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Sam Carter/Jack O'Neill Ship Appreciation Thread

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    Originally posted by ST-1
    Hmmm...I'll take your request under advisement!

    Regarding DDL/ , I'm sorry but I just can't see the guy on screen and NOT think of the goofy "Purina Beneful" dog food commercial...the way he smushes the dog's face into a smile and says, "SOOOOO Happyyyyyy!" It was a funny/memorable commercial, but I never could take him seriously after that. When he appeared as , my immediate thought was, "Hey, isn't that the dorky Beneful guy? How'd he get from dog food to Stargate? WTF?"
    which came first DDL kissing SC or the dog. Sorry if this offends people. Don't intend to .

    avatar and sig by flidget


      true love can never be denied.

      avatar and sig by flidget


        Originally posted by UhSir
        Hokey Smokes! You are so right. I LOVED that show. Another couple that had great chemistry. And I've seen both in other pairings that had no chemistry so it was definitely those two=one. Just like RDA and AT. *big sigh*

        Other shows, hmm, I know of a movie pair. The Thin Man movies: William Powell and Myrna Loy. *dreamy sigh*
        i think amanda and rick would make a wonderful couple!

        another ship pairing that popped into my head today was Dan Tanna and his assistant Beatrice from the show Vega$.




          I am in a shippy mood this early morning.....

          pic fr Mala

          avatar and sig by flidget


            Originally posted by UhSir

            What it appears to be is that the PTB are just too damn scared to resolve or acknowledge it because they believe the shippers will then abandon the show en masse. I realize there will be certain number of shippers that leave, but I’m willing to bet a majority would stay.

            I’m also willing to bet that if things continue the way they are currently going, a larger number will leave due to frustration than would have gone due to resolution.
            i think you're right, on both paragraphs. not only is the 'chase' easier to write, it's easier to maintain (than writing a full-blown relationship).

            but if you wait too long to let the fans *see* the fruits of their labor, you'll either a- lose their interest, or b- build up expectations that can never be met.




              I think a 9 year "chase" is way too long. Time to bring in the ship.

              avatar and sig by flidget


                Originally posted by stargate barbie

                and i think amanda did make it fairly clear that she enjoyed working with david deluise more than she enjoyed the character, and i think at first it was just the novelty of showing a small amount of sams softer side, and having a love interest in the background who didn't die.


                and apparently even amanda tapping thinks so, and i think she was caught in the middle between really liking david deluise, and not wanting that storyline to continue.
                i took amanda's latests remarks highlighting working with david as her way of saying, 'i know the sam/pete storyline didn't go over real well, so i'm saying that the number one reason i enjoyed it was because of david'. kind of reminded me of distancing oneself on something by bringing attention to another aspect of it. just an idea, though.




                  Originally posted by sg-1fanintn

                  Here's a new theory on those comments. AT, being the compassionate person we know she is by reputation, felt bad for DDL because fans hated his character so much. So, she talked in detail about what a nice guy he is (?) and how much she enjoyed working with him. What about that?????
                  that had actually entered my mind. out of all the comments i've read concerning pete, i've rarely heard anything negative about david. he might not be my cup of tea, but he's far from being homely. but david's a big boy, i'm sure he knows the superficial aspects of working in the entertainment industry.

                  Originally posted by Myrth
                  Personally I'm grinning like a fool over PDL's comment about Amanda's attention shifting when RDA's around... hee... that's the bit I'm concentrating on. There's nothing better than a ship based on real attraction and affection.. nothing at all.

                  Originally posted by sg-1fanintn
                  Oh, yeah......'course, that's what I'd do too, if I had to choose from PDL and RDA. Wouldn't you?
                  well, i actually wanted to squee a bit, but i wasn't sure if it was out of line...

                  oh, what the heck.




                    Originally posted by galaxy
                    Blame it on her shampoo...
                    Which after our last shampoo discussion, I have CHANGED


                      wow ! family I need your opinion !!!

                      SueKay made me 3 different sigs !! isn't it great ??!!!
                      So now I have a problem !! they all are very nice so I don't know which one to choose !!! please Help me !!! It's not a death or life question but you'll all see how SueKay rocks !!!!

                      I like them all even if I have a preference for the I know one...It's less usual. Let me know, and once again THANKS Suekay!!! (((((((((((((((Suz)))))))))))))))
                      ( can't rep you Suz )


                        lonely_star - What a choice to have to make! I'm torn between 'I know' and 'meant to be' I think though I'm with you and my top choice would be 'I know'.

                        sueKay you are indeed a creative wizz!!


                          Originally posted by minigeek
                          Attraction is perhaps among the most basic emotions of all. In the very beginning, there's either a spark there, or there's not. The bigger the spark, the better the "CHEMISTRY" between two actors. Yes, that's why a lot of HOLLYWOOD marriages don't last. Actors play with fire for a living. It's part of the job. Let no one tell you otherwise. "Oh, I was just kissing him, then they turned the cameras off and we broke for lunch...and it was just like BAM, there go the lights. Do you think they have turkey today??"

                          Amanda comes in each morning, she's SAM CARTER. She turns her on, she turns her off. She breaks for lunch. She turns her back on again. Then off again. She heads home. Now imagine yourself doing that every day. For nine years.

                          Then do an interview for a magazine where they ask you what it's like to "kiss your co-star!", and consider your husband and your little girl are going to be reading it.
                          I have a lot of respect for Amanda. I like to think that the husband/daughter factor is why she's one of those actresses who has body doubles for anything 'revealing' that she does. I think that's a sign of respect for her husband --- and before her daughter was born, a recognition that one day she may have children who'd see it. Not to mention her parents!! And all those brothers!!!


                            Haven't been able to hang out with you guys much lately have ended up working so much overtime that even JJ (my new kitten) wasn't sure who the strange zombie looking person falling through the front door at 5am on a daily basis was! Am off to New York tomorrow for a weeks holiday but will definitely be back amongst you when I get back

                            So...seeing as I'm on a packing mission today I haven't got bags of time to read what you guys have been chatting about over the last week, so any chance of a quick synopsis? Any shippy morsels since ExDM??

                            Am hoping to catch the sg1 S9 double bill while I'm across the pond so I may actually be able to join in some episode chat when I get back...YAY!!

                            Missed/will miss you all (((shipper family)))


                              Silly question, purely because I couldn't find the reference here, after going through a couple of pages: what did PDL say about AT and RDA?


                                Originally posted by gatebee
                                I am in a shippy mood this early morning.....

                                pic fr Mala
                                I noticed how sweet
                                Lord Zedd

