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Sam Carter /Jack O'Neill Ship Appreciation Thread 2.0

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    Originally posted by AmberLM View Post
    Yep although part of me thinks that no confirmation is better than bad confirmation. The third movie scene sounds like such a cop-out to me.... Just dinner and a conversation?! How about a BHK between our Sam and Jack? The one we've been waiting decades for!
    Well, over in the shipper lounge, we were making a joke about being rich. We'll get rich, and privately pay AT and RDA to act out scenes for us, including fanfic.
    Your Life Was Amazing Until You Met Me
    My . My Sci-Fi Art . My Stargate RPG . Sam/Jack Made Up Episodes Project


      Originally posted by Simlead View Post
      Well, over in the shipper lounge, we were making a joke about being rich. We'll get rich, and privately pay AT and RDA to act out scenes for us, including fanfic.
      Haha if I'd been the couple who won the £100million euromillions jackpot a while back I totally would have funded the third film with the stipulation that JM and MW get sole writing discretion and that there must be a shippy confirmation scene where we actually see our S and J make out like Grace but real, well-lit and longer than 2 seconds!
      Sam and Jack... Still the best romance on TV in years!

      My fanfic


        I just caught the tail end of "Runaway Bride" on TV, where Julia Roberts proposes to Richard Gere, and then the wedding scene, which is sooo cute. I had a huge grin on my face.

        So, ... under what circumstances might Sam propose to Jack?

        I could actually see them doing something similar as in the movie.


          The last movie only cost CAD$7million, that's pocket change if you won £100million (CAD$157 million!)

          Hell, I'd give RDA and AT £7 million each just to get them back!
          Last edited by AmberLM; 05 May 2013, 09:46 AM.
          Sam and Jack... Still the best romance on TV in years!

          My fanfic




              Originally posted by hedwig View Post
              I just caught the tail end of "Runaway Bride" on TV, where Julia Roberts proposes to Richard Gere, and then the wedding scene, which is sooo cute. I had a huge grin on my face.

              So, ... under what circumstances might Sam propose to Jack?

              I could actually see them doing something similar as in the movie.
              When Jack's being an idiot and making her wait because he's scared she'll say no! She'll know, obviously, what he's thinking - since she can read him like a book. She'll get get fed up of waiting and ask him herself. He'll do a pretty darn good impression of a fish and be all cute and confused then come out with something like "That's meant to be my line."
              Last edited by roque872002; 05 May 2013, 10:18 AM. Reason: shocking grammar errors :o
              Sig made by Nola
              Latest fic Thin Blue Veil


                Amber - Absolutely. Now here's the far-fetched thought of the day - what if we all won a lottery? *combines money* Forget pocket change! Try used tissues... Wait, they're worth less than pocket change, right? Tell me I'm right... Anyway, I'm sure we'd work out a price. I have a few fantasies that involve cabins, fishing rods, and Grace-kisses.

                Owlinator - I had to use that nickname again. I think that would be cool. Even though Jack proposing to Sam is equally as romantic, it'd just suit their sometimes unorthodox nature, wouldn't it? Maybe it'd just pop up in a conversation when they're in a life-or-death situation. Jack makes some smart comment about never even getting married and she ends up asking him. (Edit: Roque's idea sounds about right, though. 'That was supposed to be my line'. )

                Nola - Awesome manip!
                Your Life Was Amazing Until You Met Me
                My . My Sci-Fi Art . My Stargate RPG . Sam/Jack Made Up Episodes Project


                  Originally posted by hedwig View Post
                  I just caught the tail end of "Runaway Bride" on TV, where Julia Roberts proposes to Richard Gere, and then the wedding scene, which is sooo cute. I had a huge grin on my face.

                  So, ... under what circumstances might Sam propose to Jack?

                  I could actually see them doing something similar as in the movie.
                  Sam and Jack are stargazing, snuggled together

                  (looking up) So Sam, where are the planets we visited?
                  Jack, you perfectly know that they are not visible from Earth
                  Yet we know they are out there
                  (confused) Yeah...
                  It occurs to me that sometimes we are blind. (locking his eyes on her) We don't see the most precious things we have in front of us. They seem out of our reach but we just have to fight harder to get them. And when we do, it's worth all the pain and the suffering we went through during the journey.

                  *inserts proposal* (your turn to continue if you want)

                  Cuz Jack is sooo not dumb!
                  My vids Sig made by me


                    Originally posted by hedwig View Post
                    I just caught the tail end of "Runaway Bride" on TV, where Julia Roberts proposes to Richard Gere, and then the wedding scene, which is sooo cute. I had a huge grin on my face.

                    So, ... under what circumstances might Sam propose to Jack?

                    I could actually see them doing something similar as in the movie.
                    I think it would have been during their initial conversation, something like: spoiler end for space

                    Sam's house after her father's wake:
                    Carter, not that I'm prying or anything but where's Pete? I haven't seen him all day.
                    He, ah, wasn't invited
                    oooh-kay... You've had a hard week but don't you think he wanted to be here for you as much as we do? I mean, he *is* your fiancé and all...
                    Sir, there isn't going to be any wedding.
                    *eyebrows raised* there isn't?
                    No, Sir
                    *sits down* what happened?
                    that big, huge mistake I told you about? Turns out that Dad agreed with me.
                    ... Carter, maybe it's just nerves. Ok, so Dad didn't warm to Pete but is that a reason to break up with the guy? I'm assuming you broke up with him, right?
                    *nods* Ordinarily I'd agree with you but, you see, it wasn't Dad that convinced me to do it.
                    *looks sheepishly at him and then stares at her feet* Yeah, I kinda had a cosmic slap in the face the other day. *stares at him meaningfully* It seems that something I saw bothered me quite a bit more than it should given that at the time I was somebody's fiancée
                    Jack looks confused for a second and then realises and mouths 'oh'
                    For what it's worth, I'm sorry. It took me about 30 seconds to-, well, let's just say that it's an experience I'd rather not repeat and I realised that maybe I caused you-, or not, I mean I'm being kind of presumptuous here-
                    jack gives her the "you thought I was dead" puppy dog look from Heroes
                    Sam, all I want is for you to be happy. And if he made you happy... I'm happy!
                    thank you, Sir. *smirks* See, even if I believed that, there's still the problem that however happy he may have made me for a time, he still wasn't the guy, you know?
                    *smiling* there's "a guy"? Carter, I never would have pegged you for a closet romantic!
                    Yeah, well, Dad told me to fix it. I thought it was impossible but now I'm not so sure. *takes a deep breath* Problem is, he's getting transferred to Washington and he's still gonna be my boss. Tbc
                    Sam and Jack... Still the best romance on TV in years!

                    My fanfic


                      [QUOTE=AmberLM;13812392]I think it would have been during their initial conversation, something like:


                      I've been offered a position at R&D in Nevada, which would also bring me closer to Cassie. But if I go you'd only not be my CO for a few weeks. Our only option is to get married.

                      Jack, I'm kinda out on a limb here and you're leaving me hanging!
                      ... I'm hallucinating.
                      *talking to himself* I think Carter just proposed to me, I must have fallen asleep or something-
                      Oh for cryin' out loud, Sir! Look, I've been weighing up the options and this is the only one that won't get us a court martial and a dishonourable discharge without either of us quitting
                      *Starts pacing* Carter, Sam, I'm beyond flattered but this is crazy! You just broke off your engagement to another man, your father just died-

                      You think I don't know that?! Look, I've had 8 years to think about this and it turns out that I'm finally done waiting! We finally defeated the galaxy of bad guys and, you know what, I kinda feel like the universe owes us! I'm done sitting watching either of us almost die knowing that we never had the balls to give it a try. Look, we might not work out. I might hate the way you ignore me when the Simpsons is on and you might hate that I tread oil into the carpet sometimes when I work on my bike but so be it. If marrying you is the only way to see if this thing between us could work then I'm game!
                      That's it?! After 8 years and all of the stuff I just said... *Jack smirks at her anger*
                      assuming I'm not dreaming or being tortured by Ba'al, which right now I'm considering is a possibility, ok I accept. It's a little unconventional but, hey, when have we ever done things the normal way? Screw normal! Besides, if I say anything else it gives you time to change your mind!

                      so... Did we just get engaged?!
                      well I did tell you that it was theoretically possible, Sir!
                      you know, I hope you're not gonna keep up the "Sir" thing when we're married. It's a little weird!
                      oh, I don't know, I kinda like it
                      Carter! Lalala I can't hear you! Damn it! Why did you have to say that? Now every time you call me "Sir" I'm gonna be thinking of you naked!
                      Consider it payback for all the times you called me 'Samantha'!

                      Sam and Jack... Still the best romance on TV in years!

                      My fanfic


                        Amber that was BRILLIANT!
                        Sig made by Nola
                        Latest fic Thin Blue Veil


                          Wow! You had me in stitches and squees! If that's not already a fic, it needs to be! Like, now!
                          Your Life Was Amazing Until You Met Me
                          My . My Sci-Fi Art . My Stargate RPG . Sam/Jack Made Up Episodes Project


                            Thanks guys *blushes* yeah, I didn't plan on it being so long but when the muse grabs hold... I just went with it
                            Sam and Jack... Still the best romance on TV in years!

                            My fanfic


                              It's all good. But, I'm best friends the muse now.
                              Your Life Was Amazing Until You Met Me
                              My . My Sci-Fi Art . My Stargate RPG . Sam/Jack Made Up Episodes Project


                                I just turned it into a one-shot fic, here's the link if anyone is interested:

                                Sam and Jack... Still the best romance on TV in years!

                                My fanfic

