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Sam Carter /Jack O'Neill Ship Appreciation Thread 2.0

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    Yeah, it's part of their dynamic, but he mostly just does it in tactical situations. He doesn't need to know how the weird alien device works, just whether or not it will kill them. We can only guess that in their private life, away from the SGC, he would be genuinely interested in what she has to say. I choose to believe he does


      Originally posted by ajay View Post
      Yeah, it's part of their dynamic, but he mostly just does it in tactical situations. He doesn't need to know how the weird alien device works, just whether or not it will kill them. We can only guess that in their private life, away from the SGC, he would be genuinely interested in what she has to say. I choose to believe he does
      And also... in private, if he really wants her to shut up, I am sure he has more - um - non-verbal means of doing so and making her forget about all her little doohickeys...


      Okay, time for bed... cause that just went downhill fast.


        Originally posted by ajay View Post
        Yeah, it's part of their dynamic, but he mostly just does it in tactical situations. He doesn't need to know how the weird alien device works, just whether or not it will kill them. We can only guess that in their private life, away from the SGC, he would be genuinely interested in what she has to say. I choose to believe he does
        Yeah, me too. Like that one time he asked her to explain something scientific to him. And I remember another scene where he was glad he had gotten something right. But then, there was also this scene at the beginning of 100 Days where everyone was watching the stars (Laira included), Sam got excited and Jack basically told her she sucked the fun out of it (does that mean Sam would annoy/bore Jack in private while they're stargazing ? Or would he feel differently at home than at work/off world ?).

        But to be fair, science and work aren't the only things to talk about. People in real life don't necessarily enjoy everything their loved ones do. There are other things Sam and Jack have in common and I'm sure they discovered more of them when they began a relationship. And honestly, I think that if Sam was still willing to "shup up" in their private life, that would feel wrong.

        Holy smokes!! I forgot Jack basically told the whole Gateroom he wanted to retire about 10 seconds after Joe asked Sam out!! Also, he totally gazes at her in the last shot as the camera fades to black.
        Script ? Was this done on purpose ? It's just that jealousJack is a rare thing so I have to wonder if we're reading too much into things or not.
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          Joe: "and Major? Next time I'm in town I know a restaurant that beats your mess hands down?"
          Sam: "I'd like that."
          [Joe walks away and Jack turns to watch him leave and then wiggles his eyebrows at Sam]
          Jack: "Well, General, it might be time to reconsider this retirement thing"

          He was talking about the Aschen saving us from the Goa'uld but, still, it's interesting timing and turn of phrase dont'cha think?
          Sam and Jack... Still the best romance on TV in years!

          My fanfic




              Originally posted by Kimberley Jackson View Post
              Well, in his defense... he always does that though, doesn't he? She tends to get into giving people science lectures and he kinda just stops her every time. It has become part of their dynamic...
              However, to be frank, I can see that becoming a real issue at some point in their dating. I mean, she is freakishly smart. I'm sure she doesn't want to be shut up all the time. I mean, imagine you're coming home from work, and you're all excited about the discovery you made that day, and you explain it to your beloved, and after like 3 sentences he shuts you up...

              But then again, we've established that Jack isn't as dumb as he acts, so he might show interest in what moves her once they start dating...
              He does it all the time and sometimes tactically I get the point. Maybe it's the scientist in me but sometimes it's just uncalled for. Like when he starts questioning her harshly for no apparent reason when she's trying to brief the Airmen in Fragile Balance. This, to me, seemed like one of those times. Joe, as the Ambassador to the President, needs to know about their advanced technology and, from his question he sounds like he might have some kind of knowledge of physics or at least an interest since he asks her another "how" question again after the briefing then says "oh, I used that word again" as though Jack put him off for fear of sounding like a geek.

              Sorry, it's one of Jack's traits that I *don't* love (and there aren't many as y'all know ). He might not be interested but, if he did that in a personal setting like he did '100 Days' and I were Sam, I'd call him on it. It's one thing politely saying "Can we just relax and enjoy the moment?", it's quite another barking at her to, essentially, shut the hell up.

              Partner or no partner, it's rude IMO.

              I went fishing on a boat for the first time yesterday and, I've gotta say, I don't get it. Maybe it's because I was technically working so no beer allowed lol but I think it would take nothing short of Jack O'Neill and promise of fishing to get me to do it again *guttersplash*
              Sam and Jack... Still the best romance on TV in years!

              My fanfic


                About the telling her to "shut up" thing. . .

                I've often thought about this. How can he speak to her as he does from time to time and NOT severely tick her off?

                I've got two thought lines on this. First: He is still her CO, regardless of the Ship. They are so comfortable, and we are so comfortable with seeing, them treat each other more as equals than anything else--and he defers to her in all things science/tech--that we forget that he's used to ordering people around and having those orders obeyed fairly instantaneously. If it follows that the "same" Jack O'Neill moves from movie to TV show, then he's more purely military than the Jack that we see much of the time, and those moments when he's more willing to listen to observations and opinions of others are done for the sole purpose of completing the mission. Daniel and Sam do tend to want to explore things beyond the mission, and rightfully so, but Jack still needs to wield authority that will enable them to act militaristically, rather than just scientifically.

                Second: We can extend this to a shippy degree, I think. It might be that Sam knows that later on, when they are in a less-precarious situation, that she knows full well that Jack will listen to her intently. I feel that she knows him so well that she knows where the "Shut up!" is coming from and doesn't take it personally. I really do think that it speaks mountains regarding her feelings for him, and her knowledge about his feelings for her. She's comfortable in the knowledge that they're okay, regardless of how rude he might sound in the moment.

                Also, it speaks well of the maturity of their connection. They can see through their momentary lapses and know that things are okay deep down.

                That Daniel still acts petulantly when he's hushed up (Think "The Other Side"--even though he was completely right) says that his relationship is significantly different with Jack than Jack's is with Sam.
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                Thanks, Oma, for the Sig!


                  Originally posted by Akamaimom View Post
                  About the telling her to "shut up" thing. . .

                  I've often thought about this. How can he speak to her as he does from time to time and NOT severely tick her off?

                  I've got two thought lines on this. First: He is still her CO, regardless of the Ship. They are so comfortable, and we are so comfortable with seeing, them treat each other more as equals than anything else--and he defers to her in all things science/tech--that we forget that he's used to ordering people around and having those orders obeyed fairly instantaneously. If it follows that the "same" Jack O'Neill moves from movie to TV show, then he's more purely military than the Jack that we see much of the time, and those moments when he's more willing to listen to observations and opinions of others are done for the sole purpose of completing the mission. Daniel and Sam do tend to want to explore things beyond the mission, and rightfully so, but Jack still needs to wield authority that will enable them to act militaristically, rather than just scientifically.

                  Second: We can extend this to a shippy degree, I think. It might be that Sam knows that later on, when they are in a less-precarious situation, that she knows full well that Jack will listen to her intently. I feel that she knows him so well that she knows where the "Shut up!" is coming from and doesn't take it personally. I really do think that it speaks mountains regarding her feelings for him, and her knowledge about his feelings for her. She's comfortable in the knowledge that they're okay, regardless of how rude he might sound in the moment.

                  Also, it speaks well of the maturity of their connection. They can see through their momentary lapses and know that things are okay deep down.

                  That Daniel still acts petulantly when he's hushed up (Think "The Other Side"--even though he was completely right) says that his relationship is significantly different with Jack than Jack's is with Sam.
                  Good points all round.

                  Although I reckon just occasionally Sam might secretly picture Jack's face as the punching bag in the gym. Just sayin' she can't say it but she can still think it. She's also clearly ticked off with his arrogance in '2010' and makes that abundantly clear so I reckon he does p*** her off from time to time.

                  I love Jack but there are times I'd probably want to put him through a wall (then again I feel the same way about my bf so maybe it's me lol!)
                  Sam and Jack... Still the best romance on TV in years!

                  My fanfic


                    Originally posted by AmberLM View Post
                    Joe: "and Major? Next time I'm in town I know a restaurant that beats your mess hands down?"
                    Sam: "I'd like that."
                    [Joe walks away and Jack turns to watch him leave and then wiggles his eyebrows at Sam]
                    Jack: "Well, General, it might be time to reconsider this retirement thing"

                    He was talking about the Aschen saving us from the Goa'uld but, still, it's interesting timing and turn of phrase dont'cha think?
                    aside from jack, i find sam's tastes in men lacking.

                    well, it's really the actors they find to play these so-called love interests.

                    BUT, seeing as none of them were supposed to be better than jack o'neill, i'm forgiving.

                    i don't really like jack's tastes either... but i'm not exactly unbiased either.



                      Originally posted by AmberLM View Post
                      He does it all the time and sometimes tactically I get the point. Maybe it's the scientist in me but sometimes it's just uncalled for. Like when he starts questioning her harshly for no apparent reason when she's trying to brief the Airmen in Fragile Balance. This, to me, seemed like one of those times. Joe, as the Ambassador to the President, needs to know about their advanced technology and, from his question he sounds like he might have some kind of knowledge of physics or at least an interest since he asks her another "how" question again after the briefing then says "oh, I used that word again" as though Jack put him off for fear of sounding like a geek.

                      Sorry, it's one of Jack's traits that I *don't* love (and there aren't many as y'all know ). He might not be interested but, if he did that in a personal setting like he did '100 Days' and I were Sam, I'd call him on it. It's one thing politely saying "Can we just relax and enjoy the moment?", it's quite another barking at her to, essentially, shut the hell up.

                      Partner or no partner, it's rude IMO.
                      i find it rude too.

                      i'd like to read a fic where sam and jack are together, and she calls him on this attitude.



                        Originally posted by Akamaimom View Post

                        That Daniel still acts petulantly when he's hushed up (Think "The Other Side"--even though he was completely right) says that his relationship is significantly different with Jack than Jack's is with Sam.
                        i also think because daniel isn't military, he isn't used to being told to basically shut up, and might feel he doesn't have to follow the command.



                          Originally posted by AmberLM View Post
                          Good points all round.

                          Although I reckon just occasionally Sam might secretly picture Jack's face as the punching bag in the gym. Just sayin' she can't say it but she can still think it. She's also clearly ticked off with his arrogance in '2010' and makes that abundantly clear so I reckon he does p*** her off from time to time.

                          I love Jack but there are times I'd probably want to put him through a wall (then again I feel the same way about my bf so maybe it's me lol!)
                          off the top of my head, i can think of three times sam was clearly ticked at him, command structure or not. 1- in 'the light', the beach scene, 2- at the end of 'the other side', on the ramp with the stare of irk, and 3- ... ergh, i can't remember the name of the ep, but sam and jack have just gotten out of a row boat and they are walking and discussing whether or not to blow up the alien ship. daniel's went up to try to find a diplomatic way out of this predicament, but sam and jack are looking at it as military. the only problem with the situation is now daniel is going to be blown up with the ship. sam looks irritated with the situation 'and' jack.

                          i wouldn't do well in the military myself. i can follow orders, but i'm not 100 percent obedient and would speak up if i felt something was iffy. you're not supposed to do that.

                          i'd also have broken the regs to be with jack. my bad.



                            Originally posted by majorsal View Post
                            aside from jack, i find sam's tastes in men lacking.

                            well, it's really the actors they find to play these so-called love interests.

                            BUT, seeing as none of them were supposed to be better than jack o'neill, i'm forgiving.

                            i don't really like jack's tastes either... but i'm not exactly unbiased either.
                            Kerry wasn't so bad. I actually kind of liked her.


                              Originally posted by hedwig View Post
                              Kerry wasn't so bad. I actually kind of liked her.
                              that is the *only* exception to all the guys/gals for sam and jack!



                                Originally posted by majorsal View Post
                                off the top of my head, i can think of three times sam was clearly ticked at him, command structure or not. 1- in 'the light', the beach scene, 2- at the end of 'the other side', on the ramp with the stare of irk, and 3- ... ergh, i can't remember the name of the ep, but sam and jack have just gotten out of a row boat and they are walking and discussing whether or not to blow up the alien ship. daniel's went up to try to find a diplomatic way out of this predicament, but sam and jack are looking at it as military. the only problem with the situation is now daniel is going to be blown up with the ship. sam looks irritated with the situation 'and' jack.

                                i wouldn't do well in the military myself. i can follow orders, but i'm not 100 percent obedient and would speak up if i felt something was iffy. you're not supposed to do that.

                                i'd also have broken the regs to be with jack. my bad.
                                Well, in "The Light" beach scene, she's suffering withdrawals, and her behavior should be excluded from her "Purely military" list, much as her behavior ("Well, actually, sir, it was YOUR idea") in "Upgrades". I agree that she's irritated with him in the one with the alien ship--I think it's mostly because he immediately goes to blowing things up, though, and she feels that they had evolved past that in their problem solving capabilities.

                                As for the "Other Side", I really don't think she's irritated by him. I really think that she's recalling just what kind of man she's working with/in love with. She tends to forget, and that moment when he knowingly allows the bad guy to die is a stark reminder just who he is at the core, and what he's capable of doing. I think it's one of those amazing moments we are shown that allow the Ship to be real--because if she didn't remember the depths of his dark sides every once in a while, she might idealize his gregarious side and mistake him for what he purports to be. I appreciate that moment in "The Other Side". I think it's vital that she NOT idealize him and make him into a saint figure, because he's not. She's in love with the REAL O'Neill, and not the man the rest of the world assumes him to be. That she accepts him and still allows her emotions to be with him after that moment just shows us the depth of their attachment, IMO.
                                My Stories: FFdotNet
                                My Stories AO3
                                Thanks, Oma, for the Sig!

