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Sam Carter /Jack O'Neill Ship Appreciation Thread 2.0

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    It's been a while since I watched 2010, but I thought Sam actually liked her job there? She was allowed to do research with Aschen equipment (hence how she found out about the birthrate) and was still learning new stuff because they were light-years ahead of them.
    Unmade Plans (WIP: 11/20):
    Sam's life takes a turn in an unexpected direction when she's faced with an unplanned pregnancy. The decision to keep the baby and raise it on her own will alter her life forever. Relationships are put to the test, especially the one between her and Jack. She doesn't know what to expect from him and he surprises her at every turn.
    On FFnet or AO3

    My S/J fics can be found on FFnet and AO3. I also tweet and tumble about the ship and my writing/stories.


      Originally posted by SOtogether View Post
      I can't picture Jack and Sam having kids. For some reason... it doesn't really suit them. And not like I have something against kids, I'm a mom myself, but for those two... I don't know, I've read the fan fics when they became parents and even though I liked the stories in general, that part was always rather unconvincing. But, it's probably just me.
      I'm totally different on this. Imagining them as parents makes me all mushy inside (and I DON'T want kids at all myself... it's weird). Especially Jack. Reading
      Moebius Squared, reading him interacting with his daughter
      ... ahhhh, all the feels. There are a few fanfics I adore also (off the top of my head, Out of Time by AstraPerAspera and Thyself Unknown by MissAnnThropic). I honestly think it would have been interesting for their characters to have a kid together. I know how they both have problems related to parenthood (Jack lost his son, Sam lost her mother as a young teen)... but honestly, that's what I find interesting.

      I agree though that the show's timeline makes it difficult for them to have any kid (but it did happen in alternate universes... the episode Ripple Effect
      had a momSam mentioned, and the writers said Jack was the father... and well, Moebius Squared has Ellie *even if I do not consider those books canon, I think the probability they had a kid in ancient egypt is rather high, I personally believe it happened*
      ). And I'm not sure they would TRY to have a child on purpose. My favored scenario is that it is something that would just happen to them. But they have Cassie (so they kind of are surrogate parents in canon) and I'm fine with that. They'll get grandchildren from her, eventually, ahah .
      My Tumblr.
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        Originally posted by SOtogether View Post
        ^ My thoughts exactly
        I loved 2010, maybe also because it showed us how different their reality could have getten. One of my most favorite episodes. And the sparks between Jack & Sam when she went to talk to him! It was like yet another conversation they've been having with their eyes.

        I love how their chemistry just bubbles under the surface all the time! They could literally be discussing the aesthetics of a block of naquadah and they'd still be flirting with their eyes.

        Perfect example is Evolution when he looks at her enticingly and says "...lunch?". He might as well have said "...bed?" For all the heat he put into that gaze!
        Sam and Jack... Still the best romance on TV in years!

        My fanfic


          Originally posted by RadicalDreamer View Post
          I'm totally different on this. Imagining them as parents makes me all mushy inside (and I DON'T want kids at all myself... it's weird). Especially Jack. Reading
          Moebius Squared, reading him interacting with his daughter
          ... ahhhh, all the feels. There are a few fanfics I adore also (off the top of my head, Out of Time by AstraPerAspera and Thyself Unknown by MissAnnThropic). I honestly think it would have been interesting for their characters to have a kid together. I know how they both have problems related to parenthood (Jack lost his son, Sam lost her mother as a young teen)... but honestly, that's what I find interesting.

          I agree though that the show's timeline makes it difficult for them to have any kid (but it did happen in alternate universes... the episode Ripple Effect
          had a momSam mentioned, and the writers said Jack was the father... and well, Moebius Squared has Ellie *even if I do not consider those books canon, I think the probability they had a kid in ancient egypt is rather high, I personally believe it happened*
          ). And I'm not sure they would TRY to have a child on purpose. My favored scenario is that it is something that would just happen to them. But they have Cassie (so they kind of are surrogate parents in canon) and I'm fine with that. They'll get grandchildren from her, eventually, ahah .
          I've read all the fics listed on sam&jack awards, also the one where the kids are a part of their lives and I'm not saying it wasn't heartwarming, it was just somewhat... unfitting. Can't really explain it.

          Originally posted by AmberLM View Post
          I love how their chemistry just bubbles under the surface all the time! They could literally be discussing the aesthetics of a block of naquadah and they'd still be flirting with their eyes.

          Perfect example is Evolution when he looks at her enticingly and says "...lunch?". He might as well have said "...bed?" For all the heat he put into that gaze!
          Ah, the highlights of forbident love! It radiates out of them and while they cannot do much about it... they perfected the art of speaking volumes with their eyes


            Originally posted by SOtogether View Post
            I've read all the fics listed on sam&jack awards, also the one where the kids are a part of their lives and I'm not saying it wasn't heartwarming, it was just somewhat... unfitting. Can't really explain it.
            I know what you mean. I always felt the same way. Somehow it seems out of character for Sam and Jack to have kids - at least in canon television universe. I know, Jack was all family guy with Sara and Charlie, but that always felt different. Not sure. Sara was another type I guess. She seemed to be more of the homey type.

            As you said, Sam loves her job too much and I could never see her give that up. But then again, to me happy ending doesn't necessarily mean marriage and kids. So I'd like to think that Sam and Jack worked something out they are both happy with (equals happy ending ). (Which apparently they did, seeing that Sam referred to him as her boyfriend in the Trio deleted scene. And she said she wasn't single when Agent Barrett asked her in season 9. )


              The latest info from Stargate Novels/Fandemonium about their next release:

              Our first short story anthology, STARGATE: Far Horizons, will be available as an eBook on October 23. Paperback copies will be available from November 6.

              STARGATE: Far Horizons

              From the early days of "Todd" the Wraith to Teal’c’s first experience of the SGC, from Atlantis’s past and future to good old-fashioned SG-1 adventures, STARGATE SG-1 & ATLANTIS: Far Horizons brings you a wealth of exciting stories from across the Milky Way and Pegasus galaxies.

              Whether you’re a fan of STARGATE SG-1 or STARGATE ATLANTIS, there’s something for everyone in our first anthology of Travelers’ Tales, with ten short stories from ten fantastic Stargate authors: Jo Graham, Keith R.A. DeCandido, Melissa Scott, Peter Evans, Amy Griswold, Suzanne Wood, Diana Dru Botsford, Geonn Cannon, Sabine C. Bauer and Sally Malcolm.

              So step through the Stargate with us and see what’s waiting beyond the event horizon…


                sam gets jack this shirt (as a joke), and he loves it!




                  I'm fine with either scenario, I can see them with kids or without... as long as they are together. Once Jack is retired he can always get the dog he likes to talk about getting! A puppy can be as much work as a baby, so I've heard!

                  (I'm more a cat person myself)


                    Hey Shippers! Happy October!

                    Here's a calendar:


                      Originally posted by majorsal View Post
                      sam gets jack this shirt (as a joke), and he loves it!

                      And I bet Jack would be delighted to wear it.


                        Originally posted by Kimberley Jackson View Post
                        I know what you mean. I always felt the same way. Somehow it seems out of character for Sam and Jack to have kids - at least in canon television universe. I know, Jack was all family guy with Sara and Charlie, but that always felt different. Not sure. Sara was another type I guess. She seemed to be more of the homey type.

                        As you said, Sam loves her job too much and I could never see her give that up. But then again, to me happy ending doesn't necessarily mean marriage and kids. So I'd like to think that Sam and Jack worked something out they are both happy with (equals happy ending ). (Which apparently they did, seeing that Sam referred to him as her boyfriend in the Trio deleted scene. And she said she wasn't single when Agent Barrett asked her in season 9. )
                        Yeah, their relationship was always far from ordinary, so I imagine whatever they ended up having between them was purely their thing, unique and unconventional

                        Originally posted by majorsal View Post
                        sam gets jack this shirt (as a joke), and he loves it!

                        Aww... looks like a perfect gift to be. Jack would love it!

                        Originally posted by hlndncr View Post
                        Hey Shippers! Happy October!

                        Here's a calendar:
                        Sweet! Thank you!


                          Lovely October calendar, hlndncr!


                            did anyone ever list ALL the shippy tidbits in seasons 9 and 10?



                              Originally posted by majorsal View Post
                              did anyone ever list ALL the shippy tidbits in seasons 9 and 10?
                              I feel like they did in the Ship Day thread.. I know there were a couple people trying to list them all. They're there somewhere. >.<
                              [call me loser.]


                                Originally posted by losernerdfriend View Post
                                I feel like they did in the Ship Day thread.. I know there were a couple people trying to list them all. They're there somewhere. >.<
                                I'd love to see that list!

