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Sam Carter /Jack O'Neill Ship Appreciation Thread 2.0

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    Originally posted by hlndncr View Post
    OT dancing:
    Well it's not the kind of ballroom you see on something like Dancing with the Stars. It's more like what you see in Pride & Prejudice. I think it's impressive in its own way. And we get to dress up in fancy evening gowns and go to traditional balls like you see in those movies too.
    OT dancing
    wow, cool! I mostly dance ballroom dancing and a bit of jazz but in my dancing school we had to learn sth called "Fledermaus Quadrille" (which is usually danced at the Viennese Opera Ball. That was so much fun but sadly there aren't any groups for only for that kind of dance

    On topic dancing:
    Amanda said Helen could dance, but what do you think, are Sam (and Jack) good dancers? (up to S8, where I am, we only see Sam dancing one time.. and that's not something like Cha Cha, Salsa or waltz)
    and if they are, what would be their favorite?


      Originally posted by SnowWhite View Post
      OT dancing
      wow, cool! I mostly dance ballroom dancing and a bit of jazz but in my dancing school we had to learn sth called "Fledermaus Quadrille" (which is usually danced at the Viennese Opera Ball. That was so much fun but sadly there aren't any groups for only for that kind of dance

      On topic dancing:
      Amanda said Helen could dance, but what do you think, are Sam (and Jack) good dancers? (up to S8, where I am, we only see Sam dancing one time.. and that's not something like Cha Cha, Salsa or waltz)
      and if they are, what would be their favorite?
      I just don't see Jack dancing, except maybe a slow dance with Sam (at their wedding?).


        I think they can probably pull off a passable waltz or something along those lines. The Air Force is big on tradition etc, and there would be a lot of balls and other functions they would have been required to go to. I would think at any rate.

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          Answer to XFChemist:

          Most favorite is actually the one between Sam and Jack in Ascension:

          Tense? Me? I'm not tense? ... am I? ...When did you first notice?

 we met!

          Big thanks to josi for avi and sig


            Originally posted by SnowWhite View Post
            On topic dancing:
            Amanda said Helen could dance, but what do you think, are Sam (and Jack) good dancers? (up to S8, where I am, we only see Sam dancing one time.. and that's not something like Cha Cha, Salsa or waltz)
            and if they are, what would be their favorite?
            I don't see Jack dancing, except as a preface to something--*ahem*--else. My then, my husband won't dance, so maybe I'm just soured based on my own experiences.

            Although I can see him enjoying watching other people doing it. In a "people watching" kind of way. If that makes any sense at all.

            And favorite Sam line? Space Race--a lot of them. . .

            "What's a girl to do?"

            "Next year, we're going to kick butt."


            And others.
            My Stories: FFdotNet
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            Thanks, Oma, for the Sig!


              Sam line:

              "Why do I feel like I'm in a women behind bars movie."

              SG1, Season 1, Hathor


                Originally posted by hlndncr View Post
                I just don't see Jack dancing, except maybe a slow dance with Sam (at their wedding?).
                Didn't he slow dance with Laira? I think that's the only time that we've seen him dance.

                Originally posted by Devilish Me View Post
                Answer to XFChemist:

                Most favorite is actually the one between Sam and Jack in Ascension:

                Tense? Me? I'm not tense? ... am I? ...When did you first notice?

       we met!

                LOL! I like that one, too.


                  A friend of mine (and fellow Stargate fan) sent me a picture of this mug thinking it might remind me of someone:

                  It's a little difficult to read, but it says:

                  Happiness is knowing when to stop and have some cake.

                  I think Sam bought this for Jack.


                    Originally posted by hlndncr View Post
                    A friend of mine (and fellow Stargate fan) sent me a picture of this mug thinking it might remind me of someone:


                    It's a little difficult to read, but it says:

                    Happiness is knowing when to stop and have some cake.

                    I think Sam bought this for Jack.
                    Totally agree!! That would be really cute...aww...feeling so fluffy!


                      Originally posted by hlndncr View Post
                      A friend of mine (and fellow Stargate fan) sent me a picture of this mug thinking it might remind me of someone:


                      It's a little difficult to read, but it says:

                      Happiness is knowing when to stop and have some cake.

                      I think Sam bought this for Jack.
                      Awwwww. That's so sweet. <3

                      A funny quote from Ripple Effects (which I just watched ^^)
                      As we discussed the situation, we realized we could pinpoint the source of the phenomenon to a precise window, specifically, the interim journey between the two gates.
                      Did she just say "we?"
                      Pardon me?
                      She said "we." You said "we?"
                      Ah. Uh, me and...myself, I suppose. The other Samantha Carter.
                      Right. Finally someone who can keep up with you, huh?
                      Live Peace. Speak Kindness. Dwell in possibility.
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                      Beautiful avi and sig are birthday presents fom josiane!


                        Sam funny line:

                        Hathor season 1 episode 13

                        Sam clubs Hammond on the head with her gun.

                        Sam: Yeah. My career is over.

                        Janet: Don't worry about it. I can fix him up good as new when this thing's over.

                        Sam: Great, so he can bring me up on charges.


                          Wow so much controversy and I was only gone for 24 hours. LOL. That said I don't think there's anything mean-spirited here. Nothing wrong with a little familial banter/debating so long as we don't end up throwing heavy objects at each other Unless that heavy object is Jack, then please, by all means, hurl away.

                          More thoughts on Unending:
                          I agree with whoever said that our over-sexualized culture thinks of sex as absolutely necessary to one's own personal happiness. I don't think that it is. I will say that it is a very nice addition LOL.

                          My thoughts with Sam/Teal'c is rather strange. I hold to a "Schroedinger's Cat" model in which it both happened and didn't. I don't see it on screen but that it could have happened, might have happened, remains true as well. I choose to take the more agnostic view of "I don't know" more than anything. I accept both interpretations and even in my story "Coda" I choose to ultimately remain ambiguous as to what they decided on.

                          Also Jenn - as usual I agree. I'd green you but I apparently have greened you too much in my life on GW as it has YET to let me green you despite the fact that I have in fact tried to spread the green love.

                          I probably enjoy Unending for similar reasons to why I enjoy Affinity or Chimera or 100 Days or any other of the very angsty episodes.

                          I live in the cavern of angst. What can I say? Although I will say that there is a nice river of gutter that flows through my section of the cave and on occasion one of those fluff people blows smoke into my cave and something fluffy pops out. But you'll never catch me owning up to it


                            Originally posted by Seahen View Post
                            Grace: What does she represent.
                            grace was really orlin, taking this shape to help sam get out of the situation, 'and' help her see what was really in her heart.



                              Originally posted by majorsal View Post
                              grace was really orlin, taking this shape to help sam get out of the situation, 'and' help her see what was really in her heart.
                              He was a bit crap then, wasn't he? She got totally the wrong message!


                                My thoughts on Unending as a newb to this thread:

                                I think there's a huge part of me that is in denial about anything with Sam and Teal'c. That's one ship I don't see myself ever jumping on, and one I didn't even know existed until I watched the episode with commentary.

                                But....if I were to poke my head out of my Sam/Teal'c denial cavern...I guess I could kinda see it happening, but not because they fell in love. There's a deep trust there and they have deep emotional bonds as well. They've been through hell and back together. So I could see her turning to him or vice versa. But I don't think they fell in love with each other. I think the look Teal'c gives her at the end is one of remembrance, of times shared that he cherishes, but not one of longing or romantic love.

                                Maybe that's just because I like Teal'c too much to allow for heartbreak on his part. Poor Cam though...he didn't get any action! I'm pretty certain of that. He was far too hostile with Sam and Vala had her Daniel so...yea he's stuck playing chess with Landry. No wonder the guy was freaking out all the time.
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