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Sam Carter /Jack O'Neill Ship Appreciation Thread 2.0

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    Originally posted by hedwig View Post
    And don't forget the touching. Holding his hand while she's telling him what's about to happen to him. Rushing into the gateroom after Jack sends the orb through and falls over backwards. Even though Daniel and Teal'c are already there, she rushes up and rests a hand on his leg and helps him stand up and puts her hand on his back ...
    Now you are making me want to watch Message in a Bottle!
    Last edited by yessika; 19 August 2010, 08:59 PM. Reason: I wrote the name of the wrong episode :rolleyes:
    Sig by Everlovin My YT|My other vid site|My LJ|My Photobucket|My ImageShack|"Stargate is life, Sam and Jack are happiness, Shippers are almighty" by hlndncr


      Originally posted by hedwig View Post
      And don't forget the touching. Holding his hand while she's telling him what's about to happen to him. Rushing into the gateroom after Jack sends the orb through and falls over backwards. Even though Daniel and Teal'c are already there, she rushes up and rests a hand on his leg and helps him stand up and puts her hand on his back ...
      Is that "A Matter of Time" or "Message in a Bottle"?

      Although they both have their good Shippy moments. . .
      My Stories: FFdotNet
      My Stories AO3
      Thanks, Oma, for the Sig!


        Originally posted by Akamaimom View Post
        Is that "A Matter of Time" or "Message in a Bottle"?

        Although they both have their good Shippy moments. . .
        Ooops! You're right. It's "Message in a Bottle".


          I really should have been doing something else entirely, but since my head was in the "shipdom", this happened:


            Apologies if someone has already posted this in here
            Okay, with just over a week to go until Amanda's birthday anyone who wants to send a birthday message to her which will arrive in her in-box on the day itself, please send to me at the following address. No photos, no attachments. I will delete any attachments. This will be a file which will be easy for her to open and read - like a lot of birthday cards really.

            Must have them by Wednesday next week (25th August) and put "Amanda's birthday" in the subject line.

            Please cross-post this wherever you think it needs to be cross-posted. I will announce it on the actual site.

            [email protected]

            Thanks everyone!

            aka Webmistress for Amanda
            Where in the World is George Hammond?



              Thanks, Sky!

              And for something completely different--and inane--but hilarious:

              Some of you remember several days ago when a few of us mentioned BAG?


              Lifted from Joe Mallozzi's blog:

              First there was the Save Daniel Jackson campaign. Then, there was the Save Elizabeth Weir Campaign. Then there was the Save Carson Beckett Campaign followed by the Save Stargate: SG-1, Save Stargate: Atlantis and Save the Stargate Movies campaigns. But those campaigns paled in comparison to the biggest fan campaign of all: the campaign to save THIS character…

              When last we saw him, Vince Kwan and a handful of his fellow crewmates had elected to abandon Destiny in favor of the paradise-like environment of a mysterious planet. We all assumed we’d seen the last of him but soon after the episode aired, the production offices were inundated with phone calls, emails, letters, and postcards demanding we change our minds. Fan campaigns to save Vince popped up all over the internet as mass demonstrations (most notably during a live broadcast of game seven of the NBA finals) made everyone take notice. Both the studio and network were so overwhelmed with calls for Vince’s return that all of the show’s major players assembled at a hastily convened meeting to discuss this unprecedented groundswell of fan support. I can’t reveal what we talked about in that six hour meeting attended by the likes of Montel Shapiro the Prime Minister of SyFy, Father O’Flannery the Archbishop of MGM, CIA Director Leon Panetta, and the cool dude from the Mac commercials, but I can say that steps were taken to quell fan unrest. And, the first of these steps, was the decision to announce the following guest Q&A on this blog…

              It gives me great pleasure to announce I am accepted questions for Bill Y.W. Butt (aka the briefcase-hugging Vince Kwan), last seen being left behind on a planet way back in the twelfth episode of Stargate: Universe’s first season. Bill has worked twelve years a background performer, putting in recurring appearances on a host of shows including Dead Like Me, Stargate: Atlantis, Defying Gravity, Battlestar Galactica, Bionic Woman, and Eureka. And now, he wants to work on YOUR questions! So start posting!

              and all I can say now is--if we can do this for BAG, then we CAN GREENLIGHT THE THIRD MOVIE! FAITH, my friends, FAITH!!!

              Because, ultimately, --and we WANT CONFIRMATION!
              My Stories: FFdotNet
              My Stories AO3
              Thanks, Oma, for the Sig!


                Originally posted by Tachyon View Post
                I really should have been doing something else entirely, but since my head was in the "shipdom", this happened:


                This is awesome, Tachyon.

                LOVE IT!
                I have to thank Samantha.Majka for this great banner!


                  Originally posted by Pol View Post
                  I come bearing presents...or, er, present (singular). New Campfire is up. though I'm not sure it really counts as a campfire. Hmmm.
                  I love Fridays - half day finish - catch up on the thread - with no-one else watching - and find a campfire - just lovely

                  Originally posted by hlndncr View Post
                  OT Wilderness:

                  I'm out in the "wilderness" camping this week. Thank heavens the wilderness is not what it used to be. I still have internet. Unfortunately, the connection isn't that good so I can't see any of the videos and pictures posted on the threads. I'll have to wait until I get back to look over them I guess.

                  Love the new Campfire Pol. I'm helping with a teen girls camp this week so I'm totally in sympathy with Sam. Fortunately we have cabins and it hasn't rained (yet). Unfortunately, I have no Jack to enjoy the evenings with.
                  Hah we can dream!

                  They should have gone night fishing......... Isn't it supposed to be good if you fish in the rain?


                    Really cute story:

                    The NotSoAwkward Morning After

                    and really cute follow-up:

                    The NotSoInnocent Duvet Cover
                    Last edited by hedwig; 20 August 2010, 08:05 AM.


                      Originally posted by Tachyon View Post
                      I really should have been doing something else entirely, but since my head was in the "shipdom", this happened:


                      Love it. You're not the only one who thinks Sam is wearing excessively baggy clothes in that episode.

                      Originally posted by Akamaimom View Post
                      Thanks, Sky!

                      And for something completely different--and inane--but hilarious:

                      Some of you remember several days ago when a few of us mentioned BAG?


                      Lifted from Joe Mallozzi's blog:

                      and all I can say now is--if we can do this for BAG, then we CAN GREENLIGHT THE THIRD MOVIE! FAITH, my friends, FAITH!!!

                      Because, ultimately, --and we WANT CONFIRMATION!

                      Oh dear! BAG has really taken off, hasn't it.

                      *huggles Joe (not for the first time this week)*


                        A while back I transcribed a bunch of commentaries for some of the shippy episodes. For some reason I didn't save the Divide & Conquer one (if I even did it, which I'm starting to wonder if I did now) which is a bit bizare since it's one of my all time favourites. Anyway, I had a request for it so I did it again.

                        Note that this is not the full commentary; just the shippy bits, some comments that relate to it and some that occur during those scenes. There's also a couple of nice funny bits too which I included because they made me smile, but, honestly, this is such a great commentary with a wonderful insight into the whole process of film making that it's worth you spending 42 minutes just to listen to it yourselves. It was a real hardship to have to do this!

                        Spoilered for length and over two posts because even if I pare it down, it's still 371 words too long for one post.


                        Divide And Conquer Shippy Excerpts from the commentary.

                        MW = Martin Wood: Director
                        JM = Jim Menard: Director of Photography
                        JT = James Tichenor: Visual effects supervisor

                        Transcribers comments are in blue

                        (During the opening scene)

                        MW: One of the things to watch for is that Divide and conquer is all about relationships; relationships between people; relationships between two of our allies.

                        MW: I really like this kind of show, and, Divide & Conquer is one of the shows I particularly like because it is a; it has a lot of hidden things from the audience and a lot of hidden things from the characters. When you can hide things from the audience so they have no idea - can’t predict what’s going to happen next, it’s a really exciting show. Because, every time we go into our base and we’re gonna blow it up - ten second countdown - we know we’re gonna get out of it because there’s no show next week, but in a show like this where you’ve got all these different twists and turns to it that come from absolutely nowhere, it’s interesting. It’s interesting for the audience to watch and interesting for us as filmmakers to make because there’s a lot of different things you can do when you don’t have to present everything the way you do with general episodic where you’re saying here’s everything you need to know now let our character find this out. So all the way through I’ll keep referring to the fact there’s hidden things, like this teaser that we’ve just seen...

                        (After he opening sequence)

                        MW: When I said in the beginning that this is an episode about relationships, there are a number of relationships* that you should watch in this. The first one is Freya and Martouf. Here we’re seeing them; they’re on opposites of the screen, they’re on opposite sides of the room and, all the way through this, right up to the end of the discussion when we get right into the profiles of the faces we set up a relationship between those two.

                        (*I believe he’s talking about relationships in general at this point, not a romantic liaison between the two).

                        MW: And later on we’re going to see relationships with Carter and O’Neill, Carter and Martouf, which has been set up a long time ago with Jolinar's memories,

                        *little shippy squee and huggles Martin Wood*

                        JT: And O’Neill and Freya.

                        MW: And O’Neill and Freya, obviously.

                        JM: This is a continuation of the episode – not necessarily a continuation but sort of a companion piece to the episode upgrades, isn’t it?

                        MW: And interesting companion piece too, it doesn’t pick up where anything left behind; it references it in a really neat way and I think in episodic television can do this very effectively because you do 22 shows a year. And in any time you can go from one episode back 5 or 6 episodes or in this case a couple of episodes to reference something the audience really likes that; they can say to be able to say oh I remember that episode I remember what happened with this.

                        (Back at the SGC)

                        MW: One of the things I thought about originally, was a way to keep these relationships alive, and I know I’ve talked about that in a number of these commentaries about the relationships, but specifically in this show; it’s a show that hinges on relationships, and a lot of that is in the shooting style and Jim and I sat down originally when we first got the script, and talked about whether we wanted to use a certain lens type which we don’t do a lot of.

                        JM: How much of the idea of relationship inform how you guys shot?

                        MW: For me when I started thinking about it, it starts to... it tells me whether I’m going to use two shots a lot, it tells me whether I’m going to stay away from single shots, it tells me how I’m going to tie everybody together in overs, you know.

                        JM: Sort of a semi conscious thing though.

                        MW: Absolutely, all the way through. Whenever I started to plan if, if I don’t remember it Jim will remind me.

                        (At the end of Astor’s testing)

                        MW: Now what you’ve seen here is you’ve seen – as the audience – what she believes she saw. It’s interesting this concept of showing memory because this is all about questioning that memory. She’s positive, but look. We’re telling you with one very simple shot that it can’t be true.

                        JT: It’s also kind of acknowledging what’s under the surface in a way isn’t it. She doesn’t realise what is true and has to acknowledge it using this device which is exactly what Carter and O’Neill have to go through at the end of the show.

                        (In Hammond’s office immediately after)

                        MW: It’s one of the first scenes that we’ve had Freya and O’Neill together in and if you look hard at this you can start to see Freya and O’Neill start to do something in this. Freya more than O’Neill. And again we see the antagonistic relationship between Martouf and Anise.

                        (As SG-1 are being tested the first time – flashback to Daniel picking up blocks of naquadah)

                        MW: this is interesting, this is stuff that nobody has seen before. That scene with Daniel, nobody had seen, it was not in Upgrades, so we’re starting now to inject a new element, and that new element is really important to the resolution of Divide & Conquer.... And what’s interesting is when people first saw that they’d be thinking “I don’t remember Daniel actually going for the naquadah”

                        (Jack running towards the force shield in slow motion)

                        MW: So here’s where we start to inject another one of those sort of little doppelgangers that people start to sit and look and go “what’s happening here, I’m not sure I saw this.” And again that’s important to the way the Zatarc detector works on these people.

                        JT: And it’s kind of an interesting way to think of a story as well because the story for all intents and purposes is what you see on the screen, but here we are digging back into a previous story and finding parts that, of course they happened but we didn’t actually get to see so, again a theme that’s running through the whole story here of digging what is there but we never really acknowledge it.

                        (Flashback the Upgrades as Jaffa come round the corner)

                        MW: This we’ve seen before. This is the reality that Carter and O’Neill believe.

                        (Scene where Jack visits Sam in her room)

                        JM: Goes into Carter’s room.

                        MW: Uhhmm...(you have to hear that the hear the undertone there. )

                        JT: See even they don’t know. No clue.

                        MW: So now she throws it up in the air. She says, is it possible.

                        (Interestingly, there’s not much talking during this scene at all; they just let it speak for itself.)

                        (When Anise/Freya visits Jack)

                        MW; Here we have one of the completely out of left field relationships that nobody expects. We are sitting here seeing these two who have talked to each other in three episodes now, and O’Neill who’s just uncomfortable with anyone alien.

                        MW: Freya comes forward, uncomfortably forward. O’Neill’s not really comfortable right now. Audience isn’t really comfortable they’re not sure what’s going on. What is that look for?
                        There two are making really good decisions on how to play this; I love the way that Rick plays this scene. Hey what the...

                        (Freya kisses Jack)

                        MW: Half the audience is screaming; the other half is cheering about now.

                        JT: (laughing) I love the legs.

                        MW: yeah, yeah.

                        JM: What is going on?

                        MW; Now we know that there’s something going on between Carter and O’Neill; just something small, as far as we’re concerned. We had no idea there was anything going on between these two and suddenly she’s made if obvious that she thinks there is. All about relationships.

                        MW: She asks him if there’s someone else and he says, pht, that’s not important right now, when it actually become one of the most important things – one of the most important points of the script.

                        JT: It’s a different tack the series took as well for a few episodes. Concentrating on this sort of, these relationships and this kind of love interest thing. We might touch on it in an episode but it really came to the fore in these.

                        (As Jack’s actually saying “That’s not really the point” on screen)

                        MW: It really is, and I think what’s interesting about this script that, that kind of thing comes out to foreshadow but doesn’t really foreshadow.

                        MW: Again everything has got somebody else in it; you show the relationship between these two by showing either very tight shots of their faces, or where the other person is in relation to them.

                        MW: Always two people in the shot, wherever there’s this kind of relationship; that was a conscious thing on our part to shoot this.

                        (Not shippy, just amusing: as Jack is seeing Freya out.)

                        All: giggling

                        MW: Watch the guard in the background, I love this. He’s got a great reaction.

                        All: laughing

                        MW: he actually asked me if he could do that, he said “can I do this?” I said just don’t stare at the suit too much. He was really acting there.

                        (Not shipping but a nice observation on the thought process of a director)

                        MW: One of the things I like to do is I like to reveal as characters are seeing something so are we and, I’ve done an entire movie that’s based on that pretty much. The camera movement in here allows you to see more of the set and by allowing you to see more of the set you reveal more the 5 or 6 people you’ve got init so I like to move a lot.

                        Last edited by Cagranosalis; 20 August 2010, 06:37 AM.


                          And now, the conclusion (I've always wanted to say that! )


                          Divide And Conquer Shippy Excerpts from the commentary: Part 2.

                          (As Martouf is visiting Sam)

                          MW: It’s an interesting relationship going on here. One that most people didn’t think about but, Martouf had a relationship at one point with Jolinar, and Jolinar’s memories are in Carter. So there is a bit of a relationship here. Interesting enough the relationship we’re most familiar with – the Carter-O’Neill canlisting(*) one – hasn’t been mentioned at all in this show. It’s right now it’s about Carter and Martouf, just before it was Freya and O’Neill, and the antagonistic one between Freya and Martouf. This is an important relationship and you can’t forget it by the end of the show. The end of the show happens between these two people.

                          (*I think this is what he says here. I assume that that means it’s something in their little book of what’s accepted canon... in which case yay! )

                          (Scene where Jack agrees to undergo the procedure as Jack says “Maybe it’ll help Carter”)

                          MW: Ahah ! O’Neill starts to show us a little bit that we’re not supposed to see. An emotional airman.

                          (Cuts to Scene with Sam, Daniel and Janet and Sam’s reaction)

                          MW: And Carter responds.

                          (And the episode’s “Where’s Martin” moment - with Siler of course. )

                          MW; There’s me. In the background with Siler. You have to rewind to look at it.

                          JT: Why are you always with Siler?

                          JM: I think there’s a relationship there.

                          MW: He’s my foil.

                          All: (laughing)

                          JT: Let’s talk about that relationship shall we.

                          (Yeah, not shippy but too cute to pass up a mention ).

                          (Sam being sedated... cue strains of Sam/Jack theme)

                          MW: That “No”, by the way, never showed up in Upgrades. We never show that. That’s the beginning of the new information for the audience for Carter and O’Neill.

                          (As Sam goes to speak to Jack before he’s retested)

                          MW: now watch how tight we start to get with this.

                          JT: How involved are you in this? What we see here, is this a lot of work by Rick and Amanda together just doing their own thing. I mean as a director comes in you’re on the show a lot, you do a lot of shows but you’re still in and out whereas these guys work together every day.

                          MW: One of the things about an ensemble cast like this is they have an idea about their character that is much better than the idea I’ll have. The thing I do mostly with the ensemble cast is I’m there for a certain continuity, or as a (?) second thought for them, I’ll sit there and say, tell me what you’re trying to do with it, it may not be coming across way so, I’m their eyes and ears when it comes down to doing it... sometimes I’ll have an idea I’ll inject, like this when I put them this close together. The reason I put them so close together is because there’s a bunch of people standing at the door watching them. So I wanted to stay in really tight with this.

                          (During Jack’s retesting)

                          MW: Ok, so we’re retesting and this is where we start to see a little bit of new footage happening.

                          MW: Now that’s where it cut before, to the Jaffa coming in, in Upgrades. So now it’s there’s sounds, there’s not Jaffa there immediately. This is a departure from the norm.

                          (Jack bashing on the force shield)

                          MW: We haven’t seen this before.

                          (Jack breaking the control panel)

                          MW: Breaks this out.

                          (The “No!”)

                          MW: Important moment, again that we didn’t see in Upgrades.

                          JT: Completely unspoken.

                          MW: (agrees) Play the whole thing... there was originally some scripted lines and the both chose not to say them which is a great decision. This is where Upgrades took us (as Jaffa come round the corner).

                          (Back to present – machine still showing Jack’s not telling the whole truth)

                          MW: Still some question as to what’s going on. What the relationship between Rick and Amanda here, sorry really it’s between O’Neill and Carter.

                          (Bless them all; they stay nicely mostly silent while Jack does his confessing bit. Gotta love those PTB!)

                          MW: Slow push towards each of them just to get away from everybody else in the room.

                          MW: Now there was a chance here to cut back to the reaction from everybody else but Robert Cooper decided not to until afterwards, until we hear that they’re not zatarcs, so those two people are the only ones other than Anise that know that this has happened. I think that’s an important editorial decision in this case; not showing this; that all of them are reacting to, you know, him saying I really am crazy about Carter.

                          yet another little shipper squee!

                          (As Sam’s telling Jack they can leave it in the room)

                          JT: Such a nice scene because again nothing is spoken, almost nothing is done in terms of big acting. Just let the audience fill in the blanks and be the imagination or be what’s in the internal mind of the characters.

                          MW: And go in tight with them again until we have more people involved.

                          MW: Now we resolve the thing we started the show with which is the zatarcs.

                          JT: it’s tough to come out of something that personal and got back into the sort of the A plot or whatever it was, B plot.

                          MW: the interesting thing is their little conversation about we can keep this just between us does a good job of pulling us out of that.

                          (Back in the gate room – again not shippy but a nice little titbit)

                          MW: Interesting enough, in three shows where I’ve worked with JR Bourne (Martouf) with, I’ve killed him in every one. He hates shows where he knows I’m directing because he knows he’s gonna die.

                          MW: Here we go back to the relationship between Carter and Martouf. Where she has to be the one. And this is something that Amanda wrestled with too; the difficulty of playing this. Second shot kills. She knows she’s killing him with it.

                          MW: And this is where we wrap up the final relationships; the relationships between these two (assume Martouf and Sam) since the camera is on them) and the relationships between the humans and the Tok’ra.


                          You know if when movie #3 gets made, there's a reason why Martin Wood has to direct it. He totally "gets" the ship.
                          Last edited by Cagranosalis; 20 August 2010, 06:50 AM.


                            Originally posted by Cagranosalis View Post
                            And now, the conclusion (I've always wanted to say that! )


                            Divide And Conquer Shippy Excerpts from the commentary: Part 2.

                            (As Martouf is visiting Sam)

                            MW: It’s an interesting relationship going on here. One that most people didn’t think about but, Martouf had a relationship at one point with Jolinar, and Jolinar’s memories are in Carter. So there is a bit of a relationship here. Interesting enough the relationship we’re most familiar with – the Carter-O’Neill canlisting(*) one – hasn’t been mentioned at all in this show. It’s right now it’s about Carter and Martouf, just before it was Freya and O’Neill, and the antagonistic one between Freya and Martouf. This is an important relationship and you can’t forget it by the end of the show. The end of the show happens between these two people.
                            *I think this is what he says here. I assume that that means it’s something in their little book of what’s accepted canon... in which case yay!

                            (Scene where Jack agrees to undergo the procedure as Jack says “Maybe it’ll help Carter”)

                            MW: Ahah ! O’Neill starts to show us a little bit that we’re not supposed to see. An emotional airman.

                            (Cuts to Scene with Sam, Daniel and Janet and Sam’s reaction)

                            MW: And Carter responds.

                            (And the episode’s “Where’s Martin” moment - with Siler of course. )

                            MW; There’s me. In the background with Siler. You have to rewind to look at it.

                            JT: Why are you always with Siler?

                            JM: I think there’s a relationship there.

                            MW: He’s my foil.

                            All: (laughing)

                            JT: Let’s talk about that relationship shall we.

                            (Yeah, not shippy but too cute to pass up a mention ).

                            (Sam being sedated... cue strains of Sam/Jack theme)

                            MW: That “No”, by the way, never showed up in Upgrades. We never show that. That’s the beginning of the new information for the audience for Carter and O’Neill.

                            (As Sam goes to speak to Jack before he’s retested)

                            MW: now watch how tight we start to get with this.

                            JT: How involved are you in this? What we see here, is this a lot of work by Rick and Amanda together just doing their own thing. I mean as a director comes in you’re on the show a lot, you do a lot of shows but you’re still in and out whereas these guys work together every day.

                            MW: One of the things about an ensemble cast like this is they have an idea about their character that is much better than the idea I’ll have. The thing I do mostly with the ensemble cast is I’m there for a certain continuity, or as a (?) second thought for them, I’ll sit there and say, tell me what you’re trying to do with it, it may not be coming across way so, I’m their eyes and ears when it comes down to doing it... sometimes I’ll have an idea I’ll inject, like this when I put them this close together. The reason I put them so close together is because there’s a bunch of people standing at the door watching them. So I wanted to stay in really tight with this.

                            (During Jack’s retesting)

                            MW: Ok, so we’re retesting and this is where we start to see a little bit of new footage happening.

                            MW: Now that’s where it cut before, to the Jaffa coming in, in Upgrades. So now it’s there’s sounds, there’s not Jaffa there immediately. This is a departure from the norm.

                            (Jack bashing on the force shield)

                            MW: We haven’t seen this before.

                            (Jack breaking the control panel)

                            MW: Breaks this out.

                            (The “No!”)

                            MW: Important moment, again that we didn’t see in Upgrades.

                            JT: Completely unspoken.

                            MW: (agrees) Play the whole thing... there was originally some scripted lines and the both chose not to say them which is a great decision. This is where Upgrades took us (as Jaffa come round the corner).

                            (Back to present – machine still showing Jack’s not telling the whole truth)

                            MW: Still some question as to what’s going on. What the relationship between Rick and Amanda here, sorry really it’s between O’Neill and Carter.

                            (Bless them all; they stay nicely mostly silent while Jack does his confessing bit. Gotta love those PTB!)

                            MW: Slow push towards each of them just to get away from everybody else in the room.

                            MW: Now there was a chance here to cut back to the reaction from everybody else but Robert Cooper decided not to until afterwards, until we hear that they’re not zatarcs, so those two people are the only ones other than Anise that know that this has happened. I think that’s an important editorial decision in this case; not showing this; that all of them are reacting to, you know, him saying I really am crazy about Carter.

                            yet another little shipper squee!

                            (As Sam’s telling Jack they can leave it in the room)

                            JT: Such a nice scene because again nothing is spoken, almost nothing is done in terms of big acting. Just let the audience fill in the blanks and be the imagination or be what’s in the internal mind of the characters.

                            MW: And go in tight with them again until we have more people involved.

                            MW: Now we resolve the thing we started the show with which is the zatarcs.

                            JT: it’s tough to come out of something that personal and got back into the sort of the A plot or whatever it was, B plot.

                            MW: the interesting thing is their little conversation about we can keep this just between us does a good job of pulling us out of that.

                            (Back in the gate room – again not shippy but a nice little titbit)

                            MW: Interesting enough, in three shows where I’ve worked with JR Bourne (Martouf) with, I’ve killed him in every one. He hates shows where he knows I’m directing because he knows he’s gonna die.

                            MW: Here we go back to the relationship between Carter and Martouf. Where she has to be the one. And this is something that Amanda wrestled with too; the difficulty of playing this. Second shot kills. She knows she’s killing him with it.

                            MW: And this is where we wrap up the final relationships; the relationships between these two (assume Martouf and Sam) since the camera is on them) and the relationships between the humans and the Tok’ra.


                            You know if when movie #3 gets made, there's a reason why Martin Wood has to direct it. He totally "gets" the ship.
                            Good job!

                            I have to say that as badly as I feel for Sam in having to kill Martouf, and as horrible as she felt doing it, she must have known that it was really the only thing she could do since he was going to kill himself anyway, and at least with her doing it there may have been in some odd way some comfort to him (if that made any sense).


                              Originally posted by Tachyon View Post
                              I really should have been doing something else entirely, but since my head was in the "shipdom", this happened:


                              That's great!!

                              Originally posted by Akamaimom View Post
                              Thanks, Sky!

                              And for something completely different--and inane--but hilarious:

                              Some of you remember several days ago when a few of us mentioned BAG?


                              Lifted from Joe Mallozzi's blog:

                              and all I can say now is--if we can do this for BAG, then we CAN GREENLIGHT THE THIRD MOVIE! FAITH, my friends, FAITH!!!

                              Because, ultimately, --and we WANT CONFIRMATION!
                              Yes, BAG is an inspiration for all of us now

                              Originally posted by hedwig View Post
                              Good job!

                              I have to say that as badly as I feel for Sam in having to kill Martouf, and as horrible as she felt doing it, she must have known that it was really the only thing she could do since he was going to kill himself anyway, and at least with her doing it there may have been in some odd way some comfort to him (if that made any sense).
                              I agree.
                              Sig by Everlovin My YT|My other vid site|My LJ|My Photobucket|My ImageShack|"Stargate is life, Sam and Jack are happiness, Shippers are almighty" by hlndncr


                                Originally posted by Cagranosalis View Post
                                And now, the conclusion (I've always wanted to say that! )


                                Divide And Conquer Shippy Excerpts from the commentary: Part 2.

                                (As Martouf is visiting Sam)

                                MW: It’s an interesting relationship going on here. One that most people didn’t think about but, Martouf had a relationship at one point with Jolinar, and Jolinar’s memories are in Carter. So there is a bit of a relationship here. Interesting enough the relationship we’re most familiar with – the Carter-O’Neill canlisting(*) one – hasn’t been mentioned at all in this show. It’s right now it’s about Carter and Martouf, just before it was Freya and O’Neill, and the antagonistic one between Freya and Martouf. This is an important relationship and you can’t forget it by the end of the show. The end of the show happens between these two people.

                                (*I think this is what he says here. I assume that that means it’s something in their little book of what’s accepted canon... in which case yay! )

                                (Scene where Jack agrees to undergo the procedure as Jack says “Maybe it’ll help Carter”)

                                MW: Ahah ! O’Neill starts to show us a little bit that we’re not supposed to see. An emotional airman.

                                (Cuts to Scene with Sam, Daniel and Janet and Sam’s reaction)

                                MW: And Carter responds.

                                (And the episode’s “Where’s Martin” moment - with Siler of course. )

                                MW; There’s me. In the background with Siler. You have to rewind to look at it.

                                JT: Why are you always with Siler?

                                JM: I think there’s a relationship there.

                                MW: He’s my foil.

                                All: (laughing)

                                JT: Let’s talk about that relationship shall we.

                                (Yeah, not shippy but too cute to pass up a mention ).

                                (Sam being sedated... cue strains of Sam/Jack theme)

                                MW: That “No”, by the way, never showed up in Upgrades. We never show that. That’s the beginning of the new information for the audience for Carter and O’Neill.

                                (As Sam goes to speak to Jack before he’s retested)

                                MW: now watch how tight we start to get with this.

                                JT: How involved are you in this? What we see here, is this a lot of work by Rick and Amanda together just doing their own thing. I mean as a director comes in you’re on the show a lot, you do a lot of shows but you’re still in and out whereas these guys work together every day.

                                MW: One of the things about an ensemble cast like this is they have an idea about their character that is much better than the idea I’ll have. The thing I do mostly with the ensemble cast is I’m there for a certain continuity, or as a (?) second thought for them, I’ll sit there and say, tell me what you’re trying to do with it, it may not be coming across way so, I’m their eyes and ears when it comes down to doing it... sometimes I’ll have an idea I’ll inject, like this when I put them this close together. The reason I put them so close together is because there’s a bunch of people standing at the door watching them. So I wanted to stay in really tight with this.

                                (During Jack’s retesting)

                                MW: Ok, so we’re retesting and this is where we start to see a little bit of new footage happening.

                                MW: Now that’s where it cut before, to the Jaffa coming in, in Upgrades. So now it’s there’s sounds, there’s not Jaffa there immediately. This is a departure from the norm.

                                (Jack bashing on the force shield)

                                MW: We haven’t seen this before.

                                (Jack breaking the control panel)

                                MW: Breaks this out.

                                (The “No!”)

                                MW: Important moment, again that we didn’t see in Upgrades.

                                JT: Completely unspoken.

                                MW: (agrees) Play the whole thing... there was originally some scripted lines and the both chose not to say them which is a great decision. This is where Upgrades took us (as Jaffa come round the corner).

                                (Back to present – machine still showing Jack’s not telling the whole truth)

                                MW: Still some question as to what’s going on. What the relationship between Rick and Amanda here, sorry really it’s between O’Neill and Carter.

                                (Bless them all; they stay nicely mostly silent while Jack does his confessing bit. Gotta love those PTB!)

                                MW: Slow push towards each of them just to get away from everybody else in the room.

                                MW: Now there was a chance here to cut back to the reaction from everybody else but Robert Cooper decided not to until afterwards, until we hear that they’re not zatarcs, so those two people are the only ones other than Anise that know that this has happened. I think that’s an important editorial decision in this case; not showing this; that all of them are reacting to, you know, him saying I really am crazy about Carter.

                                yet another little shipper squee!

                                (As Sam’s telling Jack they can leave it in the room)

                                JT: Such a nice scene because again nothing is spoken, almost nothing is done in terms of big acting. Just let the audience fill in the blanks and be the imagination or be what’s in the internal mind of the characters.

                                MW: And go in tight with them again until we have more people involved.

                                MW: Now we resolve the thing we started the show with which is the zatarcs.

                                JT: it’s tough to come out of something that personal and got back into the sort of the A plot or whatever it was, B plot.

                                MW: the interesting thing is their little conversation about we can keep this just between us does a good job of pulling us out of that.

                                (Back in the gate room – again not shippy but a nice little titbit)

                                MW: Interesting enough, in three shows where I’ve worked with JR Bourne (Martouf) with, I’ve killed him in every one. He hates shows where he knows I’m directing because he knows he’s gonna die.

                                MW: Here we go back to the relationship between Carter and Martouf. Where she has to be the one. And this is something that Amanda wrestled with too; the difficulty of playing this. Second shot kills. She knows she’s killing him with it.

                                MW: And this is where we wrap up the final relationships; the relationships between these two (assume Martouf and Sam) since the camera is on them) and the relationships between the humans and the Tok’ra.


                                You know if when movie #3 gets made, there's a reason why Martin Wood has to direct it. He totally "gets" the ship.
                                I just love reading confirmation of what we believer I remember the first time I ever saw that bit - it was an OMG moment. He admits he loves her and she loves him yeehah - all things yummy. He'll take her in his arms and well I was sooooo wrong. Still flippin waiting for positive on screen real live confirmation

                                Still it's scraps like this that keep my hopes alive - Thanks Cags

