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Sam Carter/Jack O'Neill Ship Appreciation Thread

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    Originally posted by Buc252
    I agree, but at least there were some scenes in XF that gave us solid resolution.

    "Agent Scully is alread in love"

    "you're my one in five billion"

    "I love you" - even though it was followed by "oh, brother!"

    "You make me a whole person"

    We've never even had lines like this with Jack and Sam. I wish we had . . .

    Oh yes , I remember those moments Absolutely wonderful
    What about :

    " You are my touchstone" in Amor fati ....

    Can't you think of anymore ...that Tptb could use as an example !!!
    But obviuosly TPTB wants it so vague like

    "I wouldn't be here"
    "I have my reasons" ect ....
    In comparison to Mulder and Scully 's lines's very pale
    Also Mac and Harm in JAG had some great lines too .

    Shame Stargate TPTB treats a wonderful ship that way .



      Originally posted by sg-1fanintn
      Thanks, Ship Nana, but I've seen Caty's album. I got the impression that waterfall was referring to something else.....maybe a riveting discussion we haven't witnessed because it took place on yahoo.

      Right, waterfall?

      My Sam & Jack wedding photo album is all there at Stargate Intel Thank you Suekay :

      And they were really busy indeed.

      Thank you Shipnana



        Originally posted by waterfall
        I'm not depressed....come to think of it, I'm quite happy about the future of Sam and Jack.

        Everyone is depressed because not much (if anything) is being said about it.
        It is TPTB's little game of trying to get the shippers to stay tuned,because they're not stupid, they know where their bread gets buttered.
        IMO what they're *not* saying speaks volumes and they're using it as a trump card if the ratings hit the skids and for the power to have a 10th season.
        One reader on the S/J Yahoo list believes that they are already married and that it will be sprung on us later in the season and I'm beginning to agree with her.

        BTW, anyone have a guess on just how much time passed between "Mobius" and "Avalon"??


        I also think they are married otherwise "Threads" makes no sense at all ..SG1 didn't exist anymore after Moebius ..They all went their own way ..We know that Sam went to care for Cassie in Avalon 1 but really time has passed between Moebius and Avalon ..I think Sam and jack were together , got married and are now a couple ..but an established couple ..which means RST big time ...T

        ...herefore we won't see RST on screen and Tptb will allow Sam /Jack or somebody else to mention they are married along the line in one episode . ..but we won't see anything Sam and Jack ship related on screen anymore ...

        ...Sam and Jack ship is not a story line for season 9 we'll hear they are happy together and well for the anti-shippers it won't matter because they won't see them on screen together kissing or anything like that ..

        ...I think if we see them on screen in the future , they will behave like 2 friends talking about work ..I don't think TPTB will let us see anything romantic . Jack may call her " Mrs O'Neill" ..this is probably what TPTB has in mind . The big honking kiss will never happen but we'll definately know that they are married ...That's all .



          Hey all!

          *reaches for pain relief*

          Are there any special shipper hangover cures????


          Ripple Effect is very close the episode ten, which Leanne (misstweedledee) heard was the ep in which the ship is confirmed...
          The fact that RDA *may* be in that episode is for me, very encouraging...
          Also...Beau Bridges recently said that RDA's role is diminished, but that he hasn't actually left the show altogether...

          So...There is hope

          Shippers - Making clutching at straws an Art Form!
          Part 2 coming very soon!! (this is a fic btw, not the Fandemonium novel)


            Originally posted by alittletoolate
            The thing is with the regs it wa sa very convenient reason for them not to be together all this time. Even after all that's happened. UST sells, it was obvious it did because of the success of the X-Files and the whole M/S deal. So they needed something that good but the whole reletioship between M and S was very different, there were different reasons keeping them apart and they were closer on other levels.

            Sam and Jack needed something else to keep them apart that wasn't of their control because it was blindingly obvious from early on (to me anyway) that they had it bad for each other.

            Does that make any sense?
            Of course Mulder and Scully were different from Sam and Jack but the love for each other is there in both series .

            They ( tptb) let Sam and Jack have hugs like in "Deathknell "and "heroe "..with the "come here "comments from Jack so we know that they can give ship when they feel like it .

            Of course with Mulder and Scully tptb could be a bit more open because no militaty regs in between the couple ..Saying that ..even in "point of view" .. Sam who was married to Jack ..never said "I love you" ..and I reckon it's because there are a lot of anti-shippers Sam and Jack who will roll their eyes at that .

            I do not think there were so many fans against the Mulder and Scully ship ( The ship was consistent and was never dissolved at any time) ...and TPTB did say that the ending will be emotional and romantic before "the truth" was aired ...The ending was not 100% happy far from it ..and it's a shame but it is a sci-fi show and they still were together at the end ...fugitives ..but stil together and they left it open for a 2nd movie .

            Now ..the problem is Staragte TPTB started the ship not the shippers ..and after episodes like "window of opportunity" , " divide and conquer" ..their duty was to resolve that ship in due time or dissolve it like they did in season 5 and 6 and never brought it back in the open ..but they did bring it back big time ..and of course disappointed all the shippers with the lack of resolution when it was time to resolve it ..either end of season 7 ..but at least end of season 8 with Threads .

            Threads showed their love for each other despite the military regs and Jack willing to resign to be with her ..that's it ...Nothing else was said in Avalon 1 /2 to make us believe they are together .

            As I said I reckon they are already married because time has passed between Moebius and Avalon ....but seeing the ship on screeen now is not gonna be a priority for tptb ..It's over for the visual but I think we'll get acknowledgement that Sam and Jack are married ...I'm not too happy with that obviously because well I like to see Sam and Jack together on screen but it will have to do .

            I have now decided not to buy season 7 , 8 and 9 and whatever ...because I want to show that I'm a disappointed shipper fan no matter what and no matter what happens ..just because I like visual impact . I need to see ship more than hearing it only . Hearing it only is I think a very lazy way to resolve a ship that the production has started .



              I can come back!!
              I've been staying away until I was able to watch Origin because I didn't want to read and details about the episode but now i've watched it I don't know why I bothered
              I can't believe that is all we get to see of Jack! We only know of those eps that he is in for sure and we get that! It didn't seem like Jack at all The storyline was ok I guess and Vala, Daniel and Mitchell are still keeping at least a bit happy....I just can't wait till sam comes back, hopefully she will bring back the old stargate feel to it..
              This ep get 3/10 for me..not good.

              I need some of ship nana's cookies..*Runs off to the Bakery*

              @->-4eva Sam and Jack!<3

              ^ My New Siggy!!! Made by SueKay! ^


                Originally posted by plague
                Hey guys... thanks for inviting me into the Shipper family. I'm a major shipper and since I've got hold of all the DVDs of all seasons (except 8), I have been watching it again & again just to see the interaction between Jack & Sam. So touching and sometimes I just want to hit them in the head & make them tell what they feel for each other openly... So many chances yet no conclusion.

                I was so pissed off when Jack was made General and was not part of SG-1 because that made him less into the show and less scenes with Sam. I only watched Season 8 for the scenes between both of them. And Season 9 is SO going to be a disappointment for me (already is from the episodes so far). Ok.. that's what I feel so far. Now for the spoilers about Jack & Sam or whatever I could pick up from all the spoilers I have read so far.

                SPOILERS (Highlight below to read):
                Apparently Jack is supposed to come as guest starring in some episodes. I think he might be coming in the episode "Ripple Effect" in Season 9 since it is commented that someone we love and miss will appear in that episode. So I'm so hoping it would be him. And since Sam will be back in the team at that time and IS AVAILABLE, I think we will see some shipping and some sailing (or fishing) in that episode. But this is just an assumption and all the writers have mentioned that it is the best storyline they have come up with afer "Window of Opportunity". So I think it was a hint towards Jack & Sam. Or atleast I'm hoping it is.

                I love the way you thinkk... I ask Joe maybe a month ago if the Ripple Efect was
                something similiar to WOO,
                it was a time where he was answering almost any question and he did not answer this one... so I took it as he could not answer. LOVE your idea of the guest star!!!! squeeeeeee!!!!!

                PS: When wanting to use spoiler, use the spoiler tags, write [*spoiler] spoil and write as much as you want [*/spoiler], just take the * out of the brackets and voila! if you want to check out that you did it right go to the advance options and preview your changes, good luck!

                Proud Member of the Ship, Ship Hooray Special Ops Team
                Interviews with The O'Neills: Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4, Part 5, Part 6, Part 7, Part 8, Part 9, Part 10
                Member of Gategrrlz Gone Wild


                  Originally posted by waterfall
                  Yes, another post from yours truly!!
                  I haven't had this much to say in quite a while!!
                  Everone has been saying that

                  Jack looked tired in "Origins"
                  I'd like to think that Sam "used and abused" him half to death and therfore that's why he looked soooo tired!!!....that and he was hungry....muhahahaha

                  IMO other than no Sam and a few new characters season 9 isn't that different from season 8:
                  There's hardly any Jack, Daniel is still Daniel the great (cough)and Teal'c is still just least there's no (THANK GOD!!!)

                  Poor Teal'c...if I was CJ, I'd be pissed

                  I like your thinking but...
                  Are you saying our boy has no stamina?
                  Distinguished Service Ribbon Goa'uld Campaign
                  My Stories zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz Artwork by Mala


                    Originally posted by Catysg1
                    I also think they are married otherwise "Threads" makes no sense at all ..SG1 didn't exist anymore after Moebius ..They all went their own way ..We know that Sam went to care for Cassie in Avalon 1 but really time has passed between Moebius and Avalon ..I think Sam and jack were together , got married and are now a couple ..but an established couple ..which means RST big time ...T

                    ...herefore we won't see RST on screen and Tptb will allow Sam /Jack or somebody else to mention they are married along the line in one episode . ..but we won't see anything Sam and Jack ship related on screen anymore ...

                    ...Sam and Jack ship is not a story line for season 9 we'll hear they are happy together and well for the anti-shippers it won't matter because they won't see them on screen together kissing or anything like that ..

                    ...I think if we see them on screen in the future , they will behave like 2 friends talking about work ..I don't think TPTB will let us see anything romantic . Jack may call her " Mrs O'Neill" ..this is probably what TPTB has in mind . The big honking kiss will never happen but we'll definately know that they are married ...That's all .

                    Caty, it's exactly what I feel and know, they are toghether, otherwise the last ep of S8 where totally pointless, I'm not annoyed to see no ship in S9 because RDA is not around, I'm sure we will see some reference.

                    I like S9, but I like it as a new show, it is not the SG-1 of the past 8 years, I'm also waiting for AT return to see what the dynamic is, right now TPTB do not have it eas:
                    - A mayor character left
                    - All previous storylines have been closed
                    - Introducing new characters and stories
                    - Another mayor character not returning unitl ep6

                    It takes some time for new shows to have everything fall into place, although one of the strongest points that this show had is that we saw that from ep 1 in S1, but not every show is that lucky.

                    My dissapointed of Origins comes from
                    RDA appearance, it was pointless, bad scene, Jack was not Jack, even the jokes had no point:

                    - Daniel: I'm scared
                    - Jack: I'm hungry
                    - Daniel: OK

                    Jack O'Neill, deserved better, the fans deserved better
                    and that is definitely dissapointing, so as Mel is proposing we are having a wake!

                    Proud Member of the Ship, Ship Hooray Special Ops Team
                    Interviews with The O'Neills: Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4, Part 5, Part 6, Part 7, Part 8, Part 9, Part 10
                    Member of Gategrrlz Gone Wild


                      Originally posted by Zoser
                      I like your thinking but...
                      Are you saying our boy has no stamina?
                      Hmmm, I don't think that could be... but we all now what Sam has in her

                      Poor Jack

                      Proud Member of the Ship, Ship Hooray Special Ops Team
                      Interviews with The O'Neills: Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4, Part 5, Part 6, Part 7, Part 8, Part 9, Part 10
                      Member of Gategrrlz Gone Wild


                        Originally posted by Ship Nana
                        Alas, did I hear the Shipper TownRollercoaster mentioned? Slowly I turn. Step, by step.....

                        Everybody buckle up cause here we go AGAIN!!!

                        Roller coasters have always made me queasy.
                        I'll hold the hats and glasses till the ride is over.
                        Distinguished Service Ribbon Goa'uld Campaign
                        My Stories zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz Artwork by Mala


                          Originally posted by sacme
                          Hey, I'm not close, but I'll come down from NY to help with the sponge bath!

                          ship sistah
                          Pick me up on the way down and we can plan out some physical therapy for Jack. He may need a good massage after his bath. Any volunteers?
                          Distinguished Service Ribbon Goa'uld Campaign
                          My Stories zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz Artwork by Mala


                            Originally posted by Zoser
                            Pick me up on the way down and we can plan out some physical therapy for Jack. He may need a good massage after his bath. Any volunteers?
                            Hey, I got the shipper bus!
                            Odo's last wishes: cremate me, put me in my bucket, then shoot me through the wormhole.



                              Originally posted by plague
                              Hey guys... thanks for inviting me into the Shipper family. I'm a major shipper and since I've got hold of all the DVDs of all seasons (except 8), I have been watching it again & again just to see the interaction between Jack & Sam. So touching and sometimes I just want to hit them in the head & make them tell what they feel for each other openly... So many chances yet no conclusion.

                              I was so pissed off when Jack was made General and was not part of SG-1 because that made him less into the show and less scenes with Sam. I only watched Season 8 for the scenes between both of them. And Season 9 is SO going to be a disappointment for me (already is from the episodes so far). Ok.. that's what I feel so far. Now for the spoilers about Jack & Sam or whatever I could pick up from all the spoilers I have read so far.

                              SPOILERS (Highlight below to read):
                              Apparently Jack is supposed to come as guest starring in some episodes. I think he might be coming in the episode "Ripple Effect" in Season 9 since it is commented that someone we love and miss will appear in that episode. So I'm so hoping it would be him. And since Sam will be back in the team at that time and IS AVAILABLE, I think we will see some shipping and some sailing (or fishing) in that episode. But this is just an assumption and all the writers have mentioned that it is the best storyline they have come up with afer "Window of Opportunity". So I think it was a hint towards Jack & Sam. Or atleast I'm hoping it is.
                              I wouldn't bet the rent on it. It will probably be
                              Jacob or Janet
                              or if TIIC are being particularly sadistic
                              Distinguished Service Ribbon Goa'uld Campaign
                              My Stories zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz Artwork by Mala


                                Originally posted by Zoser
                                I wouldn't bet the rent on it. It will probably be
                                Jacob or Janet
                                or if TIIC are being particularly sadistic
                                Thats my bet. When I first read the spoilers for Ripple Effect, I thought
                                Odo's last wishes: cremate me, put me in my bucket, then shoot me through the wormhole.


