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Sam Carter/Jack O'Neill Ship Appreciation Thread

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    Bringing Janet back would be relatively straightforward I would think..... quantum mirror accident..


      Originally posted by Myrth
      Bringing Janet back would be relatively straightforward I would think..... quantum mirror accident..
      staying within canon i think that we might have some flexibility with our virtual season 9-with the talent we have on this thread I think that whomever (whoever-where is Jack when we need grammer corrections anyway?) is involved will do a bang up job.
      Franklin said, "They that can give up essential liberty for a little safety deserve neither liberty nor safety."

      "Do or do not. There is no try." Yoda


        Originally posted by lonely_star
        Here we go !! and you're totally right !!!

        it's not unfortunate....he really goes for the hand !! he's so far from the paper !!!

        what I like after he touches her hand, try and follow where he puts that hand now...goes towards his chest .....

        avatar and sig by flidget


          Originally posted by gatebee
          what I like after he touches her hand, try and follow where he puts that hand now...goes towards his chest .....
          exact...good observation


          but what I prefer is T's reaction !! I'm sure he noticed !!!

          I like his facial expression and he even turns his head kinda wondering if he dreamt or what !!


            Originally posted by lonely_star
            exact...good observation


            but what I prefer is T's reaction !! I'm sure he noticed !!!

            I like his facial expression and he even turns his head kinda wondering if he dreamt or what !!
            I think all of them noticed it but they all just know that Sam and Jack are an item

            avatar and sig by flidget


              Originally posted by gatebee
              I think all of them noticed it but they all just know
              that Sam and Jack are an item
              yes right ! I still have troubles
              to beleive it ! or at least to beleive that TPTB did finally do it...but it's so unclear...well still waiting for the BIG HONKIN' KISS !!


                Originally posted by ses110
                Sam is a Great character and AT is great dont get me wrong but IMO it has been proven the Sam Daniel and Teal'c characters have not been able to carry the show without Jack in the episode or very little Jack.Maybe that changes with Season 9 but I have no desire to see them try without Jack.IMO the episodes that were either Sam Daniel or Teal'c heavy were very disappointing for the most part.I cannot remember too many Jack heavy episodes that did not work.I know alot of people will disagree but I really feel the Sam Daniel and Teal'c characters work Best as supporting characters to Jack.So far I have not been impressed when Sam Daniel and Teal'c have to take the lead.I think Season 7 and 8 proves that fact.
                I agree SES. I think Sam, Daniel and Teal'c episode are fine, but it takes Jack to give it more ?????????I don't know umph He is the heart, soul, humor, and center of the show. and I can't think of a Jack heavy show I didn't like thank goodness for DVD's


                  Originally posted by dipsofjazz
                  I'm loving this conversation. I'd just like to add to Sally's remarks. I think we had Pete with us a lot longer than TPTB intended, because they were totally taken aback by the hatred of the character by fans...not just S/J shippers, but by a mixture of the fandom. TPTB couldn't believe this, and they then said it was our fault, as we had "issues". They just couldn't see how the fans could dislike a badly written character put in a story that was full of plot holes!
                  There was absolutely no need for everything we saw in Chimera. We could have seen Sam and Pete together once, perhaps over dinner, and we would have got the picture! We fans can read between the lines and understand what's going on! He could have been mentioned a couple of times in later episodes, and then Sam dumps him after Lost City, when she realises it's Jack she loves! It would have saved Sam, Jack, Pete and shippers world-wide a lot of heartache!
                  There was something about the early Chimera scenes between
                  Sam and Pete that made them uncomfortable for me to watch (and not just the fact the I didn't want Sam with him in the first place!)
                  I also read that JM called it "cutsy-wootsy" and said it made him a little woozy. He obviously didn't like
                  the way it was written (or maybe acted) either. Something about it was way overdone, I think. It was nice to see Sam with her million watt smile--I mean it would have with Jack. And I'm certainly not against gf and bf and/or lovers having cute dialogue, whether young,a bit older,or middle aged,or geriatric or whatever, that's the way of the world but this.......


                    Originally posted by lonely_star
                    yep personnaly I don't care but I know some of the family members haven't see season 8 (well finally I doubt but let's be prudent!!) or don't want to know until it's officially aired in their country like my fellows french people

                    no seriously, who have never seen season 8 ??? just wondering ?
                    because we could just put the spoiler tag for the season 9 if everybody agrees cause I'm sure all of us have seen season 8 now

                    what do ya all think ?? wouldn't it be easier ? oups...maybe we're not allowed until it's aired everywhere... can you tell me ? I'm relatively new, I have no idea
                    People in the USA who don't have cable are watching Season 7 in syndication right now and I think other countries are watching S6 (though I'm not sure) so GW has those inconvenient rules. (Which I guess I forgot in a previous post).


                      Originally posted by Myrth
                      Just to give you a reference for that cap (hey it might give you some hope) I was watching some of the director's commentaries from the DVDs at the time and either Peter or Martin were explaining how they establish relationships on screen with camera shots and body positioning.

                      My conclusion out of that ep was that they are together... two reasons... hand pr0n and that shot there. In their terms film wise.. that screams that Jack & Sam are together.

                      Also I'd never seen them in each other's personal space like that without some drastic reason before... interesting neh?

                      I took the whole new level of familiarity from Sam & Jack in the beginning of Moebius as evidence of a new relationship. But I wanna see the big honkin kiss now!

                      And you just reminded me... shippiest line ever (ok maybe not but it's a great clue).. "SHE wouldn't let me go back and watch the world series".

                      Jack was treating her like a girlfriend throughout that whole sequence.. right up to the time shift.

                      Was't there some dialogue in "1969" with Jack asking Sam about going back to see certain sports events and she says no? I the SuperBowl was in there somewhere. Sometimes I get what happened in eps and fanfic mixed up a bit but it sure seems like I heard the Cubs mentioned before.


                        Could have been.... but his tone is what did it for me

                        Then the same thing
                        later on the puddle jumper when she throws that pointed "Sir" at him. To me their whole interaction read like she was his girlfriend and he was playing the nagged boyfriend - and when I say that I mean playing with affection, as in she's my girl and I'm gonna roll my eyes while counting my lucky stars and wondering what I did right... kinda playing.

                        Also there was the obvious "There's a room full of geeks [eyes rake her body] waiting to get their hands on this... but something I was wondering about was her apprehensive expression following that.. made no sense. Till I slowed it down and realised she reacts as he walks past her.. like he's grabbed her ass on the way out.. so I took that look as a "not here Jack" kinda look.. just an impression.



                          Originally posted by gatebee
                          I think all of them noticed it but they all just know that Sam and Jack are an item
                          I love that
                          hand touching
                          ...I mean it's just like a a little brushing but when you love someone and you do that kind of gives you goosebumps ...Now let's do a close up on
                          both Sam and Jack 's arms and see if they have goosebumps .

                          I think the hand touched thingie
                          was in great part done by RDA and not the Jack character but TPTB left it because it was really cute was in a way scripted because of the close up of the camera shot but they left it up to them to do it ...I mean it's probably hard to script 2 hands approaching each other just have to use the chemistry there

                          Still too little of a shippy scene for me blink and you miss it



                            i have a request to make. someone gave a link to a *fantastic* site, and i 'think' in was from here. so, did someone here give this link:


                            and if so, i have a question for you. in the 'gallery' section, 'grins', page two, you have a pick called 'I'm shy!'... amanda's leaning her face against someone's back. who's back?




                              Originally posted by Rogue
                              I always figured that Sam
                              kept Pete as far away from Jack as possible. I think Pete knew long before he met Jacob that there was something wrong. She was way out of his league and was surpised when she said yes.
                              *nods* i agree completely.

                              here's something i never, ever, ever, ever thought i'd say.... thank goodness we got pete. why? because i've said more than once that it would have been more believable if sam had been paired up with a real hunk of a guy, but if that had happened, can you imagine how many more eps he would have been in!? if they'd made him prince charming, with the sex appeal of RDA!... i think we would have suffered even MORE than we did! *shutters just with the thought* i guess, all in all, it was better we got a dufus that was SOOOOOO out of sam's league, because anyone of jack's league might have... actu... just mmight... ccould... have won sam for real!!!

                              (quick disclaimer: david deluise is NOT a dog. he's cute and charming - but sam's champagne and pete's bud light)




                                Originally posted by lonely_star
                                I put it in spoiler cause this IS careful or you'll be dinged

                                yep that's true that
                                this sentence speaks a lot...I think it's weird but I like thinking that he treats her more like a girlfriend than a scientist who doesn't want to alterate the timeline...but's a weird sentence full of meaning

                                I 'm also with all of you that this sentence was meant for us to think that he was
                                alluding that she was his girfriend or even perhaps more because when you think about it ..if you do not live with someone you wouldn't really say that kind of things ..I mean you still have more space if not with someone and can do more what you want to do are not together all the time and are free ..Jack was more talking Husbandly like .

                                I have a feeling that Sam and Jack spent a lot of time at each other's house after the Thread Infirnary scene probably as friends to become lovers soon ..Don't know !!!! Hum, I wonder how they could wait so long's still not clear ..but at the end of the day ... what they do behind close doors ..nobody will know not the military ,not us ...and this could just be a big secret unless the SGC have them under surveillance tape .

                                To be honest ...for him to say a sentence like that one is a pretty strong allusion that she is his girl ..and Hum ...How long can they wait to have physical contact if they were together alone either his house , her house or the cabin .?
                                They must be really strong persons and extremely loyal to the military although Jack does not seem to care much about regs .He has been against the regs before ..I wonder if he tried to flirt with Sam a bit more than he was supposed to and she stopped him ...because Sam is great at playing by the book ... ..Saying that even if she had stayed with him for a week-end in Minnesota before Teal'c and Daniel turned up ..I doubt she stayed on the guess bed all night .

                                Who could resist to actually slip in bed with him ?!Even if it was just for a cuddle ....A cuddle is a cuddle wherever that is the SGC like they did before or at home .

                                I also wonder if they actually did it but made sure that the military knew about them becoming an item and Jack made it clear that he was gonna resigned his position to become Homeland security as soon as kerry told him to do something about it ...and requested a immediate clearance .

                                May be the military gave them clearance so that they do not have to wait another few weeks or even months until they can be together ..At least that way they were honest and discussed the issue with the military .

                                In the meantime , it must be really hard for them to still call each other "Sir" and " Carter".
                                I think Jack was a bit Pi$$ed by that at the end of Threads when he shouted "Carter" a first time and then changed his tone of voice and repeated "Carter" in a softer way with a fed up grim on his face .

                                What I like with Sam is She always accepts Jack for who he is ..and she didn't seem to be bothered about being called Carter again by Jack after the infirmary shippy scene and the "Always" .She is so flexible and so understanding .
                                She is a great person and Jack will be extremely happy with her ...if they managed to live together one day and not have a long distance relationship !!! .

                                I can just see Jack say in the season 9 premiere to Daniel and Teal'c :

                                "Typical , now that we can be together ,we are still apart "

                                and that with another fed up grim on his face but then He'll say to Daniel and Teal'c:

                                "Excuse me But I need to know how she is , I'll be right back"


