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Daniel Jackson/Vala Mal Doran Ship/Discussion/Appreciation Thread

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    Originally posted by sg1cat View Post
    Hrm....I dunno, I think your title is something you should be proud of...

    ...maybe I'll just search the old thread posts myself...
    Originally posted by Kath Pup View Post
    Please, do! I couldn't find it myself, so any help would be appreciated
    Originally posted by Milena_D View Post

    Nonononono That's really not necessary

    Originally posted by sg1cat View Post
    But...but, Milena...Kath is a friend, she asked for help...I can't say no to her...!

    *searches around for a bit, then pauses, raising his eyebrows*

    Helllo there...what's this post by Kath a few months back...?

    Originally posted by Milena_D View Post
    Yoouuu're bluffing
    *sighs* Yes,'re right...I didn't find anything...


    Originally posted by Kath Pup View Post

    Then it's official. Milena is now the Official Thread Badgerer!

    And with that, I'm off ot bed. Night Fruitcakes!


    Originally posted by madaboutdanny View Post
    Yes! Good night Fruitcakes
    oh, and g'night Mad.
    ~sg1cat~ (aka Darryl ) | FanFics: LiveJournal



      Originally posted by LittleMissJigsaw View Post
      *peeks in* I seem to have missed alot...

      Hey peoples! Missed me? Sorry for the absence, but my computer's dead...

      Just popping in for a sec, since the owner of my current computer wishes that I remove my ass from her chair and leave her room, so I shall see you all again soon....ish.
      I hope your computer gets better soon

      Originally posted by sg1cat View Post
      *sighs* Yes,'re right...I didn't find anything...


      CURSES!! Oh well, if a badgerer I am called, then a badgerer I shall be You will rrruuuueee the day you began your inquiry! RUE!! *points threateningly sans smiley*
      ||My Fanfiction: & My LJ || Vala Multi-Shipping LJ Comm||

      Banner made by Stef!


        Originally posted by sg1cat View Post
        *sighs* Yes,'re right...I didn't find anything...
        You, sir, are a legend.

        The Updated Thread Officer List:

        Kath - Anointer of Titles, Keeper of the Drinking Game, Queen of OT
        Isa- Queen of OT, Vocab Queen
        Stef - Marshall of the DV Arts
        Kales - Keeper of Themes
        DJGirl - Co-Queen of the DV Gutter, Head Minion Keeper
        Gioia - Co-Queen of the DV Gutter
        Erin - Princess of the DV Gutter
        Sg1cat - Prince of the DV Gutter
        Odakota - Keeper of Fruitcakes
        Tonttu - Host of Power
        Poundpuppy - Goddess of Compassion and Justice
        Ronja - Goddess of Screencaps
        Djay - keeper of the BBQ
        Maeve - Social Events Co-ordinator
        Milena - Official Thread Badgerer
        Banner by Stef.

        The Daniel/Vala Drinking Game Grab your passion fruit martinis and join in!

        HELP! HELP! I'M BEING REPRESSED! Vala meets Monty Python.


          Originally posted by Kath Pup View Post
          You, sir, are a legend.

          The Updated Thread Officer List:

          Kath - Anointer of Titles, Keeper of the Drinking Game, Queen of OT
          Isa- Queen of OT, Vocab Queen
          Stef - Marshall of the DV Arts
          Kales - Keeper of Themes
          DJGirl - Co-Queen of the DV Gutter, Head Minion Keeper
          Gioia - Co-Queen of the DV Gutter
          Erin - Princess of the DV Gutter
          Sg1cat - Prince of the DV Gutter
          Odakota - Keeper of Fruitcakes
          Tonttu - Host of Power
          Poundpuppy - Goddess of Compassion and Justice
          Ronja - Goddess of Screencaps
          Djay - keeper of the BBQ
          Maeve - Social Events Co-ordinator
          Milena - Official Thread Badgerer

          Allow me to reiterate:

          And I'd like to add: and
          ||My Fanfiction: & My LJ || Vala Multi-Shipping LJ Comm||

          Banner made by Stef!


            Originally posted by Milena_D View Post
            CURSES!! Oh well, if a badgerer I am called, then a badgerer I shall be You will rrruuuueee the day you began your inquiry! RUE!! *points threateningly sans smiley*

            *furrows his brow in confusion, goes to get the answer from Google...*

            I will shrub the day I began my inquiry?

            *pauses, seeing the looks he's getting, Googles some more...*


            I'll street the day...

            Wait, what?
            ~sg1cat~ (aka Darryl ) | FanFics: LiveJournal



              I know that badger baiting is wrong and immoral, but I can't help it.

              *pokes Milena*

              Banner by Stef.

              The Daniel/Vala Drinking Game Grab your passion fruit martinis and join in!

              HELP! HELP! I'M BEING REPRESSED! Vala meets Monty Python.


                Originally posted by Kath Pup View Post
                You, sir, are a legend.
                Awww, shucks. T'weren't nothin', ma'am...

                Here, lemme fix this up better...
                Originally posted by Kath Pup View Post
                The Updated Thred Officer List:

                Kath - Anointer of Titles, Keeper of the Drinking Game, Queen of OT
                Isa- Queen of OT, Vocab Queen
                Stef - Marshall of the DV Arts
                Kales - Keeper of Themes
                DJGirl - Co-Queen of the DV Gutter, Head Minion Keeper
                Gioia - Co-Queen of the DV Gutter
                Erin - Princess of the DV Gutter
                Sg1cat - Prince of the DV Gutter
                Odakota - Keeper of Fruitcakes
                Tonttu - Host of Power
                Poundpuppy - Goddess of Compassion and Justice
                Ronja - Goddess of Screencaps
                Djay - keeper of the BBQ
                Maeve - Social Events Co-ordinator
                Milena - Official Thread Badgerer
                There, that's better...
                ~sg1cat~ (aka Darryl ) | FanFics: LiveJournal



                  Here ya go Isa, Vala's archetypes.
                  Once again in spoilers for those who don't want to read this.
                  And again things in brackets are my own little comments


                  She is mysterious, manipulative, and bewitching. She is not easily fooled by anyone and holds the upper hand in any relationship. She can turn on the charm whenever she wants, even if she is not interested in anything in particular. Seduction comes as naturally to her as breathing. Carries some emotional baggage, a streak of distrust a mile wide and ten miles deep, true desires and motivations are carefully concealed behind a sensual smile. Knowledge is power, so she makes sure no one knows her. Not willing to leave herself unprotected, revelations of her true self are few and far between.

                  Assertive; learned that being on the offensive is to her advantage, does not care about being in charge as long as she’s in control of her own destiny.
                  Strong; a survivor, does whatever is necessary to get what she needs. Independent, smart, able to size up people quickly and accurately, cool and calculating, very, very savvy.
                  Clever; when things go wrong she always has a Plan B(my note: good thing too ‘cuz Plan A almost never works,lol), not easily flustered when a situation goes awry(like when your carefully executed step-by-step explanation of how to take treasure from a glass enclosure becomes taking treasure from enclosure with metal bars,lol)

                  Cynical(ya think?); jaded, scornful of others, trusts only her own judgement. suspicious of everyone, especially men, in her experience everyone is in it for themselves.
                  Driven; perceives herself as alone, only able to depend on herself, spends most of her time striving for security, spends most of her day planning on how to get money/power and then hoarding it when it comes her way.
                  Manipulative; has learned that honey catches more flies than vinegar, has perfected her honey making skills and sees nothing wrong with fooling people to get her way(like pretending to be in distress just to steal a big, honking spacecraft)
                  Uses people, can be unable to ‘I’m sorry’, can be cold-hearted, a chameleon.

                  Came of age early, valued friends for what they could bring her, learned to use her charm to control others.(because of Vala’s special circumstances…meaning Qetesh…I haven’t gone into detail here because I think she’s only a seductress because of Qetesh)

                  Her style is definitely ‘dark lady’:
                  Anti-heroine seems almost villainous, manipulates to get her way, has no shame for the pain and anger she causes, but this seductress is not deceiving because she wants to be…this woman is a survivor, using skills she has to get what she needs….prime example, Scarlett, who only became ruthless because the Civil War drove her to use her skills to save Tara and never go hungry again.
                  Angry, bitter and many, many times out for what she can get, uses beauty like weapon, protects her from any emotional entanglements and keeps everyone at a safe distance…has a heart but is buried beneath layers of calculation.
                  Is decisive, has the ability to determine a person’s potential, pragmatic and has a carefully hidden intelligence.

                  Takes charges of her circumstances, makes things happen before most people get off the couch; strong, tough woman. Winning is everything, can be calculating to achieve her ends, will shade the truth to gain her objective and is not above manipulating circumstances to go her way…whatever helps her get across the finish line is all in a good day’s work. When someone tries to obstruct her path she can be blunt and brash.
                  Values getting ahead and winning the game, but when it comes to personal relationships is at a loss.
                  Can make quick decisions, is a realist and can be efficient manager.
                  Possible occupations: five star chef, prosecutor, Madame(combined with seductress this would make sense,lol) Queen(double LOL)

                  Free Spirit
                  Maybe a handful for anyone dealing with her(staid archeologist?)but makes experience worthwhile in her zany, high-spirited way.
                  Impulsive, often finds herself in jams and needs help getting out of them. Or her zany logic saves the day, usually lands on her feet. Depends on instincts to direct her path. Her decision making process may seem wacky at best, but to her it only makes sense to follow her inner voice. Planning is not in her vocabulary. Compulsive talker. Lives in the present, slightly eccentric. Most people watch her and write her off as a ditz, but is amazingly resourceful and ingenious when she needs to be, might stumble along the way but usually accomplishes the task set before her.
                  Impulsive…oh if only she would think just a little more. Sometimes hurts people(unintentionally)because she speaks before she thinks and acts before she plans.
                  Undisciplined…Jill of all trades, master of none…erratic, never writes things down and forgets commitments, flies by the seat of her pants.
                  Can be klutzy, excessive talker, inclined to exaggerate(?) and easily distracted(?).
                  Follows her own path…could have a different hair colour each week and followed her own goofy fashion sense.

                  (Is she) The Comedian…(you decide):
                  crazy sense of humour and buoyant personality are good defense mechanisms to hide her fear of belittlement…bowls everyone over with her enthusiasm, concealing any troubled thoughts. Hard to pin down, won’t sit still long enough for anyone to get a handle on her, playful, creative and young at heart. Has hidden hurts and a desperate need to be accepted. Adults sometimes discount her because of zany behaviour…finds herself in vicious cycle, unable to show her serious and intelligent side without being ridiculed….so slides back into role everyone expects of her.
                  The DarlingMore self-assured than the Comedian. Postive she knows best she spends little time contemplating her own problems. An extrovert she lives for the next party. Gets restless with a challenge to keep her occupied.
                  (Hmmm…bit of both I think)
                  Innovative, make emotional decisions that unreasonable and illogical (hm, not sure about this), waste a lot of time talking.

                  Lost Soul(sorta Waif)
                  (I had a real problem with this one. The book I’m using as reference has ‘the waif’ as the female counterpart to the male ‘lost soul’ but I find ‘waif’ just a little too wimpy for Vala, until I came across this movie example of a ‘waif’…
                  “Nikita in ‘La Femme Nikita’ is forced into the role of assassin and can never summon the energy or the heart to break free of her predicament. She tries to brace herself against any more hurts, striving to insulate her emotions from a world that has mercilessly abused her.”)

                  (And this also sounded right):

                  The Orphan: this is the woman with a painful past, the parent-less child thrown out of her home or the tortured outcast from society
                  (Cinderella anyone?)
                  Abused by stepmother. May have a hardened veneen but it is only a brittle glass-façade. Her spirit has been buffeted to the breaking point by the blows she has suffered, making her fragile on the inside.
                  Needs a knight in shining armour(Galahad?)
                  Defends herself out of desperation…battered and bruised she struggles on with the dim hope of salavation.

                  (My comments: I still think she is more ‘lost soul’ than ‘waif’ but that just validates my final belief….
                  This is the level where they recognize and understand each other….neither one has ever really had a stable home
                  Interesting supposition: Vala’s mother died when she was… oh maybe about 8!)

                  Originally when I posted these I was also going to do a segment on the different ways that their various archetypes bounce off each other,...I may still come back to that.


                  My Fiction:


                    Originally posted by sg1cat View Post
                    Awww, shucks. T'weren't nothin', ma'am...

                    Here, lemme fix this up better...

                    There, that's better...
                    Oooh, I've got an idea! But I need a badger smilie...
                    Banner by Stef.

                    The Daniel/Vala Drinking Game Grab your passion fruit martinis and join in!

                    HELP! HELP! I'M BEING REPRESSED! Vala meets Monty Python.


                      Originally posted by Kath Pup View Post
                      Oooh, I've got an idea! But I need a badger smilie...
                      Of course, we all know what it means, Milena being the official thread badger....
                      ~sg1cat~ (aka Darryl ) | FanFics: LiveJournal



                        Originally posted by sg1cat View Post
                        Of course, we all know what it means, Milena being the official thread badger....
                        So who's the mushroom and who's the snake?
                        Banner by Stef.

                        The Daniel/Vala Drinking Game Grab your passion fruit martinis and join in!

                        HELP! HELP! I'M BEING REPRESSED! Vala meets Monty Python.


                          I've nearly spit on my computer a dozen times just now.

                          And, Darryl, I'm a bit disturbed with this weird video. I'm guessing it never ends.

                          *shakes head* You all are Fruitcakes!


                            Originally posted by ErinB View Post
                            I've nearly spit on my computer a dozen times just now.

                            And, Darryl, I'm a bit disturbed with this weird video. I'm guessing it never ends.

                            *shakes head* You all are Fruitcakes!
                            Badger badger badger badger badger badger badger badger badger badger badger badger badger mushroom mushroom look it's a snake! Oh it's big...
                            Banner by Stef.

                            The Daniel/Vala Drinking Game Grab your passion fruit martinis and join in!

                            HELP! HELP! I'M BEING REPRESSED! Vala meets Monty Python.


                              Originally posted by ErinB View Post
                              I've nearly spit on my computer a dozen times just now.

                              Originally posted by ErinB View Post
                              And, Darryl, I'm a bit disturbed with this weird video. I'm guessing it never ends.
                     long have you been on the 'net? (it's a pretty old phenomenon...)

                              yeah, just kinda loops...

                              ...but you could always keep watching it to see if it has an end. Some say if you wait long enough, it has an awesome finale!

                              Originally posted by ErinB View Post
                              *shakes head* You all are Fruitcakes!

                              YA THINK?!?!?
                              ~sg1cat~ (aka Darryl ) | FanFics: LiveJournal



                                Originally posted by sg1cat View Post

                                *furrows his brow in confusion, goes to get the answer from Google...*

                                I will shrub the day I began my inquiry?

                                *pauses, seeing the looks he's getting, Googles some more...*


                                I'll street the day...

                                Wait, what?
                                Indeed you shall rue!! And I prefer you not knowing what it means, enjoy the rise in blood pressure as your anxiety levels mount and mount to an excrutiatingly painful....I lost my train of though but yeah... RUE!!!!

                                Originally posted by Kath Pup View Post
                                I know that badger baiting is wrong and immoral, but I can't help it.

                                *pokes Milena*

                                *shackles rise*

                       badgers have shackles?

                                Originally posted by sg1cat View Post
                                Awww, shucks. T'weren't nothin', ma'am...

                                Here, lemme fix this up better...

                                There, that's better...

                                Originally posted by Kath Pup View Post
                                Oooh, I've got an idea! But I need a badger smilie...

                                I'd love to stay and remain the object of your scrutiny and devotion but my Civilization game is ready and I am itching to try it out!!! Be back later!
                                ||My Fanfiction: & My LJ || Vala Multi-Shipping LJ Comm||

                                Banner made by Stef!

