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Sam Carter /Jack O'Neill Ship Appreciation Thread 2.0

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    Originally posted by hlndncr View Post
    The Best of the Ship is . . .

    Solitudes (16)


    Jolinar's Memories/The Devil You Know (2)

    I love all the discussion and all the votes. There's a special place in my heart for the shippy subtext all over JM/DYK, and I'm glad it received some acknowledgement. However, Solitudes was the first episode that really made me SQUEEEE! It will always be very high on my favorites list.

    Tonight's winner: Solitudes

    It will move on to the next round.
    sig by Ikorni

    "When Colonel Maybourne and yourself were stranded off world, Major Carter felt a similar sense of frustration. She despaired at the thought of never seeing you again." ~Teal'c
    "I didn't leave,because I'd have rather died myself,than lose Carter." ~Jack O'Neill

    SaraBahama FanFic; AO3


      The Best of the Ship is . . .

      Death Knell (2)


      Deadman Switch

      At the end, when all he wants to do is help hold her together. He's not loud and demanding...he's just *there*.
      sig by Ikorni

      "When Colonel Maybourne and yourself were stranded off world, Major Carter felt a similar sense of frustration. She despaired at the thought of never seeing you again." ~Teal'c
      "I didn't leave,because I'd have rather died myself,than lose Carter." ~Jack O'Neill

      SaraBahama FanFic; AO3


        Originally posted by houghtam View Post
        The Best of the Ship is . . .

        Death Knell (1)


        Deadman Switch

        I like the part in Deadman Switch when Jack crawls out of the shrubs to wake up Sam after she's been stunned, but Death Knell gets my vote because even though Pete has made an unwanted appearance already (BOO!!!), you can see the concern on Jack's face as he searches for Sam. Gotta love the end when he puts his arm around her shoulder. Just wish he would have squeezed a little bit and really hugged her.
        Well there's a behind the scene in Death Knell where he actually gives her a peck on the lips


          The Best of the Ship is . . .

          Death Knell (3)


          Deadman Switch


            The Best of the Ship is . . .

            Death Knell (3)


            Deadman Switch (1)

            I nominated this one, so suppose I'll have to defend my reasons for that (still, it’s late here, so don’t expect much.). Also, it has nothing to do with the fact that Aris Boch will always be my favorite minor character of the series. They definitely should have made him a recurring character...

            First, I wanted to nominate some episodes that aren't quite so obviously shippy, since we've done this contest for several years now.

            Second, just like "Jolinar's Memories/The Devil You Know," this episode is a favorite of mine not because of a particular shippy moment, but because it shows Jack and Sam in action and the little moments of caring that come out between them in the course of their duties.

            Personally, I find these kinds of episodes more shippy than ones like "Death Knell," where there is really only one big shippy moment and the rest of the episode kind of falls by the wayside (Come now, raise your hands if you've ever fast-forwarded through the scenes in "Death Knell" regarding the Tok'ra/Earth alliance, or all of the Ascended Diner scenes in "Threads." Come on, get 'em up there! ).

            Third, "Deadman Switch" (and "Jolinar's Memories," for that matter) is in the middle of Season 3. By this point, the entire team is close, and there is an obvious affection and attraction between Jack and Sam. Their interactions are easy and friendly, and not fraught with the angst that encompasses them after their feelings are called into the light in Season 4.

            It's pretty clear that Jack is aware of his own feelings for Sam, which is why most of the "shippy" moments have to do with Jack's concern for her, as opposed to the other way around (it seems to me that by this time Sam knows that she's attracted to Jack, but it won't be until "A Hundred Days" later in Season 3 that she'll find out how deep her feelings go).

            I love that when Aris baits his trap with Sam, Jack insists that he be the one to go to her. Some may say he did it because Teal'c was going to have the better chance of defeating Aris, but there's definitely concern and worry in his voice when he makes that decision. It strikes me that this is the very kind of moment that makes Jack realize that he’d rather die himself then lose her. He’d rather risk capture along with her in order to make sure that she’s okay.

            And of course, after he crawls to her, they're so close to each other…

            And they frame Jack and Sam together in this episode so much!

            And my favorite subtle moment is right here…

            When Jack repeats Sam’s question to Aris, “How do you keep from getting killed?”, she looks at him and the tiniest of smirks tugs at her lips (the screencap doesn’t do justice to the amused way she looks at him! )

            So there's my defense for the underdog!
            Last edited by SamJackShipper93; 19 March 2015, 05:31 PM.
            The Return of King Arthur
            Trust in the Lord with all your heart; lean not on your own understanding. In all of ways
            acknowledge him, and he'll make your path straight. Proverbs 3:5-6


              The Best of the Ship is . . .

              Death Knell (4)


              Deadman Switch (1)
              No Sam w/o a Jack and no Jack w/o a Sam.
              It's like and immutable law of the multiverse.


                The Best of the Ship is . . .

                Death Knell (5)


                Deadman Switch (1)

                Deadman Switch is amusing (there is also this scene where Jack tries to wake Sam up by fanning her... and THEN he slaps her cheeks... it's just sweet and funny that he bothered with the fanning thing) but Death Knell has worriedJack while Sam's life is in grave danger (seriously, they basically unleashed a zombie on her while she was injured... those Kull warriors were freaky) and I'm a sucker for this.

                And the final scene, also. Though it is sad to see how much he forces himself to hold back when it comes to her (Jack is a very tactile person overall... as shown with the rest of his friends and those special moments with Sam when he acts without thinking *like that scene when he holds her by the shoulders in Sacrifices, in season 8*). Yeah, he respects her space and all (and it's cool, there are things he understands about her that others don't... and no, he wasn't being unsympathetic when he asked her if she wanted to get up *some fans argue over that*... he just asked her a question, she asked him for a moment, he sat by her side, observed her for a few seconds until he decided to half-hug her... and maybe she ended up falling asleep on him for all we know, eh... the point is... he was being there for her) but... half of it comes from the regulations (and Sam's boyfriend), I think.
                My Tumblr.
                My Tumblr Art Blog.
                My Deviantart page.


                  The Best of the Ship is . . .

                  Death Knell (6)


                  Deadman Switch (1)

                  I actually enjoy Tok'ra/Jaffa stuff and really liked the premise of this episode. Also, it showed Sam's pure awesomeness with how she managed to evade and attack the Super Soldier. And, of course, Jack's determination to find her and the moment at the end... *sigh*

                  Also, I really cannot stand Aris Boch.
                  Unmade Plans (WIP: 11/20):
                  Sam's life takes a turn in an unexpected direction when she's faced with an unplanned pregnancy. The decision to keep the baby and raise it on her own will alter her life forever. Relationships are put to the test, especially the one between her and Jack. She doesn't know what to expect from him and he surprises her at every turn.
                  On FFnet or AO3

                  My S/J fics can be found on FFnet and AO3. I also tweet and tumble about the ship and my writing/stories.


                    The Best of the Ship is . . .

                    Death Knell (6)


                    Deadman Switch (2)

                    I enjoy both these episodes, but this time I'm going to vote for Deadman Switch. There are lots of little moments between Sam and Jack in this episode which make it fun and shippy for me.
                    Last edited by Skydiver; 19 March 2015, 03:12 AM.


                      [QUOTE=dipsofjazz;14324428]The Best of the Ship is . . .

                      Death Knell (7)


                      [B]Deadman Switch (2)


                        Originally posted by dipsofjazz View Post
                        The Best of the Ship is . . .

                        Death Knell (6)


                        Deadman Switch (2)

                        I enjoy both these episodes, but this time I'm going to vote for Deadman Switch. There are lots of little moments between Sam and Jack in this episode which make it fun and shippy for me.


                        Hooray for the underdogs! I also really love that you put that gif of Sam and Jack in the cargo ship. That's such a great little moment because when the door opens, Sam just kind of automatically lifts her arm for Jack to help her up. They're just so in tune to each other.
                        The Return of King Arthur
                        Trust in the Lord with all your heart; lean not on your own understanding. In all of ways
                        acknowledge him, and he'll make your path straight. Proverbs 3:5-6


                          The Best of the Ship is . . .

                          Death Knell (7)


                          Deadman Switch (3)


                            The Best of the Ship is . . .

                            Death Knell (8)


                            Deadman Switch (3)



                              Originally posted by siles View Post
                              Well there's a behind the scene in Death Knell where he actually gives her a peck on the lips

                              Really? Is it on the dvd?


                                Death Knell behind-the-scenes pics (I'm pretty certain the footage is available on the DVD under the director's featurette)

                                I wanna tell that guy to get out of the way!

                                This is the only pic I have of Rick and Amanda's little kiss:

                                The Return of King Arthur
                                Trust in the Lord with all your heart; lean not on your own understanding. In all of ways
                                acknowledge him, and he'll make your path straight. Proverbs 3:5-6

