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Daniel Jackson/Vala Mal Doran Ship/Discussion/Appreciation Thread

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    Originally posted by DJgirl View Post
    Ahhh yes, the PB that keeps growing and growing and growing. I think I have added close to a 1000 pics in the last 24 hours to it...and that is just 3 eps. I am almost done with season 10 and then will be heading back to finish season 3 and then go in order from there.

    That was the only 3 eps I have ever seen of 24. I have nothing against the show, I just never watched it. It was definitely worth it. It might even be worth buying this season just to have those eps.
    Eh, I don't know about buying the whole season, maybe I'll rent it on netflix... then again I might be so lost if I just skip to MS's eps without watching the whole season... Eh, but who needs storyline and plot, I just wanna see shirtless!MS (You know you're a crazy fanatic when you're fantasizing about picking up a stranded MS in the middle of nowhere on a cross-country roadtrip, oh and conveniently, you're in an AU where the two of you aren't married to other people Yeah, I'm so lame, I probably shouldn't have told you all that )


    PS: Honestly, please disregard my last statement if it offends, I've seriously been in a weird mood today.


      Originally posted by ErinB View Post
      Eh, I don't know about buying the whole season, maybe I'll rent it on netflix... then again I might be so lost if I just skip to MS's eps without watching the whole season... Eh, but who needs storyline and plot, I just wanna see shirtless!MS (You know you're a crazy fanatic when you're fantasizing about picking up a stranded MS in the middle of nowhere on a cross-country roadtrip, oh and conveniently, you're in an AU where the two of you aren't married to other people Yeah, I'm so lame, I probably shouldn't have told you all that )


      PS: Honestly, please disregard my last statement if it offends, I've seriously been in a weird mood today.
      With thoughts like that, you should come play in the Lounge and get yourself a clone I will not even tell you what I am doing in there right now...teeheehee

      I had absolutely no idea what was going on when I watched 24, not sure even if I had known if it would have registered while he was on screen. I don't remember how many times I watched the scenes he was in that first night. I think the roomie was thinking about taking the TiVO remote and hiding it from me so I couldn't watch it again.

      Anyhoo.......Dominion, tonight, 15 minutes
      Sig made by me


        See, again with the thread-killing, I should just keep my mouth shut and post pretty D/V pics... Here, let's see if I can find some...

        Cuz y'all know how much I love peasant garb!

        I absolutely love this pic, don't they look like a cute married couple... I totally see this in my post-Beachhead fic that I'm trying to write... (correction: procrastinating on writing)

        This one too, I love that look on Daniel



          Originally posted by DJgirl View Post
          With thoughts like that, you should come play in the Lounge and get yourself a clone I will not even tell you what I am doing in there right now...teeheehee

          I had absolutely no idea what was going on when I watched 24, not sure even if I had known if it would have registered while he was on screen. I don't remember how many times I watched the scenes he was in that first night. I think the roomie was thinking about taking the TiVO remote and hiding it from me so I couldn't watch it again.

          Anyhoo.......Dominion, tonight, 15 minutes
          The Lounge? she asks. What is the Lounge? And clones?

          I must admit I've seen some of you with clones, but can't figure out what they're all about. If this is too OT, you can PM me, Wendy, but I am curious...


          Just cuz!


            Originally posted by RinggoldGate
            I am also curious. It is something Dirty ???? I am hoping.
            Okay, since 2 of you asked I will post it in here. I will put it in spoilers for the people that don't want to hear about it or don't care...

            I look at clones as basically your dream man, or men in my case They can have whatever personality you give them. Some of my clones are good clones and a few of them are evil clones. Darling is one of my evil clones, and my favorite of all my clones, and is very well known throughout the GW clone world. Yes it can get as non-pg as we can get away with. You just basically come up with storylines and use yourself and the clones as the characters. I even have a Vala clone(FruitieCake) and a Sam clone. Sam was given to me for my McKay clone(Mer). But right now they are at odds with each other and she has been spending time with some of Addy's clones. See it is just storylines like that. My ordeal is quite an interesting one. Addy's evil Daniel(EDaniel) clone infected me with a strange virus of sorts and it makes us both irresistable to each other. We are even able to read each others thoughts right now. Let's just say I have spent over a week in EDaniel's room with him

            Go check out the Lounge and read back a couple of pages and you will sort of get the idea of how we play with them. They are lots of fun.

            If you have any other questions, feel free to PM me. I will be more then happy to discuss this further
            Sig made by me


              Originally posted by RinggoldGate
              I am also curious. It is something Dirty ???? I am hoping.

              Keep pic in quote. Just cuz!
              I'm not sure, Susan. I don't think it's too dirty... The official name, I think, is Admiral's Multi-Thunk Thread (have to remember to ask what 'thunking' is, please don't throw rotten fruit at the newbie ) Follow the link that Wendy put in her reply-post to me... It's kinda interesting, but I'm not sure I completely get it.

              Hmm, looking for cute DV pic... in spoilers for Toomi, cuz she's an awesome gal

              Hmm, that's close... lemme find another though...

              Ooh, definitely like this one

              Cuz she honestly looks sorry for breaking the glasses.


              EDIT: Oops, Wendy has answered for us.


                Originally posted by ErinB View Post
                I'm not sure, Susan. I don't think it's too dirty... The official name, I think, is Admiral's Multi-Thunk Thread (have to remember to ask what 'thunking' is, please don't throw rotten fruit at the newbie ) Follow the link that Wendy put in her reply-post to me... It's kinda interesting, but I'm not sure I completely get it.

                Hmm, looking for cute DV pic... in spoilers for Toomi, cuz she's an awesome gal

                Hmm, that's close... lemme find another though...

                Ooh, definitely like this one

                Cuz she honestly looks sorry for breaking the glasses.


                The official definition of Thunk on GW...

                Thunk - The sound made when one hits the ground due to a superb male/female specimen
                There are lots of thunk threads. I spend most of my time in the MS/Daniel Thunk thread and the Cameron/BB thunk thread. Admiral's Lounge is a place where we can play with any of the characters or post any pictures all in one place.
                Sig made by me


                  Dominion Yay!!

                  This is probably my favourite episode of the entire SG-1 series. It's not my favourite DV episode but it's really the only episode whose plot and twists really blew me away (though that might just be because of a lack of imagination on my part )

                  I've just started watching it now and I'm reminded of one of my favourite fics which is a tag to Dominion called Together by BkWurm1, I HIGHLY recommend it to anyone who hasn't read it yet! There are lots of great tags to this ep (I'm working on one myself for anyone who isn't tired of the idea yet ) and they made me look at Vala during that first scene of the episode. Is she still wearing her SGC low-cut black shirt under her jackets? I mean, I suppose it's more practical then buying/stealing more clothes but she obviously found jackets, I think it says a lot that she kept at least something...

                  Adria's first words seem weird to me, weird delivery but that might just be me.
                  ||My Fanfiction: & My LJ || Vala Multi-Shipping LJ Comm||

                  Banner made by Stef!



                    Favorite Scene-
                    I think even more so then Daniel and Vala talking in the hallway of the ship, but I think the video tape scene has to be my favorite. Vala is so funny on the tape and the way that Daniel is yelling at her from the background makes them sound like an old married couple.

                    One of my favorite quotes(I have a few)
                    Vala: So, no IOA? No random map? No television program about dancing with supposed celebrities?
                    Daniel: Uh, actually that part was real.
                    Vala: How very disturbing.
                    Sam: Yeah.

                    Favorite Pic

                    Sig made by me


                      Originally posted by DJgirl View Post
                      The official definition of Thunk on GW...

                      Thunk - The sound made when one hits the ground due to a superb male/female specimen
                      Aww, I should never feel afraid to ask a question here, thanks, Wendy! That is an awesome definition BTW!!

                      But wait, my computer says that it's time to discuss Dominion (no it doesn't literally say that, but you get the idea)

                      So, what to say about Dominion...
                      Favorite Scene... Wow this is a toughie... Maybe the wall angst between Daniel and Vala when Adria is holding him outside the room.

                      I gotta admit, I didn't particularly like Vala's pigtails in this ep... not cuz they were pigtails but cuz they looked kinda...ratty. Like she hadn't brushed her hair in a while. Makes sense though, I guess. It's been a rough few days for her: feeling betrayed by her friends, meeting up with her daughter, seeing her daughter captured, recapturing her daughter, watching her daughter go through surgery to remove Ba'al, watching her daughter ascend. Oooh, lots of Vala and her daughter in this ep (I realize that cuz I'm typing out 'her daughter' a lot ) And on a side note, again why does the Arkad/Earth-getting-blown-up storyline get two days while eps like The Shroud and Dominion get scrunched into one each. There's a lot of stuff in Dominion that could have been spread out into more than one ep IMHO. Oh now I'm wishing there was a season 11 and simultaneously thanking all those higher beings for AoT and Continuum.

                      Alright enough rambling from me, for now...


                        Oh and does Vala look hungover to anyone else? Her hair is kind of messy, she keeps rubbing her neck and she does seem a lot more careless than usual but I suppose being betrayed by your closest friends and Daniel can do that to a person

                        How far back is Vala's memory supposedly been altered? Is the memory of her going into Daniel's office in her bed clothes a fabricated one? I'm just wondering because he really doesn't seem to mind her draping herself over him...then again, as we've proved time and time again, Daniel really doesn't have a personal bubble when it comes to Vala anymore does he?

                        On the other hand, I love how excited Vala is about her 'discovery', she literally can't sit still in her chair So adorable...breaks my heart later. OMG I never noticed how Daniel and Vala are gesturing identically in this scene. When Sam remarks how Vala's dream could be a manifestation of a latent memory from her time as Qetesh's host, both Daniel and Vala make a 'there you go' gesture. So cute!

                        Question: Why the heck didn't SG-1 go to the planet??? I didn't question it before but they usually handle all of their discoveries on their own...
                        ||My Fanfiction: & My LJ || Vala Multi-Shipping LJ Comm||

                        Banner made by Stef!


                          Thanks for the welcome ya'll! I actually got my username here from when I was looking at Wikipedia's Gou'ald Characters list, and the name just instantly stuck to me. Apparently she was mentioned once, but never appeared. I did some research on her and she was the water/sea goddess of Babylonian Mythology, who was often pictured as a dragon (hence the Dragons and Dungeons reference.) I've never seen/played Dungeons, and so I only ran across the name when I was browsing the Wiki-topic. I am also known as Kelai and Reiko elsewhere online, so, you might have known me from other places (I need to upload new arts on, Kelai there. They like my art. )

                          Thanks for the pics Kales! Muchly appreciated. And speaking of art, I love to do digital art and draw (though my drawings aren't the best) and make music videos. I haven't made videos in a long time; I hope to make some DV vids but its funny to see some of the songs I had in mind are already used. As for fanfiction, I don't write it; I mess up the canon characters. I do read it though I avoid most like the plague and am very selective to avoid writers like myself. But, I do like to write non-fanfiction.

                          As for Dominion, it was rather shocking and mind-blowing, except I was spoiled on the ending due to myself only first watching it a few weeks ago, and it had aired way before then. I absolutely wished there was more DV in it though.


                            Originally posted by Milena_D View Post
                            Oh and does Vala look hungover to anyone else? Her hair is kind of messy, she keeps rubbing her neck and she does seem a lot more careless than usual but I suppose being betrayed by your closest friends and Daniel can do that to a person
                            Erin just commented on it too. I also think that her hair is supposed to look that way. Vala is usually very well groomed and I think it is supposed to represent the fact that the past couple of days had been extremely rough and she didn't care near as much as she would any other day.

                            Her attitude was very much of a person with a hangover, now that you mention it Milena.

                            How far back is Vala's memory supposedly been altered? Is the memory of her going into Daniel's office in her bed clothes a fabricated one? I'm just wondering because he really doesn't seem to mind her draping herself over him...then again, as we've proved time and time again, Daniel really doesn't have a personal bubble when it comes to Vala anymore does he?
                            I believe that her in her bed clothes was a fabricated scene. Even if it wasn't, I am sure Vala would drape herself over him like that. Like you said, he has no "personal bubble" when it comes to her and it has taken him a long time to get comfortable with her doing stuff like that. If she had done that at the beginning of season 9, he would have pushed her off of him or at least given her a look. He just let her go for it and didn't even is squee worthy moment in my book

                            On the other hand, I love how excited Vala is about her 'discovery', she literally can't sit still in her chair So adorable...breaks my heart later. OMG I never noticed how Daniel and Vala are gesturing identically in this scene. When Sam remarks how Vala's dream could be a manifestation of a latent memory from her time as Qetesh's host, both Daniel and Vala make a 'there you go' gesture. So cute!
                            They are adorable in that scene together.

                            Sig made by me


                              Originally posted by Milena_D View Post
                              Dominion Yay!!

                              I've just started watching it now and I'm reminded of one of my favourite fics which is a tag to Dominion called Together by BkWurm1, I HIGHLY recommend it to anyone who hasn't read it yet! There are lots of great tags to this ep (I'm working on one myself for anyone who isn't tired of the idea yet ) and they made me look at Vala during that first scene of the episode. Is she still wearing her SGC low-cut black shirt under her jackets? I mean, I suppose it's more practical then buying/stealing more clothes but she obviously found jackets, I think it says a lot that she kept at least something...
                              Ooh, yes, BkWurm1's tag!fic is very, very good... And now that I think about it, there's another one I glanced over a few weeks ago but can't seem to find anymore - has anyone ever heard of a pre-Dominion fic of when they leave Vala on the planet and Daniel comes by pretending to be someone else so that he can remove the subcutaneous transmitter and...sleep with her (I'm really ashamed I didn't save this fic as a favorites, since I can't find it now )

                              Originally posted by DJgirl View Post

                              Favorite Scene-
                              I think even more so then Daniel and Vala talking in the hallway of the ship, but I think the video tape scene has to be my favorite. Vala is so funny on the tape and the way that Daniel is yelling at her from the background makes them sound like an old married couple.


                              One of my favorite quotes(I have a few)
                              Vala: So, no IOA? No random map? No television program about dancing with supposed celebrities?
                              Daniel: Uh, actually that part was real.
                              Vala: How very disturbing.
                              Sam: Yeah.
                              ITA with your cute married couple comment about the tape, really loved that

                              And the 'Dancing with the Stars' quip, seems to be another jab at why SG-1 got cancelled - lots more people nowadays are into reality tv and gameshow type shows, just my opionion though.


                              hmm, maybe I can get to 300 posts tonight...


                                My favourite scene is where Daniel is being sufocated or frozen or whatever and is calling out to Vala. She can hear him calling for her from the other side of the door but cannot save him. Love a bit of angst.
                                Also like how Daniel is very protective of her when Reynolds makes a lunge at Vala after returning from the ambush. (even if it was a false memory)

                                Funniest line:
                                We're not gonna hurt you!
                                [Vala steps up behind the Jaffa and zats him.]

                                Favourite line:
                                I'm sorry, but I find it hard to believe that you don't feel something.

                                He's her Lobster!
                                LTS: Life's too short

