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Sam Carter/Jack O'Neill Ship Appreciation Thread

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    Originally posted by Buc252
    I can't agree with her getting mixed signals. I mean, in Lost City, he called her a National Treasure! And he wasn't done talking when Daniel and Teal'c showed up, so who knows? I don't call that treating her like she's got cooties. Not to mention that, at this time, he was dying and she was involved with another guy. What did he really have to offer her? He said as much as he could without risking ruining her future - a future he wouldn't have to deal with because he truly expected to be dead.

    As for the "I know," what exactly do you think he said he knew?? He acknowledged her feelings, whatever they were - and we never truly knew - but also knew that it was not the time to discuss it. They were in imminent danger, and he was dying. I really don't think you can count anything from Lost City anyway, because Jack knew he was dying and wouldn't want to impede here future.

    Seriously, though, as for her showing him the ring, I don't really think she was looking for a reaction or for him to say something. I think it was her own nerves, and needing someone to talk to, but she just didn't think about how much it would hurt Jack. At this point in her social life, his feelings for or about her weren't anything she was considering. I will give you that his "I wouldn't be here" was too unspecific to really be an answer to her, but it was probably as much as he felt he could say without creating a problem for Sam's current relationship or their own careers.

    I guess that's what irritates me the most about the whole thing. If they'd just sat down and talked about it before came along, a lot of the angst might have been avoided.
    Wow, National Treasure. That sounded like her CO talking and not a man who loves her. Also remember she almost got up and left because she felt he didn't want her there. Then Daniel and Teal'c show up. I think most men would have told their buddies to come back in a few hours. It is true that she was dating someone else, but that still didn't mean they couldn't talk.

    As far as not having enough time to convey his feelings for her, he seemed have time for Teal'c. His scene with Teal'c was far more touching and personal than "I know". Teal'c knew exactly how Jack felt about him, Sam was still left with a big question mark.

    I guess what gets me is that there is always an excuse for what Jack did or didn't do. He is looking out for Sam's best interest, she will be better off with Pete, he is dying so he doesn't want to ruin Sams future. Wow what an unselfish guy! Was he unselfish or just didn't want to step up to the plate? Besides how do we know that Jack hadn't had other girlfriends. After all, its been along time since Laira.

    I guess what I am saying is that Sam seems to take more than her share of the heat for their relationship mess. Jack is just as guilty.
    Odo's last wishes: cremate me, put me in my bucket, then shoot me through the wormhole.



      This is what i meant, yes. Perhaps a very politely worded request for him to put in a guest appearance at least once this season...we'll even babysit if he wants

      Originally posted by LadyJeep
      A petition to let him know his fans aren't mad at him for leaving, we just miss him.


        Originally posted by Rogue
        As far as not having enough time to convey his feelings for her, he seemed have time for Teal'c. His scene with Teal'c was far more touching and personal than "I know". Teal'c knew exactly how Jack felt about him, Sam was still left with a big question mark.
        I remember feeling disappointed and empty after the scene with Teal'c given that the scene with Sam was so ambiguous and with Teal'c the 'salute' to his warrior brother was heartfelt.


          Originally posted by Buc252
          I can't agree with her getting mixed signals. I mean, in Lost City, he called her a National Treasure! And he wasn't done talking when Daniel and Teal'c showed up, so who knows? I don't call that treating her like she's got cooties. Not to mention that, at this time, he was dying and she was involved with another guy. What did he really have to offer her? He said as much as he could without risking ruining her future - a future he wouldn't have to deal with because he truly expected to be dead.

          As for the "I know," what exactly do you think he said he knew?? He acknowledged her feelings, whatever they were - and we never truly knew - but also knew that it was not the time to discuss it. They were in imminent danger, and he was dying. I really don't think you can count anything from Lost City anyway, because Jack knew he was dying and wouldn't want to impede here future.

          Seriously, though, as for her showing him the ring, I don't really think she was looking for a reaction or for him to say something. I think it was her own nerves, and needing someone to talk to, but she just didn't think about how much it would hurt Jack. At this point in her social life, his feelings for or about her weren't anything she was considering. I will give you that his "I wouldn't be here" was too unspecific to really be an answer to her, but it was probably as much as he felt he could say without creating a problem for Sam's current relationship or their own careers.

          I guess that's what irritates me the most about the whole thing. If they'd just sat down and talked about it before came along, a lot of the angst might have been avoided.
          Mary I agree with you. Let's start, both Daniel and Sam both knew that they dragged Jack, the to the planet, to put his head in the Ancient's Depository. "I would have done it", "bull-doggies" , if they wanted to do it, they would have pushed Jack out of the way and tried, when he tried to blow it up (yes Daniel tried, but not very hard). Then she goes to his house, knowing he has the weight of the world on his back, and says " I couldn't sleep", "no really" I think Jack had a wild night, right! You know he's home alone, preparing to die (yes, Jack is private but there is a time when you have to grab the bull by the horns) go to him, scr---- the regs. "Oh you should have called",- "Hint", Sam. Fans were upset, when Jack was with Lyra in a "Hundred Days", but she knew how to seize the moment, speak her mind and grabbed the bull by the b----. No fooling around, "I want you to give me a baby", period. Sam is made so wishy washie in "Lost City", that if I was AT, I would have had a fit.


            Originally posted by Rogue
            As far as not having enough time to convey his feelings for her, he seemed have time for Teal'c. His scene with Teal'c was far more touching and personal than "I know". Teal'c knew exactly how Jack felt about him, Sam was still left with a big question mark.
            I agree with you about that scene, IMO that was one of the most heart rendering scenes in SG-1 series. Very touching! However, all Jack knows at this point is that Sam is engaged. She moved on! What should he have done, grab her and say "Hey I told you I loved you but now you are engaged and scr----- this guy ". He thinks she is in love with Pete, now. He told her how he felt in "Divide and Conquer", she said we'll "keep it in the room". Jack isn't the type to beg or change the way he feels. He stated how he felt and left the door open for Sam to make-up her mind when, but "When" never came and Pete is in the picture now, as an adult and her friend "first" he moved on. He doesn't stalk like some guys!


              G'night!! Tomorrow's, ugh, Monday!!! I don't due transitions well!!
              Sam and Jack Forever!!!!


                Originally posted by nell
                G'night!! Tomorrow's, ugh, Monday!!! I don't due transitions well!!
                Sam and Jack Forever!!!!
                Sweet dreams! Hopefully Stargate Monday is back. Need some good episodes and Jack~~~~~~~~!


                  Comic Con is coming to NYC in February. I emailed and asked if anyone from SG-1 is going to attend. Web site is
                  If you are interested in contacting them.


                    Originally posted by Rogue
                    Wow, National Treasure. That sounded like her CO talking and not a man who loves her. Also remember she almost got up and left because she felt he didn't want her there. Then Daniel and Teal'c show up. I think most men would have told their buddies to come back in a few hours. It is true that she was dating someone else, but that still didn't mean they couldn't talk.

                    As far as not having enough time to convey his feelings for her, he seemed have time for Teal'c. His scene with Teal'c was far more touching and personal than "I know". Teal'c knew exactly how Jack felt about him, Sam was still left with a big question mark.

                    I guess what gets me is that there is always an excuse for what Jack did or didn't do. He is looking out for Sam's best interest, she will be better off with Pete, he is dying so he doesn't want to ruin Sams future. Wow what an unselfish guy! Was he unselfish or just didn't want to step up to the plate? Besides how do we know that Jack hadn't had other girlfriends. After all, its been along time since Laira.

                    I guess what I am saying is that Sam seems to take more than her share of the heat for their relationship mess. Jack is just as guilty.

                    i agree.




                      to sg-1fanintn -

                      i can't private message you (your box is full up). i can't email you (you've turned off this feature).

                      my message/reply: you wondered if you should have engaged that person... that person is an (blacked out), so engage if you want.




                        Hey all!

                        Just to let you know that I've not fallen off of the face of the planet, I'm just extremely busy with Uni stuff, RL stuff and Work stuff...groan!

                        As for the letter to RDA, I'd go with 'Dear Rick' personally...

                        though you could try 'hey hey Ricky Dean!' but I think if he ever met you he might launch a brick at you for that


                        well...gotta go...promise I'll be on tonight as I think I may finally be getting my site finished! (oh and I'll be writing some more fic too )
                        Part 2 coming very soon!! (this is a fic btw, not the Fandemonium novel)


                          for my two cents worth-they did what they wanted to do. they always have and will continue to do so.

                          they easily could have found better ways to "end" the s/j issues-they could have just ignored it totally after season 4-we all know that they could just pretend it never happened-which I suppose they tried, told RDA and AT to knock it off, never let that subject darken their doorway again.

                          from where I sit-they pulled it out of the bag when they saw that things were getting a might testy with us-just to make us feel better and not lose an active section of their viewership.

                          You know-the "C'mere" from Death Knell and Heroes. The "Please-Jack" from the Lost City.

                          If I had nevr watched this show-and Threads popped up-it would have been what the he$$.

                          Chances are we are going to get the SSDD this season two-I mean
                          "Not Exactly" please-what are we watching a show or a Hertz commercial?

                          End Rant
                          Franklin said, "They that can give up essential liberty for a little safety deserve neither liberty nor safety."

                          "Do or do not. There is no try." Yoda


                            Ok.. so I was on [[yes I have no social life]] and as I am a member of the Sam/Jack Shippers group, I thought Id have a look at their pictures...

                            And look what smea found!

                            I know its only little, and probably old... BUT I just had to share it with you guys

                            Made my day a little brighter... along with the SG dvds that Ive been watching... Im ill dang it But this has made me feel a whole lot better



                              Can I have a little RL rant here????

                              I left my house immediately after writing my last post...walked to the train station and the trains were off...

                              and I only got to where I am half an hour ago and missed a seminar.


                              On a shippy note....

                              SAM AND JACK FOREVER IN LOVE
                              Part 2 coming very soon!! (this is a fic btw, not the Fandemonium novel)


                                Okay I know I've been rather absent (so much action here I know no doubt its hard to notice) but I wanted to peek in and say that I've started what I hope to be a very emotional Sam story that will have some...interesting S/J moments.

