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Sam Carter /Jack O'Neill Ship Appreciation Thread 2.0

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    Originally posted by Fluffy17 View Post
    Great vid Xfchemist, I was actually sniffing at the end.

    If I could change something it would be at the end of Grace, when Sam says "Jack" and he replys with "Excuse me?" and that tone making her say sorry. Grr why couldn't have he at least said "Sam" or "I missed you", and just the briefest of touches, not much, just enough to fuel the shipper fires.
    Or after he said "excuse me", he could have smiled a big smile and said "you said my name! I like it! Do it again, please!" And in the process, assuring her it was perfectly alright for her to call him by his name.


      Originally posted by Akamaimom View Post
      You guys keep talking this show up--I may have to actually start watching it!

      Good, good, our plan is working


        Originally posted by kusanagi View Post

        Good, good, our plan is working

        Sig by Everlovin My YT|My other vid site|My LJ|My Photobucket|My ImageShack|"Stargate is life, Sam and Jack are happiness, Shippers are almighty" by hlndncr


          Originally posted by yessika View Post



            Originally posted by starlover View Post
            *hops in*

            'nother wp

            *falls down*
            HOLY!! This is another EPIC wp!! *dies of awesomeness*
            My tumblr


              Originally posted by hedwig View Post
              Or after he said "excuse me", he could have smiled a big smile and said "you said my name! I like it! Do it again, please!" And in the process, assuring her it was perfectly alright for her to call him by his name.
              Oh yes!

              Or even an "I'm here" and a quick squeeze of her hand would have done it for me.
              sig by Mada
              As a matter of FIC


                Originally posted by trinity3 View Post
                Oh yes!

                Or even an "I'm here" and a quick squeeze of her hand would have done it for me.
                I second this. For goodness sake, she just woke from a concussion induced sleep. Just humor her, Jack!


                  Originally posted by trinity3 View Post
                  Oh yes!

                  Or even an "I'm here" and a quick squeeze of her hand would have done it for me.
                  I agree. As angsty as the "excuse me" was and in a way understandable since Jack and also Sam before that moment wanted to keep a distrance and thus also first names were a way for them to keep that distance IMHO but it felt misplaced in a way.

                  I think just a smile and saying nothing would have been better ...or just a raised eyebrow but not commenting on it would have had a better effect in my shippy opinion.

                  And since we're talking about THE!!! episode...




                    Originally posted by JenniferJF View Post

                    Unfortunately, considering the fear Jack had just had to live through and what I think was the renewed realization of how painful it would be to lose Sam (which is why I think his primary reaction to her being lost was *depression* instead of fear or worry or desperation to find her and get her back), I don't think *he* was at a point where he could be more open with her and more inviting (for want of a better word) and so I think the disconnect at the end of Grace flowed naturally from their divergent experiences during the episode and individual fears and was, therefore, more or less inevitable. Which is (to fangurl for a moment) what makes this ship so brilliant (IMHO). All shows have to figure out a way to keep the characters from getting together, but few manage to let it flow so naturally over who the characters are without drastically altering them to make it happen.

                    So, while I think it could have happened there from Sam's POV, I don't think it could have happened from Jack's.
                    Sometimes you just wanna slap him, keeping his feelings locked down tighter than a locked down SGC. She was only wanting a little bit of encouragement not life time membership of the local fishing fraternity- yet..........


                      *bounces in*

                      *sees Grace kiss*

                      *iz very distracted*

                      *remember reason for bouncing*

                      *clears throat*

                      This year's Art Awards for the S/J Family Art Thread start in *checks clock*...
                      8 minutes!

                      Everyone is welcome to come and join in the fun! Click on my sig for link


                        Originally posted by trinity3 View Post
                        Oh yes!

                        Or even an "I'm here" and a quick squeeze of her hand would have done it for me.
                        Or even "I'm here ... Sam", and a quick squeeze of her hand.


                          Originally posted by starlover View Post
                          I agree. As angsty as the "excuse me" was and in a way understandable since Jack and also Sam before that moment wanted to keep a distrance and thus also first names were a way for them to keep that distance IMHO but it felt misplaced in a way.

                          I think just a smile and saying nothing would have been better ...or just a raised eyebrow but not commenting on it would have had a better effect in my shippy opinion.

                          And since we're talking about THE!!! episode...


                          Heehee I totally agree! It would've been great if he'd let that one just... slide.
                          *sees the S/J kiss* Holy..!! I loove that part! *faints*
                          My tumblr


                            Originally posted by Sam1969 View Post
                            Heehee I totally agree! It would've been great if he'd let that one just... slide.
                            *sees the S/J kiss* Holy..!! I loove that part! *faints*
                            Slide....*waggles eyebrows*

                            sorry...I'm guttery

                            I love that kiss as well...I actually like the gif more since the kiss in the episode is way too short....also I think it is vague...I would have loved to see Sam kiss the wall...hallucination instead of imagining it while hallucinating...

                            That also IMHO indicates how much of a distance they keep...even subconciously since she doesn't dare to kiss him while she, I think, knows he is her own hallucination...

                            Would have been interesting to see on the security cameras...


                              Originally posted by JenniferJF View Post
                              Spoilers for SGU but related to S/J:
                              Oh.. I don't see there being any real workable ships on SGU. At least not now as things stand. Which is fine by me, as I didn't see them on SGA until Keller and denied S/J for years. Romantic ships aren't necessary for my enjoyment of a show.

                              That was true for me until the second half of the season. For some reason, I've managed to start caring about (most) of the characters lately. If I had to guess, I'd probably attribute this to the acting itself - it's hard not to feel compassion for people who's pain and compassion for each other is starting to feel so real. Not that I necessarily 'like' any of the characters enough that I'd want to hang out with them at a bar, but I'm starting to care what happens to them which is - honestly - more than I can say about the characters on most TV shows I watch. Though it is the unpredictability of the characters and the fact we just don't *know* what they're going to do next (also like real people and not at all like typical TV characters) which is the real draw for me.

                              I actually don't think we've been given enough information yet to really understand what the factors and emotions really were in the TJ and Young relationship. I think the reason Sam and Jack never gave in and had an affair while in the same chain-of-command has more to do with who they are as people than that their feelings for each other were necessarily deeper or beyond that of TJ and Young. I think, most basically, Jack has a great deal of self-control and emotional discipline (in sharp contrast to Young who seems to have NO filter between his emotions and his actions) and thus was not going to give into temptation and risk Sam's reputation and career (and his own) with an 'affair.' And he absolutely wouldn't have if he'd remained married to Sara. As I've said, I think Jack is essentially monogamous and loyal by nature and just *wouldn't* hurt someone he'd vowed to be true to. Add to that the fact I think Jack and Sam's real reason for not pursuing a relationship went beyond the regs and was actually caused by complicated personal factors and I just can't see the Sam and Jack I see onscreen having broken the regs to have a relationship.
                              I agree with you - I think there are many reasons why Sam and Jack didn't pursue a relationship. But these are very different from TJ and Young - from what we've seen anyway. Their characters are different enough that it's hard to make a straight comparison.

                              If TPTB start to delve into their background a bit more, I can see myself getting even more drawn into SGU... The fact that I can't even watch it on TV over here and go to random lengths to do so, probably means I'm already suckered, but then this is Stargate world and this has happend to me twice before so....


                                Originally posted by Kate1013 View Post
                                I agree with you - I think there are many reasons why Sam and Jack didn't pursue a relationship. But these are very different from TJ and Young - from what we've seen anyway. Their characters are different enough that it's hard to make a straight comparison.
                                That's because there is no comparison. Jack and Sam are one (couple) of a kind!

