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Sam Carter/Jack O'Neill Ship Appreciation Thread

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    Originally posted by galaxy

    The spoilers for this ep say: "Amanda does a wonderful job in 'The Fourth Horseman' as Sam struggles to help save the world under an incredible emotional strain."
    I don't know why she is under emotional strain, but maybe that has something to do with it?!?!? be honest I think it has to do with "Orlin's" appereance in this ep but....
    well, a girl can hope!

    Sorry had to quote myself, beause I want to say that maybe it's not that unlikely that it has something to do with Jack.

    I can't see why she should be under incredible emotional strain, because of something that happens to Orlin...I mean sure... she kinda cares for him, because of what happened in Ascension, but she hasn't seen him since then and I don't think "incredible emotional strain" is the right expression if you want to say that someone is concerned about a person he hardly knows and hasn't seen for such a long time...
    If someone asks me: what could be a reason for Sam to be under incredible emotional strain, I would answer that it must have something to do with Jack, Teal'C, Daniel, her Dad (when he was still alive), Cassie or maybe her brother, but that's it.
    I wouldn't even say General Hammond. She would be worried, of course, maybe under slight emotional strain, but not under incredible emotional strain....right? I don't know.

    Maybe I'm just willing to grasp at any straw...


      Originally posted by ann_sgcfan
      I think you may be right.
      Orlin is supposed to be in the episode. You would think "incredible emotional strain" would be caused by someone other than Orlin (although according to the spoilers I get the feeling the writers mean Orlin). Sam has already watched him die once and ascend. I think if Orlin died again Sam would be upset, but "incredible emotional strain" I don't know?

      Maybe Jack get's sick and Sam is torn between being at the SGC or in Washington. JM mentioned that a plaque hits Earth... meaning not just the SGC but many people beyond the mountain. Of Course SG-1 finds a cure and Sam delivers the meds to Washington and checks on Jack while she is there. Making their relationship stronger.
      What? It could happen.

      Sorry, didn't read your post before I typed mine...
      I hope you are right. Sounds like a damn good ep to me!


        Originally posted by galaxy
        Sorry, didn't read your post before I typed mine...
        I hope you are right. Sounds like a damn good ep to me!
        No worries! We were thinking along the same lines, now if we could just get TPTB to join us. You know "The Fourth Horseman" is going to be a cliff hanger because it is right before hiatus. I can't wait!


          Originally posted by ann_sgcfan
          No worries! We were thinking along the same lines, now if we could just get TPTB to join us. You know "The Fourth Horseman" is going to be a cliff hanger because it is right before hiatus. I can't wait!

          Yeah and from experience we know that cliffhangers and two-parters are mostly pretty shippy: Full Circle, Moebius, Evolution, Heroes, Lost City....just to name a few.
          So...who knows?


            Originally posted by misstweedledee
            Hey *waves*

            oh i have a season nine related question, spolier 9 ish


            i saw a screen name on msn that said;

            " 10th episode of season 9 confirms jack and carter "relations!!!!" "

            what What WHAT !!!!! anyone know anything about this?

            o.k hugs for all

            ((((((((Ship family))))))))

            misstweedledee, I think we'd all be very interested in seeing that! Could you post the link?


              Originally posted by nell
              Shippy Opener for Season 9 - Part 4

              I'll keep going until I run out of steam or you all beg me to stop!!! Hee, hee!!


              Sam: So, Daniel still has hurt feelings? Aw, now I'm feeling guilty.

              Jack: No, Sam, he'll get over it. I can't believe he didn't notice how much we wanted to fish all these years.

              Sam: Jack, he's very sensitive. We have to make it up to him. We have to tell him that things don't have to change now that we're fishing. The four of us are first and always friends.

              Jack: For crying out loud! What do we have to do now?

              Sam: Let's take Daniel out to dinner. We have to patch things up. You're leaving for the Pentagon soon and I'm still on his team.

              Jack: OK. Danny-boy deserves that. I just wish he'd stop pouting!
              nell you are a creative shippy genius and I'm gonna give you some green for all your tremendous efforts!! (that's if I can coz am not sure if I'm greenable yet being a newbie!!).


                Originally posted by galaxy
                Sorry had to quote myself, beause I want to say that maybe it's not that unlikely that it has something to do with Jack.

                I can't see why she should be under incredible emotional strain, because of something that happens to Orlin...I mean sure... she kinda cares for him, because of what happened in Ascension, but she hasn't seen him since then and I don't think "incredible emotional strain" is the right expression if you want to say that someone is concerned about a person he hardly knows and hasn't seen for such a long time...
                If someone asks me: what could be a reason for Sam to be under incredible emotional strain, I would answer that it must have something to do with Jack, Teal'C, Daniel, her Dad (when he was still alive), Cassie or maybe her brother, but that's it.
                I wouldn't even say General Hammond. She would be worried, of course, maybe under slight emotional strain, but not under incredible emotional strain....right? I don't know.

                Maybe I'm just willing to grasp at any straw...
                I don't think you are, galaxy. You're probably on the right track. I went looking for the MSN link that mistweedledee says
                confirms the S/J relationship in Episode 10
                but couldn't find it. I don't use MSN very often, so I'm not as familiar with where things might be located on the site as others are. Could someone try to find it please?

                That being said, if that's the case, it could account for Sam's incredible emotional strain in that ep. Now I have to worry about Jack!

                By the way, if you're not watching CNN right now, you should be. Anderson Cooper and another CNN reporter are at a gas station/Dairy Queen in Florida as Hurricane Dennis moves in. And the whole report is more like a couple of bubbas standing outside in a storm saying, "Dang! Lookee here!"


                  Originally posted by Token
                  Thanks for posting the link!!! "Gone with the Wind" was on this afternoon, and I couldn't help but watch it. It's such a tragic story, but I can't resist watching Rhett. Now I'll always think of this pic when I see the movie. LOL

                  btw... "Frankly, my dear, I don't give a d@mn" was the number one quoted film line on the AFI's list. But I don't think Jack would ever say that to Sam.
                  How about:

                  Jack: Time for that BHK Carter.
                  Sam: What about the regs?
                  Jack: Frankly my dear, I don't give a d@mn!



                    Oma-1, Somnium, Lonely_star and Anakin......I got your messages and will send the compilation of the S/J Ship Family's fic recs to you via e-mail later this afternoon. Anakin, I think placing the page on your website is a great idea! I'm sure more of the J/S Shipper Family would love to have access to the whole thing in one doc! When you post it, will you post a link on the thread? Of course, you will! Terrific! The Ship Family comes through again!


                      (((((Shipper family)))))

                      I've had such a hoot catching up today Absolutely loved the season openers from Nell, the pics (nicked em all ) and squee definitions from Nell & TN and others and LOL4JACK - the full version of your sig pic is even now in my pics waiting to manipped

                      Galaxy - it so great to see you back with us

                      Billie - I can't remember the Fail Safe scene - must watch that and get back to you on that later.

                      Nearly forgot - LOL4JACK! You've finally seen BTS!



                        Originally posted by Oma-1
                        (((((Shipper family)))))

                        I've had such a hoot catching up today Absolutely loved the season openers from Nell, the pics (nicked em all ) and squee definitions from Nell & TN and others and LOL4JACK - the full version of your sig pic is even now in my pics waiting to manipped

                        Galaxy - it so great to see you back with us

                        Billie - I can't remember the Fail Safe scene - must watch that and get back to you on that later.

                        Nearly forgot - LOL4JACK! You've finally seen BTS!

                        ((((((( Oma ))))))

                        Squeeeeeee Oma, I was worried about you with so many definitions... glad you made it through

                        BTS, pricelesssssss

                        Proud Member of the Ship, Ship Hooray Special Ops Team
                        Interviews with The O'Neills: Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4, Part 5, Part 6, Part 7, Part 8, Part 9, Part 10
                        Member of Gategrrlz Gone Wild


                          Just going OT for a second here. Be warned - I'm NOT happy.

                          Just popped in to see Joe, and checked out the thread for the 10 sec opening credits. NowIWillDestroyAbydos has started a petition for Sci-Fi to bring back the 1 min sequence. Here's the link for anyone who wants to sign. I already have. Don't think I was too rude or sarcastic. Here's the link for the thread if anyone wants to vent big style.


                            Originally posted by Billie
                            Morning shippers!! and what a beautiful morning it is too....sun is shining, sky is blue and its a warming 78 degrees...all I need now is a shipper miracle and life would be perfect!!

                            Just remembered that I am still at a loss as to what the above scene was trying to convey so thought I'd throw it out again to see if any of you could enlighten me. Here's a pic of the scene to help jog the memory.

                            How weird is it to quote your own post!!
                            I finally figured out what this picture is saying. It's from Fail Safe, the ep where
                            the Goa'uld had sent a naquadah-laden asteroid on a collision course with Earth. Sam and Jack are trying to get the Goa'uld ship they had taken to the asteroid running again, after it was hit by a meteor shower.

                            Love your new sig, Billie!

                            Anakin.....please PM me your e-mail address again. I got your web address, but I must have accidentally deleted the e-mail address I needed to send you the list!

                            And last, but not least:

                            Welcome back, galaxy!


                              Originally posted by Oma-1
                              (((((Shipper family)))))


                              Galaxy - it so great to see you back with us


                              Aaawwww...Thank you so much Oma. I'm touched.
                              I really, really missed you and the shipper family!!!

                              (((((SHIPPER FAMILY)))))

                              Since there is so much love in this thread at the moment, let's post some pics of our favorite couple....
                              Classics, but still squee-worthy:

                              It's so good to be back.


                                Originally posted by Oma-1
                                Just going OT for a second here. Be warned - I'm NOT happy.

                                Just popped in to see Joe, and checked out the thread for the 10 sec opening credits. NowIWillDestroyAbydos has started a petition for Sci-Fi to bring back the 1 min sequence. Here's the link for anyone who wants to sign. I already have. Don't think I was too rude or sarcastic. Here's the link for the thread if anyone wants to vent big style.
                                Thank you very much for posting the petition site. I was venting early today about the change. Now it is up to all of us to sign the petition. As Jack would say "It's time for us to move our fat A----".

