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Sam Carter /Jack O'Neill Ship Appreciation Thread 2.0

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    Originally posted by Nynaeve506 View Post

    Jack: Dear Lord, please let this briefing end soon so I can get to storage closet number 12
    Hammond: Dear Lord, please don't make me sit through ANOTHER briefing with the two of them staring longingly at each other.
    Teal'c: *meditating* If I focus I will not kill O'Neill for accidentally playing footsie with me...
    Jonas: "And now I would like to recite a traditional Kelownan poem..."
    Carter: *thinking* I'm just going to leave and head to the storage closet now...
    You forgot Daniel. Those are his hands in the lower righthand corner.

    And since Sam's the only one looking at Jonas (that we can see in the picture), Sam's probably saying something to him the others can't believe she's actually saying to him. Sam's looking at Jonas, who is looking at Jack, who is not looking at anybody, but with a slightly guilty look on his face.


      Originally posted by JenniferJF View Post
      EDIT: I've been dying to observe, too, that artistic style is so distinctive I keep mistaking Shannon for Jann.
      What?! Wait - I'm confused - how are you confusing me and Jann?


        Originally posted by JenniferJF View Post
        Refer to Nynaeve's picture she quoted two posts earlier...

        Martin Wood from Off-camera: And you'll all keep them folded until you prove you won't do *that* again.
        RDA: Why doesn't she...?
        MW: She wasn't--
        RDA: *under his breath* That's what you think....

        They just look like naughty kids, and I can't believe a room full of people would just *happen* to have their hands folded without some direction
        So true. and...MARTIN! Woohood!

        EDIT: I've been dying to observe, too, that artistic style is so distinctive I keep mistaking Shannon for Jann.
        Originally posted by Nynaeve506 View Post
        What?! Wait - I'm confused - how are you confusing me and Jann?
        You mean the sigs? Good to hear I got an own style...I think...but but but....Twi sounds way smarter than me! do you get confused?


        *huggles her Jack.....sigh*


          Originally posted by Nynaeve506 View Post

          Jack: Dear Lord, please let this briefing end soon so I can get to storage closet number 12
          Hammond: Dear Lord, please don't make me sit through ANOTHER briefing with the two of them staring longingly at each other.
          Teal'c: *meditating* If I focus I will not kill O'Neill for accidentally playing footsie with me...
          Jonas: "And now I would like to recite a traditional Kelownan poem..."
          Carter: *thinking* I'm just going to leave and head to the storage closet now...
          LOL! Thanks for making me feel so much better. I'm sick (some nasty respiratory thing--and I can't see my doctor until morning), so I thought I'd drop by briefly and try to create a little good karma. So...

          Part 1:

          Once upon a time, there was an Air Force Colonel named , who, at the worst time in his life, went on a suicide mission through the with a guy named , who would later become one of his best friends.

          After that fateful mission, retired, until brought him back to the SGC and pressed him back into active service. It was at this time that he met a brilliant, beautiful young Captain named , who became part of a team called SG-1.

          After his wife was taken by the Goa'uld, also became a part of this team, and aided by a jaffa named , the four explorers ()had many great adventures.

          As the years went by, the four became very close friends, but between and , something more grew: they fell in , but because they are honorable and because of military rules, they had to deny their feelings for a long, long time.

          Finally, after many years, they beat the Goa'uld and were finally able to be together. Before long, they decided to , but kept it kinda quiet.

          There were other challenges ahead of defeating the Ori and the Wraith...but because they had each other, they spent their free time together in the ...and they lived happily ever after...

          * Smilies by zuz and scarimor


            Part 2:

            There were still challenges ahead. First there was a battle with the , and got called back to the SGC. By this time, was working in Washington...but their love stayed strong, and they saw each other whenever they could.

            While they were still battling the , she got a new assignment: commander of the Atlantis expedition.
            Jack knew he would miss her (and her technobabble ), but he was supportive. After all, she was Carter. She could do anything!

            This time, she was up against the , but as usual, she rose to the challenge, and still managed to stay in touch with her husband through electronic messages. She had long since learned that she couldn’t live without him. After all, he was one of a kind:




            And sexier than any other man she had ever met—in two galaxies:

            And because they had each other, they spent their free time together in the ...and they lived happily ever after...

            * Smilies by Zuz and Mala50

            Hope that helps! Whenever I'm feeling badly, I always try to figure out how to create a little good karma. Sometimes, it really helps.


              Originally posted by dipsofjazz View Post
              I also love this promo pic. They don't touch quite like this in the episode, although we see something similar.

              *happy sigh*

              Originally posted by majorsal View Post

              sam: omg... how did a blown up picture of our time in your... HOW!?!

              jack: ... i'm more concerned on how i was able to get into that position and still walk!

              Originally posted by Cagranosalis View Post
              WOW! WOW! I love this.

              Originally posted by majorsal View Post
              guh, me too...

              how many years have i been shipping them, and i STILL get that little shippy surge in the pit of my stomach from them? wow.
              I know what you mean. I still get tingles in my skin. The ONLY ship that does it for me. And has done so for, like, a decade.
              Made by the lovely Jakie


                I used to trek amongst the stars, now I gate to them


                  Originally posted by Nynaeve506 View Post

                  Jack: Dear Lord, please let this briefing end soon so I can get to storage closet number 12
                  Hammond: Dear Lord, please don't make me sit through ANOTHER briefing with the two of them staring longingly at each other.
                  Teal'c: *meditating* If I focus I will not kill O'Neill for accidentally playing footsie with me...
                  Jonas: "And now I would like to recite a traditional Kelownan poem..."
                  Carter: *thinking* I'm just going to leave and head to the storage closet now...
                  Lol. Love this Twi.
                  I used to trek amongst the stars, now I gate to them


                    nice captioning, everyone!



                      I told them Two L's Not One
                      I Guess they didn't get the memo


                        - good captioning....


                          How cool is it that Sam and Jack have their own GW smilie?

                          That's the power of the Ship!

                          Resistance is futile.

                          . . .

                          Deal with it.

                          The Return of King Arthur
                          Trust in the Lord with all your heart; lean not on your own understanding. In all of ways
                          acknowledge him, and he'll make your path straight. Proverbs 3:5-6


                            Originally posted by SamJackShipper93 View Post
                            How cool is it that Sam and Jack have their own GW smilie?

                            That's the power of the Ship!

                            Resistance is futile.

                            . . .

                            Deal with it.

                            Its so awesome! totally shows the power of the ship lol
                            ps. love the borg reference, so fitting and so true
                            thanks sg4ever for the awesome icon!!! (dont steal it!!!) My FanFic


                              Originally posted by SamJackShipper93 View Post
                              How cool is it that Sam and Jack have their own GW smilie?

                              That's the power of the Ship!

                              Resistance is futile.

                              . . .

                              Deal with it.

                              I've always taken that as a sign from above. Sam/Jack ship is special.
                              Made by the lovely Jakie


                                Thank you for all my birthday messages. I got a stargate dvd as one of my pressies.
                                sigpicI love the Lord my God with all my heart!!!! Save stargate sg1!!!! Let us shippers have a good resolution please!!!! My fanfiction there's more to come!
                                My GW fanfiction-
                       c2 community sam/jack relationship community.
                                Now is the time for us to shine, to shine with the power of Christ Divine! The Lord has promised us revival and it WILL come!

