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Sam Carter /Jack O'Neill Ship Appreciation Thread 2.0

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    Oh. My. God. We subscribed to and can I say that the past 4 days have been spent planted RIGHT HERE doing research. Must. Not. Click. On. Leaf!

    Seriously. I'm pretty sure this is worse than crack. Er, so I believe.

    Another tic mark in the weird column. . .Genealogy is my husband's past time. My kids say that "he likes to look up dead people".
    My Stories: FFdotNet
    My Stories AO3
    Thanks, Oma, for the Sig!


      Originally posted by Cagranosalis View Post
      Hmm, that's deep and it's late so I'll shut up now.
      It's deep and it's very true to who the characters are!


        Well, actually I was just talking about fishing.

        ...of course I wasn't.

        Although to pick up on your point about knowing each other, that's a good point. I never really bought into the love and first sight argument for these two (didn't we have a recent discussion about this or am I getting confuzzled again?) While I believe they had an attraction from early on, I think they liked each other as people, long before they started to love each other. I think the feelings developed naturally from a mutual respect and affinity to something much deeper and with more feeling over a period of a few years. I would even argue the process continued beyond the point where they acknowledged to themselves / each other that they had those feelings (i.e. Divide & Conquer) and that this is perhaps why, at the point of Season 4 when the should have done something about it, they were not actually, emotionally iready to make that kind of big commitment.
        In essence, I think they needed the time afterwards to step back from each other, to realise they were destined to be together.

        Hmm, that's deep and it's late so I'll shut up now.
        No--please don't shut up. Those were all salient points--and I agree wholeheartedly!
        My Stories: FFdotNet
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        Thanks, Oma, for the Sig!


          Jenn - looks like those of us who actually prefer the recut are in the minority - so your corner doesn't look so lonely *stands timidly in her corner* - the original always seemed heavy handed and rather campy - as most first episodes are (in fact, my husband repeatedly assured me when I first watched it that "it gets better"). I rarely enjoy watching it, in fact, I cringe every time I have to hear the reproductive line - Sam in the recut seems SO much more like the Sam we see from ep. 2 and on. For me the only reason to keep the original is because things like the reproductive line have become an inside joke (and it has the whole Kawalsky thing at the end).

          I consider myself a purist, but in the sense that I tend to take the artist and authorial intent into account as well as the artist's right to reinvent or reimagine as they see fit.

          I just thought of something funny - in a way our Stargate is an AU from what the movie originally imagined - but then our reality is the only one of consequence


            Originally posted by Nynaeve506 View Post
            I just thought of something funny - in a way our Stargate is an AU from what the movie originally imagined - but then our reality is the only one of consequence
            Actually, the 'current' SG1 reality really is an AU from the SG1 reality we see in CotG as is shown by the fact that the "original" SG1 that we meet in CotG and follow through three seasons, actually died in which point the story jumped to the parallel strand of reality where the message got sent back, thereby diverging the timeline once.

            And then that SG1 died when they went back in time in Egypt in Moebius, diverging the timeline a second time - with the exception of Daniel who survived long enough to meet GeekySam, FishingJack, and FirstPrimeTeal'c, instigate the uprising, and bury the Stargate....

            Ah, the joy of time travel, and trying to keep things straight!

            I actually have a separate query that's more general-forum oriented: is there anywhere yet to discuss the new Stargate Atlantis "Legacy" book series - the one by Jo Graham, Amy Griswold and co.?


              I did these up for majorsal. Screencaps from the DVDs of the kisses. I zipped them and put them on MediaFire because there are lots. I did every frame from each scene.

              Here's the link to the folder.

              The Broca Divide - 1,086 images - 142 MB zipped
              Grace - 128 images - 16.5 MB zipped
              Moebius (1 & 2) - 564 images - 69.8 MB zipped
              Moebius (3) - 217 images - 28.3 MB zipped
              Point of View - 1349 images - 182 MB zipped
              Window of Opportunity - 531 images - 71.5 MB zipped

              Image info: deinterlaced (discarded field 1), 720 x 480 pixels, 96 dpi, 24-bit

              source info:
              original release DVD (NTSC 16:9, 1.78:1, 29.976 fps)
              ripped using DVD Shrink, no compression
              extracted frames from VOB using VirtualDub (RTF file with settings used are uploaded to folder)

              I also have an Off-Topic Request to Vidders (about a Kawoosh Challenge)
              I should have posted this weeks ago and I'm sorry for being so late with it. Over at Kawoosh we're having a challenge and it's really, really easy. Just make a Stargate music video.

              Are You Still Alive Challenge
              Deadline for this challenge is April 11, 2010 at midnight GMT.

              We'd really love it if you would join in and make a video. And please pass the word around to any other Stargate vidders that you know. We're especially looking to get some SGU vidders to sign up.


                Jenn - looks like those of us who actually prefer the recut are in the minority - so your corner doesn't look so lonely *stands timidly in her corner* - the original always seemed heavy handed and rather campy - as most first episodes are (in fact, my husband repeatedly assured me when I first watched it that "it gets better"). I rarely enjoy watching it, in fact, I cringe every time I have to hear the reproductive line - Sam in the recut seems SO much more like the Sam we see from ep. 2 and on. For me the only reason to keep the original is because things like the reproductive line have become an inside joke (and it has the whole Kawalsky thing at the end).

                I consider myself a purist, but in the sense that I tend to take the artist and authorial intent into account as well as the artist's right to reinvent or reimagine as they see fit.

                I just thought of something funny - in a way our Stargate is an AU from what the movie originally imagined - but then our reality is the only one of consequence
                I'm standing in your corner Nae!

                And Stargate being its own AU--Gah! Too much thinking!
                My Stories: FFdotNet
                My Stories AO3
                Thanks, Oma, for the Sig!


                  I just stalked DM into making a vid...



                    Originally posted by JenniferJF View Post
                    Maybe it's because I've watched the original so many times, but I agree. It felt random and disjointed and I didn't like it at all.

                    Plus, frankly, I rather like the organs line as it set up the dichotomy and rather one-dimensional militant feminist I think Sam was trying to project early on, and thus became, due really to clever writing and acting later, a rather important character beat for her. Standing alone it's a groaner, but taken with the whole I think it's important.

                    *sits in corner all alone*

                    Though I'm not a fan of recuts in general as they're a sort of revisionism and even worse, in altering the point of origin as this one does, it becomes disconnected in my mind from the rest of the franchise. Or, in other words, while it may be quite nice as a stand alone story, since the rest of the franchise was made based on what happened in the original cut, it can't possibly be the version which happened in my Stargate universe since it wasn't the version that happened before all the other episodes.

                    EDIT: And, yes, that's purism for you
                    I'm right there with you in that corner.

                    I haven't seen the recut yet. Obviously I'm not in any hurry either. Something else that bugs me about them taking that out is that it causes the Moebius scene to be meaningless. I think that scene is absolutely adorkable!!


                      *giggles* And the vid was a little inspired by Akamaimom's new fic The Price of One
                      Big thanks to josi for avi and sig


                        *giggles* And the vid was a little inspired by Akamaimom's new fic The Price of One
                        Aw, shucks. . .

                        Now I guess I have to finish it, huh???
                        My Stories: FFdotNet
                        My Stories AO3
                        Thanks, Oma, for the Sig!


                          Originally posted by Akamaimom View Post
                          Aw, shucks. . .

                          Now I guess I have to finish it, huh???
                          You better!
                          Big thanks to josi for avi and sig


                            You better!
                            Already most of the way done with Chapter two. Maybe tomorrow. . .
                            My Stories: FFdotNet
                            My Stories AO3
                            Thanks, Oma, for the Sig!


                              Originally posted by Akamaimom View Post
                              Already most of the way done with Chapter two. Maybe tomorrow. . .
                              yayy! im looking forward too it
                              thanks sg4ever for the awesome icon!!! (dont steal it!!!) My FanFic


                                yayy! im looking forward too it
                                The Pressure!!!!
                                My Stories: FFdotNet
                                My Stories AO3
                                Thanks, Oma, for the Sig!

