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Sam Carter/Jack O'Neill Ship Appreciation Thread

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    I can't remember if I've got the season seven cards...but I do have very other season...can't remember where I've put them...
    Part 2 coming very soon!! (this is a fic btw, not the Fandemonium novel)


      Wow, wow and wow! Have just spent the last couple of hours reading Mei Meis Back to Reality and Reality fics and "OH MY GOD" they are soooooooo Shiptasticaly brilliant!
      Cant wait to read the rest ( my mission for the rest of the week). Mei Mei you are a Legend thankyou for all the hard work, and a big thankyou to all the rest of the fantastic ship writing family, I love you all you are such a fantastic source of talent. There aren't enough hours in the day (what with RL and all) to read as much fic as I would like (mostly resulting in v.little sleep most nights).


        Originally posted by LOL4JACK
        WOW Trupi.... I did not know the SG internet world at that time and I was completly spoiler free, I'll never forget when I saw Heroes II I jumped out of my chair when I saw the staff weapon hit Janet, I was so shocked because I thought it was a very hard scene to show... I would definitely not enjoy an image of that moment....

        I hope the Sam/Jack pics are nice any Grace kiss? Lost City ship moments?
        Yep! Yep! Is anyone going to the Ohio convention? I like to get Peter a message. If you are going PM me-Thanks!


          Somnium - lovin your smileys!

          I LOVE Sam, Teal'c and Mitchell...I've yet to see Lam...but...Landry, Vala and Daniel...

          no thanks!!!



          *goes in search of painkillers*
          Part 2 coming very soon!! (this is a fic btw, not the Fandemonium novel)


            Thought I'd share this

            Part 2 coming very soon!! (this is a fic btw, not the Fandemonium novel)


              Originally posted by sueKay
              Nice pic


                Okay I was here earlier and I disappeared and now I’m back for a moment to make a very special announcement! But first…

                (((sue))) Love the pic girl!

                (((nell))) I’m with you! I’m trying to stay fairly spoiler free myself!

                And now for the announcement…hmmm…maybe I won’t really say it but post a little picture – see if anyone can figure it out

                And another little hint...nothing is posted yet but something might have just been written


                  Originally posted by trupi
                  She has been saying this crap for a long time now. Let see how far her character gets without Jack! When she screwed up with Replicator Carter, Jack wasn't even there. Who weaken who? Only thing Jack should have done was court marshall her for not obeying orders and endangering the lives of the people at the alpha site. Amanda should realize that it was how TPTB wrote the character and not the ship that made her look weak.
                  Excellent point. I often wonder why people (in RL - not just on TV) feel that ship is a weakness. I gain a lot of strength knowing that my hubby is there for me. It doesn't make me weak - in fact just the opposite. I dare to push my boundaries more knowing I have support behind me.

                  So why showing Sam & Jack together should equal Sam's character is weaker is beyond me. GRRRRRR!



                    Thank you!!!!


                    Thank you Thank you Thank you Thank YOU!!!!!!!!

                    for writing more of 'May I have this dance'

                    Wich I admit is one of my all-time favourite fics...maybe even no.1 on my list!
                    Part 2 coming very soon!! (this is a fic btw, not the Fandemonium novel)


                      Originally posted by Cathain Nottingham
                      Okay I was here earlier and I disappeared and now I’m back for a moment to make a very special announcement! But first…

                      (((sue))) Love the pic girl!

                      (((nell))) I’m with you! I’m trying to stay fairly spoiler free myself!

                      And now for the announcement…hmmm…maybe I won’t really say it but post a little picture – see if anyone can figure it out

                      And another little hint...nothing is posted yet but something might have just been written
                      Nice.....!!! Will your "completed" series be announced on our Thread??!!


                        Originally posted by Buc252
                        Not to burst your bubble, but the spoilers are also saying
                        that Janet is only being shown in flashbacks. That means there won't be anything really new, and definitely nothing that happened post-her death in S7. I know, I'm bummed too. Having the *real* Janet resurrected might actually get me to watch an episode.
                        Mary - I don't know if someone else has already answered this, but JM's blog says
                        there are NO flashbacks in Ripple Effect. Lol4jack also said that at the con the word was given that it is an AU ep - so presumably Janet will be an AU Janet.
                        I've asked JM for clarification anyway, so hopefully we'll get something concrete (well, vague, probably but... )

                        Edit: That would be "Yes Oma, someone has already answered - about 5 someones!" always late


                          Originally posted by Oma-1
                          Excellent point. I often wonder why people (in RL - not just on TV) feel that ship is a weakness. I gain a lot of strength knowing that my hubby is there for me. It doesn't make me weak - in fact just the opposite. I dare to push my boundaries more knowing I have support behind me.

                          So why showing Sam & Jack together should equal Sam's character is weaker is beyond me. GRRRRRR!
                          Good point! I admit that my Sam and Jack Shipping is very, very private in my life! My husband accepts 'my hobby' and encourages me, too. I've written a little bit and I'm a Beta for a U.K. author. I recently shared 'my hobby' with a girlfriend and she thinks it's great. She has (non-ship) writing aspirations and found me to be an inspiration to her. Imagine that?? But, I further admit that this is not something that I would share with my work colleagues. I could be wrong but I don't think they'd quite know what to think about me. I find this to be a creative outlet. Has a magazine or other news orgs written an article about Shipping and Shippers? I think it would be fascinating. Look at the wide range of ages, occupations, cultures, and talent within Our Thread. As many of us have said while listing ship couples, shipping dates waaaaaaaay back! Um, as a girl I was a Doris Day/Rock Hudson shipper!!

                          So, in conclusion, I love Sam and Jack Shipping!! You Shipper Friends are the best!!! As I was telling my husband earlier today, I needed help with my new sig pic and my friend, Billie, in London helps me. Me in Virginia emails a pic to Billie in London and in a short time, voila, my new sig pic is ready to copy and paste. Gotta love the internet!!! Great for shipping!!


                            Well...a few of my friends know about mum ships too, but for other shows so she's understanding!

                            Her big ship at the moment is Sue/Jack - Sue Thomas FBEye!

                            My big ship - Sue/Jack - my life - hee hee!!!

                            My dad thinks I'm disturbed, and most of my friends just laugh at it!

                            No-one at my work knows...but they know I'm a sci fi nut!

                            Night peeps!
                            Part 2 coming very soon!! (this is a fic btw, not the Fandemonium novel)


                              That's the Million Dollar question Oma.I hate to say this but after some of the comments from the Actors regarding Ship I sometimes wish Sam stayed with Pete and Jack stayed with Kerry since Sam looked so strong with Pete.Not.One thing about no Jack this Season is TPTB Actors or some of the Fans will not have the Sam and Jack Ship around as a scapegoat.IMO Actors sometimes get too hung up on protecting there characters instead of just doing the best they can and having Fun with there character.Despite what some People may think Sam and Jack getting together will not lead to the downfall of TV and Civilization.


                                Originally posted by sueKay

                                Love it Suekay



