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Daniel Jackson/Vala Mal Doran Ship/Discussion/Appreciation Thread

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    Originally posted by natalia View Post
    *Sneaks into oven. Looks around. hmmm nobody home. leaves fic on the table*

    Memento Mori Tag 1
    Wandering Soul: Lost In Storms and Shadows

    *slinks back out*

    Originally posted by natalia View Post
    oh god. the party down the hall just gets louder and louder. SHHHHHH you youngins i'm TRYING to write and essay on Robert Frost!


    EDIT: i've GOT the second part but i'm trying to decide if I should wait to post it or just give 'er...
    EDIT 2: "So you're not man enough to fight a girl? - oh this party is going SO well.
    Need me to send some replicators to get them to be quiet?

    Originally posted by fluffypigeon View Post
    Quick summary? It's filled with Devillishness, of course, plot, adventure, and a sprinkle of angst as they try to stave off an Ori attack. And some surprise guests visit, which of course makes it all the more enjoyable!
    What's angst?

    Just watched BAMSR again and SoW, very good.

    My Fanfic


      Originally posted by Leech10 View Post

      Need me to send some replicators to get them to be quiet?

      oh and yeah replicators would be great. because you know, ONE rendition of the spice girls and backstreet boys and beach boys in loud drunken voices was just not enough...*they start up again*

      My Fic: LJ &


        Alright Kris HERE IT GOES

        *struts confidently into Oven*


        check out the second memento mori tag HERE

        and the first one is here if you missed it

        Let me know what you think

        *plops self down and grins*

        how was that for plugging/self promotion? besides totally unlike me I mean *shudders slightly*
        My Fic: LJ &


          Originally posted by Leech10 View Post

          What's angst?
          angst--(according to wikipedia)--is a Germanic word for fear or anxiety. It is used in English to describe an intense feeling of emotional strife. In German, it is the fear of possible suffering and a behavior resulting from uncertainty and strain which is caused by pain, loss, and death.

          LOL. Sorry that definition just made me laugh. A little overdramatic, huh? And apparently it has been sited on the website as being an over dramatic definition as well. And I quote..."The factual accuracy of this article is disputed." Sorry...I just think that makes it even funnier. Anyhoo, moving on...

          Originally posted by Leech10 View Post

          Just watched BAMSR again and SoW, very good.
          BAMSR is great. Best ep of the season in MHO. And SoW... Ooo..I haven't seen it yet. I have to remember to watch it tonight.

          ~My FanFiction~


            Originally posted by natalia View Post
            Alright Kris HERE IT GOES

            *struts confidently into Oven*


            check out the second memento mori tag HERE

            and the first one is here if you missed it

            Let me know what you think

            *plops self down and grins*

            how was that for plugging/self promotion? besides totally unlike me I mean *shudders slightly*
            Whoo hoo! You go girl! Plugging is the way to be....Nat, I totally's really against my nature too

            Of to read and review...

            EDIT: Ooo, forgot to ask. How's the big dorm party? Still in full swing and driving you crazy?

            ~My FanFiction~


              Originally posted by fluffypigeon View Post
              Whoo hoo! You go girl! Plugging is the way to be....Nat, I totally's really against my nature too

              Of to read and review...

              EDIT: Ooo, forgot to ask. How's the big dorm party? Still in full swing and driving you crazy?
              awww thanks!

              and FINALLY just a mere 2 minutes ago it was broken up. Without even joining the party I managed to lose a slipper - it is irreparable. long story
              My Fic: LJ &


                Originally posted by natalia View Post
                Alright Kris HERE IT GOES

                *struts confidently into Oven*


                check out the second memento mori tag HERE

                and the first one is here if you missed it

                Let me know what you think

                *plops self down and grins*

                how was that for plugging/self promotion? besides totally unlike me I mean *shudders slightly*
                That was quick... looks good!

                Originally posted by fluffypigeon View Post
                angst--(according to wikipedia)--is a Germanic word for fear or anxiety. It is used in English to describe an intense feeling of emotional strife. In German, it is the fear of possible suffering and a behavior resulting from uncertainty and strain which is caused by pain, loss, and death.

                LOL. Sorry that definition just made me laugh. A little overdramatic, huh? And apparently it has been sited on the website as being an over dramatic definition as well. And I quote..."The factual accuracy of this article is disputed." Sorry...I just think that makes it even funnier. Anyhoo, moving on...

                BAMSR is great. Best ep of the season in MHO. And SoW... Ooo..I haven't seen it yet. I have to remember to watch it tonight.
                Oh, okay. And how about best ep of the series for BAMSR? (Sorry Rising)

                Originally posted by natalia View Post

                oh and yeah replicators would be great. because you know, ONE rendition of the spice girls and backstreet boys and beach boys in loud drunken voices was just not enough...*they start up again*


                Originally posted by natalia View Post
                awww thanks!

                and FINALLY just a mere 2 minutes ago it was broken up. Without even joining the party I managed to lose a slipper - it is irreparable. long story
                *Two replicators that look like Daniel and Vala beam into party.*

                Replijackson: We are replicators. We have orders to quiet this party. Resistance is futile.

                Random drunk partying person: What? You gonna assimilate us?

                Replivala: You will not be assimilated.
                Replijackson: All we want is a little less talk; a little more shut the hell up.

                *party quiets down*

                Replivala: Thank you.

                *They beam out*

                My Fanfic


                  Originally posted by Leech10 View Post
                  That was quick... looks good!

                  Oh, okay. And how about best ep of the series for BAMSR? (Sorry Rising)


                  *Two replicators that look like Daniel and Vala beam into party.*

                  Replijackson: We are replicators. We have orders to quiet this party. Resistance is futile.

                  Random drunk partying person: What? You gonna assimilate us?

                  Replivala: You will not be assimilated.
                  Replijackson: All we want is a little less talk; a little more shut the hell up.

                  *party quiets down*

                  Replivala: Thank you.

                  *They beam out*
                  OH THAT's what happened. it all makes sense now. me and everyone else on my floor/in the building/on the street thank you and your replicators then
                  My Fic: LJ &


                    Originally posted by Leech10 View Post
                    That was quick... looks good!

                    Oh, okay. And how about best ep of the series for BAMSR? (Sorry Rising)

                    Yeah I would agree with that. I'm not a huge SGA fan....I like it an all, but that episode....was amazing. Didn't even compare... Rodney...*sigh*...I just love that man. He was perfect.

                    ~My FanFiction~


                      Last Memento Mori Tag is posted

                      thanks to some quick beta-ing from Erin

                      check it out HERE

                      And the other two parts are
                      In The Back Room and then The Warehouse

                      I told myself I would go to bed...then I wanted to get this up for y'all but NOW i head to bed. Let me know what you all think of it though!!

                      My Fic: LJ &





                          Welcome Back!! How are you feeling??


                          PHOTOBUCKET // WEBSITE // LIVEJOURNAL---------------------------------------------------------




                            I am much better.... I can see again. lol. How've you all been? Have I missed much?


                              *jumps up and down* I'm so glad you're back! I need a smiley...where can I get one....where is that darn fruitcake PB....

                              Okay, now I need to sit and calm down a bit

                              Wait, there was a time you couldn't see? At any point did you ever scream "I can see!" in a British accent? Hopefully things are better now?

                              Things have been fine here....maybe....possibly...could be? I am not the person to answer your second question as I have been a little out of the loop. Although, we do have about 10 new faces you'll need to get acquainted with. Good luck with that


                              PHOTOBUCKET // WEBSITE // LIVEJOURNAL---------------------------------------------------------


                                Originally posted by Stef View Post
                                Ah, the simple pleasures in life. A small smile, a simple touch, a woman getting run over by a bus. It truly is one of the great things about being alive.

                                Take care! We'll miss you while you're gone!

                                *giggle* I'm gonna quote you on that Stef.

                                Originally posted by Tonttu View Post
                                After a long time I'm editing with AviSynth again

                                Here's my newest video edited with AviSynth:
                                Maybe Tomorrow is a Better Day


                                AviSynth script used to make the video can be found here:
                                You can use it to make the video or your own version of the video

                                The song was released as a download single
                                You can download the song from here:
                                It can be downloaded as MP3, OGG, WAV or FLAC so there's a choice for those who want lossless instead of low quality MP3


                                While editing this video I found a video that I don't even remember doing (I must have done it a long time ago)
                                maybe I'll encode and upload it sometime. Not sure because it isn't very good.
                                Cool, I just downloaded this, I'm going to go watch!

                                And yay for Nat and Kris, giving us lots of fic to read tonight *applauds*

                                You're back! Are you feeling better now? We were worried..
                                Renny Roo, the Keeper Of the Fruitcakes

                                Sig by Odakota_Rose

