirl View Post
            Nice to have you back in the conversations again. You were missed!!!
            *crash tackle hug* Thanks! It's great to be back Even though I think I've caught Stef's cold.

            Sydney, in case you thought I was leaving you out, I was watching your vid while typing and I love it! Do not ask me why but I've recently gotten into really classic, swing type music and ballads. I love that vid.

            Oh and I have a song rec for anyone vidmaker who wants it...

            An Unending based DV vid with flashes from other eps to the song.... "We Have All The Time In The World," Louis Armstrong


            We have all the time in the world,
            Time enough for life to unfold
            All the precious things love has in store.
            We have all the love in the world;
            If that's all we have, you will find
            We need nothing more.

            Every step of the way will find us
            With the cares of the world far behind us.

            We have all the time in the world,
            Just for love,
            Nothing more, nothing less,
            Only love.

            Every step of the way will find us
            With the cares of the world far behind us.

            We have all the time in the world,
            Just for love,
            Nothing more, nothing less,
            Only love.

            I love this song beyond all reason. Always have actually - i have memories of liking it when I was a kid and going through an Ace of Base phase (don't ask why those came together in my mind. I bet you all missed this irrelevance )

            kay x


              Originally posted by Kales View Post
              *crash tackle hug* Thanks! It's great to be back Even though I think I've caught Stef's cold.

              Sydney, in case you thought I was leaving you out, I was watching your vid while typing and I love it! Do not ask me why but I've recently gotten into really classic, swing type music and ballads. I love that vid.

              Oh and I have a song rec for anyone vidmaker who wants it...

              An Unending based DV vid with flashes from other eps to the song.... "We Have All The Time In The World," Louis Armstrong


              We have all the time in the world,
              Time enough for life to unfold
              All the precious things love has in store.
              We have all the love in the world;
              If that's all we have, you will find
              We need nothing more.

              Every step of the way will find us
              With the cares of the world far behind us.

              We have all the time in the world,
              Just for love,
              Nothing more, nothing less,
              Only love.

              Every step of the way will find us
              With the cares of the world far behind us.

              We have all the time in the world,
              Just for love,
              Nothing more, nothing less,
              Only love.

              I love this song beyond all reason. Always have actually - i have memories of liking it when I was a kid and going through an Ace of Base phase (don't ask why those came together in my mind. I bet you all missed this irrelevance )

              kay x
              LMAO, Ace of Base!!! They were popular just as I got my very first CD player. The Sign CD was one of my first CDs Hehehehe, haven't thought about that band in a LONG time *note to self, maybe add a song or two of theirs to iPod*

              Great song choice by Mr Armstrong! I am going to be very anxious tomorrow waiting to hear about Unending(even if it is in the ep thread ). I already plan on waking up early on Wed so I can watch it before work
              Sig made by me


                Welcome back Kales, i 'm happy to see you again.
                And thank you for this fanfiction, i will read it .
                Thank you at everYbody for the compliments about my video.
                I'm discoverd the song with the season 2 finaly of Nip tuck.

                Steph, you make a really good job with your both video.
                I'm a preference for Take me away (thank to the scene of dominion, i think ). The editing and the choice of song is really great.
                What's software, do you use ? because i adore the effect of your video

                My favorite quote is during the shroud:
                Daniel :Well; i wouldn't let them kill you
                Vala: Of course not, i won't let that happen to you

                Yes, i would like to say you that, i'm sorry because i know, i don't have a really good English everytime.

                And J-1 Until Unending, i think that i will count the hours before the start of the episode.


                  V: *chomping on a bit of apple* You know Daniel, I can think of something else more fun to do then read this book
                  Sig made by me


                    Originally posted by Kales View Post

                    Oh and I have a song rec for anyone vidmaker who wants it...

                    An Unending based DV vid with flashes from other eps to the song.... "We Have All The Time In The World," Louis Armstrong


                    We have all the time in the world,
                    Time enough for life to unfold
                    All the precious things love has in store.
                    We have all the love in the world;
                    If that's all we have, you will find
                    We need nothing more.

                    Every step of the way will find us
                    With the cares of the world far behind us.

                    We have all the time in the world,
                    Just for love,
                    Nothing more, nothing less,
                    Only love.

                    Every step of the way will find us
                    With the cares of the world far behind us.

                    We have all the time in the world,
                    Just for love,
                    Nothing more, nothing less,
                    Only love.

                    I love this song beyond all reason. Always have actually - i have memories of liking it when I was a kid and going through an Ace of Base phase (don't ask why those came together in my mind. I bet you all missed this irrelevance )

                    kay x
                    I mega mega love that song! (I have a CD of all different James Bond songs and that is my second favourite after Live and Let Die)
                    I think it would make a perfect song for an Unending centric D/V vid

                    livejournal l My Heroes l Shep l Elizabeth l Rodney l Michael l Smile!
                    ~You are who you choose to be~


                      Ack, I'd do the song Kales, cause I do very much love it. But I have a rule not to make a vid if someone else has done it VERY well to the same song. And there's a great Farscape vid to that song, so I was happy. So will just have to stick to my many vids that are taking me forever, should just stop trying to do tricky things and make them, lol.

                      I'm have a great idea for a new Dan/Vala vid but still desperatly trying to find the right song. Its so darn hard.

                      And good morning EVERYONE because It seems like the gangs all here. So far there's been lots of people posting, its great!

                      Thanks Stef for the great banners!!

                      My StarGate Music Vids:


                        I'm sure there's a song about families being together again and all that or the eternal quote: "Got the band back together again!"

                        Oh and 23 hours til Unending airs, which I don't think will be when any of us sees it, but we should do the countdown thing anyway

                        Random personal info: I'm in a mad cleaning phase. I'm seriously out of control. I've washed a ton of dishes, I'm changing my bed, I'm reorganising bookshelves... it's crazy. I'm only ever like this when I come back from home.

                        Oh and Padfoot, I understand that rule. It's fair enough. Quite sensible actually.

                        Sydney, that's fine. As I've said before, your english is a lot better than my french and I applaud you for coming into an english forum. I would not have the guts to go into a french one

                        kay x


                          And the party continues....

                          Howdy there, Kales! Good to see you back and posting again.

                          Padfoot, the banner will be no problem. I have plenty of free time this week (as if being busy would stop me!). I'm probably going to be changing mine up again to make it a team banner. Of course, if "Unending" really inspires me, it'll switch to a Vala or DV one (eventhough, I know, I can't use any spoiler-y screencaps for my banner ). Look for my concoctions some time this week.

                          In case I haven't said it, thanks everyone for your kind words about my vid. After re-watching "You're So Damn Hot," I realized that there is a shocking lack of Daniel in there. I was just afraid, as I was making it, that he might dominate the vid and I really wanted to give some love for my other (I ship every Vala pairing But DV is first in my heart). I'll just tell myself that it's okay because there was more Daniel than I had planned in "Take Me Away." Although, that one did start out at a DV...then switched to Vala-centric because I liked the "Dominion" and "Line in the Sand" scenes.

                          Anyway, what was I talking about? Oh, sydney, I actually edited most of it in WMM (because it's the easiest). But I used Vegas Pro to contrast, desaturate, and crop it....and do that overlay at the beginning.

                          *sigh*I really do love their little bit in "The Shroud." It's just so nice to see them have that deeper, meaningful conversation. Sometimes it's so weird to watch and episode like "The Quest Pt.1" and then something like "The Shroud." One episode, Vala is the glorified comic relief, the next, she sounds so mature and wise. Strange contrast. But that's why I love her. Gotta say, as I was re-watching some of this season, Vala has definitely had the biggest journey, the most emotional moments But that's fine by me, CB can more than hold her own!

                          Can't wait for tomorrow. I may just wake up to hear about it. Anyone here gonna be able to give us the scoop?


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                            Originally posted by poundpuppy29 View Post
                            I do lurk there cause I like to see the other side but I thought it was an Anti ship thread. I don't want to interfere with people venting and expressing their side. I have lurked in other Anti Threads and I understand the need for freedom from judgement people have differents preferences. I put something in the H&H ship game to see if the Jack & Sam shippers will tell us why they are attacking D&V in this thread. That was a surprise to me that they attacked I understood why the Anti D&V did but I didn't understand why they did.
                            Originally posted by JessM View Post
                            Well I guess it seems like an anti-ship thread (not anti-all-ship but anti that particular ship) because most of the posters there aren't fans of it. I have no problem with shippers posting in there as long as they respect the other opinions. We have had one or two come in there and flame us, usually hit and run type of posters who just want to cause trouble but they've been few and far between.

                            I noticed some S/J shippers doing that in the H&H game too. I do know some who aren't fans of D/V. I think with some of them they just don't like Vala or Daniel, or are annoyed that D/V ship seems to be okay while S/J is/was against regulations and doesn't seem to be getting a resolution. That's just what I've picked up in talking to some S/J shippers, though not all.
                            I'm not very good at this discussion thing, but just wanted to put in a few responses to the above! I'm an S/J shipper, and I'm not anti-Daniel/Vala at all, I swing more to the pro side to be honest. In the H/H Ship game, I didn't hurt D/V once, only healed them once though. I was trying to spread points around to all my ships, but gave up in the end, and ended up focusing on Teal'c/Vala instead. So just wanted you guys to know, not all s/j shippers are anti d/v!

                            I think with the H/H game, the most likely candidates are ships you don't ship for/are against. And if it happens that your ship couple gets hit a few times in a row, it may feel like they're being singled out, but then again that's the whole point of the game, to get your ship to win.

                            Avatar Signature by eLouai,
                            TekTek, & Gaia Online


                              Where is everyone? We cannot be allowed to fall to the second page. Okay, so what can we talk about.....

                              I got nothing. Question, who all is going to be on tomorrow when the final episode airs? We can have our own little party


                              PHOTOBUCKET // WEBSITE // LIVEJOURNAL---------------------------------------------------------


                                Originally posted by Stef View Post
                                Where is everyone? We cannot be allowed to fall to the second page. Okay, so what can we talk about.....

                                I got nothing. Question, who all is going to be on tomorrow when the final episode airs? We can have our own little party


                                Just signed back on. I had to switch computers. I will be on during the final episode tomorrow!!
                                Sig made by me

