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Sam Carter /Jack O'Neill Ship Appreciation Thread 2.0

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    OK shippers! A few of you said you would be on board for another 10 Drabbles in 10 Days Challenge in the lead up to Ship Day, so I decided to give it a go.

    For those of you unfamiliar with the challenge, this is how it goes:

    Drabble Challenge
    Time to get out the whip and start crackin' it over all these Shippy Muses lazing around out there. What's a Drabble? It's a short work of fiction of 100 words. It can be humorous or sad. It can be prose or poetry. The challenge is to write Ten Drabbles in Ten Days. I will give you a new prompt each day from now until Ship Day and wait for the S/J goodness to come rolling in. It may sound like a lot but I know some of you write that much over breakfast. Post your drabbles on the thread and send them to me for compilation into a Master Volume of Collected Shipper Works. (Volume III of the Penguin Anthology of Shipper Literature: mandatory reading at Shipper U!) Write as many as you would like. If you can't do ten write one. If your muse is on a tear write more. Even if you don't consider yourself a writer give it a whirl. It's all in fun. If words aren't your thing post a pic, a gif or a song that fits the theme.


      Ten Drabbles in Ten Days!

      Remember, this doesn't have to be hard. Just a fun little scene or story in 100 words. It can be humorous or sad, poetry or prose. Post them here whenever the muse strikes you (or you strike it)! I'll post a new prompt every 24 hours or so for the next ten days. (There may even be a bonus Ship Day prompt for those who are up to the challenge.)

      Drabble Prompt #1

      Light and Dark



        Beast of Burden (7)



        Ditto on everything said.

        Yep. I side with everyone else.

        Beast of Burden is the first episode to make it to the Final Four!

        Next Up:




        My Stories: FFdotNet
        My Stories AO3
        Thanks, Oma, for the Sig!


          Originally posted by hlndncr View Post
          Ten Drabbles in Ten Days!

          Drabble Prompt #1

          Light and Dark
          I am not good at keeping things under 100 words. Here's my angsty drabble

          She was just a few days old but she had the memories of half a life time that battled with the memories of the long history of the replicators. They formed two different entities inside her. Fifth told her it was the first time that a replicators had been built using the form and memories of an existing human but that with training, she would learn to dissociate herself from her human memories.

          Samantha did not like the training. Over and over again she would walk through one of her human memories and kill her team mates. Not her team mates, Lieutenant Colonel Carter’s team mates. Although it became easier with repetition, each shot made her sick to the stomach. First Daniel, then Teal’c, sometimes Janet, but always the worst for last.

          She paused as the brown eyes of Jack O’Neill stared at her with disbelief and fear. Her finger hovered over the trigger, refusing to obey.

          “Do it now!” Fifth ordered her, showing himself.

          With a pained look, she pulled the trigger. Jack fell in slow motion, his BDU’s gaining a red dye. Samantha kept her eyes on Jack as his lost life. Her chest ached, her legs shock. It took all her strength to stay upright.
          Fifth wore a sick smile of satisfaction which helped Samantha remember that this wasn’t reality. She masked her face, tightening her jaw and letting her eyes gain the look of determination that she knew Fifth would take as a sign of success. She would show him her dark side, the side he wanted.
          + = It's a simple mathematical fact
          And so is...penguins+conformation=HAPPY CAMPERS


            Originally posted by Akamaimom View Post
            Hlndncr -- my fridge is locked, but I LOVED that countdown ficlet. Awesomeness.
            ME TOO!!



              Resurrection has nothing shippy in my mind. Demons has that bit about Jack telling carter to kick him and shoot daniel if they ever want to help someone which is something?
              Meh. My vote:




              Resurrection (1)

              edit: and him trusting her sensing the goa'uld is a nice little thing in demons.
              + = It's a simple mathematical fact
              And so is...penguins+conformation=HAPPY CAMPERS


                10 Days, 10 Drabbles

                Light and Dark



                Or dawn.

                He couldn’t tell. Prone, peering across the golden tangle of his wife’s hair, he could see just enough window to distinguish a glow. He settled deeper, splaying his hand across her abdomen, her heat seeping into his palm.


                “You awake?”

                “Not really.” She burrowed closer. “It’s bright.”

                His hand drifted, and she sighed, her eyes languid and inviting.

                “I can close the drapes.” He shifted, then stilled when her hand caught at his.

                “No.” She smiled. “Stay.”

                “Mmmm-kay.” So beautiful. How’d he get so lucky?

                Her fingers drew him closer. “We’ve spent enough time in darkness.”
                My Stories: FFdotNet
                My Stories AO3
                Thanks, Oma, for the Sig!


                  THE LEAST SHIPPY EPISODE



                  Resurrection (2)
                  No Sam w/o a Jack and no Jack w/o a Sam.
                  It's like and immutable law of the multiverse.


                    Loving the drabbles so far


                      THE LEAST SHIPPY EPISODE



                      Resurrection (3)


                        Awesome artwork, thanks!


                          Not great but fast!

                          Carter guided them through a forest so thick sunlight did not penetrate. One of her beeping gizmos keeping time.
                          'All cats are black at night.' a saying of one of Jack's more dissolute buddies. If so why was he so fixated on Carter? He had plenty of opportunities to hook up.
                          It wasn't all he wanted, certainly not all he needed.
                          They emerged into a meadow where the energy signal originated.
                          The sunlight hit her golden hair as she turned to smile at him. Intelligence lit her blue eyes looking to him for permission to proceed.
                          Permission to proceed - if only.
                          Distinguished Service Ribbon Goa'uld Campaign
                          My Stories zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz Artwork by Mala


                            Originally posted by Zoser View Post
                            Not great but fast!

                            Carter guided them through a forest so thick sunlight did not penetrate. One of her beeping gizmos keeping time.
                            'All cats are black at night.' a saying of one of Jack's more dissolute buddies. If so why was he so fixated on Carter? He had plenty of opportunities to hook up.
                            It wasn't all he wanted, certainly not all he needed.
                            They emerged into a meadow where the energy signal originated.
                            The sunlight hit her golden hair as she turned to smile at him. Intelligence lit her blue eyes looking to him for permission to proceed.
                            Permission to proceed - if only.
                            Permission granted.

                            Thanks for sharing!
                            My Stories: FFdotNet
                            My Stories AO3
                            Thanks, Oma, for the Sig!


                              Light and Dark

                              Major Carter finished scanning the area around the rocky outcrop when she looked up into the sky and saw a moon gliding its way toward the sun. She hurried over to Colonel O’Neill.
                              “Sir, look up.”
                              As both looked skyward, they realized that within minutes the light of the sun would disappear.
                              “We need to get to a safe place,” Jack said.
                              He grabbed Carter’s hand and started pulling her along as the sky was getting darker by the second. Within seconds, he had pulled her into the safety of a cave just as darkness descended upon them. They reached for their flashlights, and flicked them on.
                              “Ahh, let there be light,” Jack said with a smirk on his face.
                              Sam started to giggle.
                              Jack huffed, “Major…”
                              . . . and with that they both burst into laughter, making the darkness of the cave seem just that much brighter.

                              Thanks to Hlndncr for the quick beta
                              Thanks to the talented Bailey1ak


                                THE LEAST SHIPPY EPISODE



                                Resurrection (4)

                                Yuck yuck yuck!

