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Daniel Jackson/Vala Mal Doran Ship/Discussion/Appreciation Thread

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    Originally posted by Kales View Post
    I've grown up with stargate ... literally. I mean Buffy I drifted in and out of... loved but not with quite the same fervour. But I was ten when it started and i'm nineteen now - i've literally grown up watching it, as strange as that sounds.

    When my history-geek obsession - hopefully going to evolve into a career - kicked in, I found a kindred spirit in watching Daniel, lol... the excitement of it all.

    And Vala is just fun. Anyone who pulls off leather like that is worthy of admiration.

    (((DJGirl))) hope you're feeling a little better since you kept me company during my down turn last night with fun caps...

    It doesn't sound strange at all. There have been many tv shows over the years that I feel the same way about(yes I am a couch potato and proud of it)

    Thanks Kales. I am feeling better now.

    D: You want me to do what with these?
    Sig made by me


      Well I think I am going to call it a night. Have a good evening everyone

      V: Ready to call it a night Daniel?
      D: Just let me finish this last paragraph of the translation
      and I will be ready.
      Sig made by me


        Originally posted by Kales View Post
        I've grown up with stargate ... literally. I mean Buffy I drifted in and out of... loved but not with quite the same fervour. But I was ten when it started and i'm nineteen now - i've literally grown up watching it, as strange as that sounds.
        I know the feeling, Kales. I don't think I've ever watched a show for 10 years (because, let's face it, most shows don't last that long...or keep my interest). I actually felt nostalgic, and don't laugh at me, when the network The WB went off the air. I don't know if other countries got it (I'm guessing not) but it was the network that housed all of those teen shows in the 90s-00s (Dawson's Creek, Buffy, Angel, Felicity, Rowell, Gilmore Girls, etc). That network was kind of my obsession during my teen when it went off the air last year...eventhough I had stopped watching it, I was still sad to see it go. Is that weird?

        Anyway, back to DV...I'll be getting around to watching it here in a couple of hours. So, expect caps to be up shortly thereafter


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          woohoo! caps!

          stef, any chance of a sam/vala wallpaper??? just wait til you see the first scene, you'll want to.. and if you don't I will ...

          kay x


            Oh, Kales, I'm sure I'll be making a Sam/Vala wallpaper Of course, my episode isn't in HD so the caps won't be as good as they could be


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              OMG I just watched "Family Ties" and that ending was funnier than it sounded (and it sounded hilarious). Ha Ha Ha Ha. Seriously, I don't think I've laughed that hard all season! Poor Teal'c...but I love the happy look on his face when he first comes in...and then the look of horror that slowly creeps on his face. Definitely one of the BEST SG-1 endings!!

              As for the episode, it was ok. The overall story was weak, but CB was amazing. The interactions between the team really made the episode for me...LOVE the girl bonding

              And you know...I'm beginning to see a father/daughter kind of relationship between Landry and Vala. Or am I the only one?
              Those scenes where she had the curlers in her hair and he was talking to her about her father was sweet

              Anyway, I'm getting to work on the screen caps now. So, get ready.

              Last edited by Stef; 27 February 2007, 08:04 PM.

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                *quotes spongebob for stef* I'M READY, I'M READY, I'M READY!!!!!!! (I believe he was going Jellyfishing when he sung this, or getting his boat license, or something.)

                Cant wait for pics going crazy right now. And NIGHT DJgirl hope your feeling better when you wake up, i don't want people to be sad, we had such a great episode and it's only 7 days till the kiss! Because we are getting it, arn't we. *forces everyones head to nod* Muhahahahahaha!

                Glass is half full!

                And so will mine in a minute when I drink something ... maybe milk. BIG STORM too, ahhh, what a day. And 4 days off from course, 1 day of work left, McClouds Daughters on tonight and sleep in tomorrow, oh so happy!

                Really wanna see this episode, but cant yet. *sigh* shall still wait patiently. Thanks for all spoilers Kales and Stef .

                And LMAO at ValaMalduran , how funny, I hope we get that scene, for sure, LOL, so funny!

                Thanks Stef for the great banners!!

                My StarGate Music Vids:


                  Okay, so like I said...these aren't HD, so not the best quality. Still, they're something...


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                    And here are just a few more caps of the episode in general (most with Vala)

                    Vala: If I'm going to fit into Earth society, we thought it was important that I immerse myself in the local cultural offerings.
                    Cam: By cultural offerings you mean?
                    Sam: Pedicures, mochaccinos, and Victoria's Secret *I swear, they are copying from my fic!!*

                    And I didn't cap it...but Cam totally couldn't take his eyes off of Sam. I won't say anything more on that, just an observation.

                    So sad

                    Okay, so here is Teal'c pre-show:

                    Here's Teal'c during the show:

                    See the difference?

                    Now it's time for wallpapers...

                    Last edited by Stef; 27 February 2007, 09:02 PM.

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                      ((((((STEF))))))) I love you. Oh and in one of those caps, can we pretend he's holding her hand? It looks almost like it

                      i've discovered the beauty of power napping. I feel totally refreshed after one hour's almost-sleep. And stef, when are we seeing this fic of yours? i'm now officially desperate to read it

                      EDIT: apparently i have to be nice to other people before greening you again, Stef. And you, DJGirl. And most of the people on this thread. Maybe I should begin to diversify my posting....

                      EDIT2: I see you lurk, Padfoot

                      kay x


                        I would never lurk, he he he, okay maybe a little!

                        Who needs power naps, thats what coffee is for!

                        I shall have some icons up for you in about 20 min or so, provided internet doesn't go boom! Big storm!

                        And Stef, if you were here in the land of mice so huge that they leave dints in your car and smash wind sheilds when you hit them, then I would crash tackle you so hard right now and hug you untill you suffocated.

                        I LOVE THOSE PICS!

                        AND OMG!!!! Love everyone out of uniform, Sam and Vala, soooo cute and those Dan/Vala pics are literally to die for!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                        *Eagerly awaits wallpapers so she can kill Stef some more with love*

                        I hear ya Kales, 12th one down, thats so cute, could they walk any closer. And 10th one down looks like there married and going to a dinner at someones house, he he he. (I can dream)

                        ... *goes back to lurking* (insert James Bond music).

                        Thanks Stef for the great banners!!

                        My StarGate Music Vids:


                          (((Squishes padfoot in hug))) *evil laugh* you can't leave now!

                          Oh and I know! I just looked at it again and it's so cute! But one question

                          When did Daniel start carrying a sidearm off base??? Action!Jackson or what...

                          Haha, coffee is involved all the time Padfoot, I just need to ... not be thinking... for a little while as well at about 4am usually.

                          Oh I got this random idea for a fic. What if Vala had joined the SGC much earlier? I'm thinking of writing it much in the same one-shots but not style as We Are Nowhere... I had this random scene flash into my head of her being there during eps like Meridian and particularly Abyss (obv. with her rather than Jack). What does everyone think?

                          kay x


                            Ack!!! You need to stop writing so I can actually catch up. LOL! And are you telling me you have a power nap at 4am???? Because if you are, you should be sleeping right through that time. In fact, no one should have to see 4am, ever! To me, there is no such thing.

                            He he he, okay lots of icons. Once again, wish they were better, but still only have annoying paint, the day my photoshop decides to work again is the day that I will actually see a pig fly.

                            OKay so Dan/Vala icons:

                            And there's a whole heap of new Vala and Dan ones seperate. Including some Adria ones, loads of new Sam and a Cameron, Jonas and Dan/Jack section added at my av page here:


                            heres a few of the others just to see what your in for:

                            And some behind the scenes ones you might like:

                            Thanks Stef for the great banners!!

                            My StarGate Music Vids:


                              Your welcome, guys. As for the fanfic. Kales, I actually just sent it to someone to look over and proof-read (what have you). So, soon....soon. Of course, now I'm building it up and it will no doubt fall utterly flat. My skills fall more into visuals than texts...but I figured, I wrote it, I should at least publish it...even if it's the only thing I publish

                              Anyway, here are two wallpapers I made for this episode. Technically, one is for Sam/Vala (as per a certain individual's request)...but both are "Family Ties" related...though I don't think plot points are revealed in either...I pointedly excluded a certain person

                              As for DV...I gotta say that I love these two pics:

                              They look good together. These picture kind of makes me long for them to do a detective/crime show together.

                              Thanks for the LOVELY icons, Padfoot. I might just have to snag a few...eventhough I have no place to use them Whatever...I'll find a place!


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                                The hour between 3 AM and 4AM is the best hour of the day to be up. That is when it ceases to be one day and starts to be the next.=)
                                thanks Stef

                                Thanks Wendy

