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Sam Carter/Jack O'Neill Ship Appreciation Thread

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    Originally posted by ÜberSG-1Fan
    Where have I been? I posted on the Sam Thread what happened to me and why I've been gone all week...and if you've been there, then you really feel my pain.

    Okay...I don't want to get my hopes up...nor would I want to get the hopes up of my shipper fam, but we didn't know that
    Sam would make an appearance in Avalon 1 who's to say we might not see a similar situation tonight? That'd be super and a neat surprise too.

    I could be wrong but it would help me considerably if it did...

    I'm just sayin'...

    The same thing happen to me in the beginning July. Blew all my phone lines out! Still have one line down. But thank G-- it left my computer alone. I hope tonight we'll get a surprises to make our mouths drop open but don't expect it.


      Originally posted by Dani76
      Nope, tell me more and fill me in, Melpomene!

      Shipper penguin are the official animal of ship. They live in antarctica you see. They've been shipping since Sam and Jack spent the night there in Solitudes. *I think they're even more shippy after Lost City and seeing Sam's face...* Anyway, if TPTB ever get really off base *giving Sam boyfriends and such* The penguins picket, and even volunteer to be catapaulted at TPTB as a protest. Which is what started the talk of "Flaming Shipper Penguins" I think I have a manip of Mala's about shipper penguins I can post here. Let me go see...


        Here Dani.

        Now I THINK this is Mala's. But please someone tell me if I'm wrong. I've been away from Shippertown for a long time *hangs head in shame* And I've forgotten a few things...


          Originally posted by girlgater
          I'm very anxious for tonight as I realize that
          we will get very little of Jack this season. I'm also hoping that once Sam comes back, we'll get a tidbit of Jack as well.
          Here's to keeping the dream alive!

          I think we'll need to get very lucky to keep that dream alive I don't see it coming anytime soon ..I really do believe that naughty TPTB has put Sam and Jack ship on the back burner or buried in a box and it will only be re-opened right at the end of the show .
          With no Sam and RDA on screen for another few weeks mention will be made and once Sam comes back . well to me it's pretty clear that after what she said in "Avalon1" ..."I have my reasons for wanting this job" that TPTB is gonna mess around with the shippers big time ..and slap them in the face many times until the point that most of them will be sick of either the ship or even the show itself specially if they throw the other Daniel/ Vala ship right in their face from the very beginning of their relationship .

          It really makes me sick just thinking about it ..may be not as sick as going and see Johnny deep in wonka and the chocolate factory but very close ...and I love Johnny deep ...but burk for his character or how TPTB made him in that movie .

          Now for me the Sam and Jack ship has ended with Threads ..and I have my own shippy little end story that I will keep next to my heart ...It's a shame what TPTB sg1 has done to a wonderful ship as it was from season 1 to season 6 ..They have destroyed any normal human feelings to the extent of unbelievable . ..They even separated Sam and Jack as much as they could in season 7 and 8 ..and they must be so glad that they won't be on screen together again

          I don't know why ..It's just nonsense and plain mean to the fanbase and the casual viewers must be even more confused than we are !!! I do believe that most of them will give up watching the show because of that nonsence in human relationship ..and continuity ...and they probably will do the same with SGA like I did when I realised the love triangle of the show ..plain stupid on their behalf

          and just to add really ruins the love for the sci-fi show itself when something like that gets on your nerves .
          I also think most stories in season 7 and 8 SG1 were rushed and really bad ...and the action was going down hill which made the show a bit pathetic and boring .

          I remember the day when I used to love SG1 specially episodes like the Tokra episodes ....Jolinar ...devil you know ..ect ...great storyline ..For me season 7 and 8 measure up to nothing ...the creative ideas for the stories were poor and plot holes everywhere .



            Originally posted by melpomene
            Here Dani.

            Now I THINK this is Mala's. But please someone tell me if I'm wrong. I've been away from Shippertown for a long time *hangs head in shame* And I've forgotten a few things...
            Thanks for filling me in. This is too cool.

            Thank you, Skydiver


              Originally posted by melpomene
              Rick Dean was 36 when I was born. I fell for Mac when I was about 15. I had to grow up a bit...(15 and 1/2 or 16)...before I thunked Jack
              I'm in the same sort of boat i've been thunking RDA since i was 15 too!!!

              If i could make up for my ot'ness with a shippy pic i would but i can only seem to find RDApic at the mo!


                Originally posted by melpomene
                Rick Dean was 36 when I was born. I fell for Mac when I was about 15. I had to grow up a bit...(15 and 1/2 or 16)...before I thunked Jack

                I don't know how old Marc harmon is but he looks extremely dishy ...He looks younger than 50 ..if he is older than 50 ..then he is extremely well preserved and I love the clothes he wears in NCIS and the way he walks ...ever so sexy .

                He had this sexy scene with that girl in his basement today by his sailing boat that he is building ...and he was so yummy there I think he is sexier than Jack ..the way he looks at a woman he really likes is out of this world . I was mesmerized by his way of seducing a woman tonight on NCIS Absolutely fabulous ....I would go weak in the knees if he was near me I think



                  Originally posted by mishy_mo
                  I'm in the same sort of boat i've been thunking RDA since i was 15 too!!!

                  If i could make up for my ot'ness with a shippy pic i would but i can only seem to find RDApic at the mo!
                  I love reruns. Up late one night watching TV Land, and here is this show I'd never heard of. MacGyver. Funny name, what is that? My mom said my uncle used to watch it. The same uncle who watched The Rockford Files. Well, the Rockford Files weren't that bad right? So what did I have to lose? AIEEEEEEE!!!

                  Um, want to meet at the RDA/Jack thunk thread and continue this conversation? This OT is getting much longer than I'd planned

                  To be on topic. SAM and JACK ROCK!!! Okay, that was lame, even by my standards. Ok, better excuse for making this post on topic...What? I'm having trouble finding something shippy to say? This cannot be! Oh girls, in sooth I have been away too long. But I have not forsaken the ship path. I can still remember the day I saw D&C the first time...I was a puddle of mush. You know, I think Point of View was my first ship realization. I love that ep!


                    Originally posted by Dani76
                    Thanks for filling me in. This is too cool.
                    i quite agree Ab Fab !!! well done to Mala (even if it ain't her's she's doent really great stuff ) and just incase and big well done and shipper hug for


                    [oo to much coffee methinks!]


                      Originally posted by Catysg1
                      I don't know how old Marc harmon is but he looks extremely dishy ...He looks younger than 50 ..if he is older than 50 ..then he is extremely well preserved and I love the clothes he wears in NCIS and the way he walks ...ever so sexy .

                      He had this sexy scene with that girl in his basement today by his sailing boat that he is building ...and he was so yummy there I think he is sexier than Jack ..the way he looks at a woman he really likes is out of this world . I was mesmerized by his way of seducing a woman tonight on NCIS Absolutely fabulous ....I would go weak in the knees if he was near me I think

                      Sorry Caty, you know I worship you, but NOBODY is sexier than Jack. Maybe he doesn't show it as much, to as many women, but when he loves you...He'd kill, die, suffer and bleed for you. And he does it all with this powerful intensity, and yet you know there's a playfulness underneath it all, waiting for the right moment...


                        Isn't he good looking or what ?!!

                        Marc Harmon


                        I think I'm going weak in the knees right now



                          Originally posted by mishy_mo
                          I'm in the same sort of boat i've been thunking RDA since i was 15 too!!!

                          If i could make up for my ot'ness with a shippy pic i would but i can only seem to find RDApic at the mo!

                          I used to watch McGyver when I was a kid, because my grand-aunt liked it so much and watched it regulary.
                          He was my hero, I loved him, but not in *that* way of course.
                          I don't know when I started with the thunking....I think I was 13, but it was more innocent back then....LOL
                          Well times change.


                            According to a quick search Mark Harmon was born in Sep. '51
                            And I just KNOW Sam would agree *totally impartially of course * that Jack is HOTTER!!!


                              Originally posted by melpomene

                              To be on topic. SAM and JACK ROCK!!! Okay, that was lame, even by my standards. Ok, better excuse for making this post on topic...What? I'm having trouble finding something shippy to say? This cannot be! Oh girls, in sooth I have been away too long. But I have not forsaken the ship path. I can still remember the day I saw D&C the first time...I was a puddle of mush. You know, I think Point of View was my first ship realization. I love that ep!
                              oh my god nothing shippy to say !! - yeah i know how that feels - kinda like a christian that doesn't go to church or read the bible (Don't tell me how it ends!)

                              hee hee


                                Originally posted by melpomene
                                Shipper penguin are the official animal of ship. They live in antarctica you see. They've been shipping since Sam and Jack spent the night there in Solitudes. *I think they're even more shippy after Lost City and seeing Sam's face...* Anyway, if TPTB ever get really off base *giving Sam boyfriends and such* The penguins picket, and even volunteer to be catapaulted at TPTB as a protest. Which is what started the talk of "Flaming Shipper Penguins" I think I have a manip of Mala's about shipper penguins I can post here. Let me go see...

                                Jack and Sam O'Neill Penguins

