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Sam Carter/Jack O'Neill Ship Appreciation Thread

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    Originally posted by sueKay
    Doing some more trawling through RDA interviews...

    this first one's not SG1 related but I think it's rather funny...but it could be construed as in spoiler tags it goes!

    "When I was 15, I wanted to be a pro hockey player," recalls Anderson. "I busted one arm, and three weeks later I snapped my [other] elbow -- bones sticking out everywhere." He spent three months in a hospital patrolled by nuns and buxom nurses. "It sucked because I had lost my virginity at 14. Can you imagine discovering the wonderfulness of the opposite sex, then getting laid up? I couldn't even touch myself!"

    I found this funny - no hint of ship...but nice!

    From an interview in 1998
    What is on the horizon for season three?

    O'Neill and Major Carter (Amanda Tapping) get together in the most unexpected of circumstances in an episode entitled Point of View and in Learning Curve O'Neill takes it upon himself to help a young alien reclaim her childhood. What the actor will divulge is that it will all be accomplished with his trademark "tongue-in-cheek, dead-pan delivery but with a little touch of humanity for good measure."

    (I'm noticing that as I go through all these interviews...there's loads of shippy pics even if there's no shippy mentions!)


    One of the most revealing situations occurs in "Point of View" when O'Neill has to face certain truths regarding his relationship with Captain - soon to be Major - Samantha Carter (Amanda Tapping). Leaning forward and affecting a loud theatrical whisper, he confides, "We get married, you know. There are photographs to prove it."

    Immediately confessing that it happens in an alternate universe, the actor maintains that that scenario highlights the emotional dilemma O'Neill must face because it forces him to consider the possibility of less-than-professional feelings toward a colleague. Well aware that the audience has, for some time, craved some sort of romantic entanglement between O'Neill and Carter, he's reluctant to confirm any such development, but hints that the seed has been sown. "We'll just have to wait and see what happens," he shrugs.

    more coming soon!
    wow SueKay , thank you ... awesome interview ... thanks for posting it

    avatar and sig by flidget


      Originally posted by Hulabaloo
      Oooh just found this one!

      <Moderator> *anise5180* hi Rick! my name is Liz and I'm 13. I think you're the coolest actor ever; you're so talented. I have 2 questions for you: (1) what do exactly do you do as one of the executive producers of Stargate Sg-1? (2) i heard somewere that you might retire soon. is there any truth to this rumor?

      <RDAnderson> My job as exec producer is not the classic definition
      <RDAnderson> My duties have become more limited as time goes on.
      <RDAnderson> IN the early going, as we were finding our rythms to the whole franchise,
      <RDAnderson> I'd be involved with my partner in editing, script editing and developement and such
      <RDAnderson> mostly fine tuning what comes out of the writers cagte.
      <RDAnderson> In some regards I became a liason connecting the writers with the actors
      <RDAnderson> Connect some of the problems the writers were having in relationship to the script and the storylines.
      <RDAnderson> To be perfectly honest, I dont' know what retirement means to a work-a-holic like myself.
      <RDAnderson> I may afford myself some time off when all of this goes away.
      <RDAnderson> By then I'll have pay attention to what my priorities are-- at this time it's my daughter.
      <RDAnderson> At this time I will not fall into the trap of saying that I will not work again.
      <RDAnderson> But I'd like to enjoy some of the fruits of my labor,.
      <RDAnderson> GA

      Well i wonder if Rick will stay out of it for any longer.
      what year was this interview

      avatar and sig by flidget


        sueKay - love your Big Brother Sg1!! LOL

        Well it's goodnight from me. I'm off to indulge in a few Sg1 dvd extras before lights out.
        Sleep well and sweet shippy dreams to all


          Originally posted by florence
          I'm going to try to say everything in one post...

          First, congrats on 500 nell !

          Second, welcome to the newbies (won't say names cause I'm sure I'll forget someone )

          And finally... Caty, I'm sorry for you that you're so disappointed with SG1 thant you're thinking about selling all your DVDs. I won't do that cause I liked the seasons 1-6, and even in S7 and 8 there were some things that I liked. Even if SJ ship is a big reason why I like SG1, I also like it because of other things : sci-fi, humor, characters...
          At this time, I'm a bit tired with SG1 (but I'll have a look at S9 when I'll have the chance to watch the new eps ), that's why I'm going to other shows (SGA, Lost). But some time later, I'll enjoy to watch it again
          So I'll keep all my DVDs. Hey, I've even already ordered the S8 boxset ! (and S1 of SGA too )

          but see... I will never sell my x-files DVD 's ..They are very precious to me

          Stargate is not anymore . ..and I don't only watch for the ship either ( although it drew me to the show like the x-files ) but I like a DVD collection with a resolved ship if TPTB has given it .



            Originally posted by sueKay
            CONGRATS NELL!!!!!!!!!!!

            At the moment...I'm getting into The Dead Zone, CSI Miami and a few others...

            I'm going to start watching Lost too!!!!
            Dead zone is good .I watched the one when he had a vision of his son catching a virus . So , so good

            SueKay , you will love" Lost" next week. Full of mystery and I have now tons of songs and tracks to make videos to all the characters and couples . Tons of clips to use too.

            NCIS is a real good show too and the humor is great



              Originally posted by scjon
              I haven't seen anything of Season 9 yet, but I honestly can't imagine parting with my Stargate DVDs. There are some episodes that I watch far more than others (Divide & Conquer, Window of Opportunity, Threads etc) and some that I avoid like the plague (Chimera, Affinity). But my Stargate DVDs have got me through some really difficult times in RL and I can't imagine not watching season 1-6 (and even parts of season 7 & 8) again.

              But each to her own.....
              Exactly .. it does not matter for me to part from my SG1 Dvd 's ..but I would be heartbroken if I had to part from my x-files DVD's .



                Originally posted by Cathain Nottingham
                Ah so its Vala that's the problem. Okay. That I can understand. I've been peeking on and off and from what I caught it just seemed that everyone was revolting due to the changes. I was going to say that's not very nice!

                Well me, I'm an anti-season 9 no matter what .

                SG1 should have stopped ( when RDA wanted to leave) to make the show memorable and true to the actual storyline of the beginning when SG1 was Jack, Sam , Teal'c and Daniel and no one else .

                Then it would have been a show of the century , brilliant with a good resolution for Sam and Jack and a bit of RST on screen to finish it all off the JAG finale .

                It would have been just great to watch something like that to conclude SG1 ...and the DVD collection ( season 1 to season 8) would be worth it .

                There was no need to carry on the show and bring new people in specially the 2 lead actors of farscape ..It's weird to me and tptb by doing that looked desesperate.



                  More tidbits - RDA's colourblind (I'm a fan of trivia)

                  a piccy of our favourite duo that I've never seen before (from rdanderson)

                  2001 - "Amanda Tapping is a solid comedienne. She has an awareness of the same elements I'm talking about. She knows what she's doing. As an actress, she's strong and she has created one of the stronger women roles I've ever witnessed on television [Dr. Samantha Carter]. I think she's also very proud about it -- and I very much respect that.

                  RDA and AT chat in 2002 (v funny!)
                  Part 2 coming very soon!! (this is a fic btw, not the Fandemonium novel)



                    You may be feeling down at the mo but you certainly put a smile on my face Thanks for sharing all your finds, these are great. I love the trivia too.

                    I love this pic, its not mine and I wish I could remember where I borrowed it from cos its so shippy.


                      Originally posted by Catysg1
                      Well me, I'm an anti-season 9 no matter what .

                      SG1 should have stopped ( when RDA wanted to leave) to make the show memorable and true to the actual storyline of the beginning when SG1 was Jack, Sam , Teal'c and Daniel and no one else .

                      Then it would have been a show of the century , brilliant with a good resolution for Sam and Jack and a bit of RST on screen to finish it all off the JAG finale .

                      It would have been just great to watch something like that to conclude SG1 ...and the DVD collection ( season 1 to season 8) would be worth it .

                      There was no need to carry on the show and bring new people in specially the 2 lead actors of farscape ..It's weird to me and tptb by doing that looked desesperate.

                      If I go with what you're saying, they should have ended the show with S5, when Daniel ascended. But then we wouldn't have to meet Jonas who was a good character IMO.
                      I understand what you mean but I just want to say 'let's give S9 a chance'. We don't know yet how it's going to be. Maybe Mitchell will be a good addition to the team, maybe there will be good stories, maybe the show will go in a new direction... A lot of maybes I know !
                      We don't know if SJ ship would have been resolved if season 8 had been the last one. Actually, when they were filming the last episode, they didn't know yet if there was going to be another season. Then Threads would still have been the only resolution for SJ ship...
                      Flo ~ FBI - Proud Shep Thunker - Proud member of the Ship Ship Hooray Special Ops Team !


                        Originally posted by florence
                        If I go with what you're saying, they should have ended the show with S5, when Daniel ascended. But then we wouldn't have to meet Jonas who was a good character IMO.
                        I understand what you mean but I just want to say 'let's give S9 a chance'. We don't know yet how it's going to be. Maybe Mitchell will be a good addition to the team, maybe there will be good stories, maybe the show will go in a new direction... A lot of maybes I know !
                        We don't know if SJ ship would have been resolved if season 8 had been the last one. Actually, when they were filming the last episode, they didn't know yet if there was going to be another season. Then Threads would still have been the only resolution for SJ ship...

                        This is what I mean Florence

                        Season 7 was the right season to end because RDA decided to fade away it but greed , greed and greed ...we had season 8 with Jack as a general ...and that was not too good either for the character ( but RDA was still there a little )...still if the show had stopped with Moebius with a good Sam and Jack resolution ..seeing them inside the cabin perhaps getting readywith the fishing rods and a little kiss at the same time or something like that ...and knowing that Jack had retired , it would have been the perfect ending ...then the fishing .
                        I don't care if Daniel and Teal'c were there fishing too but being able to see them ( S&J) as a romantic couple would have been perfect to end the show and the SG1 team ...We could have seen them going their own way ...Teal'c Shulak , Daniel ...whatever .!!! and Sam with Jack going to the cabin ..and that'all .

                        Perfect ..and a memorable show . No need for more ..Now it has put me off .
                        I will probably watch season 9 well because it's a sci-fi show to watch and at least they don't swear yet like the re-genesis show but won't be a fan of it at all .

                        Shame the show had to go on and not rest on a high note .



                          Originally posted by sueKay
                          RDA and AT chat in 2002 (v funny!)
                          Just reading this and this caught my eye

                          Question from newbie_005:
                          "Window of Opportunity" is my favourite episode. I was wondering if you woke to find yourself reliving the same day, and could take actions with no consequences, what sort of things would you do, and why?

                          Amanda Tapping:
                          As Sam Carter? I'd go fishing with Jack. Over and over and over again!

                          And this

                          Question from samjan2:
                          Hi! We first want to say that we are two 40-something year old professional women who live vicariously through Sam and Jack's relationship (what there is of it) and enjoyed season 4 the most (please don't tell us to get a life!) Please tell us that there will be some (any!) Sam/Jack moments somewhere in season 6. Will they finally declare their love for each other by the end of the series? Will they be together and, if so, how do they work it out?

                          Amanda Tapping:
                          Wow, I would never say "get a life." I think it's great that you enjoy that aspect of it. I have no idea what is going to happen between Sam and Jack, but we sure have fun when we get to be together! I think they'll retire after it's all over, go to a cabin and make babies, and fish! [laughs]

                          Its sooooooooooo shippy I love it Makes me go all warm inside wibble ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~


                            Caty - I like regenesis (felger was a guest star...or rather the actor who played him!)

                            Somnium - I'm in a bit of an RL rut on several fronts...and this thread allows me to 'escape' for a while.

                            Trivia you say? RDA's colourblind with blue and green...he lost $50 in a bet with Michael Greenberg when he said that a woman was wearing a green jumper when it was blue!!!
                            Part 2 coming very soon!! (this is a fic btw, not the Fandemonium novel)


                              Originally posted by sueKay
                              Caty - I like regenesis (felger was a guest star...or rather the actor who played him!)

                              Suekay I tell you what..... I'm gonna send an e-mail to the production of Re-genesis and ask them where is the need to swear like that in a sci-fi show which is supposed to be so meaningful . I just don't get it .

                              The dad using the bad language while talking to the daughter who is I think 15 , 16 and then 5 minutes later ..we have the daughter , using the same bad language to talk to her parents .
                              I switched the channel off because I expect that kind of language in "Die Hard "with Bruce Willis ..if you see what I mean !!!!..but in Re-Genesis ..I did'nt get it .



                                Hello Shippers!!!

                                Thanks for the Interviews sueKay!!! They are great! Would rep you but I can't. Sorry!

                                I just watched a few stargate eps (not even shippy ones) and now I'm kind of...high. LOL

                                Regarding the DVDs...I could never part with my SG-DVDs either.
                                I watch them over and over and over and over again!!!
                                No matter what happens right now with the show, it's still my favorite and I absolutely love it!!!

                                Sure I watch other shows too...but not the way I watch stargate.
                                Without the passion and interest.
                                I'm not in any other fandom, I don't really care if I miss an ep of these shows and I definitely don't spend so much time with watching/ thinking about/ spending money for/ talking about/ reading of/ getting excited over any other TV show than Stargate (and XF a few years ago...).
                                I watch other shows only with my eyes, not with my heart. *sniff*

                                I LOVE STARGATE!!!!
                                (Just in case you didn't know )

