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Daniel Jackson/Vala Mal Doran Ship/Discussion/Appreciation Thread

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    Originally posted by gioia View Post
    On other matters, because I was out of my job since a few weeks, I found my thoughts returning to D/V with persistence. A few days ago I remembered MS's interview after the series end and he was talking about the scene in Unending.

    When I read this the first time, I really appreciated the efforts they put for their characters and for Cooper that he had seen the logic. Because D/V resolution without a confrontation seemed to me so out of character and unlogical at that time. I still think it but since I have spare times now, my mind has begun to wander other possibilities and I found myself thinking it wouldn't so bad if somehow they simply had sex (within good context) and Daniel decided to pursue this relationship with Vala.

    Now it overwhelmed me. I'm thinking different scenarios where Daniel finally gives in Vala without a real confrontation in which they are still in character. I think I'll try to write a story about it. I take it a personal challenge

    You guys, have any ideas?
    Merry, last night you asked ideas for a one-shot? Do you think you want to do it? I really like your works, and would love to see your take on this.
    Oh I reading this lost your job a few weeks sympathies...been there, done that lots of time...if this is the case I hope you find something soon.

    I too was really impressed by MS and CB really wanting DV's resolution to make sense and be IC..and I was also impressed by RCC allowing them that freedom...I'm under the impression that most TV script writers are not open to the actors suggesting kudos to RCC for allowing it and MS and CB for knowing what would've been right for DV.

    In the brainstorming I've done for 'Best' I tried many 'resolution' scenarios...and have always felt that a 'meltdown' similar to Unending was not completely necessary. If you listen to the way he says "I'm right here" in AoT...there is tenderness and warmth's a different tone than we'd ever heard from him before...and then continuing on to Continuum(okay I know a lot of people take offense to the tone he uses in his parting words to Teal'c but his last words to Vala are not like that...his tone and his words were completely supportive and understanding of why she wanted to stay.)

    So if you take his tone in the scene in AoT and in Continuum, it seems completely plausible to me that,(as he no longer regards her with the same aggravation he has in the is obvious from pic that Erika just posted from Dominion, he now regards her with affection and tolerance...and since she stayed on Earth instead of going with Tomin then she has clearly chosen to make Earth her home...and therefore won't be 'running' away)...given the right push he might be willing to try something different.
    Make no mistake would never come first...he hasn't given into her before...he's not about to suddenly leap into it before first making sure they're both in it for the long haul. And if she was able to 'force' the issue and get him to break down...they'd be right back where they started because he'd be back to believing that it's still only about sex for her.

    Now despite how I wrote 'best'...I do question whether Vala seeing another man would be actually 'push' Daniel. I think he's more likely...given his history and confidence with step back and not interfere...his thinking probably being something like...."this is who makes her happy, I'm not going to prevent that."
    So the conclusion I reached that the only thing happening in their lives that would be an actual "push" for him to change the status quo would be another example of how short their lives can be...and that would be a serious injury...for either of them.
    Before we saw Continuum, I thought his injury would be the push...but it didn't work out like that because the 'him' that might have remembered the injury died before the timeline was the 'him' we see at the end of the movie truly never had that injury.
    There has, however been a life threatening injury that he would probably remember for a very long time.

    Atlantis....The Lost Tribe.

    So toward that end, I have been playing with a 'tag' for "Lost Tribe"(yes while I've been slogging away on "Best" too...I truly am a glutton,lol)
    But I had to do it because there's only been ONE 'tag' for "Lost Tribe"...and it's S/D!
    That is so wrong.

    Soooo...try this(spoilers here just to make this look shorter since I've already rambled on long enough,lol)(this was partially inspired by someone else's fic that mentioned that he might have used the time alone on the trip to Atlantis to do some thinking)

    He watched her disappear into the corridor. Along with the thrill of finally getting to go for strictly research purposes, the trip to Atlantis had provided him with much needed time alone to think and reflect on his life and what he wanted, now that the current bunch of galactic bad guys had been dealt with. It had only taken the first week of the three week trip on the Daedelus to know what he didn’t want. He didn’t want to be alone anymore. He’d wasted enough time with her. He’d gone on for too long finding reasons for why they couldn’t be together, why they wouldn’t work, why he couldn’t be in love with her. The whole almost-being-electrocuted-to-death thing had reminded him once again that life was short, especially their lives. It was past time for him to act. Given the current state of his health though it would have to be in slow-motion. Which really wasn’t a bad thing. Slowly finding a way into a new type of relationship with her suited him just fine.

    And then a little further

    If he still harboured any doubts about the wisdom of starting a real relationship with her, they were suddenly resolved. He almost let himself say the three words, but stopped before they came out of his mouth.
    Now, was not the right time…not when he couldn’t concentrate enough to say things the way he wanted to because his bladder was screaming at him and his stomach was demanding food. Or because he didn’t yet have the stamina or even the mobility to show her physically how he felt. And he figured that given how vehemently he’d rejected her physical proposals in the past, the only way she’d really believe and understand what he was telling her was if he showed her with his body. And with the muscle relaxants he was currently taking, his body’s inability to rise to the occasion, so to speak, wasn’t going to convince her of anything. Much better to put this conversation off while longer.

    And now, believe it or not...I'm shutting up,lol

    My Fiction:


      I'm not sure if I should quote LC's post or not...but...WHOA. That was an epic post!

      You have some valid points. But as much as I wish it wasn't, I really can't help but see Daniel's last words to Vala in Continuum as a brush off! Unless I read some fanfiction about it...then it makes me feel happier.

      I love CB and MS! I love them taking the initiative to change the scene to actually make sense. I sorta think the confrontation was good for them both, to be honest. (them meaning Daniel and Vala, not Michael and Claudia...LOL)

      I do agree that Daniel might actually stand back and not get in the way. He's that kind of person, he wants people to be happy. Like remember how he had feelings for that Destroyer of Worlds person...(I don't know her name...Kira? Was it?) Even though that was short, he let her go and be happy, even though he kinda liked her. Although Daniel actually being with that creepy lady creeps the hell out of me. *shudder*

      And, yeah. Oh! Gioia, I'm very sorry that you lost your job.


        Originally posted by NormaN View Post
        Haha, I think this is an awesome ship. I just love how it all sparked.

        Anyway this is my first time on this thread, so here's me saying Hello!
        Welcome to the Oven!!

        Originally posted by CaramelMonkey View Post
        I'm not sure if I should quote LC's post or not...but...WHOA. That was an epic post!

        You have some valid points. But as much as I wish it wasn't, I really can't help but see Daniel's last words to Vala in Continuum as a brush off! Unless I read some fanfiction about it...then it makes me feel happier.

        I love CB and MS! I love them taking the initiative to change the scene to actually make sense. I sorta think the confrontation was good for them both, to be honest. (them meaning Daniel and Vala, not Michael and Claudia...LOL)

        I do agree that Daniel might actually stand back and not get in the way. He's that kind of person, he wants people to be happy. Like remember how he had feelings for that Destroyer of Worlds person...(I don't know her name...Kira? Was it?) Even though that was short, he let her go and be happy, even though he kinda liked her. Although Daniel actually being with that creepy lady creeps the hell out of me. *shudder*

        And, yeah. Oh! Gioia, I'm very sorry that you lost your job.
        I guess I see that last bit of Continuum as a complete understanding of Vala. Daniel knew that Vala would want to help the scribe/soldier/whoever had been the host to Baal for thousands of years. And in many ways, Vala was the best one to do so. It has been implied that the Tok'ra don't do so hot a job at that. No one else with the Tauri could understand. Vala could. Daniel knows that. He probably went to the Tok'ra world with the knowledge that Vala would stay for a while.

        Click here daily to give free mammograms

        It is better to be crazy for Jesus than a wise man for Satan. Laters, Misi


          Originally posted by Everlovin View Post
          I guess I see that last bit of Continuum as a complete understanding of Vala. Daniel knew that Vala would want to help the scribe/soldier/whoever had been the host to Baal for thousands of years. And in many ways, Vala was the best one to do so. It has been implied that the Tok'ra don't do so hot a job at that. No one else with the Tauri could understand. Vala could. Daniel knows that. He probably went to the Tok'ra world with the knowledge that Vala would stay for a while.
          That's my interpretation too, mixed with a little of my personal canon that they're in a well-established relationship by that point, with all the comfortable absences that go along with that.

          ~Friendshipping (among others) the two most awesome women of Stargate.
          ~My Stargate fanfic can be found on my Livejournal


            Happy Easter everyone. Made a brief fly past.

            LC, when you write such hot scenes why are you always trying to dull the spark with Ovaltine.



              Originally posted by Magnecite View Post
              Happy Easter everyone. Made a brief fly past.

              LC, when you write such hot scenes why are you always trying to dull the spark with Ovaltine.

              LOL...okay, you're gonna have to explain that one.
              Neither one of the scenes I posted were supposed to be hot.
              And maybe I shoulda explained that the first one took place in the infirmary just after he's arrived back from he's DEFINITELY not physically capable of anything.
              And the second one is just a coupla days after he's been released from the from the infirmary to finish recuperating at home with Vala as his 'minder'...he's still on major muscle ALL muscles are gonna be relaxed.
              Sorry if I keep letting 'reality' interfer with 'hot' scenes but when I'm reading, if something happens that doesn't make sense in the context of the situation then it takes me right out of the scene and annoys me. So I write the same way.


              My Fiction:


                When I saw Daniel and Vala together at first, I knew that this would be a perfect match. But I wonder, if they'd met way back in the beginning when Daniel was a very different man, how they would have reacted to each other?


                  Originally posted by LC_ View Post
                  Oh I reading this lost your job a few weeks sympathies...been there, done that lots of time...if this is the case I hope you find something soon.

                  I too was really impressed by MS and CB really wanting DV's resolution to make sense and be IC..and I was also impressed by RCC allowing them that freedom...I'm under the impression that most TV script writers are not open to the actors suggesting kudos to RCC for allowing it and MS and CB for knowing what would've been right for DV.

                  In the brainstorming I've done for 'Best' I tried many 'resolution' scenarios...and have always felt that a 'meltdown' similar to Unending was not completely necessary. If you listen to the way he says "I'm right here" in AoT...there is tenderness and warmth's a different tone than we'd ever heard from him before...and then continuing on to Continuum(okay I know a lot of people take offense to the tone he uses in his parting words to Teal'c but his last words to Vala are not like that...his tone and his words were completely supportive and understanding of why she wanted to stay.)

                  So if you take his tone in the scene in AoT and in Continuum, it seems completely plausible to me that,(as he no longer regards her with the same aggravation he has in the is obvious from pic that Erika just posted from Dominion, he now regards her with affection and tolerance...and since she stayed on Earth instead of going with Tomin then she has clearly chosen to make Earth her home...and therefore won't be 'running' away)...given the right push he might be willing to try something different.
                  Make no mistake would never come first...he hasn't given into her before...he's not about to suddenly leap into it before first making sure they're both in it for the long haul. And if she was able to 'force' the issue and get him to break down...they'd be right back where they started because he'd be back to believing that it's still only about sex for her.

                  Now despite how I wrote 'best'...I do question whether Vala seeing another man would be actually 'push' Daniel. I think he's more likely...given his history and confidence with step back and not interfere...his thinking probably being something like...."this is who makes her happy, I'm not going to prevent that."
                  So the conclusion I reached that the only thing happening in their lives that would be an actual "push" for him to change the status quo would be another example of how short their lives can be...and that would be a serious injury...for either of them.
                  Before we saw Continuum, I thought his injury would be the push...but it didn't work out like that because the 'him' that might have remembered the injury died before the timeline was the 'him' we see at the end of the movie truly never had that injury.
                  There has, however been a life threatening injury that he would probably remember for a very long time.

                  Atlantis....The Lost Tribe.

                  So toward that end, I have been playing with a 'tag' for "Lost Tribe"(yes while I've been slogging away on "Best" too...I truly am a glutton,lol)
                  But I had to do it because there's only been ONE 'tag' for "Lost Tribe"...and it's S/D!
                  That is so wrong.

                  Soooo...try this(spoilers here just to make this look shorter since I've already rambled on long enough,lol)(this was partially inspired by someone else's fic that mentioned that he might have used the time alone on the trip to Atlantis to do some thinking)

                  He watched her disappear into the corridor. Along with the thrill of finally getting to go for strictly research purposes, the trip to Atlantis had provided him with much needed time alone to think and reflect on his life and what he wanted, now that the current bunch of galactic bad guys had been dealt with. It had only taken the first week of the three week trip on the Daedelus to know what he didn’t want. He didn’t want to be alone anymore. He’d wasted enough time with her. He’d gone on for too long finding reasons for why they couldn’t be together, why they wouldn’t work, why he couldn’t be in love with her. The whole almost-being-electrocuted-to-death thing had reminded him once again that life was short, especially their lives. It was past time for him to act. Given the current state of his health though it would have to be in slow-motion. Which really wasn’t a bad thing. Slowly finding a way into a new type of relationship with her suited him just fine.

                  And then a little further

                  If he still harboured any doubts about the wisdom of starting a real relationship with her, they were suddenly resolved. He almost let himself say the three words, but stopped before they came out of his mouth.
                  Now, was not the right time…not when he couldn’t concentrate enough to say things the way he wanted to because his bladder was screaming at him and his stomach was demanding food. Or because he didn’t yet have the stamina or even the mobility to show her physically how he felt. And he figured that given how vehemently he’d rejected her physical proposals in the past, the only way she’d really believe and understand what he was telling her was if he showed her with his body. And with the muscle relaxants he was currently taking, his body’s inability to rise to the occasion, so to speak, wasn’t going to convince her of anything. Much better to put this conversation off while longer.

                  And now, believe it or not...I'm shutting up,lol
                  Oooooooooooo I really wanna read that! *nod nod*


                    Originally posted by MerryK View Post
                    That's my interpretation too, mixed with a little of my personal canon that they're in a well-established relationship by that point, with all the comfortable absences that go along with that.
                    Yep I agree with merry and Ever, that is how I saw that scene. The fact Vala is willing to be separted from Daniel always said how secure she was with their relationship. She knows he loves her and doesn't fret about being away from him for a while.

                    Originally posted by raduzhok View Post
                    When I saw Daniel and Vala together at first, I knew that this would be a perfect match. But I wonder, if they'd met way back in the beginning when Daniel was a very different man, how they would have reacted to each other?
                    Daniel would have run screaming into the night! Vala would have scared him spitless. He was shy, insecure, in-love with Sha're, and not ready for a "Vala" in his life. Merely IMHO of course.


                      Okay, first of all: Happy Easter for all who celebrate it.

                      Originally posted by LC_ View Post
                      Oh I reading this lost your job a few weeks sympathies...been there, done that lots of time...if this is the case I hope you find something soon.
                      thanks for your kind words. Yeah, a few weeks ago I lost my job because of the crisis, and still looking for a new one. Luckily, my sister has twins so I'm helping her to take care of them so I'm not bored all the time..Seriously there is not much to do at home, and I forgot how crappy TV is in daytime...

                      In the brainstorming I've done for 'Best' I tried many 'resolution' scenarios...and have always felt that a 'meltdown' similar to Unending was not completely necessary.
                      Nope..I have always believed that kind of serious meltdown that was in Unending because of the situation they found themselves, included being trapped, helpless and Daniel frustation over the Asgard demise. I seriously doubt we would have ever seen that kind of raw and harsh resolution even though the show wasn't cancelled.

                      If you listen to the way he says "I'm right here" in AoT...there is tenderness and warmth's a different tone than we'd ever heard from him before...and then continuing on to Continuum(okay I know a lot of people take offense to the tone he uses in his parting words to Teal'c but his last words to Vala are not like that...his tone and his words were completely supportive and understanding of why she wanted to stay.)

                      So if you take his tone in the scene in AoT and in Continuum, it seems completely plausible to me that,(as he no longer regards her with the same aggravation he has in the is obvious from pic that Erika just posted from Dominion, he now regards her with affection and tolerance...and since she stayed on Earth instead of going with Tomin then she has clearly chosen to make Earth her home...and therefore won't be 'running' away)...given the right push he might be willing to try something different.
                      Okay, for AoT I kinda agree with you (though I always think there is sort of affection from Daniel when they are really serious. Like Dominion, like MM...etc) but for Continuum, I have to say that I'm one of the people who took 'offense' on his tone. Okay, not exactly his tone but rather, frankly, his attitude. He seemed to me dismissive and not actually caring with her. And I don't even begin to talk about his words to Teal'c. Sorry, I just did't like that kind of behaviour from him. As you already pointed out, Daniel and Vala must have gotten much closer after AoT. (They seemed very closed even in Aot.) But at the ending, he seemed, at least to me, a little unsensitive.

                      Make no mistake would never come first...he hasn't given into her before...he's not about to suddenly leap into it before first making sure they're both in it for the long haul. And if she was able to 'force' the issue and get him to break down...they'd be right back where they started because he'd be back to believing that it's still only about sex for her.
                      Huh, that's the thing what really challange, if I have to frank. What if he just gives in. I don't say it's likely, it's higly unlikely, but it can (somehow)happen. it just needs a good reason to make him understand that he really ought to feel something for Vala beyond friendship, because I think Daniel already subconsciously knows that he's attracted to Vala. He just needs to admit it.
                      I think I mostly want to see how Vala may break down his...reserves(I hope I'm using this word here within right context) and how he can cope with it
                      Maybe I just want to him to be impulsive for once

                      Now despite how I wrote 'best'...I do question whether Vala seeing another man would be actually 'push' Daniel. I think he's more likely...given his history and confidence with step back and not interfere...his thinking probably being something like...."this is who makes her happy, I'm not going to prevent that."
                      You know, it's kind of interesting. I think I'll have to agree with you there. Because even though I can see Daniel somehow doing casual sex with Vala, I just can't see him getting jealous over Vala's possible boyfriend. I think he will probably step back and not interfere. I do wonder though, how he would feel if Vala accepted Tomin's offer and went with him. Would he ever try to stop it?

                      So the conclusion I reached that the only thing happening in their lives that would be an actual "push" for him to change the status quo would be another example of how short their lives can be...and that would be a serious injury...for either of them.
                      Yeah, Daniel seemed so much happy with the status quo now. One reason why I like ship Vala with Daniel because of that Vala had messed up with Daniel's status quo after S7 when she showed up in S9. And I can imagine Vala 'pushing him further' if not anything but she's so damn curious to see how he'd react.

                      Atlantis....The Lost Tribe.

                      So toward that end, I have been playing with a 'tag' for "Lost Tribe"(yes while I've been slogging away on "Best" too...I truly am a glutton,lol)
                      But I had to do it because there's only been ONE 'tag' for "Lost Tribe"...and it's S/D!
                      That is so wrong.
                      Yeah, serious injuries might work too. I mean, it can make them to see 'life is too short.' sort of..'make love, not war'

                      Soooo...try this(spoilers here just to make this look shorter since I've already rambled on long enough,lol)(this was partially inspired by someone else's fic that mentioned that he might have used the time alone on the trip to Atlantis to do some thinking)

                      He watched her disappear into the corridor. Along with the thrill of finally getting to go for strictly research purposes, the trip to Atlantis had provided him with much needed time alone to think and reflect on his life and what he wanted, now that the current bunch of galactic bad guys had been dealt with. It had only taken the first week of the three week trip on the Daedelus to know what he didn’t want. He didn’t want to be alone anymore. He’d wasted enough time with her. He’d gone on for too long finding reasons for why they couldn’t be together, why they wouldn’t work, why he couldn’t be in love with her. The whole almost-being-electrocuted-to-death thing had reminded him once again that life was short, especially their lives. It was past time for him to act. Given the current state of his health though it would have to be in slow-motion. Which really wasn’t a bad thing. Slowly finding a way into a new type of relationship with her suited him just fine.

                      And then a little further

                      If he still harboured any doubts about the wisdom of starting a real relationship with her, they were suddenly resolved. He almost let himself say the three words, but stopped before they came out of his mouth.
                      Now, was not the right time…not when he couldn’t concentrate enough to say things the way he wanted to because his bladder was screaming at him and his stomach was demanding food. Or because he didn’t yet have the stamina or even the mobility to show her physically how he felt. And he figured that given how vehemently he’d rejected her physical proposals in the past, the only way she’d really believe and understand what he was telling her was if he showed her with his body. And with the muscle relaxants he was currently taking, his body’s inability to rise to the occasion, so to speak, wasn’t going to convince her of anything. Much better to put this conversation off while longer.
                      Himm, seems interesting. Daniel and his desire for long analysing. I think if they didn't get a little 'push/nudge' from inside or outside to make things little complicated, it's only logical way for them to end up together.

                      And now, believe it or not...I'm shutting up,lol
                      lol..yeah me too.
                      Goodness, i can't believe. This must be the longest post I've written since ages.
                      Banner made by Stef

                      Save the sexy female alien, save the SG-1


                        Second post in a
                        okay, I just need to comment something I see about Continuum

                        Originally posted by CaramelMonkey View Post
                        You have some valid points. But as much as I wish it wasn't, I really can't help but see Daniel's last words to Vala in Continuum as a brush off! Unless I read some fanfiction about it...then it makes me feel happier.
                        And, yeah. Oh! Gioia, I'm very sorry that you lost your job.
                        As I already said, I agree. Daniel's behavior seems (at least to me)a little off. A brush off, is a neat way to describe it.

                        Oh, and thanks for the words for jobs. Life sucks sometimes!

                        Originally posted by MerryK View Post
                        That's my interpretation too, mixed with a little of my personal canon that they're in a well-established relationship by that point, with all the comfortable absences that go along with that.
                        Originally posted by Rac80 View Post
                        Yep I agree with merry and Ever, that is how I saw that scene. The fact Vala is willing to be separted from Daniel always said how secure she was with their relationship. She knows he loves her and doesn't fret about being away from him for a while.
                        Frankly, I don't quite understand that point of view. Why should ever feel that being absence for a (possibly) short time would threaten her relationship with him? It's not like that he would ever go to 'greener pastures' on her absence
                        Last edited by gioia; 12 April 2009, 12:56 PM. Reason: Because I can't type
                        Banner made by Stef

                        Save the sexy female alien, save the SG-1


                          Originally posted by gioia View Post
                          Second post in a
                          okay, I just need to comment something I see about Continuum

                          As I already said, I agree. Daniel's behavior seems (at least to me)a little off. A brush off, is a neat way to describe it.

                          Oh, and thanks for the words for jobs. Life sucks sometimes!

                          Frankly, I don't quite understand that point of view. Why should ever feel that being absence for a (possibly) short time would threaten her relationship with him? It's not like that he would ever go to 'greener pastures' on her absence
                          First off, Ever is a nickname I picked up on the other thread Rach and I hang out on. Then, I think that it isn't so much Daniel would go to greener pastures, as Vala might be afraid that Daniel wouldn't understand her desire to help Baal's host. Neither Vala nor Daniel have that misunderstanding. They know each other and what to expect from each other very well by now. While a part of me can see them in a romantic relationship by this point, at the very least their friendship is rock solid.

                          Click here daily to give free mammograms

                          It is better to be crazy for Jesus than a wise man for Satan. Laters, Misi


                            Originally posted by Everlovin View Post
                            First off, Ever is a nickname I picked up on the other thread Rach and I hang out on. Then, I think that it isn't so much Daniel would go to greener pastures, as Vala might be afraid that Daniel wouldn't understand her desire to help Baal's host. Neither Vala nor Daniel have that misunderstanding. They know each other and what to expect from each other very well by now. While a part of me can see them in a romantic relationship by this point, at the very least their friendship is rock solid.
                            Yep what ever said... I didn't mean that Vala would fear that Daniel would move on to another woman, just get so wrapped up in work/life he wouldn't miss her. (I took a lot of her behavior in s10 as insecurity) I think Vala is so nuts over daniel that unless they were in a relationship she might be nervous about him not missing her.


                              Video Break:

                              ChristianGateFan rec'ed this one and I think it is a cool D/V AU video. Makes me wonder about all the possible endings to the D/V Story. Fic Writers......Poke.....

                              Made by VickiTurner

                              Here To Say I'm Sorry
                              Sig by Toomi


                                Video Break:

                                Here is a giddy video to balance the last sad one. Love new videos. Woohoo.

                                I Can't Decide
                                Strong Language
                                Sig by Toomi

