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Sam Carter/Jack O'Neill Ship Appreciation Thread

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    Originally posted by LOL4JACK
    Thanks! Melpomene...

    I can't believe TPTB think that way, S/J are great together, so many things to explore, I guess they haven't read many fics

    You're welcome. Always glad to improve the world's slang

    Speaking of fics did i mention that I posted two new ones.....(okay I'm sorry NOT gonna mention it again...)


      Originally posted by LOL4JACK
      Thanks! Melpomene...

      I can't believe TPTB think that way, S/J are great together, so many things to explore, I guess they haven't read many fics
      You got that right! If they did, they'd know that they *could* get them together and keep SG1 intact, which is, after all, the way it should be. There are many legitimate ways (no sneaking around) that it could be done. They're just too narrow-minded to think of them.

      <grumble, grumble>
      - Mary
      SG1 needs it's Fifth Man - Why should we settle for less? Bring back Jonas Quinn!
      Jack O'Neill would die for any member of his team. But there's only one he'd live for: Samantha Carter.


        hey hey peoples

        how is one and all??

        after next week i wil no longer be working overly much as seasonal work shall be slowing down over winter and then i shall be going to Melbourne to study, so i have no idea how much time or access to you guys i wil have

        but i stil hope that i can get my SG1 in July
        ooohh i am so excited..i need my stargate fixture! NOOOOW!!!

        i wil hopefully be up grading to sg1 dvds soon instead of my old tapes!! wooh

        toodles and hugs for now
        "Imagination is more important than knowledge"

        sig by RepliCartertje


          Good luck(((Suekay))) in your exams ..we are all behind you even Sam and Jack



            Originally posted by sg-1fanintn
            I have to strongly disagree with Joe on this one. I hate to use "Farscape" as an example, but putting John and Aeryn together didn't end their adventures. It opened up doors for new ones. No telling what they'd be up to now, if the plug hadn't been pulled on the series for financial reasons (They wouldn't be on SG-1; that's for sure!).

            Being a couple could also open new story possibilities for Sam & Jack. All that's needed is for one of them to become a civilian, and we think that's about to happen.

            If the boys in Vancouver don't think they can develop any scenarios compelling enough to take Sam and Jack off-world together as a couple, all they have to do is ask us (ROTFLOL!!!).

            Seriously, there's a lot of talent on this thread, and I believe almost any of us could come up with some believable storylines (say.....enough for 1-2 direct-to-DVD movies per year?) that would work. I'd be willing to sign a release giving them the rights to my story idea, just to make it happen!

            Me too me too ..TPTB can ask me anything for the Sam and Jack ship ..I'll do it for free
            Don't they realise that they are paying people but in fact they could have free writers and editors belonging to that board !!!! LOL

            and we would do an excellent job I bet



              Originally posted by LOL4JACK
              Gateworld has posted an Q/A with Joe Mallozi, it's old the Q/A was before S8, but....


              At least it is confirmed that Joe is a SHIPPER....

              I can't believe Joe said that

              I mean a lot of series like Farscape and Alias put the couple together and they were/are still doing fine with the great adventure ..They just moved the tension to another part in the show ..and also even if a couple is together does not mean it's all rosy all the time can still have banter and humor and all the same things that happens in real life and it would make it more normal and more believable .

              I do hope that Joe answered that question for end of season 7 because if it is a new comment ..they are ruining their show .

              People are not stupid and all my casual viewer friends believe that Sam and Jack are at last together ..and it's only fair that they deserve to love each other after what they have been through ...

              I think instead of putting Sam and Jack together right at the end of the show which means season 9 ..TPTB should put them together beginning of season 9 and try to come up with something original for a change ..Something no other sci-fi series have done before ....and not copying the x-files or JAG ...just something new ..with the Sam and Jack ship on a purely RST level but do it well and make it still exiting mixed with the storyline .

              if they do that it will probably be great and would make the transition of the show a bit less painful ..but if they don't All the shippers are gonna retaliate and be against TPTB on all concerns ..specially if we see too much going on with Vala and Daniel .,.... any any other ship for that matter...I mean I love Teal'c ..but why does TPTB have him kiss Ishta so much ??!! I'm an Teal'c Ishta shipper ..they look great together so why do TPTB allow tham to be so descriptive on screen and not Sam and Jack ..OK the regs but also because Sam and Jack are the most popular couple of the show ..therefore Carrots dangling ...and fine but after 9 years ..come on .... There is a time to drop the carrott and go for the RST in good taste ..can be done in a non sappy way ...if they mix it with the storyline



                Originally posted by Buc252
                You got that right! If they did, they'd know that they *could* get them together and keep SG1 intact, which is, after all, the way it should be. There are many legitimate ways (no sneaking around) that it could be done. They're just too narrow-minded to think of them.

                <grumble, grumble>
                'pears to me that the boys in vancouver are relying on the S/J situation to help carry their show. And that is sad if they feel that resolving it and coming from a different direction would hurt the show. If SG-1 is more about the team and less about interpersonal relationships between team members then the sam and jack interaction would be -forgive the pun-beneath the surface-but the story should carry itself. If they can write and tell a good story-it shouldn't matter if Sam and Jack are a back story or not-just part of the many layers of the story. Unfortunately-good story telling has been sadly lacking-and whatever good ideas they may have is lost in the translation.
                Franklin said, "They that can give up essential liberty for a little safety deserve neither liberty nor safety."

                "Do or do not. There is no try." Yoda


                  Wasn't that Q&A from before S8 had started?

                  I'll always go with the phrase "nothing is set in stone" or maybe "don't count your chickens..." or.. "don't run with scissors"... that one's good for everything!!



                    Um, hello?! I'm home and not feeling too well. So, I have been fiddling around with my signature and I am please to see that I figured out the photo bucket thingie. Well, you can see I'm an amateur but I'll practice!!


                      I didn't feel much like getting out of bed this morning either, Jack. But, I did and now I'm playing with your pictures!! Mmmm, I'm feeling a little better!


                        looking good Ya I'm not really computer friendly either hehehehe looks like Jack has his hand on her back nice

                        Btw did anyone catch the end of ER last night. I swear all love stories are ending the same this year. A family member gets sick and then the persons realize they love the each other and get together. Stargate TPTB need to take some advice from ER, Jag


                          RDA: Whatcha reading?
                          AT: A compilation of Sam and Jack Fanfic.
                          RDA: Is is good?
                          AT: Oh yeah! It is way better what our writers give us.
                          RDA: Are we a couple?
                          AT: Yeah! Most of them have found away around the regs.
                          RDA: Writers your fired! From now on all of our material comes from Fanfic!
                          Odo's last wishes: cremate me, put me in my bucket, then shoot me through the wormhole.



                            Nice picture Rogue. Shame TPTB won't consult with fanfic writers. There are alot of great stories out there!


                              Originally posted by Catysg1
                              Hello (((Shippers)))

                              I suppose after watching Threads it's kind of obvious that
                              Sam and Jack are or will be together ...the only problem is we never saw the 2 of them together with a real passionate get together and that only for the sake of the rest of the team ( Daniel and Teal'c ) and the regs
                              I don't know but I really do not like it when TPTB have to send Daniel and Teal'c as bodyguards or chaperonnes to make sure that Sam and Jack behave may not entirely mean that but it surely looks like it .

                              I know that because of the regs they can't be intimate but really they are mature adults ..and I think they have respected the regs so far . Therefore they wouldn't do anything stupid unless one of them is out of the military .

                              Other shows have got more than a couple in them and the others do not interfere all the time ..Sam and Jack could just be in a few scenes together and have a laugh .It doesn't mean that we have to see D & T too all the time that Sam and Jack are on screen too. Daniel and teal'c could be doing something else somewhere else like visiting a planet , even going bowling together or going and watch a boxing match or something !!!!

                              Anyway Sam and Jack are together for me even if TPTB doesn't know how to produce a very good ship .

                              and I'm hooked on JAG now ..I'm not part of fandom though ..just watch the show for what it is ( I saw about 6 episodes so far a lot of catching up to do) ..and the stories are great ..A bit sad sometimes ..well most of the time but great show ..and the chemistry between Harm and Mac is just WOW and I don't intend to be part of any fandom about that show ..I know how it ends therefore I can enjoy it I love their sense of humor , little banter and their dedication to each other ..but the stories are excellent too

                              I watched the ending episode of JAG and that was the only time I watched the show. It was great to see those two get together. I wonder if anyone could tell me what kept them apart for ten years (which I wouldn't have been able to stand watching-- ten years!!!) Was it regs or something else? Ambition? Lovers spats? ??? I also realize they were in different branches of the service. I wonder if something couldn't have been worked out for a different ending rather than leaving the service, especially since the USA has need of experienced service persons right now, though I am basing that on the recalling of reservists and am not any expert on the situation whatsoever. Anyway, to repeat, can anyone tell why they stayed apart (except for TPTB fearing the show would fall apart)


                                (((((((((((Shipper Family)))))))))))

                                I'm back from my hols Had a great time with my RL family, but missed my ship family. No stargate for a whole 5 days! I even left my jack hat at home by accident :sob: But me and my hat are reunited and I feel much better now

                                Edit:ARGGGGGHHHHHHHHHH! I go away as a new System Lord to do battle against my enemies, amass a huge jaffa army, and come back to find ...... I'm not a system lord anymore!

                                *grovel, grovel, grovel* Bev, can I have my old job back please???????*grovel, grovel, grovel*

