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Sam Carter/Jack O'Neill Ship Appreciation Thread

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    Originally posted by stargate barbie
    in a way, its easier to keep the ship going. they can just have them doing the long distance thing. or the off screen thing. the only problem is we don't get to see the little looks and touches on screen.
    that's what's missing this season (well, one of many things). sam and jack, merely being in the same room, could ignite an excitement. and that *thrill* of seeing them interact is soooooooooo missing.... how many times did a simple scene become 'more' with just their standing next to each other? or sitting next to each other. or walking next to each other. or being in the same room. or just being 'together'...... i miss sam and jack.

    BUT, i could SO take an off-screen relay!!




      Originally posted by Queen Eleta
      This one:

      Look close at the bottom...
      Ah-okay-well then-missed it the first time-guess I am reallly good at ignoring things I don't want to see.

      Thank you.
      Franklin said, "They that can give up essential liberty for a little safety deserve neither liberty nor safety."

      "Do or do not. There is no try." Yoda


        Originally posted by Nikki
        I noticed that too, all i have to say is "huh?" - Still love the pic, so i'm just going to ignore that bit and pretend i never saw it. lol
        because it's over the existing words, i just thought it was the author's name or something.




          Originally posted by majorsal
          that's what's missing this season (well, one of many things). sam and jack, merely being in the same room, could ignite an excitement. and that *thrill* of seeing them interact is soooooooooo missing.... how many times did a simple scene become 'more' with just their standing next to each other? or sitting next to each other. or walking next to each other. or being in the same room. or just being 'together'...... i miss sam and jack.

          BUT, i could SO take an off-screen relay!!

          **LOOKS both ways for Joe M or TPTB** I wouldn't want THEM to think that we would settle for less but during Season 9 it would certainly enhance the character development, ahem Sam's and Jack's development, if they had some off-screen moments.

          For example, Sam says, "Jack, I gotta go to a debrief now. I'll call you after I get home. **pause while Jack is speaking** Yeah, me, too." Sam hangs up the phone with a grin on her face.

          **thanks to Billie for the cap**


            In comment to Nell's question about RDA I've heard he likes Rick better. I think Richard is actually something he sort of tries to avoid.


              Originally posted by trupi
              You guys have great eyes! But who loves Daniel- the person who made the image or Sam- then that's like incest-Yek!

              Haha! Incest absolutely! They're so brother/sister it's unbelievable!


                Originally posted by stargate barbie
                it was certainly not "callous disregard ". she no longer had any indication that he still loved her. for all she knew she could have gone to him and said, "hey so i'm thinking of going on a date" and he would have said, "so? what are ya tellin' me for". more than likely he would have said, in a confused sort of way, "well good for you carter, it about time you got a life".
                remember his reaction to her following her calling him jack, in grace? following her ordeal on the ship and everything she had been through not only that year, but in all the years of her life previously, that to her was most likely a confirmation of how she felt. my point once again, is that her attempt to get over him, and get a life, was in no way "callous disregard " for anyones feelings. callous is one word i could never imagine being associated with samantha carter.
                I always felt she got mixed signals from the guy. Maybe because he was her CO, or because he has other issues. After Lost City, I don't think Sam felt that he had feelings for her. In Lost City she gets up the nerve to see him, only to be treated like she has coodies. Then on the ship she tries to tell him how she feels and all she gets is a 'I know'. By showing Jack the ring, I think she was trying to get a confirmation of how he felt. Her decision to accept Petes proposal was based on his reaction.
                Odo's last wishes: cremate me, put me in my bucket, then shoot me through the wormhole.



                  Hello, anyone home? were're on the second page below a thread called "new slash." ??? I'm new here but was just watching some videos and reading fanfics (about Sam and Jack, of course) I can't put links beacause I'm basically computer illiterate but there are wonderfully done videos on a site called Particularily '"Sick Cycle Carousel" for Sam and Jack; Safe and Sound, for team interaction but a definite lean towards Sam and Jack ;and my favorite "Wise Up" about Jack's journey over 8 years. Also there is a great story on under fanfiction called "O'Neill's Armor." It takes place during "The Entity" and is told from Teal'c POV. I think it really captures the impact that Sam has had in Jack's life. What I really like is the way that it recognizes the dark side of Jack. Hope you all enjoy.


                    Well, that was about the coolest thing ever. The link appeared on it's own.WOW!


                      Originally posted by Rogue
                      I always felt she got mixed signals from the guy. Maybe because he was her CO, or because he has other issues. After Lost City, I don't think Sam felt that he had feelings for her. In Lost City she gets up the nerve to see him, only to be treated like she has coodies. Then on the ship she tries to tell him how she feels and all she gets is a 'I know'. By showing Jack the ring, I think she was trying to get a confirmation of how he felt. Her decision to accept Petes proposal was based on his reaction.
                      Franklin said, "They that can give up essential liberty for a little safety deserve neither liberty nor safety."

                      "Do or do not. There is no try." Yoda


                        Originally posted by STARGATE7777
                        Well, that was about the coolest thing ever. The link appeared on it's own.WOW!
                        Yup. A www. with an address followed by a .com (or .whatever) will do that. Kind of scary that the comps smarter than us.
                        sig by PM


                          Originally posted by Rogue
                          I always felt she got mixed signals from the guy. Maybe because he was her CO, or because he has other issues. After Lost City, I don't think Sam felt that he had feelings for her. In Lost City she gets up the nerve to see him, only to be treated like she has coodies. Then on the ship she tries to tell him how she feels and all she gets is a 'I know'. By showing Jack the ring, I think she was trying to get a confirmation of how he felt. Her decision to accept Petes proposal was based on his reaction.
                          I wasn't to happy with that scene either (in Lost City) and I think that if I had been Sam I would have believed Jack had no feelings for me either. When He said 'I know', I thought 'Who are you ? Han Solo?' But I think it was the tone and body language he had. If he had said it softer and maybe touched her hand, it would have had a totally different meaning. But after thinking about it, I don't think Jack thought he was going to get out of the situation intact. Either dead or crazy. He was pushing Sam away to not hurt her, then later he didn't know how to fix it.
                          sig by PM


                            Drive by posting again. I guess there are some mixed feelings for Lost City but hope you won't mind my leaving this one here. The look on Sam's face says such a lot


                              Hey guys I'm back again!
                              I hope everyone is still ok I just want to let you know that I haven't left, i'm just very busy with College and Homework

                              I can't wait for Seaosn 9 to start on Sky One!

                              Oh and I just read in the newspaper about the wildfires in Los Angeles and there was a list of celebs who were moving out of there houses, including Beau Bridges, and I was just wondering if anyone had heard anything about RDA...I know he used to live in Los Angeles. I checked but there was no news about it....

                              Anyways I did notice that Caty had posted a link to a new vid so i'm going to go check it out!!!

                              (((((((((((((((((((((((((Shipper Family)))))))))))))))))))

                              @->-4eva Sam and Jack!<3

                              ^ My New Siggy!!! Made by SueKay! ^


                                Hey everybody,

                                Remember me??

                                I thought I would just pop my head in as I have finished my 6 weeks in placement (gosh did it go fast). I had such a wonderful time and on my last day yestreday, I got to watch a liver transplant. That was so amazing!

                                Anyway so anything much happened since I was gone? Probably not huh! Well like Sam_O_Neill said, S9 starts soon (although I am looking more forward to Atlantis) and we have that science thing hosted by Amanda on Wednesday don't we!?!

                                Oh and Caty, I shall be watching your new video soon too (yay ). As for now, I have a reflective essay (which has to be in tomorrow ) that needs to be finished. So see you all later!

                                ((((((((shipper family))))))))


                                By Jenomac over @ Livejournal

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