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Sam Carter/Jack O'Neill Ship Appreciation Thread

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    Originally posted by blueiris
    Shipper Season 9 Opening Scene:

    Sam: Here's the wedding album. Let me just see if I can find a picture where Daniel isn't standing between us.

    *Mala's pic*
    LOL, Thanks for playing, I like it when the ship goes up!

    I can soooooo see Daniel getting in every pic

    Proud Member of the Ship, Ship Hooray Special Ops Team
    Interviews with The O'Neills: Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4, Part 5, Part 6, Part 7, Part 8, Part 9, Part 10
    Member of Gategrrlz Gone Wild


      My daughter and I started our own marathon today. I'm watching 'Tin Man" now but I just finished 'Solitudes' (it's 1.30am now).

      *It's my side-arm Carter. I promise. No giggling!*



        Originally posted by LOL4JACK
        LOL, Thanks for playing, I like it when the ship goes up!

        I can soooooo see Daniel getting in every pic
        Daniel gets everywhere He's in the background of this one - and the other day I noticed the pic I put on my mobile phone for wallpaper has him in the background too! ARGGGGH!

        I figure it must be cos he feels the love and has been so starved of it in his life he needs to be close by to bask in the glow.


          ((((((((Shipper Family)))))))) It's been too long!! What is it with RL getting in the way of my shipping!! It's good to see a few familiar faces that have been away too!!

          So I don't seem to be hogging the thread, I'll put my thoughts into one post.

          Congratulations, Oma!!! Children are a blessing from God! I admire anyone who undertakes such a worthy challenge!!

          Uber, I'm so thankful that Ezra is OK!!

          (((((((((((((((( )))))))))))))))))) My thoughts and prayers are with you!!

          louiseajones & sgail!!! The Shipper Family needs all shippers to help keep the J/S ship afloat during Season 9!! It is sure to be a drought, but hopefully with a few sprinkles to moisten the appetite.
          getcarter, waterfall and all other Florida shippers, stay safe!!

          Token ~


            Originally posted by majorsal

            any sentence with the words naked and rick....

            FLATLINE! _________________________________________________


              Originally posted by ÜberSG-1Fan
              SG-1 Interviews...Amanda's at the top (her first name's first alphabetically)...

              I can see that Jack is mentioned but would like to know what she's really saying (as opposed to the stupid Altavista Babelfish translation that doesn't make a whole lot of sense anyway...)

              Any German shippers wanna fill in the blanks on this???? Either that or direct me to the English translation since my knowledge of the German language is limited to counting from 1-10 and then to say thank you!



              This interview was badly translated from French to German and before I make an even worse translation and mutilate the english language , I will post the translation from French to English that I've found:


              The heroine of Stargate reveils a new and wonderful adventure.

              Amanda Tapping: My Miracle Baby

              Soon to be 40 (28 August), Amanda Tapping savours the joy of being a
              mother. Satisfied with Olivia as much as with Stargte SG-1, she
              started shooting season 9.

              TS: Your little Olivia came into your life on March 22nd. What great
              joy it must have been!

              AT: (laughs) Exactly ! And I can't even imagine my life without her
              anymore ! As a matter of fact, from the moment I started shooting
              Stargate again, in Vancouver, I have been taking her with me.

              TS: Is your husband, Alan Kovacs (married on 23 September 1994) also
              crazy about her?

              AT: He is incredible. He is always trying to look after her. He
              never in his life changed a diaper, but he is a master chef at it.

              TS: Is there something you wish to pass on to her?

              AT: Kindness. Because the world lacks too much of it.

              TS: Before Olivia you've had two miscarriages...

              AT: That was very hard on me. My first miscarriage was in autumn
              2002, at the end of shooting the last episode of season 7 of
              Stargate. The second one was shortly before I got pregnant with
              Olivia. I don't need to tell you that we think of our girl as our
              mircale baby.

              TS: Do you still wish to enlarge your family in spite of what
              happened ?

              AT: Of course! All the more so, since I grew up with 2 brothers of
              whom 1 my twin.

              TS: To get back to Stargate, Richard Dean Anderson left the series
              at the end of the last season. (M6 is airing the last one he will be
              appearing in). Do you miss him?

              AT: Yes, a lot. We all miss his humour, his jokes...

              TS: Why did he leave?

              AT: Because his daughter will soon turn 7 and she needs her father
              to be around. During the weekdays, Richard was shooting in Vancouver
              while spending his weekends in Los Angeles. It wasn't enough, so he
              decided to live full-time in California.

              TS: Before Richard's departure, will the fans finally have a clear
              view of the love story between Jack and Samantha?

              AT: Aaah no ! Anyway, while we wait for Richard's return in one or
              two episodes, Samantha says to those who'd want to hear it, that she
              isn't single... It's for you to figure it out.


                Oh and here is the link to the interview in French (with a nice pic of Amanda).....



                  Originally posted by galaxy
                  Oh and here is the link to the interview in French (with a nice pic of Amanda).....


                  WOW that is an amazing picture of Amanda Tapping. thank you for sharing

                  avatar and sig by flidget


                    Hey gang

                    Time to get our shipper thread back to the top of the page me thinks!!

                    So here's a connundrum I'm hoping you can all help me with.

                    OK - S8 dvd boxset ... to buy or not to buy, that is the question
                    I know it's not out yet but do I wait or do I just buy the individual dvds that have the best episodes? If so which episodes do you think are worth having (I know one or two which will ofcourse make the list!)

                    So what do you guys reckon???

                    Answers on a postcard to Billies Connundrum!!


                      Originally posted by Billie
                      Hey gang

                      Time to get our shipper thread back to the top of the page me thinks!!

                      So here's a connundrum I'm hoping you can all help me with.

                      OK - S8 dvd boxset ... to buy or not to buy, that is the question
                      I know it's not out yet but do I wait or do I just buy the individual dvds that have the best episodes? If so which episodes do you think are worth having (I know one or two which will ofcourse make the list!)

                      So what do you guys reckon???

                      Answers on a postcard to Billies Connundrum!!
                      Well, for me buying the whole thing is a lot about the last season of getting to see Jack. But I also feel that even my least fave's can have something in them. Like season 4's Crossroads. Didn't care for the ep much, but the scene where Jack mentions somthing like 'serious sparkage' and sam says 'Sparkage?' that gets me every time... So I don't know. Just that this is the last year of Sam and Jack and I don't want to miss one ep of opportunity to read between the lines!


                        actions are stronger than words

                        avatar and sig by flidget


                          Originally posted by gatebee

                          Thanks, gatebee, I just can't see that pic enough!!! Big, honkin' kiss!!!


                            Originally posted by Billie
                            Hey gang

                            So here's a connundrum I'm hoping you can all help me with.

                            OK - S8 dvd boxset ... to buy or not to buy, that is the question
                            I know it's not out yet but do I wait or do I just buy the individual dvds that have the best episodes? If so which episodes do you think are worth having (I know one or two which will ofcourse make the list!)

                            So what do you guys reckon???

                            Answers on a postcard to Billies Connundrum!!
                            I liked (and I say this with a grain of salt as I thought there were some problems with all of them ):

                            New Order
                            Zero Hour
                            It's Good To Be King
                            Moebius (had some good scenes even if they were AU)

                            I'll probably get the s8 boxed set.

                            s u g a r s h a k e r


                              Originally posted by Billie
                              Hey gang

                              Time to get our shipper thread back to the top of the page me thinks!!

                              So here's a connundrum I'm hoping you can all help me with.

                              OK - S8 dvd boxset ... to buy or not to buy, that is the question
                              I know it's not out yet but do I wait or do I just buy the individual dvds that have the best episodes? If so which episodes do you think are worth having (I know one or two which will ofcourse make the list!)

                              So what do you guys reckon???

                              Answers on a postcard to Billies Connundrum!!
                              Billie ... if I had the money I would buy all season. Only dvd box set I have is S7. Gave it to myself as a christmas present. Now all I am doing is recording them cause it cheaper.

                              avatar and sig by flidget


                                posted this earlier but I like it so much ..... here it is again ..... see you all early tomorrow morning .....RL calls

                                avatar and sig by flidget

