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Sam Carter /Jack O'Neill Ship Appreciation Thread 2.0

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    Originally posted by IggyMing View Post
    Hi! Just wanted to pop in to say hello. I'm a huge S/J shipper and have been lurking for quite awhile, but only decided to join GW recently. None of my friends are SG fans, so it's nice to find a community of like-minded shippers.
    Yay!!!!! New friends! WELCOME!

    My friends and family all like Stargate, but mostly they think I'm nuts for being the shippy fanatic that I am.

    If you are looking for more ship discussion be sure to check out the Sam Carter/Jack O'Neill Ship Discussion Thread. We are doing a shipper rewatch of Season 5 right now and the more the merrier.

    And don't be afraid to ask questions. I do it all the time.

    I'm going to stop posting now and let someone else get a word in edgewise. Gee, do I have any manners at all?


      AH!!!! Bliss!

      I've just reached Season 4 in my rewatch. "Small Victories" cuteness, that wonderful, angsty look at the end of "The Other Side", and now--**huge grin**--"Upgrades"!

      It's going to take me the whole weekend to get through the first two DVDs. Rewind, anyone?
      My Stories: FFdotNet
      My Stories AO3
      Thanks, Oma, for the Sig!


        Originally posted by Kate1013 View Post
        Welcome IggyMing!

        Totally understand the whole lack friends who are SG fans. Only person I talk about it to is my mum, who is probably a bigger shipper than I am, not that she'd know what a shipper is mind you... Her rants about wanting to see Sam and Jack together are highly amusing though!
        Welcome IggyMing! *yay* One more new shipper here *happy*
        I know about that problem with friends who think you're nuts^^ my best friend is the only real shipper and anothe friend knows the series well, thogh he's nealy anti-shipper.. and most of the other hardly know Stargate..
        Kate, Your Mum is a shipper too? cool! Ok, I talk to her about Stargate ab it, but I think she understand not much more than Jack understands technobabble


          Originally posted by hlndncr View Post
          Just got an update in my inbox this morning that reminded me there is a fanfic out there in which Sam makes a rather interesting quilt. Its called Down Here Among the Wreckage. I can't link to it because it's rated M (and I warn you the story is very dark). But it is by Annerb, and all of her stories are supremely well written (her DC Series is one of my all time favorites). You can find it under her profile here.
          It's a good story and it's nice to know that even if they thought Jack was dead they still try to fight the good fight but the galaxy still went to hell in a hand basket.


            Originally posted by hlndncr View Post
            Just got an update in my inbox this morning that reminded me there is a fanfic out there in which Sam makes a rather interesting quilt. Its called Down Here Among the Wreckage. I can't link to it because it's rated M (and I warn you the story is very dark). But it is by Annerb, and all of her stories are supremely well written (her DC Series is one of my all time favorites). You can find it under her profile here.
            Ah yes, I am waiting for the topic of the quilt to reappear in that fic at some point.
            Annerb's DC series is also one of my favourites! The scene of them on the metro just makes you want to squee!


              Originally posted by SnowWhite View Post
              Kate, Your Mum is a shipper too? cool! Ok, I talk to her about Stargate ab it, but I think she understand not much more than Jack understands technobabble
              Yeah I tell her tidbits of info (like new movie) and she always grumbles about wanting to see a scene of S&J together!

              My family all watch the shows but it's just me and my mum who ship. I have to tone it down a bit though, as when I was younger and living at home, I was a major Mulder/Scully shipper and my family thought it was weird! Which is why I come here obviously...


                Originally posted by Kate1013 View Post
                Ah yes, I am waiting for the topic of the quilt to reappear in that fic at some point.
                Annerb's DC series is also one of my favourites! The scene of them on the metro just makes you want to squee!
                Makes me jealous. I live in DC and ride the metro everyday. I've never had such a nice time. If only Jack were with me. *Sigh*


                  Originally posted by hlndncr View Post
                  Makes me jealous. I live in DC and ride the metro everyday. I've never had such a nice time. If only Jack were with me. *Sigh*
                  Lol! Only without the old lady interupting....


                    Originally posted by Lt.Colonel John Sheppard
                    whoa jack just called sam
                    Yeah! I like that.
                    Last edited by sugarshaker; 04 June 2010, 05:44 PM.

                    s u g a r s h a k e r


                      thats just nuts the last time we were sam call sam sam was Point of view and before that it was serpent's song.


                        Serpent's Song was actually the last time Jack called our Sam by her first name. In Point of View he called AU Sam by her first name. (I guess he did say "Sams" to stop an argument between the two when they first met.)


                          Originally posted by hlndncr View Post
                          Serpent's Song was actually the last time Jack called our Sam by her first name. In Point of View he called AU Sam by her first name. (I guess he did say "Sams" to stop an argument between the two when they first met.)
                          he was also like "SAM is a major in my world" to AU Kawalsky.


                            SGU related to Sam/Jack:
                            at first I thought the Sam and Jack conversations were not going to have anything shippy and then he called her Sam, my jaw literally dropped

                            Sig by Everlovin My YT|My other vid site|My LJ|My Photobucket|My ImageShack|"Stargate is life, Sam and Jack are happiness, Shippers are almighty" by hlndncr


                              Originally posted by yessika View Post
                              SGU related to Sam/Jack:
                              at first I thought the Sam and Jack conversations were not going to have anything shippy and then he called her Sam, my jaw literally dropped

                              Yes, that was unexpected.

                              s u g a r s h a k e r


                                Originally posted by yessika View Post
                                SGU related to Sam/Jack:
                                at first I thought the Sam and Jack conversations were not going to have anything shippy and then he called her Sam, my jaw literally dropped

                                I don't watch SGU anymore....but I decided to tune in to see my favorite pair. I don't know anything that happened after he called her Sam...the rest of the episode I was just "SQUEE! He called her Sam! He called her SAM! SQUEE!" Just a little thing like that did wonders for my shippy mojo...and it makes me want confirmation even more!

