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Sam Carter/Jack O'Neill Ship Appreciation Thread

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    Well, I finally got to watch the tape of Avalon, and I must confess I watched tape of another show I missed last weeked first. (OT on the other show I watched--I consider myself a dedicated Elizabeth George reader, but don't remember at least one of the plots they're televising and wonder if they're stories written just for TV). Anyway, here goes:

    Mitchell: He's a nice looking guy and has numerous sqee-ers I'm sure but so far doesn't do much for me. For instance the part where he interviews candidates for SG-1, the candidates weren't very funny IMO, but if Jack had been the interviewer he would have brought something to the scene. Too much of the Antarctica flying scenes for me. Okay he was a hero there,I believe it, but it went on and on. And why the highest honor, Congressional Medal of Honor? Why not Jack or Sam, who have saved the world more than once? He should get a medal, but why that one? And did Sam give it to him? Not sure if that was supposed to be her giving it--have to watch again, maybe she was just commenting on the honor, but the President is the one who gives those medals.

    Landry: He seems okay and furnished the humor. I didn't realize he has that raspy voice. I noticed the basketball hoop going up in his office, which I suppose was a nod to Beau, who is said to have very good at that sport when he was younger. So we had Jack with hockey because of RDA and now Landry with basketball because of Beau.

    Teal'c: He furnished my only laugh when he gave Daniel "the look" after Vala made the "sex with Daniel" remark. He's our T, tho' each year he becomes a little less Jaffa like, which is only natural I suppose and I think CJ want's it that way since he has said that he is not at all the silent type like T. I think he fired his gun just to see what Mitchell would do.

    Sam: Pleasantly surprised to see her. Will not analyze what she said in Avalon as others have done that, but wonder if what AT said about Cassie was just AT's idea. Have any of TPTB mentioned Cassie regarding Sam's absence? It did seem they changed their explanations of her absence a few time.

    Daniel: I think the beard was to make him as different as possible from Mitchell in looks until we get used to them together and the leaving SG1 gave the excuse.. I kinda liked it tho. Why the directors don't make him slow down his speech is beyond me.

    Jack: Since I had read comments before watching the tape I was ready for the motorcycle reference. Sorry but I didn't see any hesitation or pause before he said it but do hope it means something. I feel like I'm living on crumbs and peelings. And the scene of him looking out the window and then talking to Mitchell, why did GW say that it was Jack contemplating his future? How much will we see of him in Ep 3? And for what purpose? Hope for a longer scene than what we got in this one.

    All in all, not too exciting an ep, which can be the tendency of some multi-part eps. Sorry about the length of this post.


      Originally posted by trupi
      To get on the silly side (though some will get upset) #1 of the shipper's Da Vinci code booklet-selling of the motorcycle is indicating stablity,no longer on the move,no longer searching for the right place or person. When being sold by your significate other means-your mine to keep !
      One other thing I was thinking about Avalon- How long was Jack asleep in the Dormanta? Because in Avalon he's in Cameron's room in the hospital talking to him. It probably means nothing but has been bothering me since I saw the episode.
      Never thought of that--about Jack's being in stasis and it would have to have been a while since Mitchell was hurt, since Jack is back.



        Nell and I are working on a little project for Ship Day, and we need to know one little thing first. Are we going to have S/J Ship Day right here on our own thread, or start a new thread for it? Could we try to get a concensus in the next 24 hours about what everyone prefers? Sorry to press for a decision, but it affects the project we've been working on.

        I'll start. I think we might as well keep the discussion right here in the regular thread, since we'd all be here that day anyway.

        Now, it's your turn!
        Originally posted by majorsal
        daniel and vala aren't a love story. it's a sex romp (even though they haven't had sex yet. ). but daniel and vala aren't meant to be a love story, just some sparks flying - and in daniel's part - hair pulling/falling out.

        Vala says they have had sex......but you're right. That doesn't make it love.
        Originally posted by trupi
        How bad were the ratings? Where are they posted?
        The link to the whole story is here on GW:

        We were all watching (ok---almost all of us). Where were those Farscape devotees? As they say here in the South, "Dance with the one who brought you." We're the ones who brought them this far!!!!!

        Originally posted by nell
        Hiya Shippers!!!!
        Remember,[/I] Amanda has been 100% reliable whenever she gave us Shippy hints!!! Need I say more?
        You are so right, Nell.....and you picked the perfect time to point it out!!!!!

        Finally, one more random comment.....I'm not bothered by Jack being in Mitchell's hospital room after the injury. It had to be several months later, and AFTER Jack was appointed head of the SGC.....or he couldn't have made Mitchell that promise. It wouldn't have been within his power as a Colonel, and he didn't get promoted to General until early in S8, after he was defrosted.


          Rogue I may be proven wrong on this but I do not think we will see a big jump in Farscape viewers for Season 9.I never watched Farscape but from what I hear it was a totally different Show than SG-1.If I was a big Farscape Fan and never watched SG-1 why would I watch SG-1 Season 9? If I was TPTB I would have ran a full court press on long Time Fans and especially the Shippers.I would have told the Fans to give Season 9 a chance while making sure to give praise to RDA and I would have told the Shippers the Sam and Jack Story has not be written.IMO many Fans needed reassurance after Season 8 and it may come back to hurt TPTB.


            Originally posted by sg-1fanintn

            I'll start. I think we might as well keep the discussion right here in the regular thread, since we'd all be here that day anyway.

            Now, it's your turn!
            Let's keep Ship Day on our Sam/Jack Thread!!! Less complicated. Keeps our activities in chronological order on the same thread.


              Originally posted by trupi
              I would like to say I'm upset but I'm not. This is the only way those rat b------ will learn. Yes the show could be cancelled, but if they are going to turn into Barbarella, I prefer it cancelled! Maybe we will get our ship faster!
              I agree 100%, Trupi.

              And I'm not even going to say "I told you so." <vbEEg>

              Poor ratings is the only thing that will make TPTB step up and stop screwing with what we like. Give me ship, and I'll be back. And I don't mean a mention here or there. I mean full-blown, "Jack bought a house in DC and my things are enroute" confirmation by Sam.
              - Mary
              SG1 needs it's Fifth Man - Why should we settle for less? Bring back Jonas Quinn!
              Jack O'Neill would die for any member of his team. But there's only one he'd live for: Samantha Carter.


                Originally posted by sg-1fanintn

                Nell and I are working on a little project for Ship Day, and we need to know one little thing first. Are we going to have S/J Ship Day right here on our own thread, or start a new thread for it? Could we try to get a concensus in the next 24 hours about what everyone prefers? Sorry to press for a decision, but it affects the project we've been working on.

                I'll start. I think we might as well keep the discussion right here in the regular thread, since we'd all be here that day anyway.

                Now, it's your turn!
                Well, last year we had a special thread just for the one day here , so I think we should do this again. I'm sure our ship mum, Shipperahoy will open a new thread for us for the day.


                  Hey yall, i haven't been on in a while but i'm back. anything new i should know about? any new thoughts about where sam and jack are goin?
                  Those who know the truth must rise up boldly and be a light into the darkness, if the truth bearers stay quiet, then the lost are already gone.


                    Originally posted by sg-1fanintn

                    We were all watching (ok---almost all of us). Where were those Farscape devotees? As they say here in the South, "Dance with the one who brought you." We're the ones who brought them this far!!!!!

                    I know that I was one who didn't watch, but I think it comes down to what I mentioned the other day - the general audience. (*Not* Gateworlders.) They're losing these viewers - who make up the majority of the ratings, I'd bet - because of no-Jack, poor scripts and storylines, and too much newness.

                    The fact of the matter is, the only one of these they couldn't control was Jack. Would the general public have watched more/longer if the stories were better, or if they'd just kept centered on the three remaining members of SG1 and either brought back Jonas, used somebody like Major Davis, who we knew already, leaving out most of the newbies? Very possible. But they, IMO, got too big for their britches and are now paying the price.

                    I hope it humbles them some, but then, I'm not sure that's even possible anymore.
                    - Mary
                    SG1 needs it's Fifth Man - Why should we settle for less? Bring back Jonas Quinn!
                    Jack O'Neill would die for any member of his team. But there's only one he'd live for: Samantha Carter.


                      Originally posted by Buc252
                      I know that I was one who didn't watch, but I think it comes down to what I mentioned the other day - the general audience. (*Not* Gateworlders.) They're losing these viewers - who make up the majority of the ratings, I'd bet - because of no-Jack, poor scripts and storylines, and too much newness.

                      The fact of the matter is, the only one of these they couldn't control was Jack. Would the general public have watched more/longer if the stories were better, or if they'd just kept centered on the three remaining members of SG1 and either brought back Jonas, used somebody like Major Davis, who we knew already, leaving out most of the newbies? Very possible. But they, IMO, got too big for their britches and are now paying the price.

                      I hope it humbles them some, but then, I'm not sure that's even possible anymore.
                      Just to play devil's advocate, one week does not make a trend. Word of mouth on the show may make a difference, and could increase the Farscape fan base viewing. Some people may not realize that the new season has started. Sam's return could also affect the ratings. RDA was a huge draw! Wish we still had him! I'm so upset that Gekko is no longer involved with the show! I don't mention these things to disagree with you. I think there's a strong possibility that you're right. But I know enough about demographics to know that we can't jump to conclusions based on one week.

                      That being said, I too would have preferred the return of Jonas or Major Davis.....or even a fresh face like Joe Flanigan was last join the team. I loved BB and CB in Farscape, but I think those on-screen personas are too strong for many of us who loved that show to be able to see them as new characters in this one.


                        i've never seen farscape, i like 'em.
                        Those who know the truth must rise up boldly and be a light into the darkness, if the truth bearers stay quiet, then the lost are already gone.


                          Mary I would not be surprised if the ratings continue to drop TPTB may try to talk up the Ship or we may have JM stop by to try to rally the Shipper troops.I can see the Sam and Jack Ship angle being pushed right before Sam's first episode back.


                            sg-1 fanintn you make some good points.I do find it interesting that Atlantis ratings were down as well as SG-1.Your right about it being only one week.It must have been an interesting Day at TPTB Central.


                              I haven't been here in a few days, so I don't know if someone's posted this yet, but round 32 in the Episode Tournament is starting, with D&C close to the top for elimination. We all need to vote!
                              "He's an amazing man. After everything he's done, he's still modest. Quite self-effacing actually. He even likes people to think he's not as smart as he is. Bottom line, he's an incredibly strong leader who's given more to this program than any man has given to anything I can imagine."


                                Originally posted by ses110
                                Gateworld Home page.Ratings were 2.1 down from 2.4 Season 8 premiere.It was a 5% improvement over the mid Season premiere in January.I though more People would be curious and watch the first episode.Cast and Crew have there Work cut out for them.It does not look like Faracape Fans provided that much of a lift.
                                i think the 'real' test might be next week, in avalon part 2. some fans might have come into the show not knowing about the changes. some might have heard about it and didn't want to give the show a chance. but if next week's rating increase, that means that the viewers 'can' handle the changes. i don't think it's just about the plot, but if the viewers can embrace these changes. we'll see next week i think.



