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Sam Carter /Jack O'Neill Ship Appreciation Thread 2.0

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    Originally posted by hedwig View Post
    Nobody is saying you should buy them. If you're interested, then do. If you aren't interested, then don't.
    trupi was saying that buying them could, possibly, maybe get us our confirmation. so...

    Yes. These books have been okayed by MGM. Otherwise, they wouldn't have these bits in them. I'm thinking that MGM feels those bits are vague enough to suit them, so they've ok'd them.
    well that's good!

    so what if one of these books did great, would mgm want to make a movie out of it? if any of the stuff that's been posted (like the sam's letter to jack in the 'the avengers' snippet... would that be confirmation enough for folks?



      i know that I am a little bit late to the current topic, but I have read a variety of the Stargate books, both SG-1 and Atlantis. Some are more canon than others, some are so far off that you are thinking that this must be some other story line. The ones that are the closest to SG-1 tend to have the shippy hints and the angst in them that make Jack and Sam relationship seem the most realistic to me. I also think that some of the authors know our characters and some I get the feeling they have never watched the show! It just depends on how the author has written the story. As for the confirmation that Jack and Sam are together, I haven't had the chance to read some of the latest books that are out. Therefore my opinion is still out with the jury. But by judging the current train of thought, I think I have some serious reading to catch up on....
      As always, Jack and Sam forever!
      Thanks to the talented Bailey1ak


        Originally posted by majorsal View Post
        trupi was saying that buying them could, possibly, maybe get us our confirmation. so...
        I hate to be negative sounding, but I think it would take a whole lot of books being bought for us to get that confirmation.

        so what if one of these books did great, would mgm want to make a movie out of it? if any of the stuff that's been posted (like the sam's letter to jack in the 'the avengers' snippet... would that be confirmation enough for folks?
        A couple of the books are (in my opinion) good enough to be made into a movie(s); but that's just me.


          Originally posted by Pol View Post

          I think so. The thing that sticks out for me is that someone posted recently that there was a line in SGA that Sam says about "all of her clothes in storage at Gen. O'Neill's" (or somesuch, I caught it briefly the other day when someone posted).

          To me, that *screams* confirmation as only SG1 can, when a simple look or hand touch can means so very much more. I never, while on assignment anywhere, at. any. time. stored ANY of my belongings with my CO, my former CO, or any form of General Officer.

          So...there it is.

          I think the Trio bit was in the way of being a tip of the hat to shippers, and a confirmation. Sam Carter *never* discusses personal stuff, but here she is having "girl talk" with someone she doesn't know that well and who is still under her command. And that girl talk revolves around someone we all KNOW is Jack. So, yes, that, too, was confirmation.

          SG1 was never *about* the JS ship, per se, that was an added bonus. As such (as in 'not the focus') the confirmation (or shipfirmation) should be just as subtle.
          I haven't read the books, but I can see where you are coming from with this and might have been more willing to accept that sort of confirmation had it not been for the way that other ships (Daniel/Vala, McKay/Keller etc) where shoved down our throats in later seasons. I felt that way the others ships were so blatantly exploited was a slap in the face to S&J shippers, with the insult compounded by the number of times we were told that we would be getting obvious confirmation.

          Don't get me wrong, the last thing I would have wanted was the sort of behaviour from S&J that we got from Daniel and Vala. Like you, for me S&J was never the main reason for watching SG1. I watched for the characters, character interaction and stories, the ship was the icing on the cake. It wouldn't have bothered me had it never happened, I would still have loved SG1. However, once they went down the S&J road, I felt that instead of messing us around with unfulfilled promises of confirmation, whilst at the same time exploiting other ships, they should have given us some sort of resolution. I would have been happy with a line of dialogue confirming it somehow, e.g. Sam says 'I can't go out tonight because Jack and I are celebrating our wedding anniversary' or something like that.
          The presence of those seeking the truth is infinitely to be preferred to the presence of those who think they've found it


            Originally posted by Kunoichi View Post
            I haven't read the books, but I can see where you are coming from with this and might have been more willing to accept that sort of confirmation had it not been for the way that other ships (Daniel/Vala, McKay/Keller etc) where shoved down our throats in later seasons. I felt that way the others ships were so blatantly exploited was a slap in the face to S&J shippers, with the insult compounded by the number of times we were told that we would be getting obvious confirmation.

            Don't get me wrong, the last thing I would have wanted was the sort of behaviour from S&J that we got from Daniel and Vala. Like you, for me S&J was never the main reason for watching SG1. I watched for the characters, character interaction and stories, the ship was the icing on the cake. It wouldn't have bothered me had it never happened, I would still have loved SG1. However, once they went down the S&J road, I felt that instead of messing us around with unfulfilled promises of confirmation, whilst at the same time exploiting other ships, they should have given us some sort of resolution. I would have been happy with a line of dialogue confirming it somehow, e.g. Sam says 'I can't go out tonight because Jack and I are celebrating our wedding anniversary' or something like that.
            *nods head vigorously*

            so simple, so easy, so why not? grrs @ ptb



              Originally posted by selene0789 View Post
              And the boxed DVDs are great, aren't they?! Is it the gold set with the Stargate/wormhole thing on the front? That's the one I have... That I use... regularly. Daily? Sometimes...
              I've already watched the first special features disk!!

              Originally posted by majorsal View Post
              something that popped into my head...
              what if the deleted 'trio' scene from sga was put back (in some future re-release of the dvds), what that be enough of a confirmation? (i don't know what my answer is)
              Originally posted by Pol View Post
              SG1 was never *about* the JS ship, per se, that was an added bonus. As such (as in 'not the focus') the confirmation (or shipfirmation) should be just as subtle. I'd go with it.
              Originally posted by Akamaimom View Post
              You can tell I've been Facebooking too much when I got frustrated when I couldn't find the "like" button. But I agree with your statement here. I think it's about as good as we're going to get.
              "LIKE"!! Darn you! LIKE!! (I do that all the time AKA -too much FB)

              Sal ~ I always imagine 'Trio' with that scene included, rather than as a deleted scene (because what they decided to include in its place was a paltry attempt at humor...but that's a seperate rant). It was written, approved and FILMED all under the oversight of TPTB, so even though it's deleted, the content stands as valid (imo). I think of it as part of the whole mosaic of the ship -a little piece that makes the whole picture complete.

              I think it's still too vague to meet your desires for confirmation (you want something more specific...more obvious) as she is evasive and doesn't name any names.

              Originally posted by majorsal View Post
              then why should i buy these books, if it's only going to show mgm that i'm happy and satisfied with the shippy level? :/
              I would buy them just because I want to read good SG stories...

              Originally posted by majorsal View Post
              grrs @ ptb
              sig by Ikorni

              "When Colonel Maybourne and yourself were stranded off world, Major Carter felt a similar sense of frustration. She despaired at the thought of never seeing you again." ~Teal'c
              "I didn't leave,because I'd have rather died myself,than lose Carter." ~Jack O'Neill

              SaraBahama FanFic; AO3


                All right people! I have finished my first official SG-1 novel! Woo hoo! It was awesome...

                But is it bad that it read just like a fanfiction? Very good fanfiction, but still. See, in my experience, I have always read original fiction different from fanfiction. Either it's how I approach the material, or how I react to it, but either way, it felt like I was reading published fanfiction. Does that make any sense? I dunno...

                But here is my review for the SG-1 novel Trial by Fire:

                It may have read like fanfiction, but it also read like an episode. Totally called the ending (which I am totally okay with, since I do that with episodes many times), and I was having flashbacks to episodes such as "A Hundred Days" and "Paradise Lost" and "Abyss". Sensing a theme here? You should! "Abyss" is a fairly obvious one, as it takes place relatively recently after that episode, and Jack is still coping and Daniel is *literally* having flashbacks...

                The character interaction was spot on, and I was cracking up more than once at the wry sense of humor ALL of them had. Not just Jack. And there was an OC who accompanied them offworld despite the fact she was civilian and British. Professor Kelly was delightfully retarded regarding gate travel at first, making for some awesome Jack quips, but she slowly grew on me until I actually kind of liked her.

                But what I found most interesting was the flashbacks of the other two episodes. Because, yes, it was one of *those* plots. (not spoilered because it's in the synopsis on the back of the book!). And that means there was some awesome interaction that screamed ship. At least to me. But seriously, even my goggles aren't that good.

                If it's all right, I'd like to impart a few passages for your enjoyment and/or interpretation:

                At the very beginning, while Daniel is explaining an Earthbound find that inevitably kicks the plot off:

                "... so, thanks to those bronze and emerald columns, Gibraltar actually became known as 'The Pillars of Hercules'. Hercules, because the Carthaginians associated him with their main deity, Baal Hammon."


                He hadn't meant to say that. He'd opened his mouth and it had walked out. Now Carter was goggling, wide-blue-eyed, Are you okay, sir? which prompted the standard Sure, peachy, drop it! stare in return, combined with the fervent hope that Daniel hadn't picked up on it.

                And FYI, this was not the only time they had a conversation via "looks". I just forgot to bookmark the others, and I don't have time to re-find them.

                And so that leads us into this little gem between Daniel and Sam, after Jack and Professor Kelly is separated from the rest of them:
                "You sound like Jack."

                She winced.

                "Sam? You're worried about him."

                That would be an understatement, and Major Carter had no intention of going there. "It'd break my heart if we never saw Kelly again."

                It earned her a scowl and an odd look of frustration, but for once Daniel took a hint.

                Or this little beauty about why Jack was found wearing the garb of his captors:

                "He was taken prisoner and brought here against his will," Dr. Jackson retorted. "His clothes were probably ruined. What did you expect him to do? Run around in his shorts?"

                The abductee's head dipped abruptly, concealing his face. Tertius glanced at him sideways, a tiny smirk tugging at the corners of his mouth. Well, that answered that question. Colonel Jack O'Neill, USAF, had been running around in his shorts. His 2IC found herself regretting that she'd missed the event, although the snazzy Roman gear almost made up for it. Nice legs.

                Or when Jack is relying on Sam to execute Plan... whatever letter they're on by then:

                ...If this was to work, he'd need a diversion. His gaze strayed up to the roof. He'd seen faces there earlier, he was sure of it. Teal'c and Carter.

                Hey, Carter, if you're up there, how about pulling an idea out of your... Any part of your anatomy'll do, Major, seriously, I don't--

                This probably wasn't a good time to think of Carter's anatomy.

                I'm seriously not making this stuff up! And one last parting shot as we're leaving the planet and the Professor Kelly OC is barging in on the debriefing to get info about a ritual Jack experienced while offworld...*SO* worth it!:

                "Yes, Professor?" Hammond made no effort to keep the annoyance out of his voice.

                "I'm sorry, but I really don't appreciate the way my research is being obstructed." Dr. Kelly directed a vitriolic stare across the table at Jack O'Neill. "I'd like to clarify, once and for all, whether or not Mithraic initiates are naked and covered in honey during the ceremony."

                Colonel O'Neill went bright red, and there was a stifled yelp from Dr. Jackson. The Colonel's 2IC had taken cover behind a notepad, which was shaking suspiciously. Teal'c's left eyebrow evinced polite interest.

                Now, if you think that now that you've read these passages, you're good to go, you don't need to read the book-- you're wrong. Because in this novel we see something that we never really got to see much in the show. In this book, when Jack went MIA, Sam was left to pick up the slack. And she did. She handily located Jack, convinced a religiously superstitious, patriarchal culture to take her and her team along to rescue him from the bad guys, and also devised a workable battle strategy therein-- all while living on nothing but coffee. Because as usually happens when someone goes missing, she got about forty-five minutes of sleep when ordered by Gen. Hammond to rest, and then went to mainline some caffeine to continue working.

                And not only that, but multiple people at multiple instances observed that she made some crack worthy of O'Neill, or behaved as though O'Neill's irreverence had been rubbing off on her, and other such glowing remarks. There is some serious character evaluation here, and it's something we really don't get to see on the show much, since the observations happen internally without dialogue.

                Plus, it's just a good book. It's funny, convoluted in a way only SG-1 can be, and it's well written. I loved it. You all probably would too.

                Phew. I am now the queen of spoiler tags. It's a maze in there, I'm telling you!


                  Originally posted by selene0789 View Post
                  All right people! I have finished my first official SG-1 novel! Woo hoo! It was awesome...

                  But is it bad that it read just like a fanfiction? Very good fanfiction, but still. See, in my experience, I have always read original fiction different from fanfiction. Either it's how I approach the material, or how I react to it, but either way, it felt like I was reading published fanfiction. Does that make any sense? I dunno...

                  But here is my review for the SG-1 novel Trial by Fire:

                  It may have read like fanfiction, but it also read like an episode. Totally called the ending (which I am totally okay with, since I do that with episodes many times), and I was having flashbacks to episodes such as "A Hundred Days" and "Paradise Lost" and "Abyss". Sensing a theme here? You should! "Abyss" is a fairly obvious one, as it takes place relatively recently after that episode, and Jack is still coping and Daniel is *literally* having flashbacks...

                  The character interaction was spot on, and I was cracking up more than once at the wry sense of humor ALL of them had. Not just Jack. And there was an OC who accompanied them offworld despite the fact she was civilian and British. Professor Kelly was delightfully retarded regarding gate travel at first, making for some awesome Jack quips, but she slowly grew on me until I actually kind of liked her.

                  But what I found most interesting was the flashbacks of the other two episodes. Because, yes, it was one of *those* plots. (not spoilered because it's in the synopsis on the back of the book!). And that means there was some awesome interaction that screamed ship. At least to me. But seriously, even my goggles aren't that good.

                  If it's all right, I'd like to impart a few passages for your enjoyment and/or interpretation:

                  At the very beginning, while Daniel is explaining an Earthbound find that inevitably kicks the plot off:

                  "... so, thanks to those bronze and emerald columns, Gibraltar actually became known as 'The Pillars of Hercules'. Hercules, because the Carthaginians associated him with their main deity, Baal Hammon."


                  He hadn't meant to say that. He'd opened his mouth and it had walked out. Now Carter was goggling, wide-blue-eyed, Are you okay, sir? which prompted the standard Sure, peachy, drop it! stare in return, combined with the fervent hope that Daniel hadn't picked up on it.

                  And FYI, this was not the only time they had a conversation via "looks". I just forgot to bookmark the others, and I don't have time to re-find them.

                  And so that leads us into this little gem between Daniel and Sam, after Jack and Professor Kelly is separated from the rest of them:
                  "You sound like Jack."

                  She winced.

                  "Sam? You're worried about him."

                  That would be an understatement, and Major Carter had no intention of going there. "It'd break my heart if we never saw Kelly again."

                  It earned her a scowl and an odd look of frustration, but for once Daniel took a hint.

                  Or this little beauty about why Jack was found wearing the garb of his captors:

                  "He was taken prisoner and brought here against his will," Dr. Jackson retorted. "His clothes were probably ruined. What did you expect him to do? Run around in his shorts?"

                  The abductee's head dipped abruptly, concealing his face. Tertius glanced at him sideways, a tiny smirk tugging at the corners of his mouth. Well, that answered that question. Colonel Jack O'Neill, USAF, had been running around in his shorts. His 2IC found herself regretting that she'd missed the event, although the snazzy Roman gear almost made up for it. Nice legs.

                  Or when Jack is relying on Sam to execute Plan... whatever letter they're on by then:

                  ...If this was to work, he'd need a diversion. His gaze strayed up to the roof. He'd seen faces there earlier, he was sure of it. Teal'c and Carter.

                  Hey, Carter, if you're up there, how about pulling an idea out of your... Any part of your anatomy'll do, Major, seriously, I don't--

                  This probably wasn't a good time to think of Carter's anatomy.

                  I'm seriously not making this stuff up! And one last parting shot as we're leaving the planet and the Professor Kelly OC is barging in on the debriefing to get info about a ritual Jack experienced while offworld...*SO* worth it!:

                  "Yes, Professor?" Hammond made no effort to keep the annoyance out of his voice.

                  "I'm sorry, but I really don't appreciate the way my research is being obstructed." Dr. Kelly directed a vitriolic stare across the table at Jack O'Neill. "I'd like to clarify, once and for all, whether or not Mithraic initiates are naked and covered in honey during the ceremony."

                  Colonel O'Neill went bright red, and there was a stifled yelp from Dr. Jackson. The Colonel's 2IC had taken cover behind a notepad, which was shaking suspiciously. Teal'c's left eyebrow evinced polite interest.

                  Now, if you think that now that you've read these passages, you're good to go, you don't need to read the book-- you're wrong. Because in this novel we see something that we never really got to see much in the show. In this book, when Jack went MIA, Sam was left to pick up the slack. And she did. She handily located Jack, convinced a religiously superstitious, patriarchal culture to take her and her team along to rescue him from the bad guys, and also devised a workable battle strategy therein-- all while living on nothing but coffee. Because as usually happens when someone goes missing, she got about forty-five minutes of sleep when ordered by Gen. Hammond to rest, and then went to mainline some caffeine to continue working.

                  And not only that, but multiple people at multiple instances observed that she made some crack worthy of O'Neill, or behaved as though O'Neill's irreverence had been rubbing off on her, and other such glowing remarks. There is some serious character evaluation here, and it's something we really don't get to see on the show much, since the observations happen internally without dialogue.

                  Plus, it's just a good book. It's funny, convoluted in a way only SG-1 can be, and it's well written. I loved it. You all probably would too.

                  Phew. I am now the queen of spoiler tags. It's a maze in there, I'm telling you!
                  That totally reads like fanfiction, not like a normal book. At least now I know I wouldn't want to go out of my way to read the Fandemonium books (I've seen snippets of other books too). So... thank you, I guess!
                  Unmade Plans (WIP: 11/20):
                  Sam's life takes a turn in an unexpected direction when she's faced with an unplanned pregnancy. The decision to keep the baby and raise it on her own will alter her life forever. Relationships are put to the test, especially the one between her and Jack. She doesn't know what to expect from him and he surprises her at every turn.
                  On FFnet or AO3

                  My S/J fics can be found on FFnet and AO3. I also tweet and tumble about the ship and my writing/stories.


                    i think the only books i ever read of Stargate was The Devil You Pay , The Morpheus Factor and The First Amendment.


                      Originally posted by fems View Post
                      That totally reads like fanfiction, not like a normal book. At least now I know I wouldn't want to go out of my way to read the Fandemonium books (I've seen snippets of other books too). So... thank you, I guess!
                      All of them read somewhat like fanfiction. The biggest difference being that they're published and have to be paid for. They mostly have a much broader scope/range/scale(?) than any of the episodes did, but some of them would make pretty good episodes or mini-movies (IMO).

                      Some fanfiction is good enough to be published, too.


                        Originally posted by hedwig View Post
                        All of them read somewhat like fanfiction. The biggest difference being that they're published and have to be paid for. They mostly have a much broader scope/range/scale(?) than any of the episodes did, but some of them would make pretty good episodes or mini-movies (IMO).

                        Some fanfiction is good enough to be published, too.
                        It's not just that they read like fanfiction, they seem to be written like it too. The style isn't something I'd appreciate nor expect in a book.
                        Unmade Plans (WIP: 11/20):
                        Sam's life takes a turn in an unexpected direction when she's faced with an unplanned pregnancy. The decision to keep the baby and raise it on her own will alter her life forever. Relationships are put to the test, especially the one between her and Jack. She doesn't know what to expect from him and he surprises her at every turn.
                        On FFnet or AO3

                        My S/J fics can be found on FFnet and AO3. I also tweet and tumble about the ship and my writing/stories.


                          Originally posted by fems View Post
                          It's not just that they read like fanfiction, they seem to be written like it too. The style isn't something I'd appreciate nor expect in a book.
                          I'm not quite sure what I expected in the books. For the most part, I've enjoyed them. If I really pay attention to what I'm reading, they do read like fanfiction, and like I said, just on a bigger scale.

                          Not to sound too ignorant, but I'm curious what you mean by them not being the syle you would appreciate or expect.


                            Originally posted by fems View Post
                            That totally reads like fanfiction, not like a normal book. At least now I know I wouldn't want to go out of my way to read the Fandemonium books (I've seen snippets of other books too). So... thank you, I guess!
                            Well, keep in mind I posted the shippy parts, which by themselves seem very fanfiction-y. But together it seemed not so, especially once I started getting into the story. I felt it was worth the purchase. Now, I'm not gonna go out and purchase all of them in one go-- I'll prolly buy one per month. Something to be excited about, with plenty of time to read in between. And until then I can also re-read my fave fanfics (real fanfics) since I finally figured out how to get the stories on there. Too bad it doesn't do fic from ANY site. Cuz there are some good ones that are only posted on authors' personal pages... *sigh*

                            So I'll take recommendations, people. Preferably the really good epics. Those are perfect for Kindle. The super short ones I could prolly read before they even finish downloading into .mobi format!


                              Hi Shippers. I'm just popping in to wish everyone a very Merry Christmas.


                                Originally posted by dipsofjazz View Post
                                Hi Shippers. I'm just popping in to wish everyone a very Merry Christmas.
                                THANKS! Happy New Year, too

