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Daniel Jackson/Vala Mal Doran Ship/Discussion/Appreciation Thread

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    Originally posted by Stef View Post
    *bounces* Aren't they both just so awesome?? I saw N&S first so it holds top honors (especially for that scene of pure melt-worthy love at the end)...but JE is in close second. Actually, to bring this back to D/V...I believe after I Kales watched N&S out of her own choosing () she wrote a D/V version of the ending. It was lovely

    As for other things similar to it, Jane Austen would be the closest. I typically only like the Gwyneth Paltrow version of Emma and then the Keira Knightly version of Pride & Prejudice but the two recent BBC/PBS versions of Mansfield Park and Northanger Abbey were actually pretty good. One of the movies that I am LOVING right now is The Painted Veil with Naomi Watts and Edward Norton. It's not necessarily in the same vein as the others I mentioned but it's a beautiful love story with great acting and gorgeous scenery (it's a period piece).

    But that's enough of that...but could you imagine a sweeping love story of D/V? Can I petition for that movie now?

    Yeah liked N&S the best. Already own both P&P and Emma and you're right they are awesome.
    D/V need their own movie its as simple as that. I actually haven't seem the Notebook but it sounds awesome

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    Fruitcakes Anonymous C2


      Originally posted by natalia View Post
      this is such classic fruitcake-y ovenness - having you two being insane all alone on the thread lol yet somehow i'm in the middle of it this time *snort* I think you've made the simple little kiss-y fic into something a lot more complicated lol....rain i'm with ya, sex...yeah i dunno lol haven't written any of that yet we shall see how steamy I can get, car...interesting idea *ponders*...and then you lost me after that lol dinosaurs and aliens? riiiiiight. the insaneness is full of hilarity i tell you. we'll see what comes of this - perhaps i'll take a stab at something tonight lol...i'll try and work crystalized aliens in I promise lmao

      EDIT: I was thinking i might be able to work the rain kissy scene into my fic i'm just starting now it would make for a great climax perhaps...there might be a lack of dinosaurs though lol
      Hmm? Isn't this where everyone else's imaginations went? No? This is what y'all get when you leave Milena and I alone in the thread together with nothing but our overactive imaginations to keep us company

      Well, you don't *need* to write the actual movements of the love scene - cause I'll admit that my preferences are pretty tame for that kind of thing - but maybe just enough description for us to feel the passion even if we don't read it literally on the screen Like I don't need to know about Daniel's "quivering member" or Vala reaching the "peak of her womanhood." But IF you can, try to get a little mention of crystal aliens or dinosaurs in there

      And now I must edit, edit, edit!!

      Last edited by Stef; 26 June 2008, 06:49 PM.

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        Originally posted by Stef View Post
        Hmm? Isn't this where everyone else's imaginations went? No? This is what y'all get when you leave Milena and I alone in the thread together with nothing but our overactive imaginations to keep up company

        Well, you don't *need* to write the actual movements of the love scene - cause I'll admit that my preferences are pretty tame for that kind of thing - but maybe just enough description for us to feel the passion even if we don't read it literally on the screen Like I don't need to know about Daniel's "quivering member" or Vala reaching the "peak of her womanhood." But IF you can, try to get a little mention of crystal aliens or dinosaurs in there

        And now I must edit, edit, edit!!

        *ROLLING ON THE FLOOOR LAUGHING* ok stef i'll keep it tame lol. good lord. *is dying* yeah no i wouldn't EVER write anything like that - i honestly could not even begin to do it lol - but i've also not really written much more than a kiss either so ANYways. i'll do my best on the rest of it. *rolls eyes*

        hey hey are you viding? DV vidding? please please please yes? cause you are amazing and i await your masterpiece with baited breath (is that the right phrase?) ... i'm waiting desperate and impatient.

        oh and for the sake of anyone who is wondering what the heck we're going on about with the notebook stuff:
        My Fic: LJ &


          Ok Nat must get that movie!!

          Banner by Stef
          Fruitcakes Anonymous C2


            Originally posted by CrazyLikeaFox View Post
            Ok Nat must get that movie!!
            yes yes you must it is so one of my favs. cause i'm sappy like that. it is one of my guilty pleasures i admit it. give me the notebook on a dreary day and i am cheered right up. which is odd since it's not the MOST cheerful movie. but hey. i'm weird. *goes back to note making for fic* ....vala. rain. upset. rain. on cheyenne mountain? on the road going away from the mountain? where shall Daniel find her. rain. hmmmm. emotional crazyness and kissing ensues. my writing process (or more specifically lack thereof) is nuts.
            My Fic: LJ &


              Originally posted by natalia View Post
              hey hey are you viding? DV vidding? please please please yes? cause you are amazing and i await your masterpiece with baited breath (is that the right phrase?) ... i'm waiting desperate and impatient.

              oh and for the sake of anyone who is wondering what the heck we're going on about with the notebook stuff:
              *smiles coyly* I might be It would have been done sooner but stupid work keeps getting in my way! I hate 8am shifts, they're so not conducive for my vidding lifestyle.

              And nice pictures...but why are you tempting me to watch that movie when I need to work on this vid? Bad, Nat, bad!


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                Originally posted by Stef View Post
                *smiles coyly* I might be It would have been done sooner but stupid work keeps getting in my way! I hate 8am shifts, they're so not conducive for my vidding lifestyle.

                And nice pictures...but why are you tempting me to watch that movie when I need to work on this vid? Bad, Nat, bad!

                I FORBID you from drooling over the notebook until the beautifulness of your vid is complete *pretty please??? *
                My Fic: LJ &


                  Yes keep that vidding and fanficing coming

                  Banner by Stef
                  Fruitcakes Anonymous C2


                    Originally posted by FruitCake View Post
                    Hi new to the site and a massive Vala N Daniel fan ... I have not loved a tv couple this much since the first seasons of VM and BSG (both of whom destroyed my OTP sigh) it has been very refreshing to have a show NOT mess up a relationship and I have to admit I am surprised ... no that's not right .... out right amazed that Stargate ended up able to pull it off as relationships of this kind has never been this shows strong suit lol but dang did they get it right
                    Welcome...nice nickname btw,lol
                    And if we're being completely honest, almost the ONLY reason that DV got a satisfying resolution was because Michael and Claudia...are what was the term...'responsible storytellers'
                    Meaning they KNEW what was right for Daniel and Vala.
                    It is our understanding that the scene RCC originally wrote had them falling into bed together and then Daniel demanding to know if that meant they were in a relationship....the idea, that after putting her off for two-ish years, that Daniel would suddenly fall into bed with her without first knowing how she felt about him was sooo wrong.
                    But the actors knew what was right.
                    Which kinda gives me hope for Continuum...there may not be anything even remotely meant to be shippy, BUT I have hope that the actors will give us something.

                    Originally posted by FruitCake View Post
                    Yeah I know what you mean ... and frankly I think it's a cop out for a show to do ... I don't need happy every after, I am actually much more interested in watching a well written couple who are not breaking up every two seconds but rather having their ups and downs and weathering all that is thrown at them (so far the only show I have ever seen really do this was Medium) basically taking the drama from outside sources instead of the relationship it's self (this would also save a show from ending up rotating around one super couple) .... I hate sappy, and I hate over used angst, and just wished someone would have the guts in a show to write something in between, lol or the talent. I admit it would not be easy and was amazed that for one ep This show pulled it off so much so I forgave them the reset. It was in the end done so that even if this ship never officially happens in the movies I think most will assume it will happen off screen at some point and I guess I can live with that.
                    Wow, am I with you on this one. I don't get why TV writers can't seem to get into their heads that a settled couple can work...especially with these two...they go about things in different ways, just because they're in a committed relationship doesn't mean their base personalities are gonna change overnight...that is so unrealistic....
                    I wonder if the fact that a lot of TV writers are male has anything to do with it.
                    (see second bold)....yup...and I have a work of fiction creating that here:

                    This is my author page at 'alldaniel''ll also find my 'missing scene' to Unending and small one-shot piece of angst.
                    (I've also started posting it at FF, but the posting at 'alldaniel' is the up-date one.)

                    Originally posted by gater101 View Post
                    Well... I'm coming out of the closet with my D/V ship.

                    I will put my hands up and admit, I did not watch season 9 & 10 of SG-1 first tim around... However, I am watching the re-runs (break from uni you see) and I've just watched S9 E1-4 and I have fallen in love with DV... So, here I am. Professing my love.

                    There is just something about their interaction; it's playful and snarky and just what the SG1 team needed after the heaviness of season 8
                    Welcome. So, just curious...why did you stop watching?

                    Originally posted by gater101 View Post
                    I agree with you all.

                    I'll admit, I was sceptical and I watched Unending - first SG1 ep I'd watched in two and a half years - and, as an old school SG1 fan, I didn't like Cam or Vala - or Daniel for that matter. But re-watching it, I've come to love all the characters all over again and Daniel and Vala were, very much the old married couple. I loved the line Daniel says in Beachhead about...

                    "A little less talking a little more shut the hell up"? It was hilarious and I think the writer's in season 8/9/10 really brought out a different side of Daniel - he seemed more content to be himself, you know? But then, after ascending a gazillion times, I'm not surprised

                    Anyway, back to the topic at hand... Anyone know any angsty DV fics? I haven't even started looking, but you know how can be
                    Many people have recommended some of the best ones to you.
                    My'opus'...will have some big angsty chapters, but I haven't gotten that far yet.
                    I do have one that is pure angst...written when I was worried that Vala was gonna die by the end of Continuum
                    Can be found by clicking here:

                    Originally posted by natalia View Post
                    My Rec: I have sooo many favourites saved...i'm going to have to organise them all and post some BUT one that does come to mind is milena's However, Whenever
                    simply amazing in my opinion i loved it
                    Thanks for the reminder Nat...that was great.

                    Originally posted by CrazyLikeaFox View Post
                    Congrats on the article LC!! Just read and its awesome.
                    Thanks...and apparently this is Stargate week at that website...someone posted the same sort of profile for Jack
                    Here's the link again:


                    Originally posted by Risti View Post
                    Oh, wow, ok, can I just say that it was totally not my intention to post and then disappear completely? When the D/V fic bug bit, it bit hard... I've had my nose buried in the word processor for the past few weeks, and the result is that I've finished a rough draft, and am working on edits for a ~14 000 word D/V fic - basically an extra episode set sometime after PU and before Reckoning. I should be posting it to my LJ, and probably sometime in the next couple of weeks (I'll be sure to let you all know).
                    Oh fiction...looking forward.

                    Originally posted by natalia View Post
                    thanks LC - i'm just playing around with some notes and ideas for a fic so i might be able to fit it in - i can see a scene in my head of rainy arguing and hotness so i'll make some notes on it and save it to see if it fits later

                    some pretty:

                    *add rain*
                    Hmm....dunno Nat...I'm not seeing them sitting in the rain...I'm seeing Daniel having her trapped against the car.


                    My Fiction:


                      Hmm....dunno Nat...I'm not seeing them sitting in the rain...I'm seeing Daniel having her trapped against the car.
                      Nice Idea LC definitely something I'd read

                      Banner by Stef
                      Fruitcakes Anonymous C2


                        Originally posted by LC_ View Post
                        Hmm....dunno Nat...I'm not seeing them sitting in the rain...I'm seeing Daniel having her trapped against the car.
               the rain lol *notes down car idea to try out later*
                        My Fic: LJ &


                          Originally posted by Stef View Post
                          If I had been drinking anything when I read that, it would have totally just been spitted it out right now. Crotch shots = cinematic GOLD. AoT is just further proof of that! And for your information...Dr. Grant in JP was a paleontologist...and as we all know, both that and archaeologist end in "-ologist." See where I'm going with this one? No? Neither do I. But I think you could totally combine both of our ideas into one brilliant, action-packed, crotch-infused adventure for D/V. Maaaaybe, they get pushed off that cliff by the dinosaur and they realize that they are in the ruins of an ancient civilization filled with prehistoric peoples, creatures, and telepathic crystal aliens who the people worship as gods! Granted, I have no idea why they'd be making out in the rain in a place that was situated right above an ancient civilization like that but I'll leave that to Nat to figure out. Don't want to hand too much to her Just remember: Rain + Sex + Car + Hand + Dinosaur + Crystallized Aliens

                          And now I go to dinner.

                          Totally, AT knows where the true art lies

                          And dude...they'd be making out in the rain know...they're on the cliff, they look over and Daniel is all happy with their dinosaur/alien discovery and in the mood to mack on something and voila...Vala! At which point they make out, she slaps him for taking her for granted, the letters he wrote her come up, the audience collectively "awwww"s and then more making out! It's not like they can excavate stuff when the ground is all soggy from the downpour...what else is there to do but get into the car and make out?

                          Originally posted by natalia View Post
                          this is such classic fruitcake-y ovenness - having you two being insane all alone on the thread lol yet somehow i'm in the middle of it this time *snort* I think you've made the simple little kiss-y fic into something a lot more complicated lol....rain i'm with ya, sex...yeah i dunno lol haven't written any of that yet we shall see how steamy I can get, car...interesting idea *ponders*...and then you lost me after that lol dinosaurs and aliens? riiiiiight. the insaneness is full of hilarity i tell you. we'll see what comes of this - perhaps i'll take a stab at something tonight lol...i'll try and work crystalized aliens in I promise lmao

                          EDIT: I was thinking i might be able to work the rain kissy scene into my fic i'm just starting now it would make for a great climax perhaps...there might be a lack of dinosaurs though lol
                          Dude, the dinosaurs are the mesoglia to the ectoderm and endoderm that is the crack!fic! (I so haven't been studying bio too much ) You can't just cut them out Not to mention the unions that would come and harass you for racial profiling.

                          Originally posted by Stef View Post
                          Hmm? Isn't this where everyone else's imaginations went? No? This is what y'all get when you leave Milena and I alone in the thread together with nothing but our overactive imaginations to keep us company

                          Well, you don't *need* to write the actual movements of the love scene - cause I'll admit that my preferences are pretty tame for that kind of thing - but maybe just enough description for us to feel the passion even if we don't read it literally on the screen. Like I don't need to know about Daniel's "quivering member" or Vala reaching the "peak of her womanhood." But IF you can, try to get a little mention of crystal aliens or dinosaurs in there
                          ...dude, seriously, why do you keep forgetting the "heaving bosoms"?

                          Originally posted by natalia View Post
                          oh and for the sake of anyone who is wondering what the heck we're going on about with the notebook stuff:
                          *siiigh* That was such a hot scene...and the scene after it was such a hot scene...*siiiigh*

                          Originally posted by LC_ View Post
                          Welcome...nice nickname btw,lol
                          And if we're being completely honest, almost the ONLY reason that DV got a satisfying resolution was because Michael and Claudia...are what was the term...'responsible storytellers'
                          Meaning they KNEW what was right for Daniel and Vala.
                          It is our understanding that the scene RCC originally wrote had them falling into bed together and then Daniel demanding to know if that meant they were in a relationship....the idea, that after putting her off for two-ish years, that Daniel would suddenly fall into bed with her without first knowing how she felt about him was sooo wrong.
                          But the actors knew what was right.
                          Which kinda gives me hope for Continuum...there may not be anything even remotely meant to be shippy, BUT I have hope that the actors will give us something.
                          *TWITCH* They rewrote WHAT? *twiiiiitchy* Okay, that's it, I have lost all respect for them, all of it *glares at imaginary MS and CB* I used to get all fangirly at the thought that they cared enough for their fans to push for a resolution...unbeknowst to me that they'd actually destroyed the free ship-fest for a cruel-fest...granted with an amazingly world-tilting finish?

                          Do you know what great clips they could have provided in that ONE scene for vidders trying to find blatant shippiness? Although it would have taken away from the ficcing material...hmm...which side to be loyal to?

                          Screw realism and character integrity, I want my DeVilish makeout!

                          Originally posted by LC_ View Post
                          Hmm....dunno Nat...I'm not seeing them sitting in the rain...I'm seeing Daniel having her trapped against the car.
                          LoL, okay, you guys know that you're all begging for a fic that's already been written right? And not by me this time

                          It's Chapter 22: Rain, of Isa's Bijou Vignettes, I highly recommend the entire fic...all of her entire fics actually.

                          Enjoy! I did
                          ||My Fanfiction: & My LJ || Vala Multi-Shipping LJ Comm||

                          Banner made by Stef!


                            Originally posted by Milena_D View Post
                            Totally, AT knows where the true art lies
                            Indeed she does, dirty girl. And how do dirty girls get clean....?

                            Originally posted by Milena_D View Post
                            And dude...they'd be making out in the rain know...they're on the cliff, they look over and Daniel is all happy with their dinosaur/alien discovery and in the mood to mack on something and voila...Vala! At which point they make out, she slaps him for taking her for granted, the letters he wrote her come up, the audience collectively "awwww"s and then more making out! It's not like they can excavate stuff when the ground is all soggy from the downpour...what else is there to do but get into the car and make out?
                            Ah, you make a very good point, madame. If nothing else, Daniel is practical. Besides, what if he tried to go down the cliff/hill thing in the mud and stepped on some precious artifact that the rain had unearthed? He'd never forgive himself. So really, in order to save Daniel the guilt he HAS to make out with Vala in the rain and/or against/in the car!!

                            Originally posted by Milena_D View Post
                            ...dude, seriously, why do you keep forgetting the "heaving bosoms"?
                            I don't know! I guess I'll never make it as a romance novelist now. Just one more dream destroyed by heaving bosoms.

                            Originally posted by Milena_D View Post
                            *TWITCH* They rewrote WHAT? *twiiiiitchy* Okay, that's it, I have lost all respect for them, all of it *glares at imaginary MS and CB* I used to get all fangirly at the thought that they cared enough for their fans to push for a resolution...unbeknowst to me that they'd actually destroyed the free ship-fest for a cruel-fest...granted with an amazingly world-tilting finish?

                            Do you know what great clips they could have provided in that ONE scene for vidders trying to find blatant shippiness? Although it would have taken away from the ficcing material...hmm...which side to be loyal to?

                            Screw realism and character integrity, I want my DeVilish makeout!
                            I know!! I mean how many fluff videos could I have made with that material?! Okay...well...I don't actually *make* fluff videos, but hypothetically if I did I would be heartbroken right now! Of course I'm curious now about what that scene would have looked like. My feelings on it would be based on whether or not it had three key components: 1) Tongue 2) Clothing removal 3) Great sex afterglow. If it had any of those things I might just lean in favor of RCC I mean, perhaps he was just trying to give all us fangirls what we've so desperately wanted for the past two years. Sure, it might not have been *completely* accurate to the characters and the ship...but it would have made for the pretty! Oh RCC, how you try and spoil us

                            Originally posted by Milena_D View Post
                            LoL, okay, you guys know that you're all begging for a fic that's already been written right? And not by me this time

                            It's Chapter 22: Rain, of Isa's Bijou Vignettes, I highly recommend the entire fic...all of her entire fics actually.

                            Enjoy! I did
                            Ha! I knew I wasn't imagining things. I had read a D/V rain make-out. BUT may I point out that if you have D/V get soaking wet and then being IN the car and looking at each other longingly before having hot sex, you're totally in a different realm than Isa's fic. Just a thought...

                            ...oh, and scrap the anger angle. You totally need to write it as comfort. Like they have tender, comfort, bonding sex in the car


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                              And for all inquiring minds, at the end of Continuum, the events are remembered by...
                     one. Yup, it's all gonna be a wash like "Moebius." It seems that at the end the team just comes back thinking they witnessed a basic extraction of Ba'al's Goa'uld symbiote and nothing more.


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                                Originally posted by Stef View Post
                                And for all inquiring minds, at the end of Continuum, the events are remembered by...
                       one. Yup, it's all gonna be a wash like "Moebius." It seems that at the end the team just comes back thinking they witnessed a basic extraction of Ba'al's Goa'uld symbiote and nothing more.

                                B(r)ad Wright makes me sick... Total lack of imagination, rip of his previous episodes or perhaps even other movies... not interested.

