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Daniel Jackson/Vala Mal Doran Ship/Discussion/Appreciation Thread

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    milena posts on FF...thats how i read her stuff


      Thanks Once I get through some more of my stuff I am going to try to do the massive undertaking of reading everything I've missed for the past few weeks. People really need to write one page stories, those are the only one I have the energy to read these days (I really have the worst attention span) Of course, who am I to talk? My baby thing keeps coming around 7 pages per chapter Those in glass houses...

      Oh, and I forgot to tell you but I love you banner, samvalasam I keep admiring it.


      PHOTOBUCKET // WEBSITE // LIVEJOURNAL---------------------------------------------------------


        have u posted any of your fics stef? i like reading other peoples fics its fun. helps my muse a little...even though its distracting

        thanks about the sig...ive had it for ages i feel like a change though


          Originally posted by Samvalasam View Post
          have u posted any of your fics stef? i like reading other peoples fics its fun. helps my muse a little...even though its distracting
          Yeah, but I'll tell you right now I'm nothing next to some of the talented ladies on this thread. Here's the few things I've written:

          Punishment (Vala-centric one-shot)

          Worth a Thousand Words (D/V + team)

          A Simple Plan (Dominion tag)

          Pink Fur & Black Lace (alternate Unending scene)

          Too Much (another Dominion tag--Vala-centric)

          And my current, in-progress babyfic that you've been seeing mw struggle to come up with a third chapter: It Happened One Night

          I'm partial to my first and last ones...if that's any help I'm a fan of Vala angst, hence why the first thing I ever wrote was about that. The last one was just something I had been thinking about for awhile.


          PHOTOBUCKET // WEBSITE // LIVEJOURNAL---------------------------------------------------------


            And now I'm home, comatose and hungry...

            Originally posted by Samvalasam View Post
            i cant wait for your next lot of updates. were you gonna finish that AU one. i really loved it
            I'm definitely going to continue and finish Perchance to Live, I swear on my laptop that I will. My brain's just been clogged since I finished MoL, that's why I'm writing this short fic to clear my head a bit and get back to my regular fics

            Originally posted by Stef View Post
            Aw, I'm sorry I know the feeling! I'm glad to see things are going well on the writing front for you...I hope some of those amazing skills of yours will rub off on me

            Quick question, do you post on or just LJ? I want to catch up on your multi-chapter stories and I find is easier for that kind of stuff.

            I post at both my account and my own LJ. But I think it's easier to read at too. I'd so love to hear your thoughts on my fics, I remember you read the huge emotional chapter of BF because you said you'd heard someone mention it here (it's why I joined ).

            Originally posted by Stef View Post
            Thanks Once I get through some more of my stuff I am going to try to do the massive undertaking of reading everything I've missed for the past few weeks. People really need to write one page stories, those are the only one I have the energy to read these days (I really have the worst attention span) Of course, who am I to talk? My baby thing keeps coming around 7 pages per chapter Those in glass houses...
            Lol...that does not bode well for you reading mine then, I aim for 10 pages per chapter...never been more than 13 though

   eat or to sleep...I won't be able to sleep if I'm hungry...and it'll be supper when I wake up. Okiedokie, food first, guess I'll be on for a bit longer ^_^
            ||My Fanfiction: & My LJ || Vala Multi-Shipping LJ Comm||

            Banner made by Stef!


              Oh, and Toomi, don't listen to Stef. I'm known for my brutal honesty and you can believe me when I say her fics are gold (well at least two because I can't remember the other by name, I'd probably remember them when I read them). They're up and down and sweet and funny and very much engaging so go clicky on the links and have a blast!

     tomato soup looks clumpy

              Oh! And completely OT and disturbing for anyone living in Ottawa:
              Did anyone know that my campus (Carleton University in Ottawa, Ontario, Canada) has become the scene of the worst and more brutal case of sexual assault in Ottawa in the past 15 years? Happened this Saturday in the CHEM LAB...annnd school starts on Thursday...I feel a cold coming on. And I didn't know the girl who was 23 but she's said to be in stable condition despite the broken jaw, dislocated shoulder and massive bruising. My mother is suddenly glad for my constant switching of Majors (I was in sciences last semester).

              ...I think my water is boiling...
              ||My Fanfiction: & My LJ || Vala Multi-Shipping LJ Comm||

              Banner made by Stef!


                pass the word folks. anyone that wants to sign up for the 'Left on the Cutting Room Floor' ficathon for Sam and Vala, you have until this weekend

                We've decided to up the deadline from September 15 to September 7th.

                Please sign up in the post below this one to participate in this ficathon.

                Assignments will be emailed by September 9th.
                Where in the World is George Hammond?



                  Finally have caught up on all I've missed. OMG Susan thank you so much for the DragonCon reports *bows down* Also welcome to another fellow Aussie Samvalasam Hoping that we are doing Counterstrike Tomorrow as I will be home in time to participate Bring on the D/V goodness.
                  OT Milena:
                  that is absolutely horrible! Did they catch the guy/s that did it?

                  Banner by Stef
                  Fruitcakes Anonymous C2


                    Originally posted by Milena_D View Post
                    I post at both my account and my own LJ. But I think it's easier to read at too. I'd so love to hear your thoughts on my fics, I remember you read the huge emotional chapter of BF because you said you'd heard someone mention it here (it's why I joined ).
                    Wow, I'm the reason you joined Glad I read it and commented! Yeah, I remember really liking the chapter even though I kind of had no idea what the rest of the story was about The great thing about your writing, and prepare yourself for some flattery, is that each chapter has it's own little story and can really stand alone and be enjoyed by itself. The interactions made that chapter for me, regardless of the context.

                    You know, there was a short fic you wrote awhile ago that I LOVED but I honestly cannot remember what it was or what it was about I just remember I thought it was great and amazingly written. I really wish I knew what the darn thing was about. I just remember that it made me want to read the rest of your stuff (and on the whole I don't read a lot of fic).

                    Okay, flattery done.

                    Originally posted by Milena_D View Post
                    Lol...that does not bode well for you reading mine then, I aim for 10 pages per chapter...never been more than 13 though
                    Hence why I haven't kept up to date! I want to but then I get scared of all of the pages, lol. When I get in a mood though, I can zoom through things. I'm just waiting for that mood to strike!


                    PHOTOBUCKET // WEBSITE // LIVEJOURNAL---------------------------------------------------------


                      Originally posted by Milena_D View Post
                      Oh, and Toomi, don't listen to Stef. I'm known for my brutal honesty and you can believe me when I say her fics are gold (well at least two because I can't remember the other by name, I'd probably remember them when I read them). They're up and down and sweet and funny and very much engaging so go clicky on the links and have a blast!
                      I don't know about gold...maybe copper with a gold plating Or that kind of "gold" that turns your finger green I'm nowhere in the league of most of the people on this thread. Not even close. All I can do is keep trying. I mostly stick to my strongest area: art & vids...and let other people provide me with fic goodies. Hence, why I'm not so sure I can participate in the little prompting challenge thing. I could take prompts and make art though...I think you said that was possible. I just did that for the Sheppard/Vala Thing-a-Thon.

                      Originally posted by Milena_D View Post
             tomato soup looks clumpy

                      Oh! And completely OT and disturbing for anyone living in Ottawa:
                      Did anyone know that my campus (Carleton University in Ottawa, Ontario, Canada) has become the scene of the worst and more brutal case of sexual assault in Ottawa in the past 15 years? Happened this Saturday in the CHEM LAB...annnd school starts on Thursday...I feel a cold coming on. And I didn't know the girl who was 23 but she's said to be in stable condition despite the broken jaw, dislocated shoulder and massive bruising. My mother is suddenly glad for my constant switching of Majors (I was in sciences last semester).

                      ...I think my water is boiling...

                      Wow, that's horrible! I don't even know how someone could do something like that to another person

                      Hope your soup works out though


                      PHOTOBUCKET // WEBSITE // LIVEJOURNAL---------------------------------------------------------


                        Originally posted by CrazyLikeaFox View Post
                        Finally have caught up on all I've missed. OMG Susan thank you so much for the DragonCon reports *bows down* Also welcome to another fellow Aussie Samvalasam Hoping that we are doing Counterstrike Tomorrow as I will be home in time to participate Bring on the D/V goodness.
                        OT Milena:
                        that is absolutely horrible! Did they catch the guy/s that did it?
                        Nope...putting behind spoilers cuz of disturbedness
                        After midnight on Saturday he came up behind her, she thinks he was drunk. He beat her into unconsciousness then sexually assaulted her. Cleaned her body with a towel thingy then stole her pants, underwear, one shoe and put them in a plastic Macy's bag before leaving on foot for Bronson Ave...which is about 15 minutes away from the Chem building. The police say that have like 20 it me or does that seem like very few?

                        Originally posted by Stef View Post
                        Wow, I'm the reason you joined Glad I read it and commented! Yeah, I remember really liking the chapter even though I kind of had no idea what the rest of the story was about The great thing about your writing, and prepare yourself for some flattery, is that each chapter has it's own little story and can really stand alone and be enjoyed by itself. The interactions made that chapter for me, regardless of the context.

                        You know, there was a short fic you wrote awhile ago that I LOVED but I honestly cannot remember what it was or what it was about I just remember I thought it was great and amazingly written. I really wish I knew what the darn thing was about. I just remember that it made me want to read the rest of your stuff (and on the whole I don't read a lot of fic).
                        Hehe, thanks Stef! The small fic can either be the one and only ficlet I wrote (Glow) about a post-pregnancy scenario...pure exhausted fluff The other fic is my first and it's only 6 chapters long and I wasn't aiming for 10 pages per chapter then...that one (Another Look) is about Vala going back to the people who nursed her back to health after the Tok'ra abandoned her after her release from Qetesh.

                        And thanks, I try to structure my chapters a certain way, I'm so happy it's actually liked as a style
                        ||My Fanfiction: & My LJ || Vala Multi-Shipping LJ Comm||

                        Banner made by Stef!


                          I was just on your LJ page and I saw a link to a Sheyla site and I thought to myself " you're a Sheyla shipper then?" Sorry, I have nothing against Sheyla (eventhough I prefer Sparky) but I just thought of that faux-documentary called Shipper Wars where it's all about Sheyla versus Spanky and Sparky


                          PHOTOBUCKET // WEBSITE // LIVEJOURNAL---------------------------------------------------------


                            Originally posted by Stef View Post
                            I was just on your LJ page and I saw a link to a Sheyla site and I thought to myself " you're a Sheyla shipper then?" Sorry, I have nothing against Sheyla (eventhough I prefer Sparky) but I just thought of that faux-documentary called Shipper Wars where it's all about Sheyla versus Spanky and Sparky

                            LoL!! I saw that when Cat first told me about it, it's soooo hilarious and probably semi-true of lots of fans. Myself, I'm French. Our love and let love policy is non-negotiable So reign on Sparky fans and Spanky fans (even though I'll probably never remember which is which and why)!! I'm content with my odd Sheyla fic here and few good ones *sigh*

                            Random...but D/V

                            Hey Stef or whoever, can someone post that pic you keep talking about from the Shroud with the supposed hand holding? Needing the DV love while I eat my non-ruined spaghetti
                            ||My Fanfiction: & My LJ || Vala Multi-Shipping LJ Comm||

                            Banner made by Stef!


                              Sig made by slizzie1986


                                Originally posted by Milena_D View Post
                                LoL!! I saw that when Cat first told me about it, it's soooo hilarious and probably semi-true of lots of fans. Myself, I'm French. Our love and let love policy is non-negotiable So reign on Sparky fans and Spanky fans (even though I'll probably never remember which is which and why)!! I'm content with my odd Sheyla fic here and few good ones *sigh*

                                Random...but D/V

                                Hey Stef or whoever, can someone post that pic you keep talking about from the Shroud with the supposed hand holding? Needing the DV love while I eat my non-ruined spaghetti
                                It's not supposed, it's real! However I haven't it....
                                Sig made by slizzie1986

