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Daniel Jackson/Vala Mal Doran Ship/Discussion/Appreciation Thread

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    Originally posted by Tucker Case
    You saw the 'TV Zone' cover, right?
    Yup I'm going to order this issue, but I hate this whole month waiting for this to arrive. is so frelling annoying with their "Allow 28 days for delivery", and it really is 28 days


      Originally posted by Tucker Case
      Oh, yes, I did see that one.

      You saw the 'TV Zone' cover, right?

      It's nice to see Claudia/Vala being included - and it's such an, um...interesting (yeah, that's the word) contrast to Beau Bridges in his dress blues.

      This guarantees, though, that there will be at least one scene this season where I will sorely miss Jack. What I wouldn't give to see the look on his, of all faces, when
      this woman, looking like that, shows up at the SGC and asks for Daniel.

      Do you have a big version for this pic


        Originally posted by valaCB
        Do you have a big version for this pic
        No, that's as big as it appears on the Visimag website. The issue isn't out yet - July 7th is the "scheduled publication date" - so it coud be a while before a larger version goes into circulation.

        Looks like I've got a few Sunday afternoons at Chapters coming up (that's when the last of the new magazines are put on the shelves). The 'SFX' with the Ben Browder interview (and Michael Shanks "pin-up") hasn't arrived over here yet, the 'Cult Times' with Michael on the cover is still forthcoming, and now I've got this to keep an eye out for. (The Canadian 'TV Guide' is a separate entity from the U.S. one, so nothing to get excited about there; we've got George Stromboulopoulos on this week's cover, next week it's Patrick Dempsey, for some reason).

        Good thing the bookstore is my second home.



          Originally posted by Tucker Case

          This guarantees, though, that there will be at least one scene this season where I will sorely miss Jack. What I wouldn't give to see the look on his, of all faces, when
          this woman, looking like that, shows up at the SGC and asks for Daniel.

          Well, we know that
          Jack has at least one scene with Daniel in Origin, so maybe we'll get a reaction shot of Jack seeing Daniel with Vala.



            Originally posted by SueS
            Well, we know that
            Jack has at least one scene with Daniel in Origin, so maybe we'll get a reaction shot of Jack seeing Daniel with Vala.
            Preferably not when they're both
            comatose in the infirmary.
            The effect isn't quite the same.

            Not that I'd object to a reaction of any sort at that time, mind you.

            The scene with
            Jack and Daniel looks like it's in Daniel's office. Perhaps Jack comes in as Vala's going out. If nothing else, he can comment - as only Jack can comment - on the bracelet Daniel's sporting...and how it got there.



              The updated Sci-fi website says that Vala has a mysterious agenda. You don't think that she'd be using Daniel to further this agenda, do you? I'm looking forward to all the Daniel/Vala stuff and I'd hate for it to have some twist to it.

              Someone tell me I'm being paranoid. Please.


                Originally posted by LMichelle
                The updated Sci-fi website says that Vala has a mysterious agenda. You don't think that she'd be using Daniel to further this agenda, do you?
                Well, her bio also says she has a more than passing amorous interest in Daniel. The two don't have to be mutually exclusive. Part of the fun of watching her could be seeing how this "amoruous interest" plays against her own self interest - and how she resolves the conflict for herself.

                I'm a little curious as to how she
                knew Daniel was the man for the job when she stumbled upon the tablets she apparently brings with her to the SGC. Did his ability to translate Ancient come up in conversation on the Prometheus? Or did she ask around?
                Just how far-flung is Daniel's reputation?

                Or did she take other factors into consideration?



                  Originally posted by Tucker Case
                  Well, her bio also says she has a more than passing amorous interest in Daniel. The two don't have to be mutually exclusive. Part of the fun of watching her could be seeing how this "amoruous interest" plays against her own self interest - and how she resolves the conflict for herself.

                  I'm a little curious as to how she
                  knew Daniel was the man for the job when she stumbled upon the tablets she apparently brings with her to the SGC. Did his ability to translate Ancient come up in conversation on the Prometheus? Or did she ask around?
                  Just how far-flung is Daniel's reputation?

                  Or did she take other factors into consideration?



                    Originally posted by Kalliope
                    I think so too.

                    It's what I like about the idea of Vala (since I don't really have a clue what is going to happen): The thought of her arriving on the scene with what seems like a complementary pair of agendas -
                    "There's this treasure I want to find, and this man I want to be around and, what luck, he's just the man to help me find this treasure! Two for one!"
                    - only to have them evolve into a conflicting pair of agendas
                    if/when he realises she cares about Daniel as much as she cares about getting what she wants and the "Me, me, me" is interrupted by thoughts of "him," which can be very inconvenient to someone in Vala's line of work.

                    There's nothing staggeringly new, here. We've seen this story told dozens of times over, from Han Solo to Jayne Cobb and back again, but it's a story I quite like. And I kind of like the idea that Daniel is (or might be) knotted up in her initial "mysterious agenda." For one thing, it would give us a story where Vala pretty much brings it on herself, trips herself up in her own schemes. It should also prevent Daniel from becoming over-idealised, keep him from coming across as some shining beacon of virtue and nobility, in a sea of every-man-for-himself wickedness, so powerful it draws the naughty Vala out of the vast darkness.

                    Whatever affect he may have on her, the close quarters of a specific "agenda" keeps things on a nice, reasonable, human scale. Daniel can operate on a short fuse with her, be as imperfect (if bascially decent) as ever, and she can still develop a "soft spot" for him, while Vala can (theoretically) carry on in her rogue-ish ways while Daniel comes to know a side of her she doesn't reveal easily, and not to most people. It makes it a story about them.

                    If, that is, it turns out that way.



                      We'll find out soon, July 15th is just around the corner and with a little help from BT I hope to see Avalon pt. 1 on Saturday/Sunday after it's Friday premiere


                        Originally posted by Kalliope
                        We'll find out soon, July 15th is just around the corner and with a little help from BT I hope to see Avalon pt. 1 on Saturday/Sunday after it's Friday premiere
                        I hope my computer will be fix till then


                          I read the spoilers Tucker posted. I'm a weak woman. Sounds interesting. Also, since Vala's going to be in show for a few eps, then I'd assume that she'll be staying at the base. So there should be plenty of opportunities for Daniel and Vala to see each other when they're off duty, right?

                          Lisa Michelle



                            I can only say that Vala and Daniel would make a great team thanks to the chemistry between Claudia Black and Michael Shanks.

                            To my surprise I've found out that, contrary to the German DVD, the English one with 'Prometheus Unbound' hasn't got the commentary by Claudia Black, Damian Kindler and Andy Mikita. I've therefore made a transcript that you can read here:


                            Hope you enjoy it.

                            VALA - COOL, FUNNY, SEXY, SMART


                              I have just one little point. As Daniel doesn't seem to have much luck with long term relationships with women, (as Sam doesn't with men), why would you want to promote a ship between Daniel and Vala? She is not a regular cast member, unless I missed something, and I'd hate to see Danny get his heart broken again. He's loved and lost already.....

                              I know there is chemistry between Vala and Daniel, well, maybe not actual chemistry yet, but they do fight well together, and that's a start.

                              Guess it's another, wait and see deal. Gee, that's all I seem to be writing lately, wait and see, wait and see. Boring.
                              On fighting:
                              Farrah: "A swordsman does not fear death, if he dies with honor."
                              Dr. Who: "Then he's an idiot."


                                Originally posted by Lida
                                I have just one little point. As Daniel doesn't seem to have much luck with long term relationships with women, (as Sam doesn't with men), why would you want to promote a ship between Daniel and Vala? She is not a regular cast member, unless I missed something, and I'd hate to see Danny get his heart broken again. He's loved and lost already.....

                                I know there is chemistry between Vala and Daniel, well, maybe not actual chemistry yet, but they do fight well together, and that's a start.

                                Guess it's another, wait and see deal. Gee, that's all I seem to be writing lately, wait and see, wait and see. Boring.
                                Does she really need to be a regular cast member for a ship? I don't think so... There's chemistry between them, definitely. And I think they're just made for each other, they just don't know it yet

