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Sam Carter/Jack O'Neill Ship Appreciation Thread

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    Originally posted by galaxy
    I totally agree. I didn't read "City of the God's", but I've read "Trial by Fire" and "A Matter of Honor" and I absolutely loved "A Matter of Honor."
    Not only because there was much more ship than I've ever expected in an "official" novel of Stargate, but also because it was enthralling and a really good story.
    I didn't know that the sequel will be released at the end of this month!
    That's so great!!! Thanks Florence!
    Hi Galaxy! Hi Friends!
    Well, here I am and you are not!!! Oh, well, I'll be here after Episode 4 Friday night! I ordered "A Matter of Honor" last June 1rst from England with a 21-42 days shipping. Well, it's August 4 and still no book! Thanks for your review. I really, really like Sally. Just re-reading "A Second Chance." Later, nell


      Originally posted by nell
      Hi Galaxy! Hi Friends!
      Well, here I am and you are not!!! Oh, well, I'll be here after Episode 4 Friday night! I ordered "A Matter of Honor" last June 1rst from England with a 21-42 days shipping. Well, it's August 4 and still no book! Thanks for your review. I really, really like Sally. Just re-reading "A Second Chance." Later, nell
      I know most of the novels that are coming out have been in England but is it still possible to get them here in the US? No doubt it will cost more but I don't mind.


        Originally posted by Cathain Nottingham
        I know most of the novels that are coming out have been in England but is it still possible to get them here in the US? No doubt it will cost more but I don't mind.
        Yes, you can. If you follow the GateWorld "Store" link to the UK Amazon site, GateWorld will receive a percentage of the sale from Amazon. It a way of supporting Darren and all his efforts here at GateWorld. It is the shipping cost that hurts the most when ordering from the UK Amazon. Some people are ordering from Canada, but I don't know what the price difference is if any. You can follow the GateWorld "Store" link to the Canada Amazon also. Happy Shopping!!

        Token ~


          Originally posted by Silver
          As much as I'd love it to be, I really don't think that's RDA.
          It just doesn't look like him.

          Sorry, Token. *is very much wishing she needs glasses*

          Wow, sure looks like him to me!

          But then again, it also looks like that figure could have been . . . inserted . . . into the picture. You don't suppose they'd do something *that* underhanded just to get people to watch the ep, thinking they're going to get him, do you?
          - Mary
          SG1 needs it's Fifth Man - Why should we settle for less? Bring back Jonas Quinn!
          Jack O'Neill would die for any member of his team. But there's only one he'd live for: Samantha Carter.


            Originally posted by Token
            Yes, you can. If you follow the GateWorld "Store" link to the UK Amazon site, GateWorld will receive a percentage of the sale from Amazon. It a way of supporting Darren and all his efforts here at GateWorld. It is the shipping cost that hurts the most when ordering from the UK Amazon. Some people are ordering from Canada, but I don't know what the price difference is if any. You can follow the GateWorld "Store" link to the Canada Amazon also. Happy Shopping!!
            i have checked amazon canada and the books aren't listed there.
            Franklin said, "They that can give up essential liberty for a little safety deserve neither liberty nor safety."

            "Do or do not. There is no try." Yoda


              Originally posted by Buc252
              Wow, sure looks like him to me!

              But then again, it also looks like that figure could have been . . . inserted . . . into the picture. You don't suppose they'd do something *that* underhanded just to get people to watch the ep, thinking they're going to get him, do you?
              well yeah-i do believe they would do that. i mean look at the lame use of him in last week's episode.
              Franklin said, "They that can give up essential liberty for a little safety deserve neither liberty nor safety."

              "Do or do not. There is no try." Yoda


                Originally posted by florence
                Yes, I've read it but it's not the best in the series IMO. My favorite one is 'A Matter of Honor' by Sally Malcolm, who's best known on internet as... Sally Reeve !
                If you want to read good Sam/Jack interaction, read that one ! The sequel will come out soon (end of August) and I've already ordered it !
                As a matter of coincidence I decided to reread "Future Imperfect" by Sally Reeve tonight. Got through Part I, but Part II wouldn't come up on the screen. Think that happened before, and somehow I did get to it later but can't remember at this moment what I did. I'll figure it out tomorrow. That is one fic I could reread forever. She just nails their characters so well. The only SG pro fic I ever saw was one I saw at Barnes and Noble which didn't look very interesting so I didn't buy it. Now they don't have any.


                  Originally posted by trupi
                  Hi Rogue-just trying to get the thread going!
                  Has anybody else gone back to this scene to see what Jack is whispering to Sam? I still say it's" love you".
                  Another question to keep us on page one: which year did you like Sam's hair the best? I think I go for S5. Longer hair like S4 makes her face thinner. And Jack's hair? I always liked it a bit longer like it was in S3, although a few times it seemed bit too long. I can see why Laira tried to get him as some of the photos of Jack from that ep are breathtaking.


                    Originally posted by Gatetrixer
                    As a matter of coincidence I decided to reread "Future Imperfect" by Sally Reeve tonight. Got through Part I, but Part II wouldn't come up on the screen. Think that happened before, and somehow I did get to it later but can't remember at this moment what I did. I'll figure it out tomorrow. That is one fic I could reread forever. She just nails their characters so well. The only SG pro fic I ever saw was one I saw at Barnes and Noble which didn't look very interesting so I didn't buy it. Now they don't have any.
                    I agree with you about Future Imperfect. Sally does a great job with Jack's and Sam's internal dialogues as they struggle to face their true feelings. I also like how Sally maintains their sense of honor to their committments to others although the regs are no longer an issue. But, love prevails!!


                      For those of you seeking to order books from outside U.S., e.g. Sally Reeve's books, because they are not available here yet, I ordered my books through I don't remember how I found this bookstore. Looks reputable but I don't have my book yet and it' been 60 days. I'll report back when it arrives. The cost was approximated $9.00 for the book and $5.00 for shipping. That's a lot but it's an inexpensive recreation.

                      About Abebooks
                      Abebooks is the world's largest online marketplace for books. Whether it's new, used, rare, or out-of-print, you can find it here, through our community of over 13,000 independent booksellers selling 70 million books from around the globe.

                      I hope it's OK to post info about a bookseller!!


                        Originally posted by trupi
                        I got the book in New York City. The place is called "Forbidden Planet" and they deal in Scifi and horror items. They're on the WEB and they are cheaper then if you get the book shipped from the UK -$6.99 in UK 7.99=$13.40.
                        Guess I should try for some of these novels....doesn't seem to be a good selection of stargate novels at Walden Books. The only novel I found at Walden Books is one called "The Price You Pay."


                          Originally posted by gatebee
                          Don't think it is him as well. Nice thought though
                          Don't think it quite looks like RDA either....actually I think it might look a bit like the guy who played the Replicator "First."


                            Originally posted by MartoufMarty
                            HOW COULD I FORGET BENEATH THE SURFACE??

                            *should be ashamed*

                            See, this is the song:


                            It's angsty, dark, and serious.
                            Yes you should....*drowns MM in large vat of high-octane 170 proof shipper hooch*


                              Originally posted by florence
                              Yes, she is

                              If I have to recommend only one of them, then it's 'A Matter of Honor'. I've read all of them and it's the only one that really took me into the story :

                              - 'Trial By Fire' : a good team-story with a lot of action.
                              - 'Sacrifice Moon' : set between 'The Enemy Within' and 'Emancipation' so it's in the early days of SG1 and it shows how they become a team.
                              - 'A Matter of Honor' : well, it's my fav Angst, angst and some more angst ! Add a bit of ship on it, and you've got it !
                              - 'City of the Gods' : I didn't like this one very much. I think the Aztecs names were too difficult to remember and I never knew who was who...
                              Wish I'd've thought to order some stargate novels from I guess I'll just have to settle for whatever Star Trek books I can borrow from the library for reading on my trip to Butler, PA.


                                Originally posted by florence
                                Yes, I've read it but it's not the best in the series IMO. My favorite one is 'A Matter of Honor' by Sally Malcolm, who's best known on internet as... Sally Reeve !
                                If you want to read good Sam/Jack interaction, read that one ! The sequel will come out soon (end of August) and I've already ordered it !
                                I thought Reeve came out and said she wasn't Malcom (when visiting the Shipper Thread?). I have a memory of reading that and Reeve saying that she was flattered, because she liked Malcom's work.

                                Or am I just making that up?

                                I googled the women's names and didn't see anything that confirmed they were the same person. Does she have the two names for legal/copyright reasons (free vs. paid work)?

                                ship sistah

                                ship = , no ship = , AU Martouf =

