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Sam Carter /Jack O'Neill Ship Appreciation Thread 2.0

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    Originally posted by Devilish Me View Post
    Ohhhhhhhhh, my vid request!!!!!!!!!
    Thanks hon, I LOVE IT!!!!!!!!!
    My vids Sig made by me


      Originally posted by Nynaeve506 View Post
      :: snurching the above photos for a congrats to Pol caption ::

      "Did you hear? Pol signed her publishing contract!"

      "It's not going to star us or anything right? We have a fishing trip planned..."

      Thanks everyone. I'm still in shock (and now editing like mad!)
      Pol My Blog | My Fanfic | My FaceBook__ Sam: "Jack...please."


        Originally posted by Akamaimom View Post
        Where, exactly is it?
        I think APA actually had it posted up somewhere at some point. If not her another former thread regular but, if you watch the end of that breifing room scene and count the number of seconds the camera lingers on Sam and Jack looking at each other then it is significantly longer than the original cut.

        Originally posted by SamJackShipper93 View Post
        Taking out the line about reproductive organs makes Jack's line about women vs. scientists *so* out of place.

        ... well...

        Originally posted by JenniferJF View Post
        Maybe it's because I've watched the original so many times, but I agree. It felt random and disjointed and I didn't like it at all.
        I was going to say that too. Just that I think if we'd never seen the original version we wouldn't find the line so jarring in the way it's cut in. It's just that we do know different that it stands out as... odd.

        Plus, frankly, I rather like the organs line as it set up the dichotomy and rather one-dimensional militant feminist I think Sam was trying to project early on, and thus became, due really to clever writing and acting later, a rather important character beat for her. Standing alone it's a groaner, but taken with the whole I think it's important.

        *sits in corner all alone*

        Though I'm not a fan of recuts in general as they're a sort of revisionism and even worse, in altering the point of origin as this one does, it becomes disconnected in my mind from the rest of the franchise. Or, in other words, while it may be quite nice as a stand alone story, since the rest of the franchise was made based on what happened in the original cut, it can't possibly be the version which happened in my Stargate universe since it wasn't the version that happened before all the other episodes.

        EDIT: And, yes, that's purism for you
        Get you and your purism!

        Although I think that's a good point. I think if you want to look at COTG as a stand alone movie then the recut works a lot better as it's more concise and slick. But if you want to look at it as an introduction to the ongoing story and character development in these people's lives, then the original version works better.
        For me, anyway.

        Originally posted by Rachel500 View Post
        I like the recut as viewed as a project on its own. It was interesting to me to see what BW would have done if left to his own devices. And there were some plus points for me: Teal'c's rebellion and distaste of the Goa'uld much more foreshadowed, more fangurling over the DHD...EDIT: although I too am not keen on the female jaffa being stuck in or some of the other changes (including the 'I adore you' line being cut).

        But I prefer the original for overall continuity. While I don't have a particular fondness for the reproductive organs line, and I do think the briefing room scene shows Sam going a little OTT in terms of her challenging her superior officers in a way that we never see from her later, the whole original scene does provide her with a fiestiness that is carried on, shows she has a need to prove herself that is prevalent throughout the rest of S1 and places her character in a context (woman in a man's world) that is important for her overall development. The recut does dilute a lot of this and makes Sam just too bubbly for me overall (not just that briefing room scene but the whole thing).

        EDIT: I personally don't find the 'reproductive line' cut too awkward - Sam still has the exchange with Kawalsky/Ferretti I think (its been a while since I've seen it) so when Jack gets shot down by Hammond, I can see his 'I like women' line being a reference back to that to kind of underscore with her that her sex is not an issue for him even if she might assume that it is.
        ...or, yeah, what Rachel said.

        (is anyone really that surprised I am agreeing with her? )

        Originally posted by Pol View Post
        *Pops in to say 'hey.*


        Sooooo married.

        I signed my publishing contract today. Yay!

        *does happy dance for Pol's wonderful news*

        So, can I have your autograph please.

        And as a celebratory present, here's a manip I did for a challenge in the artwork thread a while back. I like to call this "Sam and Jack's Parisian honeymoon".

        In case you are wondering, the original picture is:


        Please don't ask me how I changed her hair colour (long winded process and I only did it to see if I could... which I can, but not easily and not well).

        For the record, I don't normally like using pictures of actors posing as themselves and passing them off as the characters (hence I must be the only one on the thread who is not a fan of the Comic Con photo) but, as I say, it was an experiment for a manip art challenge. By all means imagine away of you want.


          Originally posted by Cagranosalis View Post
          And as a celebratory present, here's a manip I did for a challenge in the artwork thread a while back. I like to call this "Sam and Jack's Parisian honeymoon".

          In case you are wondering, the original picture is:


          Please don't ask me how I changed her hair colour (long winded process and I only did it to see if I could... which I can, but not easily and not well).

          For the record, I don't normally like using pictures of actors posing as themselves and passing them off as the characters (hence I must be the only one on the thread who is not a fan of the Comic Con photo) but, as I say, it was an experiment for a manip art challenge. By all means imagine away of you want.
          LOL! That's great!!! You changed her hair color? I think I would have gone the easy route and just put a new head of AT on AT's body. I'm impressed that you changed the hair color.

          Great COTG discussion. I'm feeling a bit better today (still not back at work--but hopefully, tomorrow), and thought I'd come by with a little pic spam. By coincidence, this was the first pic I selected to post:

          I must have been picking up your vibes!

          More pic spam to follow! It's about the best I can do today.


            More pic spam to follow! It's about the best I can do today.
            Really, what's better than pic spamming our favorite pair?

            I certainly don't want pic spam of Maybourne!

            I'll take Jack/Sam whenever I can!
            My Stories: FFdotNet
            My Stories AO3
            Thanks, Oma, for the Sig!


              More season 1 looks:

              The Broca Divide:

              The First Commandment:

              The Torment of Tantalus:

              Fire & Water:



              Tin Man:

              There But for the Grace of God:


                Pic spam from Sollitudes:


                  I love the pic spam!!!!!!!
                  My vids Sig made by me


                    I found this comical...but maybe it's just me:

                    Children of the Gods:


                    Just look at the far they've come...

                    In the first, Sam is an eager, curious newbie...and Jack is full of snark.

                    In the second, they're so used to being off-world...and so comfortable with each other.

                    My, what a few years will do...

                    Off for a bit...back later...


                      Just look at the far they've come...

                      In the first, Sam is an eager, curious newbie...and Jack is full of snark.

                      In the second, they're so used to being off-world...and so comfortable with each other.

                      My, what a few years will do...

                      Off for a bit...back later...
                      Yes! A few years and some. . . .shall we say, experience???
                      My Stories: FFdotNet
                      My Stories AO3
                      Thanks, Oma, for the Sig!


                        Originally posted by Akamaimom View Post
                        Yes! A few years and some. . . .shall we say, experience???

                        And by experience you mean... fishing?


                          And by experience you mean... fishing?
                          Not only "fishing" in the shippy guttery way often used here--

                          But experience as in they know each other and this odd quirky life that they have been thrust into. Life experience, knowledge of each others' foibles and traits. Experience.

                          And Fishing, too. In that shippy guttery way. . . Of course.
                          My Stories: FFdotNet
                          My Stories AO3
                          Thanks, Oma, for the Sig!


                            Love the picspam!


                              Oh. My. God. We subscribed to and can I say that the past 4 days have been spent planted RIGHT HERE doing research. Must. Not. Click. On. Leaf!

                              Seriously. I'm pretty sure this is worse than crack. Er, so I believe.

                              Um...yup. Still married.
                              Pol My Blog | My Fanfic | My FaceBook__ Sam: "Jack...please."


                                Originally posted by Akamaimom View Post
                                Not only "fishing" in the shippy guttery way often used here--

                                But experience as in they know each other and this odd quirky life that they have been thrust into. Life experience, knowledge of each others' foibles and traits. Experience.

                                And Fishing, too. In that shippy guttery way. . . Of course.
                                Well, actually I was just talking about fishing.

                                ...of course I wasn't.

                                Although to pick up on your point about knowing each other, that's a good point. I never really bought into the love and first sight argument for these two (didn't we have a recent discussion about this or am I getting confuzzled again?) While I believe they had an attraction from early on, I think they liked each other as people, long before they started to love each other. I think the feelings developed naturally from a mutual respect and affinity to something much deeper and with more feeling over a period of a few years. I would even argue the process continued beyond the point where they acknowledged to themselves / each other that they had those feelings (i.e. Divide & Conquer) and that this is perhaps why, at the point of Season 4 when the should have done something about it, they were not actually, emotionally iready to make that kind of big commitment.
                                In essence, I think they needed the time afterwards to step back from each other, to realise they were destined to be together.

                                Hmm, that's deep and it's late so I'll shut up now.

