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Daniel Jackson/Vala Mal Doran Ship/Discussion/Appreciation Thread

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    Originally posted by Milena_D View Post
    That's such a beautiful vid, even though I have no idea who the characters are. I'm going to track this series has a happy ending right?
    Are you talking about the Luke/Lorelai or John/Aeryn version of the vid? Both have happy-ish endings...I haven't actually seen the last two seasons of Gilmore Girls but I was under the impression that they have their moment...and if you watch Farscape, John/Aeryn get a happy The Peacekeeper Wars.

    Originally posted by Milena_D View Post
    Hack Stef? ...HACK? *blinky* Are you insane? Sorry, I'm having fun with my smilies, but seriously! Stef it was a great vid for sure but you're like THE foremost D/V vidder, you're the one who brings shippy D/V to life, musico-visually anyway cuz I guess Unending brought it to life too I insist that you create a D/V vid with that song! please?
    If ever I'm in the need for a good ego-stroking, I know who to call I'll see if I can manage anything with the song...but I'm still trying to work out the kinks of the new editing program I just got. I'm having...issues. First up is my fic though...MUST finish the first draft of that tonight. All of you must make me!

    Originally posted by ErinB View Post
    Well, it just so happens, Fruitcakes, I have an update to my fic... HERE it is on my LJ.
    Thanks, I'll hopefully get to that tonight. Is that part of a series??

    Originally posted by Toomi View Post
    3.Daniel has struck me as the kind of guy that wouldn't just have sex with anyone, even though I believe he did earlier in the series. (correct me if I'm wrong, and I'm not counting Sha're) I think he still sees Vala as an annoyance and doesn't look at her in that way. He's a guy and he can't ignore the fact that she's very attractive but I wonder if at this point he still... hmmm... can't quite word this right so I'm putting it in spoilers for a possible downer...

    When I was a kid my mom died and my dad never thought he'd fall in love with anyone else. He convinced himself without realising that by falling for someone else he would be desecrating (sp?) the memory of my mother. As time went by, he made new friends and filled that empty spot with me and my sister, family, new friends and new activities, but never allowed himself to get close to anyone. Until a woman made him laugh, forget the stress and show him how to enjoy life again. It took time and he admits he wasn't thinking, that it crept up on him. But he did indeed fall in love again, and 15 years later are still married.

    I think that Daniel is perhaps at that point where he still thinks he's in love with Sha're. He will probably always be in love with her, but there's so much love to give and be had that there's always room for more. (Oh, geez, that doesn't sound good does it? I don't mean that in the poligamist sense)
    Enough babbling, I'll get to my point, if I can remember

    I bet the thought of a sexual relationship (meaningless or not) with her hasn't entered his mind and while Vala teases him, he recognizes it as what he believes to be a survival skill and completely ignores the fact that she could be interested in him. Perhaps it's his own defense mechanism, not wanting to be hurt again...
    Very good point! And feel free to babble anytime I completely understand what you're saying.

    Originally posted by Toomi View Post

    Just finished TTTB. My favourite scene is the one at the end, where Teal'c leaves. After he hugs Daniel and Cam tells him not to be a stranger Teal'c turns slightly towards Vala and gives her a barely noticable head bow. She grins and gives him a wave back. The look on Daniel's face. He looks shocked/suprised. Kinda shows that Vala's warmed up to Teal'c and Daniel sees that she's giving a genuine smile and goodbye wave. In my little mind it shows that Vala's getting comfortable, almost trusting them and I think that Daniel wasn't expecting to see something so raw and honest.
    Another great observation. I love that moment when she waves goodbye to Teal'c. I'm so caught up in them that I kind of forget Daniel's confused reaction to the exchange. Perhaps he didn't think Vala would fit in or bond as well with the others as she seems to have? Oh Danny, just because she irritates you doesn't mean other people can't like her!

    1hr 25min until TPTB discussion. Everyone ready?


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      Originally posted by Stef View Post
      Subtle I'll take a look at it...but I promise nothing.

      Having been an AVID SW fan, I can tell you from reading 30+ SW novelizations that there are authors out there who can capture the original characters. The thing is, each book has a different you get a lot of hits and misses. If you're a fan of SW, I'd read some of those books. They have a whole continuation series from the movie...that I believe is still going. Starts with..."The Truce at Bakura" if I'm not mistaken (not the best, but good). I read them because I was in love with Han, and Han/Leia and I wanted more of their romance...and I got it Anyway, that's neither here nor there. I have no idea how the SG-1 book is written.

      As far as I know tonight is "The Powers That Be." Unfortunately, it doesn't look like I will be able to make it. So y'all will have to kick things off without me. It sucks because there are so many things I love about this episode!! I might try to pop in once...or later on tonight...or tomorrow. Not sure. Anyways, hope you have fun!!

      I too have read many SW books and enjoyed them immensely! I find that most of them were well written and very inkeeping with the SW "universe".
      Originally posted by RinggoldGate
      Last night I was a little tired, at 46 I am probably older then everyone else, felt I didn't contribute much. I loved reading everything over today when I was a little more rested.
      Well hun, you only have a year on me (that is why I am usually asleep during the night chats!) so long live us slightly more mature fans. It is nice to know I am not the only one who is chatting with gals my daughter's age.


        Originally posted by ErinB View Post
        And hey Milena, have you checked your email? (I'm so pushy! )

        Lol I'm pretty sure I have *checking the time of your post and the time of your email* I replied to the ones you sent me, unless you sent me another that I just haven't gotten yet?

        Originally posted by Stef View Post
        Are you talking about the Luke/Lorelai or John/Aeryn version of the vid? Both have happy-ish endings...I haven't actually seen the last two seasons of Gilmore Girls but I was under the impression that they have their moment...and if you watch Farscape, John/Aeryn get a happy The Peacekeeper Wars.
        Hehe, no, it was the North & South video that you linked to. It seems like a good series but that could just be because it was a good video. The J/A one was too. There's a Luke/Lorelai one???? Awww! They were sooo great together until Lorelai went psycho...but yeah, they do have their moment in the last season....a very very very short moment but yeah...

        Originally posted by Stef View Post
        If ever I'm in the need for a good ego-stroking, I know who to call I'll see if I can manage anything with the song...but I'm still trying to work out the kinks of the new editing program I just got. I'm having...issues. First up is my fic though...MUST finish the first draft of that tonight. All of you must make me!
        I'm usually staunchly opposed to ego-stroking, even when my close friends start with the pouts I tell them to go away but this is a different issue especially if it results in more vids JK but yes! First comes the fic! I'll take it upon myself to bug you at any and all opportunities to get it finished!

        T minus 45 minutes that the right expression??

        P.S. Can anyone tell that I'm having a blast with smilies?

        EDIT: Okay what's the deal with the greenage? I've been trying to green people for like the past four days and it keeps telling me to 'pass the green around before coming back to this person' but I've tried that and now that message is popping up no matter who I try to green! Help, anybody?
        Last edited by Milena_D; 21 August 2007, 07:21 PM.
        ||My Fanfiction: & My LJ || Vala Multi-Shipping LJ Comm||

        Banner made by Stef!


          Originally posted by Milena_D View Post
          Hehe, no, it was the North & South video that you linked to. It seems like a good series but that could just be because it was a good video. The J/A one was too. There's a Luke/Lorelai one???? Awww! They were sooo great together until Lorelai went psycho...but yeah, they do have their moment in the last season....a very very very short moment but yeah...
          Ha! Leave it to me to not even know what I'm linking to! Yeah, N&S is my all-time favorite mini-series (next to Band of Brothers--go figure!). A lot of people have compared it to P&P which I can definitely see, but for my money, I would pick N&S any day Mr. Thornton.....*sigh* If only there were such a man for me! I'd DEFINITELY recommend getting it. And yes, it has a GREAT ending!! One of my all-time favorite "romantic" moments. *sigh again*

          Originally posted by Milena_D View Post
          I'm usually staunchly opposed to ego-stroking, even when my close friends start with the pouts I tell them to go away but this is a different issue especially if it results in more vids JK but yes! First comes the fic! I'll take it upon myself to bug you at any and all opportunities to get it finished!

          T minus 45 minutes that the right expression??

          P.S. Can anyone tell that I'm having a blast with smilies?

          EDIT: Okay what's the deal with the greenage? I've been trying to green people for like the past four days and it keeps telling me to 'pass the green around before coming back to this person' but I've tried that and now that message is popping up no matter who I try to green! Help, anybody?
          Smilies? You've been using smilies in your posts? I had no idea!

          Correct least I think so...

          Ah, the ole "pass it around" deal. Yeah, I guess it's to try to stop people from continuing to green the same people over and over again. You have to green other people on the board (spread the green) before you can come back to the same people. I understand it, but it sucks some times. If you see people that you haven't greened before who's post or actions you like, I'd green them...then you'd probably be okay to come back to some of the people you've already given green to.


          PHOTOBUCKET // WEBSITE // LIVEJOURNAL---------------------------------------------------------


            Originally posted by Milena_D View Post
            Lol I'm pretty sure I have *checking the time of your post and the time of your email* I replied to the ones you sent me, unless you sent me another that I just haven't gotten yet?

            Hehe, no, it was the North & South video that you linked to. It seems like a good series but that could just be because it was a good video. The J/A one was too. There's a Luke/Lorelai one???? Awww! They were sooo great together until Lorelai went psycho...but yeah, they do have their moment in the last season....a very very very short moment but yeah...

            I'm usually staunchly opposed to ego-stroking, even when my close friends start with the pouts I tell them to go away but this is a different issue especially if it results in more vids JK but yes! First comes the fic! I'll take it upon myself to bug you at any and all opportunities to get it finished!

            T minus 45 minutes that the right expression??

            P.S. Can anyone tell that I'm having a blast with smilies?

            EDIT: Okay what's the deal with the greenage? I've been trying to green people for like the past four days and it keeps telling me to 'pass the green around before coming back to this person' but I've tried that and now that message is popping up no matter who I try to green! Help, anybody?
            You have to spread the green love around to lots of people before it will let you give green out again. I think it is a stupid safety feature. I have found that happens to me all the time. I usually have to green8-10 people before I can green the same person again. There is also a limit as to how many people you can green in a 24 hour period. I am not sure on the exact number but it is between 15 and 20.

            Hope that helps!!
            Sig made by me


              Yeah, I didn't know about the limit per 24 hours. I just got that message the other day when everyone was greening each other and handing out 5 stars. That rule I'm not sure I get. What if a lot of people deserve green??

              EDIT: I am going into withdrawal. The image rotation site I was using is having issues. Now I am stuck only being able to have one banner at a time. I can't handle it!! Especially since it means I've been having to choose between J/A and D/V. I may switch some time later...


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                Originally posted by Stef View Post
                Yeah, I didn't know about the limit per 24 hours. I just got that message the other day when everyone was greening each other and handing out 5 stars. That rule I'm not sure I get. What if a lot of people deserve green??

                EDIT: I am going into withdrawal. The image rotation site I was using is having issues. Now I am stuck only being able to have one banner at a time. I can't handle it!! Especially since it means I've been having to choose between J/A and D/V. I may switch some time later...


                I get the stupid 24 hour ban at least once a week. I think that is a really stupid rule too. There are many times when lots of people deserve green, and I can't give it

                I am sooooooo bummed about imagerotator being down. It is very hard every morning trying to decide what banner to use.
                Sig made by me


                  Originally posted by RinggoldGate
                  Just started watching The Powers That Be. This is one of my favorites. Who else is watching the episode tonight during the review?

                  Me! Glad I'm not the only one.


                    *skids in*
                    I'm watching the episode now. Again ;D
                    Renny Roo, the Keeper Of the Fruitcakes

                    Sig by Odakota_Rose


                      Sorry for being a smidge late. The internet decided to act up...Anyway, let's kick things off for...

                      Let's try to each name our single favorite scene, quote, and cap/picture. After that, then we can go crazy with pics!!


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                        Originally posted by Stef View Post
                        Ha! Leave it to me to not even know what I'm linking to! Yeah, N&S is my all-time favorite mini-series (next to Band of Brothers--go figure!). A lot of people have compared it to P&P which I can definitely see, but for my money, I would pick N&S any day Mr. Thornton.....*sigh* If only there were such a man for me! I'd DEFINITELY recommend getting it. And yes, it has a GREAT ending!! One of my all-time favorite "romantic" moments. *sigh again*
                        Sweet I'll definitely go find it then!! I love happy ending deals!

                        Originally posted by Stef View Post
                        Ah, the ole "pass it around" deal. Yeah, I guess it's to try to stop people from continuing to green the same people over and over again. You have to green other people on the board (spread the green) before you can come back to the same people. I understand it, but it sucks some times. If you see people that you haven't greened before who's post or actions you like, I'd green them...then you'd probably be okay to come back to some of the people you've already given green to.
                        Originally posted by DJgirl View Post
                        You have to spread the green love around to lots of people before it will let you give green out again. I think it is a stupid safety feature. I have found that happens to me all the time. I usually have to green8-10 people before I can green the same person again. There is also a limit as to how many people you can green in a 24 hour period. I am not sure on the exact number but it is between 15 and 20.

                        Hope that helps!!
                        But that's what I'd been doing!! I think I tried to green everybody that was on the thread that day and I still couldn't go back to the person I'd greened the day before...*sigh* It's starting to look like I'll have to leave the thread and green strangers before I'll be able to green anyone here again

                        Originally posted by RinggoldGate
                        Milena, so loved the whole story. The last chapter
                        had me in tears. After, I went and took a nap and hugged the pillow for Vala. So glad she had Daniel and her new friends for support.
                        Please write more.....
                        Sorry! There's no more MoL in me anymore...well that's not true, my heart still aches when I think about that last chapter but I'm not writing any further chapters. If you want some sadness, a bit of angst perhaps, you should read my other fic Perchance to Live, but it's very AU, a lot of people don't like it.

                        Originally posted by RinggoldGate
                        Just started watching The Powers That Be. This is one of my favorites. Who else is watching the episode tonight during the review?
                        I'll definitely be watching it, as soon as I have the time, maybe in an hour or so. ^_^

                        Oh and Cat (aka CrazyLikeaFox) says hi to everyone!!! She has a work thing and she has to fix her lappy but she'll be here for the discussion in about 3 hours!

                        Oh, if I may start a piece of shallow discussion: Who liked Vala's Qetesh dress? I sooo didn't, I was so disappointed, they could have had so much fun with it and they bring out some drab and bland, colourless dress that, although it had a sexy cut, didn't really flatter CB's body. The woman can pull off just about anything sexy but this dress so didn't work imo, maybe just the upper abdomen part, where we can see her ribs...I dunno
                        ||My Fanfiction: & My LJ || Vala Multi-Shipping LJ Comm||

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                          Since I am not sure if I will be up much longer, I am going to post my thoughts and some pics for:

                          The Powers That Be

                          This has to be one of my favorites of season 9. It has a little bit of everything in it. It has humor at the beginning with Vala's chat with Cam, the playful banter between D/V when they first get to the planet, a insight to what Vala was like as Quetesh, imprisonment, angst and the ending makes you really feel bad for our heroes.

                          The D/V moments in the epsidoe rank for me as some of the best in the whole series. They start out this episode very much how they always are with each other and the banter that we all know and love, but it ends up becoming much more by the end of the episode. Vala finally shows a little bit of her true characters and feelings when she is trying to heal everyone that has been touched by the Prior Plague and when Daniel goes to her when she is sitting on the steps in the main room. Daniel can finally see her open up, even if it is just for a little bit. I think this was a very necessary scene for Daniel and for the future evolution of their relationship.

                          I also love the little bit about their form of a trial being called a Mal Doran. When Vala is locked in the cell, there is some great banter there, I am just too tired to look it up at the moment.

                          Here are some caps of the highlights and moments of the episode that I really enjoy.

                          Sig made by me


                            I shouldn't be posting, cuz I haven't seen the ep in ages, but I like the way CB says the line "Can't a girl have a little privacy?" in her British/Australian accent. But I also like how Vala ties in later that there's an escape through the little room that had no exits.

                            Aw, I should've rewatched it, anyway I like that scene.



                              Originally posted by RinggoldGate
                              Favorite Quote:

                              No, the only chance these people have, the only chance any of us have against the Priors is to show them that we will not accept the Ori as gods. No matter what happens, we must reject them. True enlightenment must begin with the truth.
                              Oh please, the truth is so overrated.

                              [Daniel holds her by the shoulders and looks her directly in the eye.]
                              Look, for once, just do the right thing here. You're going to feel so good about it afterwards…
                              (very earnestly)
                              Trust me.

                              That is a great quote!

                              Congrats on your first 100 posts!!!!

                              Going to bed now. Can't wait to see what I wake up to
                              Sig made by me


                                Ok, don't have a quote...

                                Scene... probably when Daniel finds Vala sitting on the steps and gives her a 'pep' talk.

                                Pic... don't have one for this ep. Well, not a D/V one

