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Daniel Jackson/Vala Mal Doran Ship/Discussion/Appreciation Thread

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    Y-Y aren't D/V together??

    PHOTOBUCKET // WEBSITE // LIVEJOURNAL---------------------------------------------------------


      Okay, anyone else who wants to finish up the game can continue to do so. But now, it is time to open the discussion for....

      And off we go!!


      PHOTOBUCKET // WEBSITE // LIVEJOURNAL---------------------------------------------------------


        Originally posted by ErinB View Post
        Ok, I've had such nice responses from you all tonight so this is the last little scene of chapter 1. My story is quite long, and I wasn't sure if there was any kind of limit on LJ, but after reading Milena's chapter I think I can post them all as chapters now. They're each about 7-9 pages, if I remember correctly.

        Anyhoo, read and review, you know how us fic-writers love the comments! (I guess, I can call myself a fic-writer now, huh?)


        Absolutey Erin!! You're a recognized author in ficdom! Congratulations!!! You're going to do very well in your new area of expertise, I can tell by your first chapter (which I just finished, left you a review and can't wait to read more!) And definitely post as much as you want, I had a teeny bit of trouble posting my 15 pager but 7-9 pages will be fine ^_^

        And Stef I think we can start the Origin discussion...I just have to watch it again first

        Don't have time for pictures but:

        W: Wicked
        X: Xcentric
        Y: Yearning

        Z: Zoo
        ||My Fanfiction: & My LJ || Vala Multi-Shipping LJ Comm||

        Banner made by Stef!



          Sig made by me


            A reminder for any newbies...

            FAVORITE SCENE

            FAVORITE QUOTE


            These are the basics. Of course, things usually tend to go in all sorts of different directions after that


            PHOTOBUCKET // WEBSITE // LIVEJOURNAL---------------------------------------------------------


              Okay Origin, nice episode.
              Love the city very pretty.

              Alright the burning at the end was very touching. At the end of the episode I think you see deeper into Vala's character, at the briefing scene.
              Can't think of any standout quotes though there was on about Vala saying they won't crack, well she might. Quite funny.
              The exchange in the city while waiting to be seen was nice, no really any innuendo at all.

              Banner by Stef
              Fruitcakes Anonymous C2



                What I liked about this episode is that the bond between D/V grew even stronger whether they wanted it to or not. They were now facing a life altering event together and there was no turning back.

                I loved the scene where Daniel is reading the Book of Origin and Vala is bored and offers him a bite of her apple. It just makes me chuckle....Eve tempting Adam....LOL

                Some pics...

                Sig made by me


                  Nice picture run DJgirl. Never thought of the Adam and Eve thing, nice pick up. OMG RinggoldGate where is that?????

                  Banner by Stef
                  Fruitcakes Anonymous C2


                    Sig made by slizzie1986


                      Favourite scene:
                      I really like the scene where Vala removes the bracelets and Daniel says a simple "Thank you" I love the non-verbal looks that they exchange.

                      He's her Lobster!
                      LTS: Life's too short


                        Originally posted by RinggoldGate
                        Tidbit on Filming of Origin:
                        In the director's cut, there is a touching exchange between Harrid and Sallis as they await their fiery deaths. They profess their love for one another seconds before they are consumed by the flames. After Daniel and Vala awaken at the S.G.C., Vala asks Daniel what he said to her -- but Daniel doesn't remember saying anything.
                        Do they make the Director's Cut to be sold and how do you get that version.?
                        Maybe they will release it with the whole series set coming out in the fall. I know, wishful thinking, but I would love to see that scene!!

                        Originally posted by CrazyLikeaFox View Post
                        Nice picture run DJgirl. Never thought of the Adam and Eve thing, nice pick up. OMG RinggoldGate where is that?????

                        EDIT: DJAY, you are totally right. The non-verbal in that scene is more powerful then anything that could have been said. I love their non-verbal communications. I swear their theme song could be "(When you Say) Nothing at All"
                        Sig made by me


                          Speaking of the book scene, I just like how Vala tells Daniel to just flip to the end and see how it all turns out A woman after my own heart!

                          Where did you hear/read about that director's cut deal, RingofGold? I've never heard that mentioned before!


                          PHOTOBUCKET // WEBSITE // LIVEJOURNAL---------------------------------------------------------



                            Favourite Scene:
                            The whole lying on the table thing and the eating the apple and then choking it down when the prior comes in (and I think shoving it back in the bowl. ew. lol) I don't know why i found it so funny but i did. I think someone already posted a pic.

                            Favourite Quotes:
                            DANIEL: Our ascended Ancients and the Ori have a slight difference of
                            opinion. See, the Ori seem to think that because they're ascended,
                            human beings should worship them. All humans.
                            VALA: And if we don't?
                            DANIEL: Then we're not worthy of living and should be destroyed.
                            VALA: I don't think enlightenment means what they think it means.

                            DANIEL: Well, it seems to follow suit with many of the religions I've studied. They tend to weave their doctrines into simple, fable-like narratives with characters that are meant to be identifiable with a common individual.
                            VALA: Why don't you read one to me? I love a good yawn.

                            PRIOR: The village of Ver Ager has been corrupted.
                            VALA: We didn't do it, I promise.

                            VALA: Okay, look, you can torture us all you want with your rhetoric, but we're not going to crack-- well, I might--but we're not going to tell you anything, because we don't know anything.

                            VALA: The Ori are great! I love the Ori! I'm a believer!
                            What's the matter with you people? I'm telling you, I've seen
                            the light! I don't think they're buying it.
                            DANIEL: I've heard you do better.

                            ok so some of those aren't as funny written out but it's the delivery that counts. and Michael Shanks and Claudia Black always seem to deliver
                            My Fic: LJ &


                              And here they are, trapped again...


                              PHOTOBUCKET // WEBSITE // LIVEJOURNAL---------------------------------------------------------


                                I also love the BBQ. It's really sad that Sallis and Harrid (SP?) had to sacrifice their lives for the cause. But it also makes for an emotional moment between Daniel and Vala.
                                I wonder if they would have said anything to each other in the final moments?

                                He's her Lobster!
                                LTS: Life's too short

